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Approved Starship MC22-class Corvette

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ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet

  • Intent: Create a Corvette
  • Image Source: My IMGUR
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Wookieepedia



  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Maneuvering Thrusters
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Docking Systems
  • Standard Hypermatter Reactors
  • Standard Security Features
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • Advanced Shielding
  • Advanced Frame
  • Advanced Engines
  • Advanced Targeting Systems
  • Advanced Sensors Systems
  • Advanced Communications Systems

  • Increased Speed - Three large advanced engines give the vessel improved sublight speed.
  • No Onboard Craft - The MC22 has no hanger for attack craft or support craft.
  • No Steller Resupply - The MC22 must land on a larger vessel, station, or planet to resupply and recrew.
  • Aft Fire Arc - The MC22 is equipped with two capital weapon turrets only one of which has the capability to fire into the aft fire arc.

The MC22-class Corvette is the second vessel in the new MC line. Built utilizing Mon Calamari technology melded with Directorate tech to make it possible to construct the MCS vessels at the new slipways around Rothana. Her primary role convoy escort and hit and run operations utilizing her speed to move in and engage a target quickly and evade when nessicary.

POWER: Power for the vessel is supplied by a hyper matter reactor positioned on the amidships ventral section. This reactor is housed in a self-contained armored shell and can be ejected if damaged beyond repair. A small secondary Proton 8 reactor can act in place of the main reactor for short periods if the main reactor is ejected or offline. Triple redundancy power regulation lines and system data cables run throughout the vessel giving the vessel reliable power and system control even if damaged. large capacitor banks line the central section under the cargo area regulating power and supplying the weapons, systems, and shielding for the vessel during combat situations.


DEFENSE: The vessel is built around an advanced Ferrocarbon Condensed-matter Composite "FCMC" Starship Frame System which gives the vessel increased protection from kinetic energy. The vessel is wrapped in a ten-centimeter thick layer of Alusteel giving the inner hull limited protection from most forms of damage. A powerful multi-layer MC1010 Delphus.4-class Shield System covers the vessel in six layers of overlapping shielding. Multiple projectors are installed along the hull of the vessel. these projectors are laid out in a grid pattern allowing each shield to overlap the shield area of the adjacent shield projector. The resulting system allows the four adjacent shield projectors to cover the shielding area of a projector to boost the shielding in that area or cover the area if the shield projector is disabled or destroyed.

ARMAMENT: The vessel is equipped with two turrets, one dorsal and one ventral, each housing two Skipper-class Pulse Turbolaser cannons. Six combination turrets are installed for defensive weaponry across the vessel's hull. Each turret houses a Piranha-class Light Turbolaser for anti-capital and anti-attack craft purposes, a heavy Barracuda-class Laser Cannon for anti-attack craft protection and interception, and a CIWS cannon for additional point defense. These weapon systems are linked to advanced targeting and mounted on an advanced fast trackball turret.

SENSORS: The Vessel is equipped with advanced communications, sensors, and targeting systems. The MC-1002 Oracle-class Sensor Suite is equipped with long and short-range sensors as well as passive and active sensors. It also has an advanced Hyperwave signal interceptor for analyzing a target's entry and exit from a system as well as its mass and speed. This system could also tap into hyperspace-based communications as well as subspace-based transmissions. Targeting is controlled by MC1003 Tetra-class Targeting/Tracking Systems installed to every weapons turret as well as along the hull and conning command tower. These systems utilize multiple types of sensors and targeting systems. Laser-targeting, Laser ranging, and radio targeting work together and are fed into microlaser trackers then into an advanced targeting computer equipped with attack resolution software. These systems scan and find targets then work to identify them and lock them onto the targets. multiple scans determine the range and predict the course and future positioning of the targets. The MC1005 Dolfin-class Communications Array utilizes narrow and broadband radio communications as well as laser subspace communications. The system is equipped with both subspace and hyperspace transceiver as well as ion scramblers and standard security and network countermeasures.

COMPLEMENT: The vessel has no hanger built into its hull and must land to resupply. A small cargo area is positioned amidships that house the vessel's cargo and consumable storage. The vessel has a security complement of forty security officers. Additional accommodations for the vessel's eighty crew members are located in the upper amidships area.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar

Very nicely made and detailed ship, I fond of your arts! I found three problems:
  • I see you're using the old template, not the new one. Please add the Market Status to your submission.
  • Under the materials you mentioned the MC1010 Delphus.4-class Shield System, but this submission only has limited production rate, so you can't use it. Please remove it, or change this sub's production rate to limited.
  • After the "Armament: Low", please give a list about the weapons.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
MANIAC MANIAC Sorry about that. Affiliation and Market Status have been modified. As well as the Production. The additional point from the production cut has been added to Maneuverability. The weapons are listed in the Materials section as well as in the description. I have listed them under the Armament section as well. Let me know if there is anything else that needs to be modified.
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