Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Meeting the King

TAG: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Corhaa stood up, gathering her things as she neatly and carefully placed them into her bag. She offered a smile, reaching out to shake Alicio's hand firmly. "I will keep that in mind Senator, thank you. Master Valery was right about you. You are an honest and kind man. I do hope that more people will look up to you and feel inspired to do good in this galaxy. Thank you for meeting with me."

Corhaa would give a bow as she walked out of the room, the guards following her into the elevator shaft. Corhaa let out a long sigh as she rubbed her temples a bit. 'A great meeting yes, but so much to consider. So much to do.' Corhaa felt prepared to say the least. Prepared to help guide her people on the next step of their journey.

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