Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Memorable Moments at War

Hey Chaos,

I don't normally make these kinds of topics but today I am. As some of you may know Ekul Selah -- The Dark Man -- has died in combat; of course that's part of a bit of a conflict drawn up between the Ession Reformation (awesome folks) and The Primeval (wonderful friends!) whom have had a few interesting threads over the last few weeks. Now I've had a discussion with a few people on Skype and there's some worry about upcoming wars. Not because of conquests, lengthy invasions, or that. Just, there's magic missing. Star Wars is awesome because you have memorable moments. Big battles are part of it yes, but you also have personal conflicts, struggles, individual storylines, sappy love scenes, awkward kissing scenes that later develop into -- Well you get the picture.

War and every other roleplay shouldn't necessary be so separated. There is so much potential! It doesn't all have to be decided by duels or massive invasions -- which do have a place in roleplay and are wonderful -- it needs to be variety to develop into memorable moments and stories that can be talked about and that when new people, who I guess I still am, can wonder about these adventures all the veterans had and share the same moments when they too engage in similar memories. That's what makes a Roleplay community strong and connected; by having cooperation.

So before I write a poem to the tune of War I'd like to get down to business on this topic.

Anyone who's One Sith, Republic, Mandalorian, Protectorate, Systems Authority, Ession, Mando etc who are preparing to fight in these upcoming wars... I'd like us to be able to discuss and plan. Build potential rivalries, find your nemesis, and develop stories on the side that can later be settled in fateful duels and grand battles. Things should have their own purpose to each character to build stories and perspective. If you're interested in creating stories out of these upcoming wars then feel free to reply here or PM to me. We can either discuss in threads, on Skype, or both.

With regards to all of you,

-- Anja
I don't quite have a nemesis, per se, as much as I have a person who needs to be beaten into the dirt and have his lungs broken and his fingers removed.

Now if we're talking about unfounded, personal, hate. Sure. I have someone like that.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Was just tossing ideas around but basically -- at least from my experiences and those of others around me -- there's not enough personal detail going on in threads pertaining to wars. I can see partially it's due to time limits, or trying to get in as many posts as possible and of course the trouble of managing a bunch of writers and getting them to fight each other. Still: Some of these characters have stories of their own, if not all! We have our private threads and individual goals for our characters. So I believe it's fitting to have them go onto the battlefield too, or results on the battlefield to go off. Some people already do this with bounties and such but there's so much potential that can be found.

I really don't have every idea for any particular characters, they're not mine, but I want to encourage people to put their character into the fight and create more storytelling.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

That'd be an interesting matchup. I wonder if his beard is a weapon?

[member="Lira Dajenn"]

Good luck ;)
As I said to Sam on Skype,
[16/01/2015 5:50:01 pm] The Queen: I'd like to see wars that actually resemble SW and not invasions that are dictated by duels
[16/01/2015 5:50:15 pm] The Queen: Heroic captains going down with their ships, daring pilots, the whole jazz
Darth Vitium said:
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Indeed. And for any little peeping [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s, no, it isn't you.

[member="The Shadow King"] *Cough*
Did someone mention my name?

Not me? Oh...

(Thrusts hands into pockets and kicks stone)

If Siobhan has a nemesis at present, it's [member="Darth Shadow"]. Who's not affiliated with any faction at present and not involved in all the wars going on. Eventually fighting him would be satisfactory though.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]


Thank you for making this post. I think one of the more disappointing things I see on the boards all too often is the problem of these wonderful smaller threads and stories ultimately fizzling out for whatever reason. When the consequences of those threads could start bigger conflicts.

I personally make it a point to follow up on these types of threads, and I guarantee that if you mess with my character or his organization there will be eventual consequences which could lead to bigger stories. I say this not as some kind of IC threat but more as a promise that I make the best effort I can to help others get more interesting threads out of conflicts. My character may not be someone's idea of a big bad, but he does have a way of getting under some people's skins. I'm always happy to play someone's nemesis. Also as others who've RPed with me can attest, I'm not afraid to "lose."

Also RIP Ekul Selah
[member="Cryax Bane"]

That's definitely what I'm asking here!

I'm not trying to stop the wars or conflicts; I relish in them but I want to see things go down in a way that's fun. I want there to be big battles and small ones, but I want each of them to be equally important to the story at large.

Maybe in the heat of battle Faction A discovers Faction B has plans for a specific weapon and instead of just alerting their entire faction OOCly, they should set out in a small group ICly to gather information on this weapon and then launch a strike team to seize / destroy it. There's so many more possibilities than just gathering all your best writers and getting them to start threading. It's about setting the scene and driving characters to pursue their interests ICly. Even in the expanded EU where war is even more at the core we still have ambitious Sith Lords with their own goals, rogue Jedi discovering the true nature or setting out to pursue their own ideals, and things like that.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Not to derail the thread, but speaking of consequences, there are multiple bounties out on your members on the Red Ravens bounty board in our Faction forums.

There will be wider bounties out on you and your mangy cur, once we find out who you actually are (as right now my character doesn't know your identities nor your alliances.)
Cryax Bane said:
My character may not be someone's idea of a big bad, but he does have a way of getting under some people's skins. I'm always happy to play someone's nemesis. Also as others who've RPed with me can attest, I'm not afraid to "lose."

Hello. My name is Kana Truden. You blew up my ship. Prepare to die.

Or well, you know, surrender.

Stupid code.

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