Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Menacing Light

Ellya was flattered by this gesture and her emotions were highened quite possibly for the rest of the day. She felt happy she had met somebody who she could trust and who would understand her. It was a near impossible thing to meet someone like that in the huge galaxy. A miracle had happened.

"So to the city we go."

She smiled to the man and kept walking.

"I know of a few places to go there. I can show you some of them. Or why not take a look at all?"

Seeyeh rolled to the girl with the understanding that they had finished their business at the grasslands, but he was surprised to see a Praefecti stag following her. Most of the group had come back to the two, the one animal Connor had befriended being one of these.

"Tell me something about you. What will you do when you leave the planet? What is life like where you actually live?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

With a curt nod, Connor followed as they walked once more with their little droid guide along to the city. His Force senses prickled, and he turned to note the magnificent stags were amassing behind them. Not on top of them, but casually following as if they were in a pack. They grazed, and moved forward, and so on.

He smiled and turned back to Ellya to answer her question.

”Thank you, as much as you care to show, I will take everything I see and learn away and make sure this planet stays untouched by the Order – there is no demand or no want for the Force warriors we call Jedi here.”

They followed the tweeting astro droid on a stone bridge that started to lead them up into the city.

”When I leave I’ll return to Voss, where the Silver Jedi are based. I was born on a planet called Anaxes, but left there to go to Coruscant when I was young to follow the Republic Jedi. From there, fate brought me to the Silver Jedi and Voss, and that’s where I call home. It’s a beautiful planet, actually quite like this one, but not as in touch with nature I don’t think. Lots of waterfalls, jungles and ancient ruins. And I’ve not even seen half the planet yet.”

He turned again to the stags still following them.

”You know the stags are following you? Looks like you’ve got your pet.”

"They are?"

The girl was clearly surprised. Had she really befriended the stag she had formed the bond with? Was the bond really so strong that the animal couldn't stand against it?

"Is your stag there, too?"

She tried to do something for the first time again. That was sensing what was near to her. After shortly thinking about how she should do that, she understood she'd have to use the ripples again. But how? She had heard even Masters at the Force sometimes had struggles at doing that. How would she do that?

She had sensed ripples before, but poorly. She couldn't just use them to gain information of her location.

With some focus, Ellya was able to get 'control' over the one ripple. And with that, she was able to portray what was going on. Though the picture was short, foggy and in black and white, she did understand the amount of stags following them was not one or two, but practically a whole pack.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

He walked backwards for a few steps beside her.

”I…I think so, they sort of look the same to me, but I think he is. I think they’re all milling around. You’ve touched them. You did it.”

Connor smiled and went back to walking forward, looking at Ellya. He could sense she was trying again to use the Force.

”Take your time. Don’t rush. Picture what you feel and let the Force paint the picture for you.”

Picture? Eh... she felt like she would never let that happen again. Unless she was completely sure she would see what was going on around her, not what the galaxy struggled with. That was terrible.

But like taking different threads into her hand, she started using more and more ripples of the Force, one by one, and started to see a cleared picture of everything. All details became sharper, soon colours took the place of black and white... she didn't know what colours they were or how they were called, but they were beautiful.

Then she saw Connor. The picture of seeing another person so sharp got her to lose her breath for a moment.

It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. And even though she had just said she would never want to see anything, for once she wished her eyes would work.

"Thank you."
The words came out of her heart with no real reason for saying them. Her lips just took the needed shape on their own, tongue moved without the aid of the girl's brain and the vocal cords seemed to completely disobey the girl.
[member="Connor Harrison"]


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