Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Metalorn OOC Thread

Lucien Cordel said:
Do I still get my immunity from prosecution
Provided no one disputes the Sith victory here and that's the general consensus of the thread's outcome, yes. Everyone who participated on the Sith side will be rewarded. Especially the Fringers, who I discussed their rewards with beforehand. A'donari will also be given an aspirin to celebrate the generosity of the new Imperial Regime. Glory to the Empire!

Talon Vosra

@[member="Morna Imura"]
I will try again with Jorn anytime. It was the highlight of this characters career thus far. And I'm keeping the shot to the face he gave me.
Sounds good. @[member="Talon Vosra"] I was rather proud of that shot. I tried that before on a guy and he said that I missed when it was right at his face. but hey it was awesome. We ought to do a duel between them again.
Tyrin Ardik said:
Provided no one disputes the Sith victory here and that's the general consensus of the thread's outcome, yes. Everyone who participated on the Sith side will be rewarded. Especially the Fringers, who I discussed their rewards with beforehand. A'donari will also be given an aspirin to celebrate the generosity of the new Imperial Regime. Glory to the Empire!
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] I'm hoping so! Zane needed to be carried off by a personal ship, death breathing down his neckz and blood dripping down his neck as well haha.

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