Darth Adarable
![Tuuli Miles](/data/avatars/s/17/17223.jpg?1577199413)
Illumination globes hovered around the Mizaran Throne Room high enough to cast multiprismic light on the painted vaults high above Adara’s gold throne. Delicate hands poised on the arms, which although appearing antique, held the buzz of technological components hidden within each cranny. The throne’s seat was cut with velvet crafted by local artisans, dyed with local plant madder and embroidered by the same seamstresses who fashioned her regal and mostly formal dresses with the cultural patterns of her Panathan homeland and Lahosian kingdom.
Mahogany hair swept under her circlet, half-braided as Queen Adara Fitz-Kierke was yet unmarried. Deep, black sclera surrounded ruby irises, which were occupied not in the grandiose vaults or delicately carved columns of local marble, nor the massive transparisteel decorative window, but at the Citizen squirming in a one-knee kneel on a pillow his droid set beneath the chersilk of his fine cut trousers.
“D’ouwshe Kanou, you were given royal patents to conduct trade and commerce for our city. The deal was to provide employment to those who would become Citizens, not bring off-planet third party droids in by the bale full, covertly sending back the humanoids who would be citizens in one more cycle.”
“Your Highness, there’s nothing wro-”
“Finish that. Finish the statement, right in front of me, Sir. I dare you.” Adara kept her voice strong but level, the rights of Mazaran Citizens were supreme.
“Seven cycles. Seven, to go from outsider to Citizen. And you’re sending them away after six. Explain yourself. This is your only chance.” She expanded her mind outward, searching for the familiar sensation of her lover, Tuuli Miles. Where Adara ruled in the light of the Lahosian sun, her heart remained with the shadowy figure making his way through the darker places. What had Tuuli found? What could possibly explain such things?