Prophet of Bogan
The masked acolyte idly tilted his head in acknowledgement, suppressing a small chuckle at her guesses. When
Alina Tremiru
made that last remark however he began to laugh.
He shook his head in his fit of laughter, calming after a moment and catching his breath again. "Heh, I'm flattered that you think so. Your first guess was the closest to the truth though, if you want the actual answer." He reached up and tapped on his mask where his left eye would be under it. "This one isn't really flesh anymore, and I'd rather the enemy not get the bright idea to throw some sort of EMP at me."
That and Alisteri liked having the ability to hide his expressions, really helped to sell a lie or but on a brave façade when all your opponent could see was an emotionless piece of metal. Plus it helped to sell the dark and spooky aesthetic, but no one needed to know that.
He shook his head in his fit of laughter, calming after a moment and catching his breath again. "Heh, I'm flattered that you think so. Your first guess was the closest to the truth though, if you want the actual answer." He reached up and tapped on his mask where his left eye would be under it. "This one isn't really flesh anymore, and I'd rather the enemy not get the bright idea to throw some sort of EMP at me."
That and Alisteri liked having the ability to hide his expressions, really helped to sell a lie or but on a brave façade when all your opponent could see was an emotionless piece of metal. Plus it helped to sell the dark and spooky aesthetic, but no one needed to know that.