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Private Meeting the King

TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
Alderaanian Embassy, Coruscant

Corhaa's heart thumped against her chest. She looked down to her hand, to see it shake a bit. She took couple of deep breaths to steel her nerves. It was just another diplomatic meeting. Surely she can handle that. After all, its not like the fate of the security in the world hinged on this meeting. Corhaa nervously chuckled to herself as she looked to her escort. Alderaanian personel who had been informed of her arrival. All of them stern faced. Corhaa glanced down at her bag which she managed to bring some items from her planet to show Alicio. The elevator they were all riding in stopped on the second level. From there, Corhaa was escorted to where Alicio was. She would give a deep bow, the jewels in her horns making a slight jingle sound as they moved.

"A pleasure to finally meet you Senator Organa. I thank you for recieving me. I know you must be a very busy man."

It wasn't often Alicio made the journey out to Coruscant, anymore.

His relief efforts were still underway. Almost always, one of Alderaan's two Lysandras stayed in orbit, providing relief to the citizenry affected by the recent Imperial invasion. But Alicio himself spent most of his time on Alderaan, these days, or darting around the galaxy on one errand or another. It was a rare thing to come back.

But he did miss it, in an odd way. Coruscant was where he got his start in the Senate. It was where the twins were born. It was where he first began living with Amani. So, despite the recent upheaval... he was glad to be back.

It reminded him of simpler times.

Walking in, Corhaa would notice the plants first. There were multiple, creeping flowers and small bonsai trees, tended to by a careful hand. Alicio himself, dressed in understated blacks, sat at a wooden desk, a cup of something steaming in his hands, and a kettle on a nearby portable stove. When the door opened, Alicio was already looking up, a curious smile on his face.

"Lady Magnia Corhaa Iredunn," the King said, leaving his cup on the desk as he stood, walking over and offering a hand to shake. He didn't make a comment about his busy schedule- she'd already guessed at how thin he was stretched. "Thank you for reaching out. I only hope I can help."

He inclined his chin back towards his desk. "Please, take a seat. And, before we start..."

"How do you take your tea?"

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

'Did I overdress for this meeting? He looks so relaxed and calm.' Corhaa looked to the plants, watching Alicio tend to them with a careful and steady hand. His attire was rather interesting to Corhaa. She had expected something much more grand for the King of Alderaan. But he dressed plainly in all black but still gave off an aura of royal authority. At least to Corhaa, he did. The woman looked to her escort which seemingly took a step back to take their positions by the door. She gave a smile back at Alicio, doing her best to calm down her nerves, giving a curtsey when he offered her to take a seat. As she sat down, she would answer his question.

"I have only drank tea on rar occassions. However when I normally drink it, I usually add a bit of sweetner to it. I am not sure what you call it here in the wider galaxy. But if you do hav anything that will sweeten the tea, I will gladly take it." Corhaa spoke softly but in a kind tone. It was clear that she normally used to speaking to other nobles, for there was a hint of an elitism in her tone. Corhaa brought her bag to her lap, respecting the King's wishes that they will not begin before she had her cup of tea.

"Sugar cubes it is, then." Alicio stepped over to the kettle, transferring more of it's contents into a nearby porcelain tea set, with artwork depicting a graceful flying animal dancing in the air. With practiced movements, the king brought the tray to his desk, letting the set rest in front of her.

"On Alderaan, you'd be hard-pressed to find any function without someone serving tea. You grow a taste for it, after a while." He poured the Iredani a small cup, a bit of nostalgia catching his tone. "The Queen before me, Faith Organa, and I shared a pot whenever we talked. I suppose it just feels right, now, to have it when meeting someone new."

After a moment more of preparation, Alicio placed the cup gently in front of the noblewoman. One secret benefit of being able to see the Future- he knew exactly how many sugar cubes to put in for Corhaa to enjoy the drink most. Returning to his own seat to give her a moment to try the drink, Alicio tilted his head curiously at her.

"Tell me about Araenor."

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

'What a beautiful creature.' Corhaa looked to the flying animal artwork giving a small smile. But she remained silent as Alicio brought over the porcelain tea set, gracefully. 'It looks like he has done this many times. His movements are smooth and rehearsed.' As the tea was set in front of her, Corhaa listened to Alicio explain that his people often serve tea for a variety of functions. How the monarch before him, often had tea for when they talkd. "Such a nice way to keep that tradition going, and to honor her memory."

Corhaa reached to grab her tea cup, taking a sip. Her eyes widened in surprise. This tea was delicious, and the sugar complimented it greatly. Alicio seemed to have struck a perfect balance with this mixture. "This is a lovely cup of tea, Senator. Thank you." When Alicio mentioned Araenor, Corhaa seemingly tensed up slightly. She didn't expect Alicio to know the name of her homeworld. Corhaa however did flasha smile.

"Araenor is..such a diverse place. The different bioms that exist there. The animals we have domesticated. Even all of the Iredani people. It's a world of beauty, filled with natural wonders and our technological advancements. Its nothing like Coruscant however. Araenor has major cities yes but nothing too grand per say." Corhaa sighed wistfully remembering her homeworld.

"However, I do not represent Araenor. I rule a separate world for the time being. Called Sarula Illiene. It orbits a purple gas giant. Sarula Illiene is a jungle world, vibrant with life and filled with amazement. My..late wife and I founded our House on that planet. Both Iredani and her people call that world home. I met Master Valery when she stumbled onto my world."

Talking about Faith was always a bittersweet thing. He had a lot of good memories of her, as one of his few family members left in the galaxy. But her disappearance, and his subsequent bid for the throne, out of necessity more than any desire for power, and that left a sour taste in his mouth. "I think so, too," he said, a tinge of blue in his smile.

Corhaa talking about her homeworld, and then consequently, her ruled lands, made Alicio fall into a contemplative mood. "I misspoke. Apologies. I meant to ask about the planet you ruled, but while we're on the topic..."

"My first memories, as a young child, are as an exile, on a nearby planet. So... I often feel more like a Balmorran refugee than Alderaanian nobility."
He pondered a moment longer. "We might share that experience, of ruling a world we didn't grow up in." He'd meant to roll right into business, but...

The monarch's mention of her late wife... hit Alicio a little harder than he let show. His breathing slowed, giving enough space to blink once. "I'm... sorry. For your loss."

"How long ago?"

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Two years, Senator. Soon to be three in a couple months." Corhaa said this solemnly "It is still a struggle sometimes to move on from her. I know she would want me to not dwell on her memory for long. However, my late beloved's vision for the galaxy only continues to drive me to this very day. A vision for a more accepting and peaceful galaxy."

Corhaa sipped her tea as she pondered Alicio's words. How he grew up on a world that wasn't the one he ruled. She gave a smile and bowed her head in an apologetic manner. "Indeed, we both rule worlds we did not grow up on. I am sorry that you were a refugee in your past. It must have been difficult to survive through all that. My own childhood was rather peaceful, as my family were farmers. I did not catch the eye of the nobility of my world until my gifts were discovered. Put through a special academy, and then I met my beloved when our people's made contact with each other."

Corhaa gave a small smile "Though we escaped to Sarula Illiene. Our respective governments did not like each other. Sarula Illiene is meant to be a symbol of Iredani and Aetharian cooperation. We built our House on that jungle world and invited our close allies and like minded people. It blossomed into something beautiful. My hope is to keep that symbol alive and well. Not to be left at the mercy of those that wish to burn the galaxy."

"Mmm. 'A more accepting and peaceful galaxy'." The shade that had covered Alicio's face broke enough to let a warm expression through. "I would've liked to have met her, I think." Force knows they could use more leaders that truly cared for their people.

The King was still as Corhaa spoke, punctuating her words every once in a while with a thoughtful nod, or a tiny change in his expression. She may have been sorry for her past, but it sounded as if she'd gone through her own pains. "At the risk of sounding cliché... we are our experiences. And... I don't know about your struggles, but I'd like to think I'm a better person, if not because of the pain, then in spite of it."

Her vision of Sarula Illiene was... a little magnetic. Alicio canted his head to the side, listening intently.

"My hope is to keep that symbol alive and well. Not to be left at the mercy of those that wish to burn the galaxy."

He studied the Iredani's face, letting silence punctuate their conversation, before finally placing his tea aside gently.

"How can I help?"

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa set down her tea as well. She took a deep breathe as she then looked at Alicio, her golden eyes looking at his. "Senator, I wont lie. I am out of my depths here when it comes to the wider galaxy. I dont know what's happening out here and by extension, my world and its people are in the dark as well. I'd say we are very lucky that it was Master Valery who discovered our world and not someone else. From what brief histories that both Valery and Master Jonyna have given me, the Sith and Mandalorians are a threat to the idea of a peaceful galaxy." Corhaa seemingly gripped her dress tightly. "I know the Alliance fights a war with the Sith and I wish to seek protection for my world underneath the Alliance flag. I know if I just retreated back into my world and we continued our isolation, eventually a Sith ship might darken our skies. The chance might be low but I'd rather not risk it."

Corhaa opened up her bag and pulled out a couple of strange devices, and two crystals that were seemingly wrapped in a very tight cloth of sorts. One purple and one glowing yellow. She also pulled out some beautifully crafted jewelry. "However, I have been an aristocrat long enough to know that not everyone will do something out of the kindness of their hearts. Your Senate will need convincing on why they should divert resources for your war effort to defend such a remote world. So here I have laid out what my world can offer."

Corhaa picked up the two crystals very gently, unwrapping both of them slowly. "These are Arguunite crystals. Sometimes we call them Velen crystals, as a sign of remembrance to a great leader. These crystals are the foundation of our technology. It allows us to achieve similar leaps of technological progress." Corhaa would activate some other devices, which turned out to be holograms. Each one displayed a piece of Iredani technology. "Though I will say, it will take time for these crystals to become compatible with the rest of the galaxy's technology. However, I am of the belief that our exotic technology can help the Alliance. As for other goods, I did bring some jewelry for you to sample and while I couldn't bring any wine, my planet does have a large wine production apparatus and agriculture."

Corhaa would place the crystals back into their wrappings. "I am not even sure this will be enough to convince your Senate. However, my people will uphold the ideals of the Alliance if we are granted entry. We will learn about the wider galaxy and in turn we will give you what we can to ensure a stable and peaceful galaxy."

Corhaa eagerly dove into the conversation as Alicio presented it, and in return, he listened.

She had obviously put a lot of thought into saving her planet; it was only natural. Not long ago, her largest concerns were food shortages and planetary politics. Now, she had to contend with a whole galaxy of war and intrigue. That kind of pressure would make anyone want to doublecheck they'd crossed their t's and dotted their i's.

"You're right," Alicio said, letting the crystals tumble in his palm, studying them for only a moment before returning his attention to Corhaa. "I don't know how much you know about the state of the galaxy, but the Alliance is surrounded by enemies. Empires and Sith and marauding Mandalorians. If we make a promise to protect your world, we need to make sure we can keep it." Being honest with the ugly truth, in his opinion, was better than speaking honeyed words to secure a good deal, then bailing.

"I don't have a full understanding of what exactly Sarula Illiene has to offer... but I think you easily have enough to negotiate a trade agreement. Most governments would take that route, and use the goodwill to slowly ingratiate into the Alliance, until they can petition to join." The king frowned. "I'd advise against it, for you. Stepping onto the galactic stage for the first time is treacherous, and in this time of war, aligning yourself with the Alliance without additional insurances is reckless."

His hand began caressing his chin in thought. "You'd be better served streamlining the process with a defense pact. It would protect your people immediately, and give you time to finalize an official Application of Alliance. I might be able to throw around my weight in the Senate, if the more... isolationist... senators see benefits to protecting your world."

"So... what do the crystals do?"
Alicio had a feeling they would be the key to Sarula Illiene's safety... or it's destruction.

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa was indeed afraid of that grim prospect. If the Alliance was surrounded by enemies, they could be stretched too thin to actually help to defend her world. She did appreciate Alicio's blunt honesty. There was no false illusions of everything would be fine. Valery was right. Alicio was an honest man to the core of his being. The idea of a trade relationship with the Alliance and also the possibility of a defensive pact did seem to appeal to Corhaa. Alicio's advice was sound, and it would at least help Corhaa dip her hooves more in galactic politics with this route before she can finalize an application to join the Alliance. Not to mention, it will also give Corhaa to observe the state of affairs of the galaxy without becoming a target. Hopefully at least.

"Thank you for that advice, Senator. I certainly didn't think of that before. Perhaps my own personal fears have caused me to rush when I shouldn't have. But I am glad you are a voice of reason, Senator."
Corhaa gave him a friendly smile

Corhaa then looked to the crystals and she gave another smile. "These crystals we use as a power source but also as a conduit of sorts. I am not good with all of the technology speak, so to say. But these crystals power all of our technology. Simply without them, my people would be very primitive. But these are also used to make energy weapons. I believe my artificers say that Arguunite crystals is a good focusing lens and conduit so the weapon can fire directed energy shots at a target. These crystals are also the backbone of our defenses, for they provide a shield naturally. Granted the larger crystals can also serve as defense towers when configured properly."

"I'm just trying to call it how I see it." Alicio's mouth thinned. In his eyes, he hadn't done anything for her yet- she shouldn't be thanking him. When her people were safe, and thriving... then, he'd accept it. "Nor would I say my advice is entirely fool-proof either. If we are unable to secure anything concrete for your planet, all that will have changed is your loss of anonymity."

"These crystals we use as a power source but also as a conduit of sorts. I am not good with all of the technology speak, so to say."

The king found a curt, easy smile. "Neither am I. But I'm sure we'll manage."

Alicio placed the crystals on the table between them, studying them more closely as their properties were revealed. "So... it's a natural battery, of sorts, with the potential to boost the Alliance's war efforts. That should be enough to pique their interest." Which came with it's own set of pitfalls. Speaking of which...

"Are you in the market for more unsolicited advice, Lady Iredunn?"

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"I'm just trying to call it how I see it." Alicio's mouth thinned. In his eyes, he hadn't done anything for her yet- she shouldn't be thanking him. When her people were safe, and thriving... then, he'd accept it. "Nor would I say my advice is entirely fool-proof either. If we are unable to secure anything concrete for your planet, all that will have changed is your loss of anonymity."
'A very real possibility, Senator. One I do not want to entirely think about.' Corhaa was indeed risking the safety that comes with isolationism by opening up to the Alliance. Corhaa should temper her expectations for now. Yet she gave a smile back at Alicio, to help mask the thoughts she was having. There will be another time and place to dwell on them.

"The crystals are indeed a natural power source. Not to mention, they can sustain power indefinitely. Unless they get damaged of course. Only problem is that I am not sure how compatible our crystals are with the technology of the galaxy. My artificers and shipwrights do wish to test something out but we lack a proper facility to do it."

Corhaa then would nod "I am always open for more advice, Senator. Please share with me what you can. Your expertise might end up saving me from making a bad choice. I have already be warned to stay away from something called the Trade Federation."

"I'll do my best to keep that from happening." Alicio's eyes were sharp with thought, but kind, all the same. "You have my word."

They didn't know each other, so his word may not have carried much meaning with Corhaa yet. But he gave it, regardless. And he would keep it, as best he could.

Hearing about how the crystals seemed to be an infinite power source made Alicio's advice all the more necessary. His hand folded against each other, as he subconsciously fidgeted his fingers. She'd already been told of the Trade Federation. That made things easier. "My warning is more... broad, but in line with what you've heard."

"The difficulty with a free Alliance is that everyone is free to pursue... personal interests. There are corporations, and even parties in the Senate, that would exploit your land for all you're worth, if they could get away with it."
Of course, they won't. Not if Alicio had anything to say about it. "If they catch wind of profit to be had, they will come to you with deals beyond your wildest dreams. Fortunes that could buy planets, all for a small foothold on yours. Mining rights. Exclusive contracts."

"I would recommend you avoid them like the plague. There are companies with centuries of experience exploiting disadvantaged populations. I think you can imagine what could happen to Sarula Illiene, if one of them gets even an inch of influence over you."

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa seemingly had a frozen concerned expression on her face. The cost of freedom, is that people will exploit others for their own personal gain. Corporations, parties within the Senate. Corhaa would have to navigate all of that to ensure the best route for her people. But who could she put her trust in? Perhaps only Alicio here? Master Valery and the other Jedi? Corhaa seemingly nodded slowly, not wanting to imagine a future where her world is at the mercy of a corporation. The horrors they could do to her beautiful world and its people.

"Understood, Senator. I will keep that in mind. I'll admit this advice will make it alot harder for my people to try and understand the wider galaxy or perhaps even to jumpstart new projects. But perhaps that is for the best. To take things slow."
Corhaa gave a smile and she nodded at Alicio "Is there anything else I should worry about?"

"By all means, work together with others on projects," he said, holding up a placative hand. "I could even recommend a few partners, if you want to explore what these crystals could do. I would just recommend not giving away your planet's agency. Don't let yourself get pinned down by a deal too good to be true. Whether governmental or corporate."

"Is there anything else I should worry about?"

Alicio sipped his tea to cover a moment of thought. "Mmm... Maybe one more thing. But it comes with a question."

"When a planet joins the galactic community for the first time, there comes exchange. A blend of ideas, which brings about new growth, and a raising of the standard of living... but can also damage a planet's culture."
Again, another ugly truth, especially for an expansionist like him. "If it's unprepared."

"So, my question for you is simple. When you tie yourself to the largest Alliance in the galaxy, how do you plan to preserve Sarula Illiene's culture?"

"You don't have to answer now, if you don't know... but keep it in mind."

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa blinked for a moment completely taken off guard by that question and a possible new reality she might have to face. Her planet's culture might be damaged beyond recognition by others in the Alliance. Of course not intentionally, but this was a possible side effect of joining the largest Alliance in the galaxy. Corhaa seemingly looked down to her fingers as she twiddled her thumbs. "Truth be told Senator, such a possibility never crossed my mind. I had been under the impression that each planet within the Alliance still managed to keep their own cultures intact. But if there are planets out there that have had their cultures changed, damaged, or possibly even erased.."

Corhaa trailed off into silence. It was a grim topic and she didnt wish to think about it. But it needed to be discussed. "Senator as a ruler of your world, how did your people preserve their culture? I can perhaps think of a way if I knew how other planets prepared themselves."

"No cultures who have joined have been erased by the Alliance, to my knowledge." Alicio folded his arms, the first hint of a frown gracing his features. He didn't want to give any credit to the isolationists, but he was towing a thin line.

She asked him how Alderaan kept it's identity. His frown continued.. "Alderaan's situation... likely won't help you. We've been a member of the wider galactic community for thousands of years. Our culture has had a long time to inoculate."

"I think it's important to realize that it isn't possible for Sarula Illiene to stay exactly the same as it is. Culture isn't something that a government can control- it evolves naturally, due to outside stimuli. Cultural exchange with accelerate this change. You can't stop it, but you can prepare for it, to change what you want to change, and keep what you need to keep."

"What I would recommend is you identify early what practices you want to preserve, and be honest with your people about preserving them. Teach them the relevance in their collective history. Create a cultural image for people to identify with. Then share it to visitors to your world."

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -
TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa went silent for a moment, felt like she may have offended Alicio a bit with her comment. Perhaps a bit too honest with her fears then. But at least Alicio seemingly placated them with his explanation. This was alot to consider though, with this new information. So many things to discuss with her people about their future. This meeting was needed and she couldn't thank Valery enough for setting it up. She gave a nod and a smile at Alicio.

"Senator, you have given me alot to consider. A great many ordeals and things that I need to discuss with my people. I am sure that whatever path we decide to take, it will be the best for Sarula Illiene and its people. But I will say, I am glad we were able to meet and discuss these matters. You perhaps have saved me from making mistakes that could be exploited by people with nefarious means."
Corhaa bowed her head in thanks " do not have anything else to advise me on, I feel like I need to return to my people soon. Start drafting up some things so I can present them to your Senate."

"Sorry," he returned, sounding a little sheepish. "I don't mean to overload you. It's... a lot. I know."

Better to shower her with information than give her too little, he figured.

"Sounds like you know your next steps." The King of Alderaan stood, adjusting his suitcoat, and extended a hand to the ruler of Sarula Illiene. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'm... busy, these days, but I'll make room in my schedule."

"I've only just met you, but I can already tell you are a conscientious and steadfast ruler, Corhaa Iredunn. I have faith you'll lead your people into these uncharted waters well."
His smile, while small, exuded a sun's worth of warmth.

- Corhaa Iredunn Corhaa Iredunn -

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