Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Merry Sithmas | Eternal Empire & Friends

Prophet of Bogan
The masked acolyte idly tilted his head in acknowledgement, suppressing a small chuckle at her guesses. When Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru made that last remark however he began to laugh.

He shook his head in his fit of laughter, calming after a moment and catching his breath again. "Heh, I'm flattered that you think so. Your first guess was the closest to the truth though, if you want the actual answer." He reached up and tapped on his mask where his left eye would be under it. "This one isn't really flesh anymore, and I'd rather the enemy not get the bright idea to throw some sort of EMP at me."

That and Alisteri liked having the ability to hide his expressions, really helped to sell a lie or but on a brave façade when all your opponent could see was an emotionless piece of metal. Plus it helped to sell the dark and spooky aesthetic, but no one needed to know that.


Yeah, scars made sense. More though, the fact he'd hide his cybernetics to avoid counters was pretty smart. What an opponent doesn't know is your advantage, or something. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius was far more wise than she expected from an Acolyte. Though, maybe he was an older fellow. Hard to tell with the mask after all.

"Well, maybe I should invest in a mask. Though I need all I can get, so covering my face might limit me sight.." She trailed off to pounder the thought, but shrugged it away. "You wanna get a drink? Oh, actually. Can you get me a drink? I'm pretty sure my mother has someone watching it so I don't drink and 'embarrass' her or something." God that sounded so childish. But given what her mother could do to her, she didn't dare openly defy the woman.


"I'd really appreciate something to help this night go by."
Prophet of Bogan
In truth the acolyte had no real explanation for why he always wore the mask. Sure the reasons he gave were part of it, but Alisteri didn't bother sorting his own head out. He supposed in the end he just liked wearing it, and he was satisfied with that explanation.

"Some masks are harder to see out of than others for sure." He knew that there were all sorts of types of mask out there, but he was far from an expert on such things. A small tilt of his head expressed a bit of confusion at her words, but he nodded to Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru with a small chuckle. "To each their own I suppose. I'm not a fan of drinking myself, I don't think I'm old enough for one either, but I think I have an idea."

A small smirk evident in his voice, he slipped out of his seat and made his way over to speak with the officer that he was supposedly 'babysitting' and returned a moment later with a drink in hand. "I must say that he was all too excited to offer a Sith their first drink, but it was meant for me to be fair." He spoke as he returned to the table, setting down the beverage that he had acquired. Although he didn't know what exactly was in the glass if he was honest, drinks weren't his area of expertise.
Parties, she hadn't been to one since her former husband had disappeared seemly without a trace, since she lost rule of her rightful planet and was force out among the stars. She had remained with the other concubines mot wishing to br out on public instead choosing to grieve silently away from public eye, however some of the concubines managed to convince her that getting out and about would do her some good, years of staying out of social events was not a good thing

So saki came, wearing akin to sith ceremonial robes with the colors of her masters house, walking through the crowd glancing about as she huffed in annoyance as she made her way to the drinks and grabbed a flute as she sipped it and just idly watched the crowd


There were a couple of masks that Alina should probably invest in. One being a lid on her emotions showing in her face. A grin formed as he said he would get her a drink. "Technically I don't think I am either, but eh. This party kinda sucks." She couldn't hide the relief this would likely bring for her. Even the lightest buzz would mean she might zone out enough for the night to fly by. The young woman sat up more properly, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest. She watched Darth Strosius Darth Strosius curiously as he chose to get a drink from the Officer he was supposed to be guarding.

When he sat down she accepted the drink and pretty quickly downed it. Then grinned to her fellow.
"Never known someone fearing for their lives enough to get a bodyguard to be so gracious in giving said bodyguard booze."
"Oh my goodness!"

"It's so pretty!"

Willow and Ivy walked into the ship, all wide-eyed and light on their feet. The siamese twins conjoined both at the hip and just below the shoulderblades wore gorgeous matching corsetted outfits with pretty hats to this festive celebration. They didn't wear shoes, mostly due to the fact that they couldn't agree on whether or not to wear heels. To wear two different kinds of shoes would mean that one twin would be taller than the other and therefore put a strain ontheir attachment. So in the end they settled for no shoes at all, which was no big deal since they weren't outside.

The last time that they were on a huge vessel was when they were on board Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe ' Destroyer. Somehow the twins had managed to contact him and with thehelp of Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , were able to get the rescue party out before the Destroyer was blown up. The twins slept for two days after that, having both used a lot of energy and also due to tge trauma of what they bore witness to.

Getting to go to this party was a bit of a reward for their services. Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt was their employer and their continued loyalty earned them more freedoms and rewards. This was their last little part of their venture before they'd go back to his Sky Palace.

With their arms wrapped around eachother's waists, they looked about for their special friend Bat Rum Hilt Bat Rum Hilt , most especially Willow. It wasn't highly likely that he'd show, but it would've been the icing on the cake if he was. Bat was a very attentive lover that treated the pair as though there was nothing abnormal about them at all. And after spending their lifetime being gawked at and put on display to show off their gifts, they relished in the chance at normalcy.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Vexillium
Equipment: Polyweave Elegant and cute attire | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Saryn Naberrie | Open
The young man didn't seem nearly as prepared as Ingrid. The woman kept an eye on the current political situation across the galaxy (which was a pretty tedious job anyway) as she always loved to be informed about everything. The young man, on the other hand, did not follow what was well known about the woman that Ingrid had been the head of intelligence before.

”If you are moving in the highest circles, you need to know the current political situation, otherwise you will not survive for long. That's why I know who you are.”

She didn’t mention her intelligence past, sooner or later the young man will know anyway, especially if he looks after everything. Given that she didn’t know who was going to come, so she didn’t make any gifts for anyone, she didn’t expect anything like that, especially not from strangers. She will get enough in the near future anyway when the wedding and the coronation are held at the same time. She didn't want that coronation, just the wedding. In silence, calmly, not before the eyes of the entire galaxy. But she no longer really had a choice in that.

”That's wonderful, thank you!”

She said kindly. She found it really beautiful, even if she wasn’t really used to wearing jewellery anyway, at most events like this one now. But work or similar time does not. After all, her position as an empress was also mostly a military leadership position, meaning she was in military uniform for most of the day. Aside from such events, she dressed as Adrian or Tubrok only in pretty and sexy clothes, or under her agent's work when it’s needed.

”What plans do you have, what will you do in the Sith Empire? And your sister?”



Saryn Fitz-Kierke

"Whatever my master requires, I suppose. Same for my sister. It's not often you get picked by the former Sith Emperor of all people for such a role.", Saryn said with a smile. "At any rate, I'm glad you like the present! I best go check on the others. I shan't keep you, your highness.", he said, politely curtsying in his dress before departing to where the festivities were taking place.

Amongst the crowd, he spotted a familiar face, one of his fellow Concubines. He quietly snuck up behind Saki, before giving her a tight playful hug from behind. "Hey Saki!", he said with a smile. "Glad to see you snuck aboard my ship to join us. I'm loving the outfit.", he said, giggling softly. "It's quite lively here, isn't it?"

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Saki lin Saki lin
She had been so preoccupied idly looking about the party that she hadn't felt Saryn Naberrie's presence sneaking up slowly behind her. So when his arms went around her in a tight hug she nearly turned to bring her fist to his face but stopped as she realized who it was and sighed

saryn... you need to be more careful darling about sneaking up on people

She said relaxing and offered a sweet smile wrapping a arm around him pulling him close into the hug as she chuckled and looked around the room with a sigh

thank you, one of the others suggested it, and yes this party is quite lively its...its nice I suppose that the others talked me into actually coming
Prophet of Bogan
The masked man blinked in surprise at the speed by which Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru downed the drink; hoping in the back of his mind that she downed it quickly due to it not being a very hard drink. If it wasn't, then he was both mildly and concerned and impressed.

Her remark caused him a moment of pause, clearly caught off guard.

"Oh, well you see..." He cleared his throat as a cover to give him a moment to think of an excuse. "That officer is notorious for...shall we say not making the best decisions when he's had a drink or two. I have to keep an eye on him for a reason after all, don't want him getting into any trouble here." Alisteri replied, doing his best to sound and appear nonchalant.

Hopefully by the time this night was done that officer would have had enough drinks to be convinced of the acolyte's story as well, just in case he needed a second confirmation on his little lie.

"One drink never hurt anyway right?"

Saryn Fitz-Kierke

Saryn smiled, wrapping his arm around Saki's waist. "Why don't we go mingle at the bar? I see a few interesting folks. It might help you get back into the swing of things!", he said with a confident nod, guiding himself and Saki over there to greet the pair of interesting individuals who'd caught his eye. "Hey there, strangers!", he said with a smile, before peering at Alina's dress. "Oh em gee! Your dress looks lovely!", he said with a wide smile, examining it with interest. "It's very festive! I feel like I dressed for something fancier than I needed to."

He giggled softly, before waving over the bartender. "A glass of wine for me, please! And whatever these three might want. I'm buying.", he said with a warm smile. The bartender nodded, rushing to fetch his drink and take the orders from the others.

Saki lin Saki lin
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru
The twins were used to being on their own. More often than not, people usually only approached them because they wanted to either exploit them or try to free them. Some had the assumption that the two were slaves to Broka, but they didn't see it that way. They were given massive suits in his Palaces, guards to watch over them, some credits and even a free drink every day. Slaves never had it so good, did they? Their payment was only their continued loyalty and using their special gifts to help him in all of his dealings and meetings. In some sense they were advisors to him. He didn't dote on them, he didn't treat them any different than any other of his employees. The twins were quite certain that they weren't special to him at all, yet knew that he didn't want to lose them to anyone else.

The Galaxy was a massive place and it's only been recently that the twins had even left Nar Shaddaa to travel some of it's depths. Compared to the desert planet, the Galaxy was cold and so were it's people. Not that everyone was a joy to be around on Nar Shaddaa either. But it was much more ruthless out there. So many were out there to kill and dominate everyone else. Even those that claimed to be good weren't to be entirely trusted. Without Broka and what he had provided for them, they'd be lost....

Various people milled about, mingling and pairing up. The twins never had to worry about pairing up for they always had eachother. There was never a moment in which they were ever apart. Even while one was transported in the other dimension, they were still connected to eachother, still could hear eachother and feel eachother. Their minds were still joined. How anyone could be alone was a scary thought. No doubt they didn't know what they were missing, for if they had, they surely wouldn't ever want to be alone ever again.

The twins had glimpsed into their own future before and it scared them immensely. In it they had been forced to separate by doctors or scientists and such a separation had caused Willow to die. Such a vision had given them nightmares and gave Ivy all the more reason to protect her sister and for the two of them to get away from anyone that would suggest that separation was for their own good. Separation would never be good for them.

With almost a graceful gait, the twins walked over to the dance floor to dance with eachother. Their timing was perfect as they knew what they'd be doing. At times they'd be on their tippy toes, and moving their arms as they performed a sort of ballet for eachother. The music was beautiful, they felt beautiful and it was a fitting end for their journey away from home.


Hard or not didn't matter to Alina. Though this drink was definitely of the harder variety. She laughed out a hiss at the subtle burn before grinning to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . She wasn't so naive that she wouldn't realize she caught her fellow in a lie, but she wasn't going to push for it either. "One drink makes the night bearable. You're the only one here that doesn't make me cringe. Why, if I hear someone compliment my dress again I'll probably.." She cut off as Saryn Naberrie made his way over with Saki lin Saki lin in tow. The disbelief was there for a moment, but there none the less.

She did her absolute best to hide the cringe at such a comment on her attire, instead forcing the fakest smile he probably had ever seen. "Ah. Thank you. It is.. Comfortable." It wasn't, but that was the only thing she could think up in that moment. The smile faded as she practically stood up from her seat, suddenly alert. "Whisky. Please. Just. Whisky."
Prophet of Bogan
The acolyte glanced at Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru curiously, a small smile settling on his face before he spotted Saryn Naberrie and Saki lin Saki lin approach them. He quickly moved his hand up to the front of his mask as he did his best to stifle the small laugh that threatened to escape due to the ironic situation. To be fair, she was in a nicer state of dress than he was.

Clearing his throat to hide what little bit of a laugh had escaped, his gaze returned to the two newcomers.

He nodded to the two once he had recomposed himself. "At least you have the opportunity to get dressed up at all right?" Alisteri offered, shaking his head when the bartender looked at him expectantly. "Nothing for me sorry, I'm not into drinking myself." Of all the times to try his first drink, he'd rather not do it in a place where he could make a fool of himself.

"I don't believe I've met either of you before, I'm Alisteri Haxim."
saryn darling i-

She was cut off, not really wanting to put a effort into fighting him over such a trivial matter she allowed herself to be pulled along by him towards the bar and subsequently the pair of strangers. Saki glanced the wo over a little, not quite sure about them the female seemed to go on alert and stand up putting saki on the alert as she took a quick glance around with her eyes before they focused back on the two

just some nabooian wine please

Akimg a seat she patted her side, feeling around for her saber, after everything shes been through it stayed with her if she could help it

saki lin...former warrior for the one in service to lord carnifex
Saryn Naberrie
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru

Saryn Fitz-Kierke

Saryn smiled at Alina. He sensed her inner annoyance about his compliment, realizing she wasn't exactly comfortable right now, so he endeavoured to correct his error, leaning in to speak quietly. "Apologies. Didn't realize you didn't like it yourself at first glance. Not a dress person like I am, I'm guessing?", he said with a soft giggle. She'd like realize his own force sensitivity at this stage.

Saryn then introduced himself. "My name's Saryn! Saryn Naberrie. I'm a "servant" of the former Emperor.", he said with a nod, smiling warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alisteri! Cool mask.", he said with a nod, retrieving his newly poured drink and sipping it with a content sigh.

Saki lin Saki lin
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru


Her gaze shifted to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius with a slight smirk. "Not too late. What say we swap outfits for the evening?" Yeah, booze was affecting her a little bit. Still, made her feel less annoyed about the situation. Alina leaned back in her chair more comfortably as her attention returned to Saryn Naberrie and Saki lin Saki lin . "I don't like dressing up is all. Sorry." This time her smile was actually genuine, if also apologetic. She had no idea of his force sensitivity though. She couldn't sense it.

Though the fact they served the former emperor had her eyes wide with admiration. She sat right up, glancing between the two. "Is he really as big as they say? I mean, I didn't think it'd be possible. No humanoid should really get that large." There was a light laugh. "I can't imagine having to look up at him if he is. Being that tall is crazy." Another pause before she cleared her throat, embarrassed for a moment.

"Ah. And I'm Alina. Alina Tremiru."
I dont quite prefer being this dressed up, but I figured I needed to look good for getting out after a year of being away

For her first true social interaction she was actually relaxed, she looked as the wine was served and picked her glass up smelling it first before she took a small sip and sat it down. Looking to Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru she couldn't help a smile then a laugh as she nodded

I'm 6 feet tall and this man is nearly 3 feet taller then i! His presence demands attention...oh dear I was about to ramble about him

There was a small flush to her face as she bowed her head

it is a pleasure to meet both of you, glad to meet such pleasant company at this party
Saryn Naberrie
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Prophet of Bogan
The masked man idly cocked his head towards Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru for her remark, stifling another small chuckle in response. His main focus however was trying to wrap his head around the fact that Saryn Naberrie and Saki lin Saki lin were servants of the previous emperor. He hadn't lived under the rule of the Sith Empire long, but even he in his short time as a Sith had heard plenty of stories about the former emperor.

In truth he was glad that Alina was asking them questions for a moment, as it saved him from doing the same.

"It is a great honor to meet the two of you as well." He finally spoke after a few moments of silent contemplation, punctuating his sentence with a small and respectful bow of his head. Alisteri idly felt himself shrink back in his seat as he tried to stem the flow of thoughts running rampant in his mind. Direct servants of the former emperor, servants of a demigod in his eyes, were standing before him and speaking as if they were ordinary people.

He inwardly promised himself to try and not make a fool of himself here.

If he did, he would never let himself live it down.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Vexillium
Equipment: Polyweave Elegant and cute attire | Shield talisman | Empyrean gland
Tag: Open
After handing over the gift, the young man did not stay long, but went to meet others. Somewhere inside her she envied his life could be so carefree, though not because once Carnifex bored him, and this is likely to happen, his life could turn into hell. Carefree life that she did not know. That's when she realized that despite waiting for Adrian to arrive, it wouldn't happen. She still often forgot that her husband was dead, Ingrid managed to suppress her pain and emptiness so well so this happened again and again.

So she already understood why Vex executives were more attentive to her than usual. She didn’t let it show on it, she had to play and act today that everything was fine, she was feeling great. The Empress was the host, this was expected of her, even if it was all the sharp opposite of the emotions she suppressed within herself. This day was still very long and she still had to be alone after that because Tubrok was staying in Kalidan. So she could only hope that Cal would be here. She was always happy for her best friend.

She looked through those who walked and were here, then looked up at the top of the dome, where she saw snow clouds and snow falls due to artificial holograms. At least it’s somewhat reassuring and peaceful. But since Adrian died, she had found nothing reassuring and peaceful. Held out her hand in a graceful, elegant motion, with her palm facing up, letting the holographic snowflakes “fall” on her palm.

However, when the snowflakes arrived, she found they were not holographic but real snowflakes. Smiled involuntarily, it was done for her, she knew…

<”Thank you, Sure!”> she whispered softly.



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