Eternal Father
Uncharted Space Between Vulpter and Xorth, Core Worlds
The ship moved amidst the blackness of space like a shadow-clad wraith, practically invisible in the absence of starlight. This particular parsec of space was notable for it's distance between star systems, a miniature void where little light penetrated. It was in this vacancy that the One Sith had once constructed an outpost, far removed from the known galaxy yet still within it's heart. Only the presence of a navigation beacon allowed ships to reach it, providing they possessed the necessary coordinates and clearance code to access it.
And possess them this particular vessel did, even though they were several decades old by this point. Nonetheless, the codes had been relayed, received, and accepted, passage given to the vessel as it neared the old Sith station. It was not entirely artificial, most of the station was comprised of glossy black rock carved from a greater whole somewhere in the Unknown Regions, tugged all that distance just to reside in absolute isolation. A single tower jutted from the sharp, angular black mass, faint lights betraying it's existence against the backdrop of the void. Other segments of the station jutted out from multiple other locations as well, but they were not as protruding as the central spire.
Hangar bays welcomed the vessel before enclosing it with a great groan and creak of the shield doors that obscured it from external detection. In contrast to the station when viewed from space, the interior was graciously illuminated. Banners emblazoned with the old crest of the One Sith yet flew from the ceilings and walls, although most of them were faded or torn with age. Some of the metal was discolored as well, panels occasionally misaligned or missing altogether, and some droids were deposited in corners in various states of disrepair.
The boarding ramp lowered from the hull of the black craft, almost like the widening maw of a great predatory bird. A single figure emerged, draped in a pearlescent white cloak that gradually faded to black near its hem. A lightsaber hung openly from His waist, and His hood was drawn up as to conceal His identity. For a moment, the figure stood solitary amidst the empty hangar before the doors opened before Him and a small cadre of soldiers in visibly decaying armor emerged. They were all quite aged, many of them beyond the threshold of being elderly. Nonetheless, they moved with drilled discipline and made the proper gestures of respect and deference to the Sith Lord.
"My Lord Vornskr, your arrival is a great honor to us," spoke the commanding officer, a man so wizened he required a cane and cobbled-together cybernetic braces to even stand. "We've done as you commanded us, sire, we've remained steadfast to all that you have entrusted us with. Through many great tribulations had our faith been tested, but never have we waivered. Those whose faith did break were not allowed to draw breath, as you have decreed, and thus we, your devoted disciples, eternally pledge ourselves to you and to the Sith." The other soldiers bent down to their knees, and even the commander achieved this action despite great difficulty and pain.
The Sith Lord drew back His hood, revealing the face of the Sith whom they referred to as Vornskr. "Your faith has not gone unnoticed, devoted servants. Long have you stood vigilance alone in the darkness, the years not tempering your staunch devotion to the true rulers of the galaxy. I have come once more to elevate you, to reincorporate you into my great empire. Much has changed in the galaxy, and I have assumed a new title. But you, implacable devotees, have earned the honor and privilege of using the name I was once known by. To the galaxy, I am Darth Carnifex, but to you, I remain eternally Darth Vornskr. Rise now, and hearken to your Lord's commands."
And so they did, their spirits reinvigorated by their Lord's magnanimous praise. The Dark Lord stood before them, a towering goliath enshrined with the eternal glory of the Dark Side. "My aims are simple, the network must be reestablished in the Core Worlds. Our enemies claim the heart of the galaxy for themselves, but we are it's true rulers. They remain ignorant of the network, for few alive today remember it's existence. With you by my side, I shall again strengthen our influence throughout these hedonistic worlds and beyond, so that you may herald in a new age of darkness; a new age of the Sith."
They cheered for Him, and they cried out His name many times. Though their bodies were weakened, their minds and spirits had lost none of their potency. They were eager to serve as they were when they were but young men, fully committed to the Dark Lord's Eclipsing Mission longer than any other. But unbeknownst to the Dark Lord, His presence here rippled through the Cosmic Force, glimpses of His actions and His words reaching the mind of the one man who sought to bring about the destruction of all his father's works and ambitions.
Kahlil Noble.
The Shield of the Jedi.