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Meditation (Open to all)


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
He was in the temple meditating in his new room, until he felt a surge of some kind, something familiar. He felt it in the temple walls. It reminded him of the times he spent with his Father, meditating.... It was as if the energy he felt was outstretching a hand to him. Jerit was drawn to it, and he yearned to see where the source of the force energy was. He leapt up out of his meditating stance and exited his room. He followed the energy for what seemed like forever until he stumbled upon a door. Jerit put his right hand in the center, closed his eyes and began to call whoever was inside that room.

"Hello, who are you?" He whispered.

He felt his mouth quiver at the same time he said those words. He was concentrating very hard, trying to reach out with the force, and trying to sense what was beyond the door...
Jairdain for several minutes spoke to each person telepathically, making sure they could both hear and speak back to her through it. When that was done, she had each of them attempt to speak to each other. The silence in the room was peaceful and full of concentration, the connections they made with each other became more solid the more they practiced this exercise. It was time to move on though and Jairdain cleared her throat to draw attention to her once again.

"Okay. Each of you..."

At this point, Jerit came to stand outside the door and telepathically speak to Jairdain. This person was good, they had never met, but yet he could connect with her through a closed door. Walking over and opening the door and inviting him in with her almost ever present smile.

"I am Jairdain Ismet, please join us and make yourself comfortable. You are?"

She listened to his answer and once he picked his spot, if he chose to, Jairdain would turn her attention back to class.

"As each of you know meditation is fundamental and very important to a Jedi. This meditation can also save your life. If you ever get into a situation where you're going to run out of air, go into a meditation state and slow your heart down. However, I must caution you, don't allow it to beat too slow or you could hurt yourself or even die because you slowed it down too much.
"I would like each of you to attempt this, please. Enter into meditation and instead of listening to the Force or calling on that, listen to the beat of your heart and your blood going through your body. Concentrate on your heart and focus on slowing it down. There are blankets provided if you find yourself getting chilled."

Motioning with a wave of her hand as she returned to the floor, Jairdain would also perform this same exercise with her Jedi companions.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Karl J. Winters"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] @Kaden@Arisa Yune [member="Jerit Kolomor"]


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Jerit realized there was a person in the room. He sensed this person, and that someone was benevolent and humble. Jerit was pleased to notice that, as maybe they could become friends. He sensed that this person was meditating as well. Jerit couldn't blame them. He meditated almost everyday to escape the thought of his parents' deaths, but it usually almost never worked. It was as if a sticky piece of goo was stuck on him and would not come off even after the most tedious of tasks and work.

He felt the person moving to the door. The person opened it and it was revealed that the mysterious individual he was connecting to through the force was a woman. Jerit heard the woman ask him of his name and to make himself comfortable. He obliged.

" Jerit Kolomor, I sensed an energy of some sort in my room and I decided to investigate the source of it. "

Jerit stepped through the door and saw other people as well. He was nervous inside but kept it to himself. He sat down on a mat and listened to the woman once more, addressing everybody. He never knew you could slow your heart rate through meditation. Jerit was awed at hearing this. After the woman addressed the class, Jerit got into his usual meditation stance.

Alright, let's see how this is going to turn out...

He let in a deep breath, and out... He tried not to connect to the force this time. It was very hard not to because that's what all Jerit did, and then some. Instead he focused on his heart. He heard the rhythmic beat of his heart, dun dun... dun dun... It sounded like a drum. He then focused on his blood. It was difficult for him because he was also focusing on his heart at the same time. He couldn't go on longer. He opened his eyes and let in a huge amount of air. He was disappointed. All he had to do after that was to slow down his heart, which to Jerit seemed impossible.

He tried again, listening to the beat of his heart. Dun dun... Dun dun.... Now his blood. He could feel it flowing through every crevice inside of his body. It seemed like a race, every cell trying to enter a vein, artery, or whatever. Then he focused on his heart again, trying to slow it down. It felt it, the beat starting to stop, but Jerit struggled. He again drew out from focusing and opened his eyes. He was so close to finishing it.....

[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Kaden"]
The slow mastery of unspoken communication put a slight smirk on Kaden's red lips. He spent several minutes conducting conversation with Jairdain and the others without uttering a word, and found it easier to drop in and out of mental conversations with each passing minute. So involved in the exercise was he, that he failed to notice the newcomer entering the room until the boy sat down and ruffled a mat next to him.

This sent a twang of annoyance down the pureblood's spine, but it was quickly forgotten as Jairdain began detailing the next step of the lesson.

Managing one's own heartbeat.

A task reserved for only the most insightful of folk in the ranks of non force users. Kaden reckoned it would be much easier with the assistance of the force.

His eyelids flicked shut once more and the Sith withdrew within his mind, within his body. Focus was written on his angular features as he found his own hearbeat and ushered it to slow gradually...

[member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"]​
There was another newcomer, a Jedi he had not yet recognised. Someone new to the Order. Young, although likely better connected in the Force than Yuroic was. It didn't matter in his mind. A new task had been set by them. To lower their heartbeats, to a state of near death it seemed. The idea was somewhat terrifying to Yuroic but he trusted Jairdain that she knew it would be safe for them to practice it.

He watched as Jerit and Kaden fell into practice. He wondered how one even attempted to do such an action. Of course, he had to go back into his meditative state. Falling back into this state was becoming easier with every try. He found himself relaxing into the mindset, clearing thoughts away and finding an inner peace.

It was from here he found the difficulty. He could not think how one could slow their hearts. He could listen to it, beating steadily. A strong, repetitive beat. He counted the beats in his head, then slowed his counting. Surprisingly, he found that his heart responded, slowly down in tune with his counting. However, this excitement caused his heart to flare back into a faster beat.

This was going to take another attempt, a blank mind with no emotions involved.

[member="Jairdain"] | [member="Kaden"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"] [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Kaden"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]

It seem been a while as the stranger that came in last slowly settled in that Jairdain came forth move things along. Seem confident that those present seem had in a way a good grasp of the basic of Mediation in their own ways or level. So she move to the next phase which was test their skill in communicating thru the force which he seem done well enough as it seem his time however brief with one the other Master appear come in handy. As he hear her words to her seem clear as day....

"You can speak to me any time."
Which with bit hesitation at first he no less obliges with a reply first testing the ground with her.

" That i thank you and i will...."

At which time he proceeded out of curiosity began cautiously check out the other in the room for a bit. Till he felt confident to convince himself ease his mind that there was no danger and avoid any mishap from before. But then again push those thought behind onward to the next phase as she instructed them to.

"As each of you know meditation is fundamental and very important to a Jedi. This meditation can also save your life. If you ever get into a situation where you're going to run out of air, go into a meditation state and slow your heart down. However, I must caution you, don't allow it to beat too slow or you could hurt yourself or even die because you slowed it down too much.

I would like each of you to attempt this, please. Enter into meditation and instead of listening to the Force or calling on that, listen to the beat of your heart and your blood going through your body. Concentrate on your heart and focus on slowing it down. There are blankets provided if you find yourself getting chilled."

Which he did so try thought slightly hesitantly as for the most part although he had been familiar with what she spoke of. Having learn and heard of it during his time spent in the archives and with some the Master. He did so slow at first tentatively testing the waters with first try control his breathing which was slow but appear be easy going.Which gave him enough confidence to take things forward slowly as he moved on to try next phase. Which for him had been the hardest....the fact of having go under into the depth had brought him to fear it. That the close he'd ventured before was being under Master Coci care in the beginning and not since.

For it was not so much for anything else that a deep seated lingering fear of something unknown hidden within the darkness. But not this time.....not this time a lone voice.... in his subconscious came. He was tired of hiding and with last push ....ounce of will he push onward towards uncharted territories. Pushing forward he could swear felt strange as he began hear the beat his heart. Along with something else....that of the rush of blood stream down his veins along with something else. Thought his mind dare not comprehend it enough to rationalize what it was his very cell knew. As being the last few of an all but extinct lost was call out to him. Now that he seem able for once quite his mind enough till it seem come back.

First came the voice in the darkness cry out for help....sound of battle....then came the cold. The deep seeping cold within the darkness shake him back out of his meditative state. With sweat trickled down side his face as his eyes wide open. Breathing hard as was his heartbeat......take him moment to remind himself back to reality where he was.
Nodding slightly to [member="Jairdain"] he took his spot again and started to begin his transferrence. First with his breath, slowing it down, breathing in, and out. The process being repeated over and over again until it was a constant pattern and he was lost in the concentration of the move he was about to perform.

His mind going completely clear as he cleared all stray thoughts from his mind, he couldn't let anything distract him, especially when he was doing something as dangerous as what she had asked of them. He knew that there were healers that would help them if they messed up, but he hoped no one did.

His mind completely blank he went instead of the force, into his body and started with his lungs, he had a constant slow breath now, but he needed to slow it down further. Focusing his efforts on his lungs he slowed his breathing down, to the bare minimal, enough to survive off of for a fairly long period of time.

Moving now to his heart he took extra care here, any mistake could sent him to death, and he needed to be there.... Focusing on his heard he began to slow it down, Thud Thud Thud, he pressed it more slowing it down a little more just enough to keep his body alive, Thud thud, he knew it was enough and just sat there, keeping a eye on his heart and breathing rate.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Kaden"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Arisa Yune"]
Jairdain fell into her own meditation, allowing the others in the class to do so as well. She could feel some were having difficulties and sending calming emotions to them through the Force, she hoped they would help. Keeping silent so she didn't disturb them, Jairdain waited until they tried again.

The others had little to no difficulty and Jairdain made note of who they were and where they sat in her mind. These students she wouldn't have to watch so closely, but she still paid attention to them.

Slowing her heart down as they did, allowed Jairdain further connection to each of them.

Once she was confident they were all successful, she went to speak again. This time it was through the Force and not verbally. All in the meditative state, speaking would just disturb the peace in the room and bring them all out of the state they were in and in a shocking manner.

As you focus on your heart beating and​ the flow of your blood. You can now come out of this by allowing your heart to beat naturally or by speeding it up normal on your own. You would use the same mental method used to slow it down, but reversed.

[member="Karl J. Winters"] [member="Ronin Wendigo"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Karl J. Winters"] [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Kaden"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]

It was then at that time that slowly but surely the nightmare of the darkness slowly bleed in and would have taken him over to a place he dares not go. If not for a well-timed intervention by Jairdain who seem then contact them thru the force.

As you focus on your heart beating and the flow of your blood. You can now come out of this by allowing your heart to beat naturally or by speeding it up normal on your own. You would use the same mental method used to slow it down, but reversed.

To which seem to help nudge him out before the darkness could overtake him and return him back to the present. As he turns his focused to what he was told as Ronin focused on his heart....the flow of blood try as he did out of curiosity what was said by her.

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