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Mercenaries and Invasions

Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I think the impetus is really here on the would-be mercenary factions to go out and sell their services. Also there's nothing that says mercs from the same unit can't fight on different sides in a battle, even if not necessarily against each other (and given the new format for invasions, why not RP out the complications with such an arrangement).

Otherwise I would have to agree with the powers that be, this seems like over complicating a simple and relatively problem-free system.


just hire mercy for dominions and skirmishes. That'll bring up their activity, as invasions have that one invasion at a time rule for allies.

Why do one long, long, long (and sometimes tedius) thread when you can hop into some dominions, help out a major faction spread that cloud, and get recognition for it.
[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I think I am slightly misunderstood. Yes, you can and should definitely turn to allies first rather than mercs but what about factions where the coin is worth more than word and honor.

I really don't get how allowing mercs to be mercs in invasions are going to overcomplicate things, maybe you're right and I am wrong and this is where we differ in our viewpoints.

Right now as I see it mercs as a company of 10 PC (e.g) can join invasion as long as they hit Join Faction prior to the invasion. Cool, maybe that is good enough, I guess ?
I dunno, if I want to join invasions I just participate as a citizen.

Like honestly, I can just rp that I have a "home" in a major faction, join said faction, Roleplay now and then in a Dom or two as me being a normal citizen, and I'm still considered a member to join.

It honestly isn't that difficult to just be faction social.
I probably have one of the longest standing and most active Mercenary companies on the board. Saeva Incorporated has taken an active place in 9 invasions, 16 skirmishes, 0 dominions(suck it PVE), and multitude of Faction Threads.

At any point and time Saeva has probably 3-4 active members and at least two of those tend to slip into most every invasion.

A change like this isn't needed, and also it's unbalanced. While I've called for something like this in the past, I've realized that it will just create poor form and issues of balance. The 10 Ally slots exist for a reason, to make sure that no one gets bumrushed by a heralding of outsiders. Having a rule like this would just make it so any group of people who are extremely active can jump into any invasion and completely tip the scales, entirely invalidating the Ally slots in the first place.

If you're a mercenary company just PM the Faction Owner for the ally slots you need. If you are actually active and worth a damn you're guaranteed to be given them.

I speak from experience.
Zeradias Mant said:
Major factions are allowed to hire up to (insert number here) independent mercenaries or mercenary groups in addition to their five ally slots for invasions. Contracts must be set up in character prior to the start of the invasion. Mercenaries affiliated with either major faction are not allowed to be hired for invasions. Mercenaries cannot participate in two consecutive invasions involving either major faction previously involved in the prior invasion.
An ally slot is not an IC construct, we're using the term ally because it fits best. Everyone from mercenaries, actual allies, and volunteers that are not a member of the faction they are giving aid to fall under the "Ally" allotment.
[member="Aryn Spar"]

Wouldn't a faction that has, say 30 active PCs, versus a 10 active PCs faction be sort of a bumrushing as well and the situation considered as uneven scales ?

I still feel that with a little bit of thought to it, my initial idea may work well and we could end up seeing a rise in mercenary factions.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Yet, even at the current situation, merc faction can simply lend their services by clicking Join Faction prior to an invasion and thus fight as part of that faction. Thus, what I mean is, that tipping the balance is still possible even at the current simple system that we have, or am I wrong ?


Well-Known Member
[member="Zef Halo"] i think this should all come under a bigger heading, what constitutes a member of a faction. As the mercs could join the faction as part of contract, and thus not require to take up an ally spot.

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