Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meditating in the Dark

Master [member="Dune Rhur"] gave none of his own thoughts or views on the subjects he asked about. This interested Jairdain greatly and she wanted to know how he felt. If this wasn't a test, then the conversation would be a two way street, not just one answering and the other questioning. There was more to this than was readily apparent.

What did make the Jedi qualified?

Again taking her time to think of the words, she took her time answering him.

"On the outside, some people may think or feel a Jedi goes to far or not far enough. But the Jedi shouldn't strive to make a single person happy but the people as a whole. Yet not to come down with an iron fist. Even we have a code of ethics to follow as long as we don't stray from those, we are qualified."

Not entirely sure her words made sense to him, Jairdain fell silent.
"A Code of ethics," he said "Fortunately we have one of those."

He grinned in the way only a Bith could.

"Speaking of codes, the Jedi Code. What do you feel about it; some say it's antiquated and limits us. We should do away with it or change it wholly."

"How do you feel it applies to these high-minded concept like justice?"

Jairdain ran both her culture's and the Jedi's codes through her mind, she found she liked that of the Jedi better.

"While the Jedi code is similar to that of my people, it is more limited, but that's ok."

Crossing her legs once again as she speaks.

"No, the codes are there for reason. Why fix something that isn't broken.
Sometimes it is tradition that binds things together more than the rules themselves."

Shaking her head slightly and shurgging her shoulders before continuing.

"The whole code encompasses justice.
One needs all of it to accomplish the goal."

[member="Dune Rhur"]
The Bith nodded slowly and rubbed his chin.

"What do your people say, what is their code and how does it apply to the Jedi?"

"Being as we can all learn something from everyone."

Indeed the older Jedi was learning too. Learning about [member="Jairdain"] and her views. But it also served as a chance to evaluate his own values and how he viewed the Code. Sometimes one not so steeped in Jedi tradition could truly open one's eyes.

A Jedi Master was not infallible.
"This code only really applied to those that went to my school. We could tell others about it, like our families, but we kept it to ourselves really.

"Flowing through all, there is balance
There is no peace without a passion to create
There is no passion without peace to guide
Knowledge stagnates without the strength to act
Power blinds without the serenity to see
There is freedom in life
There is purpose in death
The Prana is all things and I am the Prana"

Giving Master [member="Dune Rhur"] a smile that lit her entire face after speaking.

"If a day goes by where I don't learn something new, that means I'm dead."

Even though she said it with a large amount of humor, there was great truth to her words. The smile disappearing and turning into a more introspective look, Jairdain considers his question. While each code is similar, there were differences.

"The Jedi code speaks much greater to me about maintaining control over emotions, while not denying they are there. My peoples code says you can more freely use said emotions and that isn't always the wisest thing to do and leads to some falling into destructive tendencies."

(Borrowed and changed from the Grey Jedi Code.)
"Hmm," the Bith said in acknowledgement. He tapped a long finger on his cheek as he considered the mantra of [member="Jairdain"]'s people. Almost all beings seemed to know the Force thought perhaps not always by that name. It was interesting how much the same diverse species could be.

The Bith tended to view things through science and logic. The Force was an energy field that encompassed everything in the known galaxy. Certain extra-galactic peoples weren't but that was besides the point. There was more to it but that was it's most basic explanation.

It could be quantified to some degree in that way. It took the mystical aspect out of things. It was just a form of energy. However they didn't know it as one who could interact with it would.

Therefore it was difficult to explain that it was like a living being with a will of it's own. In a way more primitive beliefs like the Nightsisters of Dathomir knew this better. But their own logic was not complete. Yet this code held things in common with that of the Jedi.

It was more 'grey' in it's message. All about intent and purpose much like the Potentium Theory. It was just that, a theory. They chose to not see that the well you drew from mattered too. Just as much as what you'd do with the water.
It had only been a short time since she was rescued and still being in recovery, Jairdain started to feel the weight of sleep coming onto her. Her body needed the sleep to aid in its recovery. She apologized to [member="Dune Rhur"] as her eyes started closing even while she was sitting there with him. Yawning, she woke up a little more, enough to lay down and she quickly fell into a peaceful sleep.

The weeks passed by and Jairdain recovered what weight she lost, her hair growing back in. It wouldn't be too much time before it was back to its long length.

After the worst of her wounds were healed, which weren't actually too severe, she was given a room closer to where the padawans, knights and some masters stayed. There were also exercise and training rooms nearby.

Wanting to make sure she remained in shape and didn't put on too much or not gain enough weight, Jairdain had made herself a regimen she ran through daily. Meditation, stretching, walking, jogging and lastly running through the different lightsaber katas. The last she barely knew the basics of and didn't even possess a saber of her own, instead going through the motions with a training saber.

While not the most proficient, she did know the basic moves and in its own way was almost as calming as meditation.
The Master had been monitoring [member="Jairdain"]'s recovery from afar. She might've noticed his absence most days compared to at first. But he queried medical droids and healers each day for reports. So it was a few weeks later that he entered a training room.

In her hands a training saber. She'd been running the patterns it was clear. That was a good thing because training gave focus. Just as he'd told her a few short weeks past.

It was time for another test. He'd questioned her in her state of physical weakness and been pleased with her answers. They were in keeping with a Jedi. Now he would probe to see if she could defend herself.

He swept into the room without a word and unhooked his own lightsaber. It was of course dialed down in intensity now. Little more than a beam of light that would scald like a pot of hot water. He thumbed the activation stud and the weapon came to life with a snap-hiss

Dune's opening attack was a horizontal slash toward her torso. Deliberately slow enough to allow her to react. Yet she'd still have to do it fast lest she be burned....
Not one form really suited Jairdain specifically and with what training she had in school, she mixed hers in with those of the Jedi. She was going through some of those when she sensed [member="Dune Rhur"] come in the room.

In a matter of seconds, he had his lightsaber on and headed at her in a horizontal slash aimed at her hip and stomach area. Feeling he wasn't attacking out of aggression, she went with the flow and brought her own practice saber up to stop the block.

Her right hand on the bottom of the hilt, with her left hand on top. She brought it so it was actually upside down, but it stopped his slash from coming close to hitting her. She took a step back and wondered what exactly Dune was doing.

"Good morning, Master Dune."

Her voice had a touch of humor to it and her eyes showed happiness at him being here.
"Good morning, [member="Jairdain"]," he replied.

With that he resumed the offensive. Dune was pleased that she didn't seem very rattled. That was good. He flipped his saber over and brought a diagonal slash from her left shoulder down.

She would probably recognize the Shii-Cho target body zones...
Sensing her block and the fact she didn't get startled please Dune, Jairdain was still confused as to what he was doing. A physical fight was her weakness and because of that she really wasn't very good. Keeping the confusion to herself for now though, she did express it on her face.

Was he looking for a spar? She would do her best to at least defend herself.

Jairdain brought her saber up, stepped closer to him and blocked the slash again.

Giving him another smile, she stepped away and waited for what she assumed to be another blow from him.

In her time with the Silver Jedi, her master there had taught her the forms, what they were called and what role they played. It was never something Jairdain was going to be strong in, but she knew the difference of them and which one he started with.

[member="Dune Rhur"]
This was a little too easy for her. Dune decided to pick up his speed and intensity. A variety of cuts and slashes all of which she should know. All of this was very fundamental.

A Jedi needed to defend themselves because a dead Jedi was of no use to anyone. The very start was nothing compared to the fury he could unleash. Yet a Jedi should have control. He would ramp up and see where she stood.

None of this would hurt her badly. Dune hoped that his blade wouldn't touch her skin. Yet he wasn't so sure....

Jairdain felt the intensity and speed of [member="Dune Rhur"]'s attacks her on increase steadily. Instead of trying to keep up with him with her Force vision, she allowed the Force to guide her movements.

It guided all her lightsaber movements and those of her body. She had never moved this well or as smoothly. Not once did she make a strike back to push Dune away or an attack of any sort. She took all of his strikes in stride and though she thought she was weak in fighting, this proved unequivocally that was not the case.

The exercise of this spar made Jairdain feel the best she had almost since the last time Dune had visited her.
He probed her defenses a little faster and harder. [member="Jairdain"] kept up though her form was very simple. It didn't matter because it ultimately worked. After a time he drew back and extinguished his azure blade.

"It's time for you to construct your lightsaber," he said as if he'd not just attacked her.

Dune turned on his heel and exited the room as nonchalantly as he'd entered. Time for Jairdain to accompany him to Illum....
[member="Dune Rhur"] eventually ceased in his attacks on her. Jairdain stood there breathing hard, but not over worked or out of breath. Wiping a touch of perspiration from her brow, she hears him deactivate his saber and tell her it was time to construct her lightsaber. Her eyes went wide and she watched as he left the room saying nothing more.

Blinking after his form, she gave a gleeful smile and dashed after him.

"What does that entail, Master Dune?"

Catching up with him and walking by his side.
"In entails a field trip, of sorts," he told her....


Some days later

Dune Rhur accompanied [member="Jairdain"] to Illum in a rite of passage almost as old as the Order. They were in transit in the swirling blue chaos of hyperspace now. It was said that looking too long out into it would cause a being to lose their sanity. He didn't know if it was true.

It may have been fortunate in a way that Jairdain could not see hyperspace. Not in the way the average being did. Dune himself was slightly near-sighted. Even still he didn't push his luck.

Now he was checking instrument panels and readouts. Though much was automated you still needed to keep a careful watch. Hyperspace was not a tame animal.
Jairdain prepared herself for the journey a head, meditating and exercising daily. Maintaining peace within her and without. The feeling a rite of passage in front of her, the day of departure looming closer. The day came and she climbed aboard a shuttle to join [member="Dune Rhur"] for what will be a pilgrimage of sorts for her.

Feeling the serenity on the shuttle, she sat quietly next to Dune while they travelled. She breathed deeply and calmly, a companion to the Bith to their destination.

In the days between the spar and today, Jairdain had done research on what this journey meant to the Jedi and how to go about making a lightsaber. Each one was unique to the Jedi, no two were the same. They were a part of the Jedi that created them, an extension of that person. The color of the crystal was usually based on the path the Jedi took. Blue and green were the most common, but there had been records of other colors. Of course, being blind will prevent her actually seeing which color calls to her, but hopefully Dune would tell her at its reveal.

"Master Dune, I'm honored you feel it is time for me build my lightsaber."

Aiming her face in his direction, she has only a small amount of self doubt. Then again, she had also had doubt about her ability to ever be good at using a lightsaber. The day they shared together not long ago had given her hope that even a blind Jedi could be a good fighter.
Dune shrugged from behind the controls. It really wasn't up to him to decide this sort of thing. A Jedi Master knew that they didn't know. They looked to the Force for guidance.

Wisdom came when you knew nothing. Or allegedly. The Bith couldn't say because he still had too much floating around in his outsized head. Such was the issue when you had virtually all day to read.

"it was time, [member="Jairdain"]," he said "I didn't decide it. You did."

The student always stepped through the door where the teacher could only open it.
Jairdain sensed Dune's nuetrality on what she said and his reply surprised her even more. The emotion showing clearly on her face.

"But how did I decide that? I did no such thing."

Prior to that day, she had pretty much fumbled through the motions, making small improvement each time, but nothing special. When they sparred though, she performed so much better than she ever thought she could.

[member="Dune Rhur"]
He turned his head to regard her with the ghost of a smile. [member="Jairdain"] seemed very confused by it all as he'd once been. Those who imagined themselves ready weren't always as ready as they thought. Lots of talk and bravado but little results.

Action always spoke louder than words. That Jairdain could hold up with him in sparring in spite of not being 100%. She was not going to ever be a battlemaster but then he wasn't either. He'd gradually added speed and power and she didn't crack.

She didn't falter when he'd questioned her as to the purpose of the Jedi. The ethos was familiar to her. Ingrained in her as it were. And then there was her time in the dungeons of the cultists.

Many had died in those days. She hadn't and that trial had been passed however hard it was. Illum would be another test. It would serve as a vision quest of sorts for her.

The nav computer beeped and he looked back to it.

"Ah, we will be exiting hyperspace in 10...9...."

The blue tunnel began to fade into the inky black of space. Slowly pinpricks of light began to dot the midnight curtain as if in slow motion. The shuttle's hyperdrive switched back to the sub-lights. It's hum was always ever-so-slightly different to his ears.

Then in the distance grew the blue-white sphere that was Illum....

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