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Approved Starship MC33 Leechar-class Star Yacht

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Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Image Source: Silver Lining II, from Templars of Twilight
Affiliation: Select customers
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings, interior by Akure Executive Leatherworks
Model: MC33
Modularity: Can be modified and customized with new submissions. Easy to turn into a warship, as with many of its predecessors. Internal configuration preferences described below.
Production: Limited
Material: Durasteel hull, glasteel viewports. Interiors finished in greel wood, tikulini leather, mother-of-pearl, and terentatek ivory (confers no benefit).

Classification: Yacht

Length: 320m
Width: 120m
Height: 55m

Special Features:
Maneuverability Rating: 9
Speed Rating: 9
Hyperdrive Class: 0.5, backup 10 (both integrated in Silkworm Hypertransit Package)

  • Sturdy hull and excellent redundant Mon Calamari shields
  • Very good hyperdrive and navicomputer; access to proprietary hyperroutes
  • Fast-tracking weapons capable of subduing or repelling many ships smaller than the MC33
  • For a yacht, very sluggish in sublight
  • Lightly armed
  • Somewhat difficult for non-Mon Calamari to operate; Mon Calamari crew highly recommended
Description: The MC33 Leechar, named after an ancient Mon Calamari hero-prince, is a large-scale luxury yacht for discriminating clientele. The unique Mon Cala design aesthetic has been emphasized even more than in Silk's other Mon Cala-designed starships, making for a beautiful, non-linear interior. AEL's many successful terentatek-hide products have yielded a massive surplus of terentatek ivory, and this treasure trove of ivory accents the luxury cabins and passenger areas of the MC33. While un-alchemized, of course, the ivory provides no benefit apart from exclusivity. The fast-tracking weapons allow the MC33 to repel your average pirate cutter or starfighter flight, without overly intruding on the peaceful experience of flying in a Leechar-class. Standard Mon Calamari redundant shielding and a durable hull give the Leechar improved survivability, and a modest hangar allows flexibility in clients' choice of expeditionary and sporting craft. Internal amenities are highly customisable, within reason. Popular choices include:
  • The 'Casino Fit'
  • The 'Caravel Fit' for the discerning plutocrat (popular among Huttese clients)
  • The 'Cruise Fit' for elite commercial use
  • The 'Spirit Fit' for Forcewielders of significant independent means (includes deluxe meditation chamber, crystallography lab/machine shop, high-ceiling physical training areas, and research databanks)
  • The 'Silver Fit', comparable to the Spirit Fit with the addition of a high-capacity hot tub
Development Thread: None.
Intent: It's not often someone shows me a Mon Cal-like starship image that I haven't used already. This one begged for a submission, plus someone wanted it to be a nice yacht.
Who Can Use This: Select customers of Silk Holdings and Akure Executive Interstellar.
Primary Source: N/A

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Pending initial review

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Pending initial review

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