Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Message in a Bottle

To : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Hello


How have things been in the Centrality Region? From what messages I can filter through in the evenings, it appears work is already underway. Lots of salvage it appears, which I suppose is not surprising to anyone. A message from Zej mentioned dismantling much of the half-destroyed infrastructure. Is anything left or has it been pretty much razed? Looking forward to eventually visiting and seeing with my own eyes. A project we will be working on for years without a doubt.

Assuming you are remaining busy. How are things with Arceneau Trade? With Salacia? How is Makai holding up juggling everything? Anything of note on the personal front?

As for myself, I would assume I would be more busy but not the case. A lot of meditation, which I have not seen the point of yet. I suppose that is what I should have expected with a Jedi aligned place such as this. Most days, my mind just wanders to all the things I could be doing. Unsure of how long I can stay here ; keeping an open mind.

Appreciate the cookies, they were excellent. Wiped them out in the span of roughly two days.

I have been reading Makai's journal. One, its quite lengthy...did you read its entirety? Second, I wasn't aware I had raised such a sappy son. Maybe the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree in some aspects. I haven't gone too far in yet, I noticed you've flagged a great deal of pages.

Write soon, J.


>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

It is so lovely to hear from you. I was worried that you were too busy to write back or didn't receive it. Mama said she made sure she addressed it properly and had it specially delivered as fast as it could so you could get it right away.

How have things been in the Centrality Region?
Things are a wreck in the Centrality. The Bryn'adul Crusade left many of these worlds completely and utterly ravaged. It almost makes one want to cry at the amount of destruction. To think so much death and destruction. Species almost driven to extinction. It makes me wonder just why such terrible things occur in the galaxy.

Mama tells me it is just a cycle. No rhyme or reason. That all we can do is try to salvage and rebuild what we can and help out those we are able to. So, with that in mind, Mama, Makai, Persie, and Rue are all here in the Centrality. Mama wanted to keep everyone together since this was going to be such an intensive setup. We live in the residential areas of our newest sustainable ring station. Proud to say it is beautiful. We have forests and lakes, and with all the sustainable products from all of our companies, managed to set up a good stage of operations.

I'm sure by the time you get back you'll be very proud of all the work Makai is doing. He's been busy, but I think he's handling it well. He has so many great ideas, and the streamlining is doing wonders for cutting back, requiring his sign-off.

We are preparing for the wedding! I'm so excited. Mama, Persie, and Rue have been helping me pick out a few things, and Makai and I are getting down to the details. We want a small wedding at the farm. Are you going to be able to be there? I'd really wanted to talk to you about something but wanted to see how you were first.

I'm glad you are keeping an open mind about it all. I am not sure why you felt you needed to go there, but since you did, I hope you get everything you are looking for. If you need anything, let me know.

And yes, I did read all of Makai's journal. He gave it to me to read right before Life Day. For the longest time, I had thought that Makai wasn't thinking or even caring at all about me or that he'd been upset with me all this time. It was such a relief - and yes also ugly cry inducing - to read that was not the case.

If it is hard to talk about things, you should also keep a journal. Write your thoughts down unfiltered, just letting them flow. It might help you make sense of things.

I love you, and we all miss you.


To : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Re : Hello


Danger is right, these things tend to cycle. I always say we are at the mercy of whatever hairs the Jedi or Sith get up their ass this week. Bryn'adul an exception, but I think you understand my point all the same. I am sure the work put in by the companies will revitalize the region.

This space station ring sounds interesting ; sounds like some previous ideas on steroids. I can't wait to see it and see if it can be applied to other regions. Maybe in distant locations above ruined worlds while terraforming continues. Guess I won't know until I see it.

Makai...streamlining? I know nothing of this. Sounds like restructuring. I am skeptical but if you are proud then I am going to trust your judgement until I return and know more. Doing my best to not jump to conclusions.

Its good that you are moving forward with the wedding. The Farm sounds like a great location,I'm sure you've got several grand ideas in mind. I will be at the wedding, despite my feelings on the engagement I wouldn't miss the event for anything. I hope to be there at least a week or two before the big day, unsure of my day-to-day at the moment.

Circling back to the you think it helped Makai? Do you know if he keeps one now or did he stop once you were reunited? I'm aware Makai doesn't want me to know details of his personal life, just a general thought if you think it helped in a holistic manner or just in terms of your relationship.

How is Persie holding up? And your Ma?

Love, Judah

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

We are excited to see you and hope you like the ring station. Depending on when you are done, maybe you can join us? There is plenty of room. We can get you a nearby suite if you like or if you prefer your own space instead. It would be nice to be together again.

It is restructuring but it is helping things work out more smoothly. He showed me how much was being directed to you for final approval. No wonder you were so busy with work all the time! So much of that could have been delegated out to others like your local sector managers. Salacia is so large now that having final approval for minor items or project management concerns is just so exhausting. That's why Makai and I hired you two new assistants. They are great! Casteel recommended Hugo, who is so much like Casteel in his work ethic and personality. He's from Corellia and the youngest son of the Bancroft Shipwright fortune. He graduated from the University of Corellia, where he earned degrees in strategic finance and project management. I think you will really enjoy some great conversations with him.

As for the journal, Makai is still journaling. He has a new one that he's been writing down his thoughts and ideas, along with whatever goes on with his mind. He told me he figured out he is very goal-oriented, and if he writes things down, he can not only visualize but help figure out what they are, how to get there, and what may be the best plan to do so. Also, for everyday things, whatever comes up in his mind that he wants to jot down. I think it would really help you too. I'm sending you a journal in my next package. The leather binding made me think of you.

I hired Finor Havie, or Finn, as he likes to be called. He's a distant member of the Pantoran Royal Family, Finn made a name for himself at the Coruscant College of Law, excelling in negotiating and mediation studies and interning for several politicians. He has a far more laid back personality that I think you'll enjoy.

Persie is doing great! She really has an eye for fashion. Makai is taking her with him to all the sites, just like you used to with him. Only difference is that she is clothed from head to toe in the latest fashions, save for her combat boots. Her manners are improving and she's trying her best, but she also keeps asking when she is going to be taken away somewhere else or why we are showing her everything if she isn't staying. Makai and I agreed that she would stay with us anyway, and he's already calling her his sister. Persie is a really sweet girl, and she needs that stability. Makai and I really think are the only ones who can give it to her. We can talk about it more once you come back and see where you are at.

I'm glad you'll make it in time for the wedding. I'd have preferred that I ask you this in person, but would it mean so much to me if you would be the one to walk me down the aisle? After Daddy, you are the only other father figure I have, and I know Daddy would have been happy to have you give me away in his place.

I love you, and we all miss you.


To : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Re : Hello

Two new assistants? What happened to Mrs. Datos? Did she pass away? Are you having them work in conjunction with Mrs. Datos? Is there a reasoning behind having two assistants? Especially if the work load is now pushed to many of the sector managers? I assume you or Makai have compensated and provided assistants to the sector managers now due to the increased workload.

Know that I am grateful, just trying to understand a reasoning behind the thought process. I assume Makai has his own reasoning, I shouldn't be asking you. Apologies.

It's great to hear about Persie slowly coming along. I am not confident we will find Ezekiel, if he's even alive and no one has stepped forward. Are you certain you and Makai are ready for such an undertaking? Newlyweds typically need and want a little space, not sure how you two will deal with her and start off a marriage.Add in the mix you two are both incredibly young. Raising a child isn't like babysitting.

I would be honored to walk you down the aisle. Not sure if I will be able to not cry, however.

Just give me a general idea of what days you two plan on doing this. I don't see myself here long, but I don't think coming home is wise.

At least I will be able to move around and not be trapped on this asteroid. I will have to be on the lookout for your journal. If you say it's helped Makai then the worst that could happen is that I spent time writing and it didn't help me.

Ive gotten further in his journal. The beginning is disjointed and I suppose only made else to him. Skipping forward and we can discuss further next message if needed.

Love, Judah

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

I am so happy you agreed to walk me down the aisle! We plan to have the wedding this summer. I'll send you the details as soon as Makai and I finalize them.

Oh right. Mrs. Datos. Well, you remember how the holo tabloids somehow managed to know exactly where you, mama, and Daddy were and all these tall-tale gossips between you and Mama and Daddy? Turns out, Mrs. Datos has been the one giving out your schedule and telling them all kinds of rubbish. Since she knew yours and mama's schedule when she came round, she'd relay it over to the tabloids as well as the rest of the staff... Makai caught her red-handed gossiping how you didn't really go to a nunnery, but to some kinky Force retreat cult, the Jedi managed to convince you to go -- after some digging and investigating the entire corporate headquarters, they found all the evidence they needed on Mrs. Datos work comm and laptop.

So, Makai fired her, along with a few others. That's why we had to hire new assistants and made them sign non-disclosure agreements. Makai didn't want this to happen again, especially considering how far back it seems Mrs. Datos went in sending information. It turns out she was the one who told the tabloids you were setting Mama up as your mistress back when you were married to Makai's mom.

As for Persie, it isn't an issue. Makai is presently working with an architect to build us a home, and we are thinking of getting Persie set up with her own suite, just like Mama did with Makai and me when we were younger. Also, ain't like mama ain't happy to help out and have Rue spend time with Persie. Having them both hang out has been good for them.

Keep on with the journal; he gets better at actually writing his thoughts down the further along you go. You should be receiving the journal soon. If you do leave, let us know where so we can still keep in touch with you.

I love you, and we all miss you.


To : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Re : Re : Hello

Certainly disappointing news. Mrs. Datos worked for the company since Makai was a young boy. A shame it had to end this way but if she was comfortable enough to give out Danger and mine's schedule then what else was she comfortable enough handing out? Hoping no company secrets left with her, might have to start an internal inquiry.

I'm sure you both have it handled.

Where are you planning to build a home? Curious as to where you are deciding to settle.Hopefully you'll allow an old man to visit every so often.

As for the journal, I decided to skip around then. I've come to this portion at the moment...


It's a different kind of grief, to miss a person who is still alive. It's a type of torture, to keep missing them, holding out hope they miss you too.

I don't think you miss me at all.

Yet I can't let go. Funny thing, what the heart wants. It never listens to logic. Or reason. Doesn't matter how many times I tell it to let go, to force it to realize you are never coming back. It beats on stupidly, pining to see you once more.

I wish the exoboar would have taken me out. It would hurt less than every day that has followed since.

Which is why I won't be returning. I was on the fence but now, it's evident I cannot. The chance of running into you is too great.

Childish, some may say. Yet they don't have to deal with these feelings. The reminders of you. The empty space.

If they only knew. If you only knew.


What were you two kids up two as teenagers to have him feel this way? Context looks as if he reached out to you during this time. I'm not going to pry. My point is I had no idea. Maybe I missed the signs as a father, caught up in the trappings of life.


Forced to love someone who doesn't love me back. Often times I wondered in what ways I take after my father.

Apparently in terms of love and being left behind we are one in the same. Not what I had wished to inherit.

Destined to live out the same miserable existence he does.


Am I really that miserable? Things haven't been all bad.

Love, Judah

PS - Ending my time here. Going to Saluecami to be with my cousin on his ranch. Get some work in, some time with extended family, and sort out some thoughts. Continue to write, if possible.

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Re: Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

I hope you are doing well. Did you receive the journal I bought for you? I wasn't sure if you got it in time before you left. You might be in Salumecai now, if so, I hear it is nice this time of year. Send some holo pictures if you can to make sure you look as if you are eating right.

Yes, Makai has an architect all hired for the new place. The world is Joiol, located in the Orus Sector of the Inner Rim. Not too far out. And certainly would love for you to come visit anytime.

As for Makai's journal... so you reached that point. Well, remember on Corellia I told you it was... complicated. The way we ended our last fight the last go around before Makai left wasn't... the best. I wasn't at my best. I lashed out far too much and Makai left without a word. Needless to say, I think both of us were running hot, more him than me... and when he didn't come back. Well, at first I didn't answer because I was still very upset at him. He made me feel as if he were still viewing me as some sort of best friend instead of how I really wanted him to see me. The only issue is that I let it go too long and by the time I wanted to reply back I had back myself into such a corner thinking that Makai would be better off without my crazy self that I convinced myself it was better to not respond.

How could I face him when it was me who had chased him away?

Even after Makai came back and he said he wanted to be with me, it took me a while to really let go of... actually no, I still think fight with myself from time to time regarding the entire matter and blame myself.

As for being that miserable... I think that perhaps Makai had a particular viewpoint of you from a vantage you may not have. You't told me you haven't opened up to anyone save telling me a few things of what you went through and how you feel, and what you would rather I not have to suffer through like you did. Perhaps if one is in the same environment for so long that one becomes numb to it, that it just doesn't seem so bad because they've gotten used to it.

I don't know what Makai has seen to make him believe so, but perhaps you should send him a message and have a conversation with him to let him speak his mind regarding the matter so you can get clarity and perspective from a different set of eyes... while doing your best to not to get yourself wound up. I know you both got in a big fight, and I know that even before Life Day, you were both on tense terms, but a good conversation between the both of you would do you both some good.

I love you, and we all miss you.


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To : @ Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Re : Re : Re : Hello

I did receive the journal right before leaving, thank you for sending it. Very thoughtful. I will try my hand at using it. Not sure how well I will do but I am willing to give it a go. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Eating okay? I've been eating too much with nothing to do in the Nunnery. Happy to be on Saluecami and out in the fresh air with work to do. I'll take some holos and send them along , not much to see out here. Nothing but nerfs and Dashiells as far as the eye can see.

As for you two kids, seems there was a lot of miscommunication. Not surprised I suppose, you two seemed to run hot and cold at times. Add in the fact I don't think Makai could properly voice his concerns at all times. Not making an excuse of course, just an observation from the outside on in.Things I've noticed as I've watched him in the business world or at parties I think he's done better in that regard.

I don't think you chased him away ; not sure what he has told you about his mother. There was quite a bit going on during that time period. Don't think he was able to handle it all.

Circling back to myself ; not sure I am entirely miserable. I've mentioned to you that life hasn't turned out the way I've wanted. Does anyone's life turn out the way they truly want? I'm sure there are some people. For myself its reconciling the fact what I've wanted as come and gone and where do I go from there. Can't say I have any answers on that front. Not sure I ever will.

I don't like that. Again, got to realize there's not much I can do. Maybe some day it will get through my thick head.

-Love, Judah

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

I'm glad you received the journal before you left. Have you tried jotting down your thoughts on it yet? If it is hard, just try taking notes or whatever random ideas come to mind, in whatever way suits you best.

How is Salaucami? It sounds nice to be out in the open air. Is it anything like the farm?

You are right; it was a lot of miscommunication. What it took was Makai and I were purposeful in communicating and trying our best to clarify things to make sure we both were conveying what we meant. Even now, we are still working a few things out, but Makai promised he wouldn't leave, and I vowed I'd do my best not to let my emotions run my mouth. Every night, we take the time to talk to each other and just connect. There are so many things stressing us out here that just spending that time and coming to terms with that there is someone there who is willing to stand by your side and hold your hand is such a relief. Even if there isn't a fix, just being there is worth being purposeful in ensuring we are both doing okay.

Well, as far as what comes next for you, why not focus on what you can be purposeful towards? What are your goals? What do you want to do? How do you get there? You're gonna end up having a bit more time now with the streamlining, so it isn't like you'll be able to slip right into being a workaholic again -- don't deny it, you have been one practically for my entire life.

I love you, and we all miss you.


To : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
From : Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
Subject : Re : Re : Re : Hello

I've written down several notes on ideas for improving salvage operations. Also just some general thoughts on the Nunnery and my time there. Nothing groundbreaking at this point. I think its just trying to get in the habit of actual writing. Maybe the thoughts will flow in time - like you said with Makai's journal his thoughts grew more solid deeper into the journal. Perhaps the same path will emerge for myself.

Saluecami is great. The ranch is not quite like the Farm, but equally nice. Lots of wide open spaces and beautiful landscapes. Seeing a lot of family I haven't seen in awhile, I think I'm going to end this fifteen pounds heavier.

Stressing you two out? What is going on? Is it wise to get married if you're still working on things together? Do I need to leave Saluecami and come there to help? It won't be a big deal, I'd be happy to help. Nice you kids got each other but you're too young to be stressed out over problems you've got to shoulder because I'm off playing ranch hand.

Not sure if more time will help achieve the goals I want to reach. Maybe it will? Seems it just gives me more time to sit around and think, which would be counterproductive at this point. Then again, maybe thats running from the issue. Workaholic, as you just said.

What I want is not quite obtainable as one would think.Nor is it some linear path I can just achieve. Suppose I can focus on other aspects of the future. Or just hide away at more business parties. At least there's free drinks there, can't deny that is a perk.

How is your Ma? I've been worried about her since your father died. Maybe I should write her and see, although I suspect she wants to hear from me just as much as Makai does.

Love, Judah

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From : Myra Elspeth Arceneau < marceneaukuhn@arceneautrade.holo >
Subject : Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hello

Dear Judah,

Glad you are enjoying Salumacai. And no, not stressing. More like just working through the usual. I’m placing more emphasis on the ability to talk and enjoy each others company and rapport than the typical work stress. It’s making a purposeful effort to make sure we spend time together and unplug where we may.

It’s fine. Take the time you need. Although to be honest, only you know what that even implies.

As for mama, she’s been busy with work. Lots of items in the core worlds, especially the recent war. Had to try and mitigate a few things. You know her, can’t quite leave things for a holo because she feels she needs to try in person.

You can write to her as well, I don’t see why she wouldn’t respond. You are her oldest friend arnt you?

I love you, and we all miss you.


To : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau <danger@arceneau trade.holo>
From : Judah Dashiell <jdashiell@salacia.holo>
Subject : It's Been While


If you weren't aware, I've been in communication with Myra over the course of my stay away from the Farm. She recently mentioned I should write you as well as herself, considering I keep asking about you.

She also mentioned Makai, but that's on the back burner.

I'd like to start off by apologizing. I've been a real ass and subjected you to behavior unbecoming of our friendship. You've been the one constant person on my life and there was no reason to act in such a manner. I understand if you have no desire to deal with me considering my outburst.

I will apologize better in person, but I feel it would be remiss not to address in the issue in my first message.

Now, if you'are still reading...

How have things been? How have you been getting along since the funeral? I've been concerned but I know the kids are looking out for you. Myra mentioned you've been busy in the Core region, not turning into a workaholic are you?

Not that I have any room to talk.

How is Rue? And Persie? Myra tells me they want to raise her. Did you know about this? How do you think the wedding planning is going?

Myra asked me to walk her down the aisle, of course I'm honored no matter what my feelings.

Left the Nunnery and I'm on Saleucami now. It's nice here, you'd like it.

Missing You,


>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From: Danger Arceneau < danger@arceneau trade.holo >
Subject: Re: It's Been While


I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Myra mentioned she's been in touch with you. Reaching out to Makai is indeed a wise move; he's your boy, after all.

Apologies accepted. No need to stir the Giju pot any further. You made some valid points for my consideration, so let's consider it settled.

I'm managing as best I can. Trouble in the Core worlds has escalated, so my focus is on ensuring the well-being and safety of those under my employ and their families. Trade may continue, albeit subject to increased tariffs and regulatory inspections. Such are the trials of the trade, I suppose.

Rue is flourishing. She's taken to Persie and Makai quite well. Persie is really coming into her own, and it seems the child is gradually finding some stability. They've discussed their overall ideas with me, but only time will tell. At least they're setting firm boundaries. I caught Persie setting up a holo point presentation over breakfast; she had to wait until Makai and Myra finished their first cup of coffee to start. It felt like a shark tank pitch, but Persie was holding her ground with her research. Fashion seems to be her passion.

Pleased to hear you and Myra have resolved her query; she holds you in high regard. Perhaps we'll have the chance to meet shortly before the wedding then.

Enjoy your time in Saleucami.


Judah sat outside the expansive ranch home, lounging in the patio long after the sun had set. Fire was going in a small pit and he could hear some distant type of feral hound in the hills. Quiet otherwise, giving him time to process the note in his holomail box.

It seemed overall too business like for his liking. Maybe he was reading too much into the entire situation. Comm lit up his face in the dark as he began to type again.

To : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau <danger@arceneau trade.holo>
From : Judah Dashiell <jdashiell@salacia.holo>
Subject : It's Been While

Seems like everything is being handled fine then without me. Bit frightening to think of how things continue on without one person but also impressed they have continued without a hitch. Quite the paradox.

Nice to hear Rue is doing so well. I had been worried at first it would take her long to adapt to the family. Seems she jumped right in with the rest of the lot. As for Persie, I figured once she saw how things were she would be fine. No one has seen Zeke out in these parts or heard from him ; wonder if he's dead or in prison.

I plan on arriving about two weeks before the wedding so I believe we will have time to meet. Just want to get settled and see everyone and help out where needed. I'm sure the kids will know more and will have something for me to do by then.

Unsure what I'll do after the wedding. Suppose it depends on the state of the 'verse. Where do you plan on going? I can't see you staying in Centrality - Myra tells me that's where y'all are right now.

Missing you, Judah
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Danger gave a slow blink at the holomail. She held aloft a lit cigarillo between her fingers, the blue grey smoke trailing up towards the ceiling in a soft curl. It was late, she had been trying to negotiate with various companies and trade factions regarding the ongoing conflict in the Core Worlds. Things were getting tense. Even Arceneau Trade was having to make sure they walked on eggshells, crossed their t's and dotted their i's.

The last thing Danger wanted was to cause trouble with either government entity and ensure that the regular citizen was still able to get the goods they wanted. At least her transparency allowed her reputation to put her best foot forward.

Either way, the Queen of Trade gave a heavy sigh. She rubbed her forehead with her fingers, feeling an ache start there. What to do with Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell ?

On the one hand, he'd been her longest friend outside of Alric and done his best to support her as needed. On the other hand, he had made himself quite clear regarding boundaries that he did not want her to cross. Sure, he had apologized, but the remarks he made had merit.

As it was, she was too old to play games, and right now, if Judah was itchin' to send correspondence, the least she could do was continue the conversation.

It was the cordial and respectful thing to do, for the decades of their friendship and what he'd done his best to assist her with at least.

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From: Danger Arceneau < danger@arceneau trade.holo >
Subject: Re: Re: It's Been While


I think it best to consider it from the perspective that you gave your boy the ways and the means to be successful. He has, after all, been following your shadow ever since he was in short pants. Ain't much of a stretch to consider that with the knowledge you've imparted on him along with his schooling, would be a mighty fine combination to tackle any issues with the mind of one looking to streamline the process.

You certainly paid enough for that University of his to give him the sort of experiences you wanted him to learn. Consider it a win that it stuck and managed to pay out in dividends.

As for Rue and Persie, reckon having each other made the transition easier. Was no different than Makai and Myra sticking to each other like glue. Having someone round even if it isn't quite the same age is sure to assist. 'Sides, between Myra, Makai, and me, plenty of adults to still keep 'em together but give some space to breathe.

I'm sure you'll have plenty to do upon your return, be it business or family. I'd advise that you talk to Makai soon as you are able to have a decent conversation and talk things through. There's plenty of work in the Centrality with reconstruction, and I see no reason to part Persie and Rue in the interim. Depending on the state of the Core Worlds, might need to adjust my plans for recovery efforts there.

Hope you are recuperating well and enjoying Salaucami.


Eyebrow quirked a little. Something on the messages. Naturally, he was immediately worried. Here he was on Saleucami, off without a care in the universe, while something was potentially going sideways. Well, not quite without a care in the world. There was quite a bit he was sifting through, moving through on a personal level, in addition to helping the extended Dashiell family with various projects around the ranch.

Still, something seemed amiss. Nothing like their typical back and forth. Judah expected some distance, but this was like writing an Aunt one saw a couple holidays throughout the year, if that.

To : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau <danger@arceneau trade.holo>
From : Judah Dashiell <jdashiell@salacia.holo>
Subject : RE: Re: Re: It's Been While


Oh, I'm sure he's doing great with the streamlining. Not to mention the fact sometimes it is easier to see problems from the outside looking in. One gets used to operating a certain way, so I am grateful for his input and ability to make things work in new and more efficient ways. You and I both know that time equals credits and if one can save on time, we're saving on credits.

I'm glad the girls are getting along well. I was concerned upon first encountering Persephone. Sounds like she's finally getting the chance to find some stable ground and its nice to hear she's handling her time with Rue well. There's a bit of an age and experience difference, but in many ways Persie is just a lost little kid, so it makes sense.

To stop beating around the bush ; what's going on?

I'm not talking about the kids, or the girls, or the Core region, or business. I'm talking about with us.

Wait, don't answer that. I'm leaving Saleucami and coming to see you. I'll be there as fast as the hyperlanes take me, so a few days?

We've got some things to hash out face to face. This ain't cutting it.

See you soon,

Huila Station
The Centrality

"Oh, for feth's sakes," Danger would curse as she read Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's reply. Not quite the turn out she wanted. That wasn't to say that the Queen of Trade wasn't too keen on seeing the old salvager, but if he was trying to get his head screwed on straight and abruptly decided to cut his sojourn short off the fly, well this was only likely going to cause some sort of trouble.

Especially if Judah hadn't even done the basic necessity of talking with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell and hashing things out. The last thing anyone needed was a repeat of the argument Makai and Judah had while fixing the fence on Arkuhn farm. So while Danger prided herself on Huila Station, even these walls would not be able to contain the sort of yelling two Dashiell men in their prime were bound to take if they did the same here as they did then.

With a rub of her temples, Danger gave a weary sigh, before quickly responding. Maybe she could talk some sense into Judah to wait.

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From: Danger Arceneau < danger@arceneau trade.holo >
Subject: Re: Re: Re: It's Been While


There ain't nothing to stir the pot about, nor is there a reason to hightail it over here before you are good and ready. That good and ready being having the ability to take to your boy the way you are supposed to without getting defensive or irate with one another.

Please consider your actions before you decide to come over. You haven't even tried to talk to Makai since you left. How about you focus on that before you start caring about any other relationships in your life when your son should be the most important one.


To : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau <danger@arceneau trade.holo>
From : Judah Dashiell <jdashiell@salacia.holo>
Subject : RE: Re: Re: It's Been While

All the more reason to come ; I can talk to him in person. Two birds, one stone.

I'm already packed and about to head out. Seems we all will be seeing each other soon. Don't worry, I'm not going to step on any toes. I'm not coming to disrupt any processes in place. Seems there is a learning curve I will need to study up on before diving into any Salacia business to begin with. On a personal front, I'll say what I need to say and if you don't want me at the Station, I'm happy to make accommodations elsewhere.

Huila Station
The Centrality

Well, there was no helping it. With a sigh, Danger took another hit of her cigarillo and let the narcotic vice steel her nerves. This was either going to be a shit show or work out for the best.

>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

To : Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell < jdashiell@salacia.holo >
From: Danger Arceneau < danger@arceneau trade.holo >
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Been While


As you wish. I'll let the kids know you are heading this way shortly.

All the best,



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