Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meeting with a FU

I need Caine to meet up with a FU, preferably reasonably powerful, to help recover his memory. He is an NFU, so this isn't in regards to any force powers. This meeting might stretch into multiple threads depending on how well things go, and this is kind of a start for the character outside of a couple odd jobs in dominions. I'll give more details later but this particular thread is just a meeting and a lil conversation :)
Anoki isn't really 'powerful' as in the force but she has an exceptionally great mind, if she can help, I'm always willing to rp and plot with others. Plus I don't have a really good plot right now.

[member="Anoki Sihin"]
I tend to operate on a first come first serve basis, and Caine desperately needs some sort of contact with the Galactic Republic, seeing as right now the only people he has worked with is the Primeval. I'll most likely be starting the thread in a few hours or tomorrow, but I'll pm you the stuff now.

I don't know if I can trust you guys :p I might hit y'all up later after stuff starts getting a little crazier for Caine.

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