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Metal Lords Gravity Ripper Rifle [DONE]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

  • Intent: To create a unique blaster equivalent and standard handheld ranged weapon for Metal Lords faction
  • Image Source: Deviant art, piece titled Ion Shotgun by AlexKonstad, link here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Metal Lords Of The Void, Abregado-Rae Guild Of Hammers
  • Model: Gravity Ripper/Flayer Rifle
  • Affiliation: Metal Lords, ARGH, Closed Market
  • Modularity: Addition of various scopes on the spine of the gun and attachments on the underbarrel, for example duranium bayonets
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Standard durasteel components with bronzium for aesthetics, duranium bayonets
  • Classification: Blaster/Gravity Rifle
  • Size: Handheld
  • Length: 50 cm
  • Weight: 2.7 kg
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: 150 shots
  • Effective Range: Battlefield 200 meters
  • Rate of Fire: Fully automatic
  • Bolts of Contained Gravity Disturbance
  • Scope Rail
  • Underbarrel Attachment Rail
  • Duranium Bayonet Slot
  • Bolts of Contained Gravity Disturbance- instead of firing bolts of plasma or laser energy to burn the target these rifles instead fire highly concentrated and contained bolts of gravitational disturbances or anomalies. These are approximately the size of a blaster bolt, have the same speed and range, but look like a contain bubble of warping air and twisting reality as it flies. Upon contact their containment field breaks and the anomaly tears, twists, and crushes the small area it hits, causing physical damage.
  • Scope Rail- the rifle has rail for scopes to enhance the user's accuracy, is usually comes with a computerized interface scope.
  • Underbarrel Attachment Rail- it also has an underbarrel rail for additional attachments such as miniature grenade launchers.
  • Duranium Bayonet Slot- next to the underbarrel attachment rail is a slow to fix bayonets, the standard bayonet is forged out of duranium and has a low degree of lightsaber resistance, due to the material's density lightsabers melt through it slower than durasteel, as such it can take a glancing blow

  • Physical Damage- the weapon causes solely physical damage as the gravitational anomaly tears, crushes, and rips away at the material it hits, exciting the atoms the jerk them back and forth rapidly. This is a very painful experience and especially effective against lightly armored or unarmored opponents as it usually quickly renders portions of flesh into a bloody mess, peeling the skin away as it was just flayed and occasionally ripping out portions of organs. The damage is comparable to a hit from a blaster bolt and is contained to a blaster bolt-sized area of effect.
  • Low Degree of Armor Penetration/Higher Body Penetration- While the brunt of the anomaly is focused on the surface it clashes with at the moment their containment field breaks, portion of the gravitational disturbance is thrown further beneath, how far is determined by the strength and thickness of the initial barrier. For example someone wearing heavy armor could have only their skin ripped open beneath it, someone with light armor would probably have their muscles flayed as well, and an unarmored soldier would probably have portions of their bone crushed and organs ruptured.
  • Lightsaber Phasing- electromagnetic fields, like lightsaber blades, do not trigger the containment field to rupture, as such the gravitational bolts just phase through them.
Weaknesses :
  • Low Armor/Mechanical Damage- while the weapon has a small degree of penetration on armor, most of the gravitational bolt's damage is taken by the armor plate and these bolts have a hard time getting through metal armor. For example they may cause small dents and twists in durasteel plates but it would take a dozen shots or so to break through it, as such they deal with armor worse than blasters do.
  • Solely Physical Damage- Since these weapons do only physical damage, someone who is prepared to deal with such attacks would be able to withstand them efficiently.
  • Electromagnetic Weakness- due to the multiple electric systems and high technology utilized in this weapon, electromagnetic attacks like EMP grenades would be able to disable or damage it, making the gun unable to fire until reactivated or repaired.
  • Firing Rail Weakness- the gun could also be disabled by damaging the prominent gravitational manipulation rail which form its projectiles and contain them, making it unable to fire further until properly repaired.

Intro: In their time spent on Mechanus the droids were not left completely without conflict for they shared the planet with vicious Ghablaresh Fungi, a race of semi-sentient primitive humanoids who would often come besieging their tomb like facilities in search of food, expansion, or technology. Out of necessity the droids had to develop and expand weaponry of their own, researching technology few other civilizations in the galaxy managed to weaponize and master, including what would be known as the Ripper, or Flayer, Gravity Rifle.

History/Physical Description: the guns first begun as a mixture of repulsorlift and blaster technology, combined to create shock pulses with which the Ghablaresh raiders would be sent flying back, pushed into sharp rocky formations and the numerous crevices of Mechanus' underground world. Over time the droids expanded and refined this technology, managing to focus and contain compact potent gravitational anomalies in stasis fields through their own alien technology. The result were these Ripper Rifles, consisting of two firing rails which cause the anomaly and contain it, power systems using standard power packs, the stock, trigger, a rail for scope, an underbarrel rail for attachments, and a slot to fix bayonet.

Special Features: The rifles can be customized with addition of scopes to augment the user's accuracy, installed on the scope rail, or underbarrel attachments with another rail. There is also a bayonet slot, the standard bayonets are forged out of duranium, material dense enough to take glancing blows from lightsabers, however strong hits from the energy blades will still melt through it fairly quickly.

Bolts of Contained Gravity: the projectiles these guns fire are contained bolts of volatile gravitational anomalies. They are similar in shape to blaster bolts, except their field emits a white light and they look like constant multitude of air distortions. Although the damage they cause is similar in scope to a hit from a blaster bolt it is purely physical as upon contact with a surface their containment field breaks and the anomaly is released around the breaking point, crushing, ripping, and flaying the materials as it jerks and twists their atoms around in their powerful but contained gravitational torrents. As such it leaves much more painful and bloody holes than a blaster burn with capability of penetrating through the skin or clothing and damaging the bones and organs beneath. The bolts however do not deal with armor and metal as well as blaster bolts do since they cannot burn through them or fully penetrate them instead they would try to rip and break them apart, it would take a dozen shots or more to go through durasteel armor, with Phrik and Beskar armor being more or less fully immune to these bolts.

Other Strengths: Other strengths of this gun include phasing through electromagnetic surfaces like lightsabers or some deflector shields as they do not trigger the breaking of gravitational containment field and a degree of armor penetration, while this is limited when it comes to heavy armor or thick plates, being able to only break the user's skin beneath it, it does make the gun more effective against lightly armored or unarmored opponents as the damage can be dealt not only to the skin and muscle but also the organs beneath.

Weaknesses: The weaknesses of this gun, besides being unable to properly damage metal surfaces and armor, include the guns dealing purely physical damage as it tries to break the target's body apart in the contained area of the bolt, being weak to electromagnetic attacks which would damage and deactivate its systems, and being disabled should the gravitational formation rail be damaged as well.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this is a gravity based blaster-equivalent which uses contained bolts of gravitational anomalies as their projectiles. While they differ from the blasters by dealing better with unarmored and lightly armored opponents, especially organics, but doing little to no damage against heavy armor and droids, they have the firing speed and range of a standard blaster rifle, and the damage of each gravitational bolt is comparable to that of a standard blaster rifle bolt when it comes to the area they affect and base severity.

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