It's that time.
- My friend, this is it. We enjoyed having you but it's time to leave the crown (and a few cookies) for our September standout star. You will be missed, keep killin' it!
For September we've chosen a long-standing member of Chaos to add to the ranks of MotM for a few reasons, but, none so obvious as: We just really liked their posts and attitude.
- That would be none other than
Kara Jade
Several of their characters are worthy of note but at this time it's really Ms. Jade that takes the win. An active member of the Galatic Alliance, kind and boppin' in the LFG, and let's not forget keeping it fresh as a Padawan during the Invasion of Ilum. They seem to keep the "Star Wars/Jedi/Padawan" vibe at the forefront and it's made their posts enjoyable and a good read. We've heard nothing but good things OOC and IC and that checks all the boxes.
Thank you - Keep being great!

For September we've chosen a long-standing member of Chaos to add to the ranks of MotM for a few reasons, but, none so obvious as: We just really liked their posts and attitude.
- That would be none other than

Several of their characters are worthy of note but at this time it's really Ms. Jade that takes the win. An active member of the Galatic Alliance, kind and boppin' in the LFG, and let's not forget keeping it fresh as a Padawan during the Invasion of Ilum. They seem to keep the "Star Wars/Jedi/Padawan" vibe at the forefront and it's made their posts enjoyable and a good read. We've heard nothing but good things OOC and IC and that checks all the boxes.
Thank you - Keep being great!