Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Meanwhile at the Legion of Pirates! (Pirate hangout in Mustafar)

Location: West Hangers
Interacting With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

Mordok looked Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble with disapointment in his face. " Well pretty hair. We stand here and go back and force on our philosophy or view on the force. The truth is the boy is right. I did go out of my way to help you all. I could had left you to freeze but I did not. I'm glad to help. Even though you light side users are clearly fanatical and cant seem to get it. I am not a Sith. I am nothing like those who took your dad from you lad." He says as he turns to looks at the Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson with appreciation for the acceptance of his teaching. "Nothing wrong with sneaking out if you need a brake lad. I say take what I thought you just learn what you can from everyone. Even these light side users here. I get why your ma would think such things about the dark side or Bogan as you call it. Those that are weak and afraid to embrace their passions. Do tend to hold such views on life." He says to the Wil with a visible and proud smirk. as he puts both hands on his waist. Standing tall and proud.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Here comes a new challenger!

A Corvette entered the atmosphere while they were all celebrating the arrival of Skritch Scion. His men told him what was happening but no one, no man or beast on this galaxy could prepare themselves for twenty bottles of Whyren's Reserve. It was a defeaning roar when those beauties came in. Cord Starfall Cord Starfall and Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali were welcomed with the kind of roar reserved for prophets and miracle workers.
Both of them looked like a million credits and these were the pirates of the Dagatan Free State. Officially the meeting of pirates had begun.

"And these are our guests of honor! They don't disappoint!"

He opened an area for them to sit, a large round table filled with booze, spice and credits as well as these new bottles. Their men made those cases vanish, Alejandro himself took two and stashed one away just in case. Some of these men didint know what this was but He did, there was no booze in the galaxy that could compare, not really.

"The Pirate Queen herself!" He declared, raising a mug to her honor containing the reserve they had brought to the table. One swig of it, tasting the legendary, thousand year booze for the first time in his life.

It did not disappoint.

"Your reputation precedes y'all"

Location: West Hangers
Interacting With: Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

"It's unwise to assume a Sith won't help someone. But.." He let out a sigh, frowning and rubbing at the back of his neck. Mordok was right that he was being pretty fanatical about it. Not all who used the dark were really evil. "The Dark corrupts. Using it will make you into the monsters that took your father. Not immediately, but bit by bit you'll loose yourself. Having been a Sith myself, I can assure you that once you start down that path, it's not an easy one to get off of."

It was an awkward position to be in. Truly he just wanted to spare Wilhelm as much pain as he could. "The dark is a quick and easy path to power, a power that's been proven to kill a lot of people. But you don't seem like you want to hurt people. You're going to have to, we all are, but I can teach you how to use your gift in a way that will protect. I dunno your mom, but it's not fear that keeps us from using the dark. It's overcoming the fear the dark brings."

He rolled his eyes at the jab. The pirates really gunning to stick it to pretty hair. "Regardless, if you're gonna sneak out at least take someone with you who can keep you safe. Even the pirate here. You're being hunted. Being alone as you are now is the most danger you can put yourself in." He paused for a moment, then chuckled. "Still, it says something you were able to sneak away from the woman. Even with one eye she sees far more than most."
Cord followed right behind the Baroness felling heat on her cheeks as the Baroness called her gorgeous. She just smirked and proceeded on bottle of Corellian rum in hand. Cord watched as the Baroness presented the lavish gift of Whyren’s reserve to Alejandro. Cord took note of her surrounds scantily clad women and the garish display of wealth. It was a pirate nirvana, one most pirate crews might be even a bit jealous of. Even the captain himself Alejandro was decked out in lavish jewelry.

Cord then sat her single bottle of Corellian rum before Alejandro as they sat down. Rum the drink of choice for any pirate weather by sea or star ocean. “Please you can just call me Cord.” She insisted though Pirate Queen was one of her many titles she carried she was never ever comfortable being referred to by them. Though she had to wonder which reputation proceeded her not all of them one could say even a Pirate could respect. Then again, those days where long past not even history remembered them well.

“Well you and crew’s exploits are speaking volumes across the underground. Nice place you are setting up here.”

Tag: Thia Sas Thia Sas | Ben Acrax | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen | Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart | Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | R1-3G R1-3G | 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Njal The Black | Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Skritch Scion
Location: West Hanger
Interacting With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen

Wilhelm didn't much care for the debating. It was not that he wasn't invested, but that the conversation went well over his head. He had only just learned what the Force was, having believed it to be the simple magicks the other villagers had spoken of in stories. Its dual aspects were new and more than a bit intimidating for the boy.

His father had been the theologian. Wilhelm was just a student, and he was still uncertain what it was he needed to be taught. He understood both sides to a degree, though this talk of the Bogan made him a bit uncomfortable. The fact that he'd actually utilized it still hadn't been properly processed - that was a personal crisis for a later day.

"I don't want to be a monster," he mumbled, his face scrunching up like a kath-hound pup as he envisioned himself wearing dark robes and killing other peoples mothers. It wasn't a pleasant thought. "Thank you for sharing what you know Mordok," he added, "But I...well, I have to be careful I guess. I'm still new to all of this. I don't want to do something I'm going to regret. Like Kahlil said, that stuff can be really dangerous. I felt that much."

The youth reached up to scratch the back of his head, the confusion settling in once again as Kahlil mentioned that he was once a Sith. That didn't make much sense to Wilhelm. As far as he knew, once you walked that path, you did not return from it. The Bogan was said to be all consuming in its nature, and yet here Kahlil stood, every bit the Jedi he claimed to be as far as Wilhelm knew.

"I want to learn all I can," he finally stated, opting for a neutral answer so as not to offend either party. His display of strength had been unexpected, and as much as he was astounded by his ability to call upon the empyrean in such a way, he was terrified of it.

Perhaps he should have just stayed inside and read his books.

"Well, she was sleeping," he added as Alyson was mentioned once again. "I think she's been working too hard. Seems really tired." The youth shrugged. "But uh...wasn't Alejandro supposed to be meeting with people? He told me I should come by and get some experience. Do you guys wanna head that way?"
Tags: Thia Sas Thia Sas Ben Acrax Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) Njal The Black Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya


Visanj sat at the table, surveying the assortment of characters around her. Each individual was different, and while their entrance had won much acclaim – twenty cases of Whyren’s had a tendency to that – she could tell they were sizing her up as well. She welcomed Alejandro’s toast with a wide grin and a straight finish of the warm golden-brown elixir inside of her cup. Well, why keep them waiting?

“The honor is ours. For those of you whom I haven’t met, please indulge me as I learn your names. It would appear there are many more of you than there are of us,” Vis laughed softly, “I am Baroness T’shkali, the leader of the Dagatan Free State, but for now and hereafter, please, I am merely Vis. We Dagatans don’t stand on formality, we tend to trample on it honestly. The lovely lady on my arm is Cord Starfall Cord Starfall Pirate Queen and Chieftain of the Blood Brotherhood, and she is my friend and we are yours. I thank you for this invitation, and I do hope we disappoint…well, that I do anyway…I’d just hate to think my dearly departed father would be proud of me!” Vis winked, grinning like a Loth Cat.

“Unlike my piratical friend, you can see I have come unarmed. In this dress, concealing most anything would involve some pact with some unholy demon or else an amount of gymnastics I am not sure I can perform. You have my trust, I pray I can have yours. I won’t hold my tongue, you asked me here to hear what I have to offer and this is it: The Dagatan Free State is nothing short than its name implies. We have, for nearly nine centuries, existed as a free nation, unconquered, unbowed, and unbent. My ancestor, Shalya, and her father, Haras, were privateers. They made their living in the stars, raiders, thieves, slicers, pirates, smugglers, and mercenaries, they were all this. Their exploits in the Rebellion were the cause for the unfinished Death Star at Endor. They took billions from the scum at Sienar, Kuat, and any other pig that would sell their soul to Palpatine, and in the process they cut throats and they broke chains. Slaves from a hundred worlds, laborers and engineers sequestered away to build the Imperial war machine, fugitives, political prisoners, refugees, the misfits and ignored of the galaxy found a home in our system. In our ports, pirates and smugglers found safe haven. Outlaw techs working night and day to do the things to ships and weapons that…civilized…technicians would never do. Our worlds grew, our freedom became our identity. When the New Republic spurned our sacrifices in the Rebellion, Shalya called the cowards they were and declared us free. Centuries passed, and Dagata lived as it began. But like all things, change happens. Our national mining industry and other streams of income, legitimate in the eyes of the various nations around us, became the face for which we’re known. But we have always been a port where a spacer with a blaster and the courage to use it and the mind to know when could call home. You may come to our home, you may even make it your own…and the next time we drink together shall be in my house and there is more of this,” Vis took the bottle from the center of the table and poured her glass full once more, “I assure you of that.”

Taking a sip, she continued, “But there are rules for calling our port home. Slavery is not condoned, practice it there or anywhere, and we hunt you. I spaced three thousand a few months back for that sin, and suspect I will do twice that in the coming year. By Dagatan law and vow, every soul is free and no one gets tied up who doesn’t agree to it first. Second, Brother shall not kill Brother, and there must always be honor among thieves. If you join the Blood Brotherhood, you join freely and just as freely you support and aid your fellows in their, ahem, good works and laudable pursuits. Rivalry is fine, competition defines us, but friendly rivalry. No Dagatan mercenary will kill you if he can help, and no Dagatan technician will cheat you. You have a debt, you pay the debt. You make a promise, you keep your word.” Vis watched the eyes and mouths of her audience, noting the changing expressions, slight shifts in their chairs, hand movements. “Brotherhood has its privileges as well. Brothers – Blood Captains as we call them – pay no fees, board no inspectors, register or log no arrival or departure. Their crews may walk freely in our streets. There are no tariffs or taxes on Dagata. But honest work is honestly paid. The porters and techs have families and bellies too. You want to sell your goods, you can. Keep the spice in the port and away from the children and neighborhoods. There’s no extradition, stay as long as you like. All of Dagata will die before we turn anyone over to a foreign prison. Make yourself a nuisance, and you will be sent away, and what happens when you leave is your problem. I suspect you have warrants. As it turns out I have agents, many of which work in foreign offices and uniforms, and they can easily delete a file, cancel an alert, or let us know when and where the security of others might be setting traps. Anything for a Brother, right?” Vis grinned, taking another drink, “When the hunt slows down, there’s always a bounty to be earned, a shipment to be made, or something else to hold you in the lean times. As Shalya taught us, everyone drinks, everyone eats, we are all that all of us have. I, and any Dagatan worth the name, won’t care your species or culture, what planet you were born on, or the name you choose. We’re grey, neither Jedi nor Sith, and we have many such differences. But we’re Dagatans, first and only. A Mandalorian in beskar or a Tusken in dusk robes or a Zeltron clad only in the bottoms of her bathing togs, it’s all the same for us. We’re all Shalya’s Children.” Vis sipped once more.

“When Dagata calls, you come and you fight under our flag – for our freedom, and your own. Beyond that, you fly under your own flag, you help your Brethren, help Dagata, and we will help you in return…that’s it, that’s the pitch. Everything else is detail and nuance and by the looks of those podracers, nuance is not your style. Straightforward, fast and hard, no frills, no embellishments. This is our offer.”

Vis leaned back, looked at Cord, smiled, and then waited, finishing the scotch and pouring another glass.
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Thia hated Mustafar, it felt like she was being cooked, but even worse, it was dry. So uncomfortably dry. Had it been humid the heat wouldn’t be that big of a deal as her kind often had to deal with underwater volcanoes and other such sources of immense heat, but this place sucked the moisture out of her skin and she hated it. But this was where her new employer had gone, and a good place to get to know her new associates and her employer’s fellow conspirators.

She stood inside the bar, unsure of how to proceed, her upbringing had done little to nothing to prepare her for such gatherings. In fact, she had no idea what it was she was supposed to be doing. Did she have a task? Was she supposed to do something? Was she a guard? An attendee? What? She didn’t want to directly ask Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya for fear of being seen as incompetent, and she had no intention of loosing a job so soon after getting it.

She was donned in her usual attire, a white, full body suit of synthetic materials that were designed to afford some minor protection while restricting absolutely no movement. The only thins showing was her head and her upper chest. She was a slim woman, but fit and healthy in all ways. She carried her usual weapons, a number of vibroblades, a blaster, a collapsible durasteel staff/spear, and a handheld shield. This last one was a small metal disc as big around as her fist with a handle on one of its faces, which would ignite similarly to a lightsaber, and make a broad, round wall of transparent green plasma that would block all blaster fire coming at her from the side it was facing, and it was also quite good at defending from lightsabers.

She leaned against one wall observing and thinking as guests began to come in. Time to mingle I guess.

Tags: Ben Acrax Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) Njal The Black Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
Final Dawn Central Command

A Single Constance-Class Patrol Ship jumped out of hyperspace arriving in orbit of the Planet of Mustafar. On board the Vessel was the mysterious individual known as the Commissioner , a Major Asset of the secretive organization simply known as the "Association" who was mainly tasked into seeking out "Proxies" for the Association as they made plans to overthrow the Galactic Alliance. Through a Private Intelligence Agency known as the Politorate , the Commissioner had access to a vast spy-network that allowed him to identify potential allies that could be utilized against the Alliance without Jeopardizing the Association's Plans

Recently , the Commissioner had heard word of a group of Pirates assembling at Mustafar in which brought great interest to the Man , especially with the "Hidden Leader" making plans for a new Power Play including secretly seizing control of the
Starbird Trade Spine by controlling both ends of the Trade Route. Already the "Hidden Leader" had made plans to introduce himself to the Eternal Empire but according to the Politorate , the potential risk of facing the intervention of both Alliance and Other Local Groups in their plans still remained high , and this the Association needed to circumvent this possibility and these pirates were their solution.

Pirates were notoriously known for Raiding and Robbing Vessels especially due to their lust for adventure, riches or anarchy , and especially given at how these elements could easily be incorporated in the "Hidden Leader's" Plans for the Starbird Trade Spine it wouldn't be hard to convince these pirates to helping the Association carry out these raids especially when it was to be conducted against Trade and Merchant Vessels Traveling through a Critical Hyperroute leading into the Core Worlds with resources that fueled the Galactic Alliance War Effort in which in turn they could use for themselves or simply sell to other criminal or anti-governmental organizations.

While the "Hidden Leader" did not like to associate himself with the Scum of the Galaxy , he knew that such association was necessary into achieving his goals even if it meant teaming up with Outcasts and Outlaws. Thus the Commissioner's Patrol Ship continued it's Approach soon deploying 2 Dozen Oculus Surveillance Droids , while he knew these Pirates were here on Mustafar he did not know where , and if he wanted to forge an alliance he first needed to seek them out. All was going just as planned and hopefully , the Commissioner could get the results he wanted and perhaps even more.


Skritch Scion

Skritch took in the guests as they came. The one who had called herself Vis ( Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali )was very attractive and had made quite an inspiring speech. Skritch took another swig out of the bottle he had claimed for himself. Now he supposed it was his turn to introduce himself.

"Hello Everyone," he began, "I'm not part of any crew here. My name is Skritch Scion. I'm the CEO of Scion Technologies Incorporated. We produce standard battle droids, support droids, security droids, all kinds of droids. We customize and upgrade droids. We also plan to start manufacturing starships up to the size of light freighters.

We're doing big things over at Scion Technologies. Our R and D department just finalized designs on three combat droid types as well as an Artificial Intelligence and Targetting System upgrade for droids. We, of course, financed the whole operation you see being established here.

There's one other aspect to my business that I don't mention to everyone. However given the present company, I feel pretty comfortable. Lets just say sometimes people find themselves in possession of possessions such as weapons, droids, or small ships that they migjt not want to keep for various reasons. If you find yourself in such a position, I'll be happy to take such possessions off your hands. I generally offer fifty five percent of market value to do so.

I'm always looking for projects to make money with and new people to make money with. So it's a pleasure to meet you all and hopefully we'll do business at some point.

Ben Acrax | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen | Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart | Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | R1-3G R1-3G | 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Njal The Black | Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya
Cord Starfall Cord Starfall
Location: thirty miles south of alejandros hotel at the pod race track

Aaron was carefully watching the tracking pad as he saw that communications interrupted twenty miles down. There was no reason for any interruptions unless there was a source of energy or material that would cause the interruption. After giving commands to the contracters the pirate decided to take crew B and D with him as they went forward to look for the furry one and possibly save his life if need be.

"I need you guys to follow me, we are heading to the location where we lost comms with Ben Acrax"

He got on his hover bike and headed towards the last site before the communications interrupted with much haste After a thirty miles down there Aaron saw crystals shinning around him in the color red, like crystalized droplets of lava. As he slowly moved forward the pirate started seeing parts and scraps of his pod racer. Following his trail carefully and ordering the contractors

"New plan, crew B your going to land shape the track heading east ten miles before this crystal field. We will change the track to avoid anyone from finding this location. Crew D i need you to set up a cloaking field that all around these crystals. Foreman i will give you this order permit for you to get the materials for such. For now im going to save Ben Acrax!!!"

He said as his men started taking action and materials were being ordered. He got onto his bike and drove out following the trail of durasteel left by the pod racer.

"This is gonna be like drinking a double shot in a flask"


Ben Acrax Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Njal The Black Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble R1-3G R1-3G Cord Starfall Cord Starfall
Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
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Alyson had a lot to do, and not much time to do it. The fact that dark siders were at every corner on this ship was... complicated, to say the least. She would have to do her best to teach him the proper way of the Jedi, at least as far as she was concerned.

It seemed Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen . and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble were having a little chat. It was about time she interjected. She made her way over, sighing as she did.

"Trying to sneak in a bit of teaching while i'm sleeping I see. Please do keep me informed of what you teach him Sir Mordok, so I can properly undo it." She said.

"We will have to have a teaching session later Wilhelm, but right now, its more important that you learn diplomacy. One must master the mundane before they can master the force."

She liked that he had conflicting ideas, it exposed him to the darkness. Only through that could he be properly tempered. To say that she didn't have a run in or two in her time would be an lie, but once she began to see the force as it really was, she began to understand why the dark was so corrupting. It attacked at your very soul, there was no way around it.

"But yes, I do believe we have a meeting to attend to. Shall we get to it gentlemen?"
Location: The Waterfall Bar
Tags: Cord Starfall Cord Starfall Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Thia Sas Thia Sas Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Ben Acrax Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Skritch Scion Alyson Halle Alyson Halle @EveryoneIForgot

Alejandro sat back in his makeshift throne, just moving around was tipping over all kinds of jewels and trinkets. In the middle of the table was a Golden Rifle and an Ancient Looking artifact. Around each of his fingers was a ring with a different gemstone, each one made with a different material exotic and rare in nature. He honestly couldn't name that purple metal on his pinky, nor where he got the neon green gems for his earrings.

He observed the relationship between the Pirate Queen and the Baronees as Vis told the origin and nature of their homeworld. Here in the Outer Rim stories of such a place would be regarded as fable, then again someone walking in with twenty bottles of Wyrlen's Reserve is also the stuff of fables.

Inside the Jubelina's Revenant were Holocrons, A Mace that controlled the Elements and a child named Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson who could also manipulate the force. They couldn't afford to be skeptical of the outrageous or fabled. Chit, half of their treasure hunts were based on fables and more than half lead to the object in question.

Her rules aligned with them beautifully, we didn't deal in flesh, or Hutts if we could help it. Usually those two things came by the hand. One thing however remained as of now out of his knowledge, where was Dagatan? Were they independent? Did they have any ties of any sort to the major empires of the galaxy like the Alliance or the Sith or the Confederacy? Who else had a peice of the pie? Who else would we be playing with and more importantly... who against?

But before he gave them an answer, credit chip jingling through his ringed fingers He looked towards Thia Sas Thia Sas and smiled, gesuring for her to come closer. "Mrs. Sas would you be a dear and help Mordok up here? I sent him away to get busy and He starts an ideological battle with a bloody Jedi. If you don't intervene I'm afraid they'll never leave the hangar". He said as calmly as possible.

One of those rings was a Vinculum rings, Each of the three Pirate Lords, had one. As such Alejandro was watching both the Podracer track being built and the philosophical debate.

Having taken care of that and thoroughly thought his next words, the pirate nodded understandingly. "All of this sounds too good to be true and every single time I have said that, it is" He said matter of factly, lighting a large cigar filled with some blue grass that was moving. As soon as fire touched the blue weed it made a horrible sound because this thing was still alive while Alejandro smoked it. He puffed away rings of purplish green smoke that became a small cloud of rain as it dissipated.

Using the force in an elegant display of skill, he placed a hologram in the table of the map of the galaxy. He puffed away, the smoke peircing the hologram with its purple tint as Alejandro asked his query.

"Where is this Pirate Holy Land?"

His words were met with the anticipation of the crew. Each one of them glued to the hologram expecting them to point them to their next destination. If what they said was true then they should have no issues in seeing for themselves what could be their golden ticket to greener pastures.

Under the steaming smoke his personal datapad ran with an alert. This Alert would also hit his partner Skritch Scion. The Engineers chimed in with the news that the Duke was ready to have its grand opening. He looked over to the man and gestured to have the Oasis brought around to pick everyone up and bring them to the Hotel to enjoy their stay.

He loved it when a plan came together like this, unplanned and un coordinated perfection.​
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Location: West Hangers
Interacting With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

Mordok stood and looked at the Wil with arms crossed. " Don't believe what they are saying about the dark side Lad. There is nothing easy about this becoming stronger. It takes time and patience to gain control. Remember the analogy of the sailor and the storm. You want to be the storm but you want your actions to be of your will. Not of random winds." He said as he tries to explain how the force works. As he explains he remembers his old master back when he was an Acolyte in the Sith Academy. The memories bring as small, barely visible smirk to his face.

Mordok slowly turns left to face the Empress as he hears her usual fanatical views. He rolls his eyes for a split second. " Well miss. If you intend on talking down on my ways then I won't tell you if I teach him something. The boy was practicing. I thought it would be good to offer a hint of guidance. To which he displayed grate power. You should be proud of his initiative." he says to Alyson as he brings down his arms and turns to begin the journey towards the meeting.

He turns slightly to show off his Vinculum rings to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson " Thank this beauty, my mind is linked to the Captain and Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart . So I see and know exactly what they are doing and what's happening in the meeting. You are welcome to come along and you too Wil. You should learn all you can. Most importantly of all. How to earn a living." He says in a serious tone as he begins to walk out of the hanger. Mind put to the purpose at hand and this Pirate holy land they keep going on about.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis / R1-3G R1-3G

Crane Baxa

The Silence would echo onto the crystals as he blinked a few more times to see the shadows ever more approaching. Finishing undoing the lightsaber on his belt, he would grasp onto it and wait. With the volanic eruption nearby, he blinked to see one come to strike as he activated the lightsaber quickly of its orange hue and slash sideways to kill one of the cloaked figures as another one erupted from behind to which he stabbed backwards. There was a soft muttering before the other one fell and the lightsaber deactivated. Blinking a few more times, there was no other threats as these people must been the fabled Blackguard of the Mustafar. Deactivating his lightsaber, he would turn to walk away before he felt an immensive amount of Force Energy pulse from the Crystals themselves.

Deep into the crystals, an ancient spirit that had long awaited his eventual release would yearn from the blood spilt, the souls nearby as they were absorbed into his ritual. Long awaited and long ruined centuries ago, the spirit would slowly rise up from the Crystal, as if melted but then very slowly would take form, a naked male being with four arms as his eyes were white then starting to turn into a sickly yellow as he blinked, hair would grow on his head as he felt his own fingers.

"Yesss.....I feel alive again. What a magnificent body I have now~"

The Codru-Ji would slowly turn as the Chadra-Fan would now merely stare at the being as something unusual would now occur. These two beings...had the same amount of Force Energy. If one was a beacon, the two together made themselves into a light house so bright it was impossible to ignore. There was a soft chuckle from the Codru-Ji as he used the Force to grab a cloak from one of the fallen members and wrap it along his naked body, walking as if nothing could harm him, nothing could pain him.

"I can sense the blood in you Chadra-Fan...I need that blood."

The Chadra-Fan would go to ignite his lightsaber as the Codru-Jis arms would extend out and take the two lightsabers into the upper arms with the Force, igniting their red blades as there was a loud screech from the Force, a Scream. The Chadra-Fan winced as the being got close extremely fast, attempting to swing with both of the lightsabers to the side which the Chadra-Fan would block barely yet the two fists would punch him into the stomach, pick up right at his neck and sock him hard with another punch, sending him flying as something with the Force was used as he tumbled hard onto the crystals, already bleeding as he barely could move.

"Here I thought a Lorekeeper be more of a fight...what a pathetic excuse of a Force User."

The Chadra-Fan would lean up a bit to try and use the Force to move a large part of the engine of his pod racer directly into the Codru-Ji but as it went towards him, the Codru-Ji would only hold up one arm as he stopped it and made a crushing motion as the entire engine would turn into a durasteel block and drop. The Chadra-Fan would lean up as he tried to get up yet he would feel himself unable to move as the Codru-Ji would get much closer, letting the lightsabers trail upon the ground.

"Allow me to introduce myself Echo."

Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Skritch Scion Thia Sas Thia Sas Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali Cord Starfall Cord Starfall Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Tags: Thia Sas Thia Sas Ben Acrax Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart Alyson Halle Alyson Halle R1-3G R1-3G 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) Njal The Black Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya


Visanj grinned. She’d waited for this moment. Alejandro would want answers. This man didn’t go to all of this, greeting us with all manner of smiles and shows just to be thrown a simple pitch. She smiled as he used the Force, a revelation and a show of talent, it was a gesture meant to ensure she and Cord knew that they were not dealing with the average pirates. Good, she thought, the desire to be seen as valued implies a bargain is afoot. I like these pirates, and I believe, if they take this offer, I won't regret dying by their side if ever that day should come.

Vis grinned and began to breathe deeply, her body becoming eerily calm, then one by one bottles of Whyren’s began to slowly rise into the air, and one by one, each attendee’s glass was refilled, and then, one by one, they returned softly to their former places.

“Talk without drinks is not a friendly talk,” Vis smiled. “there.” She pointed at the spot on the map, “In the Outer Rim. We’re not a secret world. It’s on the maps, at least the ones which feel that detail is important. We’re a sovereign State. I am its Baroness. I am also the Minister of Science for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and yes, before you ask, Darth Metus and I are friends. Dagata and the CIS have a pact, and Dagatan and Confederate blood have spilled together in the past, fighting shoulder to shoulder. But no, what Dagata is….what Cord Starfall Cord Starfall and I came here to offer? That is our offer and Dagata’s. Our business is our own. We’ve no interest in wider politics. I went to help the CIS because no world is an island, no system stands alone, and without trade and friends, a small system becomes a tempting choice for those with ambitions to rule the black sea. Not that I would suggest that Dagata is a good candidate for that. Our bite is much worse than our bark.”

Vis sipped her drink. “It sounds the way it is, and I have promised you nothing I cannot fulfill. There’s nothing in our offer which is mere showroom promises. I suspect you know that, as the whisky we have been drinking and the cases behind those bottles are worth enough for you to buy ten new ships. If I was running a con, and you’re smart to be skeptical,” Vis smiled and nodded, and as she did the smoke from his cigar curled upward to form the Rebel Starbird, the seal of her nation, “If I was running a con, I am spending a lot of money on uncertain replies. This is how I do business, Captain: no games, no lies, and always with style. I have heard you do the same, and that is why we’re here.”

Vis raised her glass in silent respect, then smiled at Cord and all the others now gathered.

“I believe you wanted to show us something more?”
Location: West Hangers
Interacting With: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble / Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

Mordok stood and looked at the Wil with arms crossed. " Don't believe what they are saying about the dark side Lad. There is nothing easy about this becoming stronger. It takes time and patience to gain control. Remember the analogy of the sailor and the storm. You want to be the storm but you want your actions to be of your will. Not of random winds." He said as he tries to explain how the force works. As he explains he remembers his old master back when he was an Acolyte in the Sith Academy. The memories bring as small, barely visible smirk to his face.

Mordok slowly turns left to face the Empress as he hears her usual fanatical views. He rolls his eyes for a split second. " Well miss. If you intend on talking down on my ways then I won't tell you if I teach him something. The boy was practicing. I thought it would be good to offer a hint of guidance. To which he displayed grate power. You should be proud of his initiative." he says to Alyson as he brings down his arms and turns to begin the journey towards the meeting.

He turns slightly to show off his Vinculum rings to Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson " Thank this beauty, my mind is linked to the Captain and Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart . So I see and know exactly what they are doing and what's happening in the meeting. You are welcome to come along and you too Wil. You should learn all you can. Most importantly of all. How to earn a living." He says in a serious tone as he begins to walk out of the hanger. Mind put to the purpose at hand and this Pirate holy land they keep going on about.

Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis / R1-3G R1-3G

So it was already broken up, disappointing but at least the job was done. She returned to the bar and said to Alejandro, "it's done sir. Their debate has ended for now."
Location: West Hangars

"Wilhelm! Look what I found in the lava!" R1 came bursting in holding a charred and slightly melted... something. He immediately slammed into an assortment of metal crates and fell over. He then saw the others with Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson

"Oh, you guys are here. Aren't you guys supposed to be in the bar losing braincells?"

He attempted to get himself off the floor, which, failed.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson
Cord sat taking swigs of whatever booze was handed to her or filled her cup. Visanj was probably the best sales representative in the all the Galaxy. She could probably talk a Jawa into buying a busted droid from her at new droid prices. Not that Cord minded the long-winded sales pitch with detailed history of Dagata is one of the many things that had Drawn her to the system. It is rich history, Culture, and freedom just called to her all the things Visanj had described to Alejandro. It was pirate’s paradise a free port to lay low for awhile or even eventually retire to.

Then came the discussion Cord had anticipated coming after the sales pitch. Any pirate int here right mind should be skeptical of both a place like Dagata and what other governments might have their hand in the honey jar. A world like Dagata was a diamond in the rough, sure you had worlds like Tatooine a lawless but also a desert wasteland. You had places like Cord’s home world Zonju V which itself was a lawless waste land. It wasn’t often you found a paradise world that offer a port of refuge for the outcast the Galaxy called scum and villainy.

Cord finished off her glass in one last swig and set it down next to the staff for a refill. A staff of Storms, an ornate Nabooian rifle, and Vinculum Ring Cord had taken in all the pirates’ various trinkets and weapons. That and some of them very easily gave off a force aura, Cord had mentally appraised it all, Alejandro was a lavish man who seeming loved to show off all his little toys. “So, you’re basically a Tech Fence who owns engineers and designers then Mr. Scion.” Cord really was not one for corporate lingo, most CEO’s where just as criminal as pirates they just hide it behind legalities, governmental loopholes, and what they called business etiquette. Pirates just cut all the red tape and bureaucracy for that they got labeled criminals. Not that Cord had anything against Corporate types just the language they often tried to use to hide the improprieties behind political and legal speak.

Cord’s orange glowing eyes return to Alejandro. “I don’t really hide who I am from anyone. I have sat on a Jedi Council, a sith council, and I’m a Dathomiri Witch of the Howling Crags Clan by blood. I am currently part of the Obsidian Order of The Confederacy of Independent Systems and I have my personal reasons for that. However, I am first and foremost a Pirate and no side of the force holds me down. I as a Pirate choose Dagata because I believe in what it stands for it place of refuge for those who get called scum, outcast, or the Galactic Society has forgotten. It is a place for misfits, rogues, and all of us who live on the fringes just to get by. If push came to shove Dagata is the world in which I stand with and will call home.”

It wasn’t as elegant of sales pitch as Visanj’s but it showed a bit of the Pirate Queen and where her loyalties laid. A slight alarm went off on Cord’s wrist band at that point, alerting her to a potential problem she tapped a button to shut off the alarm. “You have a lot of force users in your employ I can sense them. A mixed bunch of darksiders, lightsiders, and those in the middle. Dagata would a great place for them as well, Especially the boy.” Oh yeah Cord had picked up on the young Wilhelm Grey, a boy seemingly being pulled by the two sides of the force.

“On another note, Alejandro my ship has picked up a military vessel in Mustafars atmosphere. Were you expect other vistors?” Cord asked her Glass finally refilled by one the Alejandro’s entourage. “Or You Mr. Scion? We weren’t expect any military.”

Tag: Thia Sas Thia Sas | Ben Acrax | Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson | Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen | Aaron Beskheart Aaron Beskheart | Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | R1-3G R1-3G | 5-WCH (Switchblade) 5-WCH (Switchblade) | Njal The Black | Alejandro Vizcaya Alejandro Vizcaya | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Skritch Scion | CETCOM CETCOM


Thick clouds of black smoke and choking ash blanketed the sky, rivers of lava sprawled out over the landscape as far as the eye could see. The noxious air was hot and hazy, it smelled of sulfur. Mustafar, they called it Mustafar. The former throneworld of the ancient and powerful Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. His mighty fortress that once inspired so much dread had been reduced to ruin and decay, it's skeleton would still cast a shadow over the land. This world was wretched and spoiled by misuse, now claimed by pirates and mining barons.

The clouds parted as a single vessel forced it's way through the thick blanket overhead, it's engines screamed as it roared over the barren hellscape beneath it on approach to the Duke's Master Hotel. As the starship slowed itself and brought itself down lower, a dark silhouette revealed itself and followed in it's wake over the rocky surface. As it neared the Western Hangars, it became clear that the shuttle was of Essionian origin, marked by the symbolism of the Peacekeepers. Worn and torn, the vessel was marred by carbon scoring but seemed to had been kept up with repairs. It touched down gently inside the designated landing area with ease, it's thrusters dimming as the engine whined down. Within mere moments of being stationary, the ship began to emit compressed air from various ports and dropped down it's loading ramp slowly. Almost seemingly to a crawl, the loading ramp lowered itself to meet the duracrete beneath, it let off a mechanical hum as it operated.

Footsteps reverberated off of the metal ramp as two men exited the vessel into the hangar. Taking point was a man dressed in military garb, he was tall and had a large muscular frame. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a questioning look of doubt across his face as he stepped off of the loading ramp completely. Titus of Epoch Titus of Epoch had been sent to follow up on the lead supplied by the old man behind him, this mysterious seer who had been gracing his presence among the Essonian refugees. He came to them, he came offering the answer they sought, a way to rebuild everything. He promised them the son of Cedric Grayson, the rightful heir of Ession. Abrams was to report to his superior Gotz Redwall and inform him of their progress along the way and the ensure that the old man was telling the truth.

The second figure came forth into the spotlight with a sadistic grin, the hooded man known to the Essonian people as 'the Seer' or 'the Elder'. A preacher of prophecy and ill omen. He had claimed this would be where they would find the heir, this would be the start of their journey home, the beginning of a new age.

The Elder halted in his tracks at the foot of the loading ramp, his gaze moved in the direction of the congregation of force sensitives. He felt the cold shiver of the Dark Side from Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , the blinding light of Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , the current around Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , and ah yes the familiar innocence of Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson . "This way."

Location: Western Hangars
Accompanying: Titus of Epoch Titus of Epoch
She was a good salesman, she had the entire crew listening intently, a silence only broken by the sip of booze and the jingle of cups. Alejandro was a pirate of the Outer Rim, He wasn't privy to Galactic Politics. He understood alliances and governments but the mention of a 'Darth' most definitely raised several eyebrows.

She was friends with a Sith!? One called Darth Metus Darth Metus and he was apparently in one way or another connected to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The CIS was a powerful faction that spanned the galaxy and much of the Core. They fielded vast armies of fleets that humble pirates would find god-like. There were terms, names and concepts they didint really understand, but there were some that He did.

One was the minister of Science in the Confederacy and the other was the Obsidian Order, that last one Alejandro has no clue what it was, it sounded important though. They made it clear that they were entierly independent, entierly separated from the Confederacy yet they both held incredibly powerful positions in the same.

If it wasn't for these small details, He could have made a decision right then and there. As it was the three Pirate Lords of the fleet would need to all choose and three was perfect, there was never a tie. Alejandro himself would vote to join Dagatan, His mind was made up as soon as they got here.

First they brought booze and they weren't cheap about it, Second both the Baronees and The Pirate Queen looked drop dead gorgeous. If he was going to get orders at some point in a battle, He really liked to have eye candy while doing so. Third and most importantly they came Honest, they didint Bantha Crap him. They could have, at any moment, fed him some crap about pirate freedom and kept quiet about their more dubious alliances that did take this decision to a vote.

They didn't, they were upfront, He saw that. They were also apparently loaded enough to bring liquid gold to be drunk amongst the mob. Alejandro opened his mouth to speak, placing his glass beside him when Cord Starfall Cord Starfall made a comment about military vessels.

He was about to respond to that when Thia Sas Thia Sas came back with Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , R1-3G R1-3G and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . He smiled at the Nautolan and nodded cheerfully. "Thanks dollface, they would have never gotten out of there"

He got up from his chair, pressed his suit and addressed everyone present while pulling up the map of their current orbit. There just as Cord had said there were several military ships, one of which was an ancient battle ship from Ession.

There was a Patrol Ship in orbit, sensors detected a recon patrol. No, this wasn't normal. Maybe these Pirates had a chance to show what they could do in combat. The Oasis parked outside of the lounge, its hangars opened for all the guests of honor to be transported to the Duke's Master grand opening.

"Allright everyone, we apparently have company" He paused, looking at the row of cutthroats in the back already pulling out guns, vibrodaggers and bombs. "Uninvited company..." This remark drew laughter and chuckles from the crew, most of which lived for this kind of crap.

" Thia Sas Thia Sas , Turbo, Jakes and Mordok The Fallen Mordok The Fallen , Get into the Dark Crystal and head out to orbit. Board and sword, text book. Skritch Scion and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Take the Valiants and The Ardents behind the Crystal and escort the Boyz. Alyson Halle Alyson Halle and R1-3G R1-3G , take the Boi in the Oasis with the Cruiser to the Duke's and keep him safe."

Alejandro picked up the Golden Rifle, secured his Utility Belt, holstered his Sunshot and called his purple lightsaber to his hands. As the thing levitated he looked at Cord Starfall Cord Starfall and the Baronees Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali . He grinned, if they were really our kind of people, this would be the highlight of the entire meeting. He picked up a bottle of the reserve and downed the entire thing, chugging it to the roar of his crewmen and the jeers of battle. He then put the mouth of the bottle down so that not even a single drop touched the floor.

"We're out of whiskey and rum sisters" He threw the bottle up and one of his met shot it above their heads, bathing them all in crystals and glass. "Let's go get more!"

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