The World Eater
It was a gloomy day within the city. Times like these it would rain endlessly for days,and almost seemed to engulf the city in a gloomy and depressing atmosphere. It seemed almost fitting for the Imperial capital,and for how Kyrel Ren was. Once he was a TIE pilot for the First Order,now he was what would some would call 'Vader Reborn.' He oddly enough found the title fitting as he looked up to the late Imperial Hero,and hoped to gain such a feared reputation and with the coming War against the Galactic Alliance he could gain that. He walked along the street's ignoring the stares of civilians.He made his way inside a Cantina hoping to get a moment of solitude. He could do it within the confines of his own apartment,but felt that a public place could do him some good. Sometimes when he is not in his suit he would grab a drink every so often,but he would not indulge himself today. He walked towards the back of the bar ignoring the stares from the shady looking customers,and slowly meditated trying to ease his boredom.
[member="Avedia Lacroix"]