Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shara stood among cleared rubble.

The Area that had once been the sacred Jedi Temple here on Coruscant had been cleared and flattened. The once proud Jedi temple, reduced to nothing but rubble and broken pieces had been completely wiped away, leaving only a massive expanse of open space. It was here that Shara now stood. The Massive Mealibus made tiny in comparison to the miles of openness around him. He watched, looking and scouting with keen black beady eyes.

“Yes.” He said to himself with a nod, this would due.

The Jedi Temple had been a monument to the Order, a memorial to the Jedi that had Fallen in the defense of their order, and aplace for them to learn. It had been torn down, destroyed and ripped apart by the efforts of his brothers. Now it would be replaced.

In the distance, ships and droids approached en mass. Massive cargo ships and huge transports approached him. Ready to build and construct the vision that the Dark Lord had seen for this place. Shara would over see it, he would watch and aid in the construction of the Memorials, the statues that would memorialize Sith long passed, Sith that had founded the Order, and Sith that had fought and died for the cause of peace in the galaxy.

Behind him the ships began to unload their materials.

Shara waited for his brothers and sisters to come to him. They would all be needed here. Their presence, their energies, they would be needed. As the Temple had been for the Jedi, this place would become a place of strength for the Sith.
Darth Banshee answered the call of [member="Darth Shara"], he had big announcement to make. Thinks like this where of historical importance, and some thing she would hate to miss. She came from under city, where she directs krayt industries in it`s labours. To hear his announcement, this would probably make her day.

As she saw the him she bowed her head in respect, and waited for the others of her order to arrive. As anything like this all would need to attend.
[member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Darth Shara"]

She hadn't been there to fight in the battle, there were complications but as Balaya stood there looking at the construction droids she had her mind focused. Not wearing the disguise of the Purifier's league leader but her full armor. The energies of the planet being focused as she breathed in deeply the scents then exhaled focusing. They were going to create a monument to the lords here to mirror Korriban... a fitting thing and with her and Kaine they would be able to strengthen the materials as needed. Possibly add some of the defenses they needed while she walked to one section and thought about what should go there. Further away and focused while she pondered where to start making tombs for Krayt and Talon.
Darth Veles smiled upon seeing the empty space where the Jedi Temple used to stand so proudly for all citizens to see. The giant building offering safe refuge and training to its inhabitants existed no more, even its ruins removed as if it never existed. A very nice spit into any Jedi's face. It wouldn't stop there though; the Sith were going to build a grand monument in this place. No doubt this would atract many Jedi with intentions of demolishing it, as anything ever done by the Sith was considered evil by those fools blinded by the light. It did not matter that much, for whatever happened to the new monument, the great victory of the One Sith will remain in the planet's history for all eternity. Every child would learn about [member="Darth Shara"] from a history book. The question was, would the Maelibus be praised as a liberator, or hated as a destroyer? Since history was written by the winners, Veles guessed the powerful Sith was a liberator right now.

"Hail, brothers and sisters," the young Mon Cal greeted his fellow Sith as he came closer, winking at his good friend and student [member="Darth Banshee"] before offering a bow to the rest. Knowing he had helped his faction destroy such an iconic building of the Jedi Order pleased him alot. He also realized that by removing the temple, they have extinguished a spark of hope in hearts of those who still believed in the Jedi returning. Clasping his webbed hands behind his back, the amphibious Sith Lord took a deep breath as if inhaling the Dark Side looming in the place. He did have some doubts about the intended Valley of the Dark Lords - like monument, as the Korriban's pride couldn't have been copied, it was one of its kind and would remain so forever. This might be its younger brother; growing stronger as time progressed and more and more Sith visited the place, though never quite reaching the fame of its older sibling. On the bright side, something so grand of this magnitude required many people to build it... meaning many citizens have just found work.


Rather than actually joining with the trio of Sith that were there, and the rest of the Sith that were at the cleared area, the Sith Acolyte stayed a few hundred meters away atop of some building watching them with his electrobinoculars. He didn't want to overstep his claim within the Sith Order so fast, especially since he had only started his training recently, he'd rather watch how the more experienced Sith Lords acted before he joined their ranks.

For the moment he focused the binoculars upon the massive form of, [member="Darth Shara"] and watched his actions. The beast fascinated him. He didn't find it possible that a creature such as that was capable of sense, and thinking for itself. But it could, it's power was most likely unrivalled within the One Sith, and within the ranks of the Jedi? Unrivalled still, or so he figured. He knew no Jedi as of yet.

And then he began to scope out the other Sith Knights and Lords amongst the Maelibi's company. Perhaps he'd join soon, if only to get a little closer to the Sith Lord that was Shara.

[member="Darth Veles"], [member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Darth Praelior"]
This had been his home. Every time he saw the rubble of the temple he grimaced. But he knew the Dark Lord's vision was superior to anything the Jedi could've dreamed to achieve, so the loss was an acceptable one. He stood silent, awaiting the instructions of [member="Darth Shara"] with his black robes draped over his figure. Peeking out from under his hood was his masked face, from behind which he cast his gaze on [member="Darth Veles"], this one seemed to fully understand the vision, one of peace and order. He was one of the few like this which hadn't had the Dark Lord play a role in their creation. Cale hardly counted himself, his emotions were not genuine, he felt nothing because of mental conditioning set into effect long ago, meant to suppress thoughts of betrayal while he adapted to the Order. In due time he would truly appreciate it.

He'd seen the Valley of the Dark Lords only once, and that was when he stormed Korriban to annihilate the Empire once and for all. It felt as if that was ages ago, as if the actions were carried out by another man inside his body. But he did not regret them, where the Empire had been corrupt and fought amongst itself, the One Sith were unified, and fought with purpose. And they would not fail.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
This was not the first temple Daella had rebuilt.

Before being revealed to be a Sith, Daella fought against the Sith Empire on Coruscant and even traded blows against [member="Darth Vornskr"]. In the aftermath of the battle, Daella helped the extensive rebuilding effort on the planet and restored the Great Jedi Academy.

Now, Daella assisted with the project of creating a Sith Temple on Coruscant. Just as with Ossus, Daella dealt mostly with logistics and planning. She quickly had a schematic for the new temple drafted and issued for construction. She rode one of the transports carrying materials to the flattened sight. During the approach, she kept a calm look upon the barren plot.

Once the ship Daella was on had landed, she observed the beginning of construction unfold. She remained on board though, as if waiting.
A low rumble of engines reverberated around the scene at the ruined former beacon of the Jedi Order. The transport ship kicked up dust and debris from the fallout that still laid strewn about as powerful support legs fell from the bottom and landed with a heavy thud. Several others like it fell in suit, moving to surround the temple, all filled to the brim with supplies, droids, and various workers that would embark on the massive undertaking. The once proud ziggurat had stood tall, with five towers reaching to the sky, kissing the sky lanes as a symbol of the unchallenged power in the Galaxy at the very heart of the Galactic Republic. Now it lay in abject ruin, toppled, burnt, and razed to the mountain base on which it had been originally constructed. Billows of steam ejected from several dozen ventilation shafts as the exit ramps slid open, releasing passage to all that waited inside.

A large line of ready and able droids began their synchronized march down the durasteel platform toting weapons on their backs and materials in hand. Over each of the outer lines, large beams of durasteel and other composite alloys were hefted on the droid's shoulders. The center line hefted durasteel crates in their grip. There was however one outlier in the mix, a being whose height exceeded the droid's measurements by over a foot. The seven foot tall robed figure was completely out of place in this formation, and seemed somewhat trapped by the heavy beat of the march. The pale white mask with red lines and beady jewel like eyes searched back and forth as the line continued to advance and depart the ramp. The droids were programmed and instructed for building, they weren't looking for security breaches, despite having one in their own ranks.

Nazo's movement were more ethereal and graceful than that of the clunky hard stomping droids. While their metallic legs and feet resounded in heavy uninterrupted staccato, the gentle clink of Nazo's movements were barely even noticed over that rhythm. The movement of his mask shifting from side to side seemed to illustrate confusion, in an almost panic like setting, until he locked his gaze upon what he had sought. There between the marching of the droids, a bright red Gizka leaped back and forth, aiming for a way out of the lineup and onto Coruscant proper. The little lizard scampered out, squeezing between the legs and hopping once it had escaped. Nazo followed suit, gracelessly pushing the droids from his path and ducking under the large beam as he sought to chase after his pet. His robes billowing against the covered exoskeleton with his arms outstretched as he dashed after the creature right through the path of the assembled Sith.

Nazo had to have known they were there, he had obviously saw the meeting grounds, and yet he seemed more determined to catch up to the happily bounding Gizka. His reptilian friend hated to be cooped up on board freighters and transports, though that's normally where his Master generally gravitated towards. It preferred the open air rather than the artificial atmosphere created by the ship's systems. It wanted a free range environment where it could properly hunt insects, and find fresh berries. Though Coruscant was far from a jungle setting, bugs were still abounding on the surface, and the lizard was determined to find them. Silently (aside from the clinking around) Nazo chased the bug hunting reptile back and forth right between the forms of the Sith, apparently paying no attention to their respective presence.

Loose visual reference of chase

[member="Darth Shara"] | [member="Darth Banshee"] | [member="Darth Praelior"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Astraios Blackhand"] | [member="Cale Gunderson"] | [member="Daella Apparine"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
This world had changed in the years... kind of really all she was detecting was the smell. When her sisters and her had left home they came here once upon a time, to see the jewel of the Republic and it had left them wanting more, wanting something other then to just be part of society. Aoi had returned to Atrisia their home, she had found a kingdom in the Necropolis and Rukia had gone to Emberlene to learn from them. Now here she stood taking in the vastness of the world and underneath the scent of rot and corruption was more but also purpose. The New Order had been brave but served less purpose while she looked over plans and moved equipment with the droids to make sure the new valley and tombs, the temple was created.
Three Omen-class Command ships had been created on the planet of Bosph. Only one, to her knowledge at least, had seen service during the time of the New Order. That had been above Telos IV, of which she had been confronted by the United Clans of Mandalore. The opposing Mandalorian fleet, led by [member="Ember Rekali"], had all but lain claim to her forces. Or so she believed. She hadn't stuck around to find out. Knowing that Telos IV was lost, Darth Ayra did what any good Sith does. A strategical retreat. The New Order had not worked and no longer fit into her scheme. Her identity was secure, except for a select few. All in all, despite the fact that the New Order had not not be successful, it hadn't been a complete waste of time.

The Omen flanked by it's two sisters dropped out of hyperspace. Sat within the confines of it's command seat, linked to it's mind, Darth Ayra send a broadcast to the One Sith below. "I have returned from my project in the Outer Rim. The New Order has died. But I return bearing gifts."

She awaited their reply.


He began to build

The first of the Sith that aided in the construction of the memorials. Shara began to move about the construction site, speaking with Sith Lords, Knights, and even apprentices. Many thought of him as a First among equals. There were many of those in the Order of course, Daella, Vornskr, and many more. They were those Sith that had survived and garnered enough power that they were treated with respect by the others. They were not leaders of course, but those younger and less experienced looked to them for guidance.

The Dark Lord could not always be called upon, and those Shara, and those like him were looked upon as older siblings, as a guiding hand to those who needed it.

Those who came in the construction were given chores, either guiding the workers or helping in the construction itself. With the force, things went much faster. Those who came to Coruscant to see the leaders of the One Sith, like [member="Alicia Drey"] and many more were directed to the construction site. It was both a show of power, and necessity. Shara refused to leave the construction site.

This project was his child in many ways, he was one of the ones that had backed the idea almost immediately.

He would see it done.

As he moved across the construction site, hauling a massive durasteel bulkhead he spotted [member="Nazo"], the young Sith Apprentice chasing a small figure, too tiny for the Maelibus to make out. He grunted slightly, and waved for an errant Apprentice to chase after the young man and find out what was going on.
| [member="Darth Shara"] |

Ayra rose from the command seat and made her way to a transport. Leaving the Omen-class Command Carriers in the distance, the transport moved the former Dark Chancellor of the New Order to the planets surface. She was escorted by One Sith forces to the construction site, to meet with Darth Shara. Disembarking the vessel, Ayra lifted the cowl of her robe over her face and made her way to the giant. She came to a stop before him. "Darth Shara?" she asked.
Seras had been interested in this project mostly because she saw opportunity. Not against her brothers and sisters but with them, the seedy underbelly of Coruscant was in many ways just as dangerous, just as criminal and they would need somewhere to go. She was good at handling those who needed to be taken care of, labor camps created by the Emperor Kaine and all those captured, or by Krag with his graug raiding and taking slaves, into the labor camps they had went. To her and walking with some purpose she approached the massive form of [member="Darth Shara"] at the construction site. "My Lord" She spoke letting the mechanical voice be slightly loud. "While we are building I have recommendations for a holding area to keep the undesirables."


Two approached him at once. An apprentice, and a Lord. He recognized one of them, a woman that he himself had seen speak to the Dark Lord, while he was hidden in the shadows. He nodded in greeting to her, and then bade her to hold for just a moment while he spoke to the apprentice. [member="Alicia Drey"] would understand. She was an equal in the eyes of the Demon Lord, and he meant no disrespect by stopping her words.

“Not here young one.” The Sith Lord said as he laid a massive piece of Durasteel on the ground besides him. “This is a place of reverence. Of memorial and past victories. We will speak of your plans later.”

His tone indicated that he was in fact very interested in what [member="Seras Goto"] had said, but that this was neither the time, nor the place to speak of such things. There where workers, prying ears, and hundreds of other things that made this an improper place to speak of...undesirables.

Shara bade the apprentice to leave, and then turned Alicia. “Ayra.”

Oh yes, he remembered her name, he remembered them all. “It has been long since we have seen you.”
Varis was at the edge of the construction site, using the force to lift various objects that the standard workers couldn't reach. Unfortunately, his ability of Telekinesis was limited, and so he was restricted to lifting smaller objects, but still more than the average man could lift. Luckily, there were many Sith lifting and building, working together rather well in Varis's opinion. Something made him doubt that the Jedi had put this much effort into building their temple, yet he was no expert. If the group wanting to inhabit a place did not have the effort to build and care for it, they didn't deserve to be there.

And that is exactly why the Jedi were no longer here.
Seras so wanted to ask 'Then where? or When?' but she knew better and stood there seeing the lord approaching as she gave a bow of her head and turned on her heel. "Understood." She walked away and moved to continue looking at the rest of the construction efforts and the droids that were around. There were plenty of monuments they were creating and she would work where needed until it was time to properly discuss.
Manarai Mountains
Former Ruins of the Flames of Umate Cult
Area of the new temple dedicated to the Goddess of Vahl

Darth Nephthys would stand quietly at the back, not for lack of hubris, but because her crimson eyes were ever watching and observing all.

For the present time, she would continue to do this, taking in as much information as she could. There was pride in rebuilding the memorials in honor of Sith past. There was pride in Tradition.

The Goddess deemed it so.

All she could do is simply bow her head in reverence, for while others would look towards building memorials of Sith, her task had come to build a vast temple for the Goddess of Vahl herself.

It was to be a great and glorious tribute to the white haired and black eyed Goddess that symbolized the destructive and chaotic nature of the Dark side of the Force. It would contain meditation chambers, atriums, and deep within the inner sanctum reinforced with turadium steel and the entirety of the sanctuary carved out of nihil smokestone, to include a sacrificial altar that would carve paths onto the floor where the blood price to the Goddess would river through.

Here was to be a grandiose start.

The monks of the Flame of Umate were the first to convert, either by willing tribute or by the manipulation of their minds. It would be secured by the faithful Immortal soldiers trained to protect the Chosen of Vahl and the faithful. Wearing armor crafted of the hides of Terentaktek’s, and gauntlets and masks of phrik, they were a force to be reckoned with.

Yes, it was only the beginning.
The massive undertaking had begun. With dozens of transport and cargo freighters landing minute by minute among the former glory of the Jedi Temple, the work had soon shifted into the promise of something darker, and perhaps something greater than the once icon to the Jedi Order. A monument to those who had sacked Coruscant, and drove out the Republic from their home world. The movers and the shakers of the One Sith congregated for the convened purpose of putting their own work of marvel upon the Capital planet of the deep core. Droids lifted heavy material, moving it from place to place as the foundations were being fixed upon the mountain base. The once proud Temple had originally been fashioned onto one of the few underground mountains that long ago had covered the face of Coruscant until it became the city planet it was today.

With the distractions, the noise, and the numerous congregations of workers, droids, and Sith alike -- it was no wonder that the merry little Gizka was having a field day of hopping about to let it's wandering reptilian eyes take in the sights, and it's sensitive olfactory senses revel in the smells. With the continued chase scene from the enigmatic slug well on the lizard's heels, it took full advantage of ducking under smaller objects and weaving around the legs of droids as they carried massive beams of metal to and from the site. There was work to be done here, and it was being well coordinated, and yet oddly enough it seemed as if this site was not barred from strangers. While Nazo and his pet roamed free, there was not cause or want to stop their travels around, in between and directly in front of members of the One Sith.

A small pause was taken in, as the Gizka planted his clawed feet and turned back to his Master. A tilt of the head while large beady eyes washed over Nazo. There was an understanding between them, and it echoed in silence while the pair watched each other before a slow nod was given by the masked figure standing several feet away. The two shard a bond, a mind meld that allowed each other a certain understanding that could remain completely unspoken between sentient and non-sentient alike. Bring crimson scales upon the back of his pet glowed brighter, as the hungry and somewhat maddened state of the lizard turned and scurried off. He'd found a bug! And now the chase was on. Darting back and forth, surprisingly agile for a creature whose main form of locomotion was hopping. Nazo watched his progress as it pounced several times, snapping it's barbed teeth at the insect while it scurried along for it's life.

The unfortunate timing of the chase though meant that there were going to be some collateral damage for certain. Nazo had already pieced together several problems with their presence, and yet it had gone unheeded or unnoticed within the gathering. His Misanthropic attitude towards most sentient life however did not waver the calm facade for which the robed figure stood. Only the breeze fluttering the cloth that hung over his exoskeletal frame while he watched in earnest as the comings and goings of both his pet, and the Sith. That bug however, it was trying it's best to not become a meal ticket, and had found that purchase on another was the key to survival. The cloth garbed leg of a Mon Calamari seemed to be it's perch. That is until the hopping Gizka eyed the crafty insect and bounded several times before jumping directly at [member="Darth Veles"], and aiming to take the bug's life at last. The insect immediately had the sense to get out of dodge, but the leg remained. Should the barbed teeth take purchase, the genetically engineered venom coursing through Nazo's friend would slip right into the bloodstream causing unpleasant reactions.

Using the construction droids and their work had been going well. Balaya had them with the plans and all the other tombs were being built into, carved and designed to reflect the great ones but there was more. She had the stone and metal being brought in and cut to specifications. Her hands going over while she focused seeking with the force and pouring energy into everything she could. She wanted these to stand the test of time and destruction from their enemies. She could feel the others arriving and it was all a very powerful thing with these sith gathered to turn the world into something different.
Caught in his daydreaming and imagining great monuments in place that used to be the Jedi Temple, the Mon Calamari almost did not notice more of his fellow Sith. Of course, the Force told him of their arrival, notified him of their presence. One of his eyes remained fixed at Lord Shara, while the other surveyed the surroundings. His piercing gaze first hit [member="Cale Gunderson"], as Veles still remembered the man's signature in the Force from the day the two fought against the Jedi on Coruscant. A great battle that was, and the two Sith had overpowered the Jedi foe and forced her to retreat. Despite that, the man remained as a turncoat and a potential traitor in the Mon Cal's eyes. If he betrayed his friends so quickly and with no hesitation, who said he could not do it to the One Sith? Those who turned too quickly usually quickly turned back and Veles did not want to see the greatest of Sith Orders fall because of treachery among its members.

The cybernetic orb moved on, noting the arrival of a strange big... thing. This was the first time Veles witnessed something like that, although the creature still was not as large as great Lord Shara. It would have been quite intimidating of not for the gizka that appeared between its legs and ran away, the giant chasing it almost immediately. What a way to ruin the first impression. The right eye frowned upon watching the scene that looked fairly grotesque, whoever the large being was must have forgotten this was not a comedy club. Rotating his eye elsewhere and sighing, the Mon Calamari ignored the robed creature, or at least attempted to as it continued to run around like headless chicken, chasing after the gizka.. Did the One Sith really have to accept any Force sensitive who asked for it? This was not going to end well... Maya would have solved this particular problem a bit, but Maya's been captured by the Dark Jedi and most likely dead or brainwashed by now. Shame. If he could, he would have happily traded this seemingly crazy creature for his apprentice.

When the work began, Veles moved to help the workers and keep an eye on them. He realized some probably were not here voluntarily, which meant someone had to watch over them and ensure they did their work properly. He respected honest work, they had to learn how to respect it as well, it was their work, after all. The workers received a friendly smile and a nod from the Mon Cal before they started. This project will feed many families. The Sith Master's telekinetic came to use as he lifted heavy objects instead of letting several men do it. It was faster and did not tire the workers, the only one losing energy could easily replenish it with some meditation. The young Sith knew next to nothing about building though; therefore Veles listened to the men, guided by their instructions. This might do wonders with those who still doubted the intentions of the One Sith, seeing one of them receiving commands of mere workers.

His peripheral vision suddenly noticed the gizka coming right at him. Given he already held a heavy stone block in his telekinetic grasp, Veles could not afford being distracted by the beast's jump. Maintaining his focus on levitating what he held, the Mon Cal's right leg kicked out, the booted foot meeting the gizka in its flight, causing it to fly back. Putting the stone block in its place, Veles' piercing gaze found [member="Nazo"]. "Please get your pet out of here so it does not disturb the workers."

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