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Public Meditating in the Mountainside [Corellia]

He gave a smile, "I figured I'd try the other route- studying through texts, as a child I mostly read holobooks and the physical ones. I wasn't exactly the type to go to school... But uh, books never failed me and I think maybe reading will help me understand some things," Envir explained. He thought of the books Leh would keep in locked containers, Envir would always find a way to open them just so that he could read.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla
It was a question that he had never been asked, nor was it something he ever thought about too much. When it came to matters of Jedi and the Force, it was mostly whatever his old master told him about. "My old master, Leh... he was a Jedi Sentinel in the New Jedi Order so uhm, I guess I follow that path," Envir answered her.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla
Envir's was proving to be a rather unusual case. His answers left Kass with more questions than answers, but she didn't want to pry. Still, it seemed so strange. "Did Master Leh ever bring you to the Academy on Coruscant for training?" she asked.

If the answer was no, she added, "Where did your training take place? On the road, on a particular planet...?"

The questions were unexpected, he felt rather frustrated thinking about how to reply. His master always told him the academies were full of Jedi who were bonkers but perhaps the truly nutty Jedi was Leh himself... "Uhm, it was sort of on the road type of stuff, we traveled around the riverland towns here in Corellia. Help out people and teach me lessons," he replied without mention of Lehs opinions of padawan academies.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla
"He sounds like a Sentinel. They go out among the people, helping the common folk." Kass picked up on the fact that he was keeping some things about his master under wraps, but she didn't push to know more. "Well, the Academy on Coruscant is certainly a possibility for you. There are Jedi Enclaves scattered across the galaxy as well. All would be good options to start with, should you wish to continue your training."

Envir Vadul Envir Vadul
He nodded, Leh was very much into his Sentinel artisan life that it drove Envir mad. It was always help, help, give, give, help… Not the most exciting type of adventure in Envirs opinion.

The young man still felt unsure about academies, “Do they really just… accept others? Like me?” He asked. It was hard for him to wrap his head around the idea after his old master had made it seem like they were places that were cold and unsuited for Envir.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla
“Do they really just… accept others? Like me?”

"I don't see why not," Kass replied. She couldn't help but wonder why he seemed incredulous at the idea. Had his master taught him not to trust the institutional aspects of Jedihood, or did he have some other reasons to be reluctant? "Your master has passed, so it is our duty as fellow Jedi to assist you in completing your training. Despite your uncertainty, you seem studious, and your experience working with others would be a boon to you at the Academy. You would be surrounded by people like you, who understand what its like to feel the Force and can help you succeed."

Envir Vadul Envir Vadul

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