Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Metastasis [Kahlil & Valery]

Noble Apartment
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Valery watched as the room around them shifted, but she wasn't too worried. They had gone into this situation, knowing that they were expected — knowing that there would be a trap of some kind. But no matter what happened, they were not without their tricks either. They just weren't going to reveal anything until the last very moment, and attempt to gain as much information from the Dark Lord as they could.

"We don't need to fight you to survive or come out on top," Valery said while she glanced at her husband for a brief moment. "What you did at the Wellspring has changed something about you that already led us here. It's just the beginning." While they weren't aware exactly as to what Carnifex was up to, and how far his influence reached, he didn't know just how much they had already seen, and how much more they could see.

Kahlil's visions had already brought them this far, and it was only the beginning.

Valery then drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand, and stared him down, "I'm not here to play your games. I'm here to remind you that we're always watching."



"Do not be too sure, my young Jedi. There are many things at work which you cannot comprehend." The Dark Lord spoke cryptically, understanding that the two before Him were attempting to probe Him for information. They would find very little success, save where the Dark Lord deliberately allowed them to learn certain things. Such was the case regarding the existence of numerous other stations speckled throughout the Core, plus those found in the darkest recesses of the Deep Core.

Breathing in deeply, the Dark Lord exhaled in a single slow breath. The Dark Side flushed through His body, radiating out in waves of pure sub-zero chill. He tensed all of His muscles, then allowed them to relax, flexing the fingers on both of His hands one at a time. Lightning crackled around the periphery of His body, sheer power manifesting in the air -- in which static began to accumulate at a rapid rate.

Suddenly, the Dark Lord moved, much faster than His height and musculature should've allowed. The Force was with Him, specifically the Dark Side, and it energized His skin, His muscles, and even His bones. They had born witness to the first inkling of His destructive power at the Wellspring, when He was yet unfocused and still acclimating to His new reality. Much time had passed since then, and now the Dark Lord of the Sith was fully at home within His new skin; in full mastery of all the terrible and awesome power at His fingertips.

His lightsaber lashed out at Valery noble, the beam of bloodied sunlight careening down with enough strength to cleave her straight in two. The Dark Lord only used one hand to attack, the other held back in reserve until the opportunity arose. But as He attacked Valery, a strange thing began to occur. The air around Kahlil began to shimmer, as though with heat, and all the fibers of his clothing and the hair upon his head began to stand up as though afflicted with static electricity.

Only then did the attack come. Three bolts of lightning, manifesting from the empty space at His back, sparked to life and rushed forward towards Kahlil from behind. They all came from different angles, but all were moving towards a single point on Kahlil's body; right along the spine several inches above his tailbone. Their trajectory would bring them together right where that point on his back was, converging into a single more powerful bolt right at impact. Otherwise, they would detonate with great concussive force.



"I've been a Jedi far longer than I've been a Sith. Young doesn't fit me anymore, Darth."

The time for conversation was over. Kahlil's eyes watched the Force as it moved. The rune he'd found had revealed a whole new world to him. He could 'see' the Force. How it moved naturally, and when it was pulled on by another. The information wasn't something easy to keep from overloading his mind with raw data, but right now he'd need every bit of information he could get. Then it began.

Kahlil's eyes widened just a little in surprise. He was faster than the Wellspring. He could keep getting stronger, then? Or perhaps just more used to his body. It didn't matter either way. He wasn't the only one to grow.

The Force danced from an unseen power around him. Sparked. Ah. He was briefly tempted to turn his blade towards Carnifex as he seemed to focus solely on Valery, but this new sense he'd learned spared him from getting blindsided. He pulled on the Force , sending it rippling out in a shimmering barrier of blue just as the lightning ripped through the air. He caught it, all of it, and just as the air ruptured with the concussive force, the barrier shattered. Kahlil had put just enough into the barrier to perfectly take the strike. No more, no less. And in that moment he spun around to lash out in conjunction with Valery's own counter attack, his green blade biting high for his father's neck.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Always perfectly in tune with her husband, Valery was able to easily resist the urge to help shield him against an attack she could only feel approaching as of now. She knew that he had it covered. Instead, she focused on the Dark Lord, as he commanded the Dark Side of the Force to augment his speed and strength far beyond what should be possible. Valery, however, did the same and stood her ground as an opposing force of light.

Her two lightsabers came up, positioned in a cross, and caught the crimson blade above her head. The ground underneath her feet shook, as ripples echoed through the Force from impact, but she wasn't moving. Valery then gritted her teeth, adjusted her footing, and deflected his blade aside, right as Kahlil's barrier shattered, and a green blade joined the clash. While Kahlil attacked from one flank, Valery spun around the other, and lashed out with speed, rather than strength.

This was their first true clash with the Dark Lord since the Wellspring, so she knew better than to assume that his fighting style was exactly the same. She was going to approach this fight the way she would engage any new Sith Lord — a little more carefully, but still with her overwhelming strength and speed.

<We have to get intel about this place out to the Jedi and Alliance> Valery communicated to her husband.

That was her priority today.



The Dark Lord was like water, moving without resistance through each action. When Valery Noble caught His blade and deflected it to the side, Carnifex did not resist, He allowed Himself to move fluidly with the motion of His adversary. Likewise, when His son blocked His lightning bolts and moved to engage, His blade effortlessly rose to meet it. The next few strikes were given in quick succession, one against two; red, purple, and green moving so quickly they were only conceivable as streaks of light and energy. Yet, even with the two of them, the Dark Lord of the Sith seemed to have no difficulty to matching their speed and power with His own.

What they could not have realized, was that the Dark Lord was putting into practice something He had been working on since the Wellspring. Long had He recognized the power of
Vaapad, that Jedi lightsaber technique that could channel a Dark Sider's own power against them like a conductive loop. Many times had it been used against Him, and many times had He been forced to accommodate against His will. But now He'd taken that technique and refined it through His own devilish machinations, bastardizing it in a manner similar to how His son Kahlil had turned Sith runes away from their original purpose.

Now, instead of channeling His adversary's dark power -- for they had none to offer -- Carnifex instead channeled their own energy, that which they expended, creating His own superconductive loop that only gained strength the more His enemies exerted themselves. So as they continued to fight, dancing between striking, blocking, and parrying with all the accumulated skill they'd mustered, the Dark Lord appeared to grow stronger, faster, and more precise.

This speed manifested itself as rather than meeting one of Valery's strikes, He instead bounded over it with speed and dexterity that neither of them had ever witnessed of the Dark Lord, and moved to swing His leg right into Valery's midsection to send her flying back. Carnifex shifted and landed on one leg, bouncing up off the ground again, and landing several feet away. He said nothing, eyeing the two Jedi ravenously, an insatiable hunger spreading across His features unbeknownst to them; for they had long since known the Dark Lord after His division into two -- this new creature, two made whole, was utterly alien in it's mannerisms.

"You two fight well," the Dark Lord purred, "You've been training."



He was faster.

<Well that's not good.>

The grim thought traveled to his wife as he resettled his stance. He didn't chase after the Dark Lord as he leapt back and away. Instead, he leveled out his blade, narrowed his faintly glowing eyes. Watched the Force as it waxed and waned around them. He could see it. Carnifex was pulling on them. Vapaad? No, that didn't fit. As much as Kahlil enjoyed a fight, he wasn't enjoying it right now. This was a fight he never wanted to do, but had to.

So something else. So much for old dogs can't learn new tricks.

<We're still in his base. For now, we'll have to play along. The Bastion hasn't been affected just yet, but there's always a chance his people will try something to it. Think I should send it out? I can always have us recall to it if we need to.> Another of his runes, and probably his most useful. Especially in a scenario like this. He unholstered his blaster, idly keeping it by his side.

"So have you. Must've been hard to get used to another body." It wasn't the first time, that much Kahlil already knew. He lowered his stance, readying. <I'll follow your lead. And I'll have the Bastion get out.>

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

<Well that's not good.>

Kahlil got no response as he jumped back and distanced himself from any of the Dark Lord's attacks, as Valery wasn't so lucky. After fighting him so many times, she had grown accustomed to his style, his strength, speed and tactics — he was different now, and she hadn't adjusted well enough. The kick struck her midsection as a result, and sent her flying back several meters before she hit the ground with a dull thud. A sharp pain was left behind around her lower ribs, and when she pushed herself up to hands and knees, blood was dripping from her lips.

A rib had broken, and possibly punctured something. Not that it would ever stop Valery, who summoned the Force to push herself through pain and physical damage to rise again. Kahlil would more than likely know she took some damage they couldn't ignore forever, but she wasn't going to voice anything. She hated feeling weak in front of him, and he had never once made her feel like she wasn't the strongest woman in the Galaxy either.

She expected him to trust her now as well.

"You won't get another hit like that," Valery said with a bloody grin, as her Battlemaster mind was already picking up on what felt so different.

<On me,> she then told her husband, her voice and presence suddenly far more serious, and far more ferocious. Her orange eyes were burning brightly, as she tapped into the emotions and strength flowing through her, and weaponized them for the first time in many years. Juyo had once been a forbidden form in her time, but as Battlemaster she had been the exception, and she was very effective with it whenever she used it. Emotion but no hatred, and no darkness in her heart as she jumped into the fight, and lashed out with far more strength than usual.

She'd keep him under pressure, even if he was faster and stronger.



"On the contrary, beyond the momentary adjustment this body responded well to the enormity of my power. It had long been groomed for it's ultimate purpose, a purpose now fulfilled. It could have been you, my son, we could have joined together as one; equal in mind. I would not have destroyed you like I destroyed the other, for he was broken beyond repair. His only destiny was to live long enough to be supplanted. Yours was to be a far magnificent fate."

Kahlil would sense no lie from his father's words, but whether or not he truly believed Him was something for Kahlil to decide. Rarely did his father outright lie, though He was more want to distort the truth and obscure His meaning. Some vestige of that old warrior's honor did remain lodged in the Dark Lord, that innate aversion to duplicity that could be found in so many martial cultures across the galaxy. Yet, the Dark Side twists and perverts even the most noblest of attributes, and thus it was the same with Darth Carnifex; the Butcher King.

"The invincible Sword and Shield, inseparable and indomitable. The power of your bond, a power like life itself, is more than a match for any would-be tyrant that crosses your path. How many have realized their error before the final blow was struck? Or did they all remain indignant until their dying breath?" He was ready for Valery's attack, moving quickly to intercept and meet her. Their blades slashed and clashed in rapid succession, sparks flying from each tumultuous impact. The Dark Lord seemed to revel in the fight, His smile only widening as it progressed.

His style was wholly unpredictable, ever shifting. Whenever He'd seem to settle into one variant of fighting, He'd completely switch it up for another at a moment's notice. Wide powerful swings into short, rapid-fire stabs and slashes. Sometimes He'd wield the Force, tearing free sections of the room around them to throw like missiles at either of the two Jedi Masters. Other times He'd manifest the powers of the Dark Side out of thin air, as He had before, raining down fire, lightning, and leeching frost from angles that appeared almost impossible. They did not emanate from the Dark Lord directly, He had come to use the Force in a wholly disconnected manner, drawing it from the world around them with frightening ease.

But amidst the fighting, He still spoke to them with a clear and concise voice. "I presume that Vera recovered well from her journey? She is stronger than any of us know, and in time she will become a powerful Master of the Force. Her potential remains to be unlocked."



"Sorry, I don't think we see eye to eye enough for that."

The lack of deception in the words was unsettling, but if anything it just proved just how unhinged his father was. So many of Kahlil's brothers and sisters were already slain by his hand, but he was one that would be joined with his thoughts?

<Right behind you.> Her wound wasn't anything to just shrug off, but they had little choice but to right now. As she pulled on the Force to still her mind, he pulled on their bond to share the pain. In the Force they were one, after all. Perhaps that was why. In a flash Kahlil was by her side, his blade acting the warding shield to her sword as their titles suggested. They moved fluidly, their bodies and minds in a sync no other could replicate without their bond. Where she was open, he was there to let her focus on direct assault.

He dove deep into the embrace of the Force, causing the rune on his back to burn to a painful degree. He could see it, everything. How the Force flowed between him and Valery. Between them both and Carnifex. How he pulled the Force to try and attack them. He brought his blaster around for those. The crystals within let him focus the Force into it. Valery had made it with the intention of helping him aim, but he took it a step further.

A runic sequence etched itself along the barrel as he fired, and the result was explosive to say the least. A flash of white erupted where the abnormal blaster bolts landed, evaporating the pieces of the ship sent their way.

Other times his sequence shifted. Not on the blaster, but in the air around them. He could see it all, the raw power of his father and the different spells he was trying to bring. He caught them, snuffed them out, grounded them, countered where he could as he tried to free up the space needed for Valery to focus on outright assault.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

While Valery couldn't see the Force the way Kahlil could with his runes, she could feel what he was doing through their bond instead. The pain from her broken rib and internal bleeding lessened as he shared the burden, and each attack made by the Dark Lord was covered by him, whether she prepared herself against it or not. He was her shield the way he had always been, but to an extent that even Valery had not really experienced before.

In so many ways, Kahlil had grown so much since she met him. From a Jedi Knight who wanted to learn about what it meant to be a Jedi, to a Shield for all, strong in the Force and strong of mind and body. Now it was her turn to return the favor, and be the sword of this pairing.

Her attacks were relentless in strength and speed, and staccato unlike her usual preference in duels. The Dark Lord was implementing new tactics, so in an attempt to counter it, she stepped away from the familiar as well. But in a clash of this magnitude, neither side would easily fall victim to a simple exchange of blades, and so crimson and violet continued to ferociously clash, while her husband's blaster and lightsaber covered her continuously.

<Can you bring the Bastion around and shield us against space?> Valery suddenly asked through their bond. Only some simple shielding was preventing a loss of atmosphere, but for someone like Kahlil, it would not be impossible to shield them against it. Or, perhaps, his runes could take them away when the time was right. <I'll leave behind a gift.> While she waited for the right moment, Valery tapped into her own unique strengths with the Force, but this time turned it not against the Dark Lord, but the station around him.

Every structure had its shatterpoints, and while she didn't want the entire station to fall apart around them, she poured her shared strength with Kahlil into its cracks, and let it ripple through the metal to cause as much devastation as she could without committing suicide.




The Dark Lord didn't skip a beat, moving with such fluid actions that they almost seemed excessively choreographed rather than spontaneous. Both Kahlil and Valery were a formidable duo, working in perfect harmony with one another so that their movements were just as seamless as His. But theirs relied on trust and anticipation of the other's action, every conceived thought passed between the two before being realized. The Dark Lord had no such delay, His actions came faster than thought, and He needed none to consult but Himself; and He was always confident in all that He did.

Still, He had to commend them. They'd honed their union to something that none other could replicate, and they were even capable of matching Him. It didn't frighten nor worry the Dark Lord, He was finally beyond those pitiful sensations, but it did amuse Him. He reveled in the challenge, the primal struggle of it all. There were few in the galaxy who could give Him this, they could all be counted on one hand. But these two, the errant clone and the warrior out of time, they could achieve what few others could.

His blade slashed out and caught Valery's, the two beams of energy sizzling and crackling as they pressed against one another. He looked into her eyes, both fiery in their own right, before the floor beneath them shuddered violently as explosions rippled throughout the station. Warning klaxons began to blare loudly, as maintenance techs and guardsmen scrambled for cover. Some were unfortunately vented out into the cold vacuum of space, dying horribly as their blood boiled within their veins. Others managed to escape in time, closing off breached corridors behind thick interlocking metal gates.

Again, Carnifex showed no fear or concern. "Expertly done, Masters Noble. This station's worth has plummeted, it will be of no value to me or my plans. Consider it a parting comfort." Suddenly, the gravity in the room slipped away, disappearing completely as weightlessness sought to take hold of both Nobles. The Dark Lord was unaffected, however, as it was through His power that this was transpiring. In His absence from galactic affairs, the Dark Lord had learned the mysteries of the Aperion; that aspect of the Force which included and united all matter, giving it shape and cohesion. Gravity was one such byproduct of the Aperion, as was electromagnetism, and through it the Dark Lord could manipulate those very fundamental forces around Him.

Thus, the shock of sudden weightlessness was no burden to Him, and He struck out again -- This time His blade reaching for Kahlil, ready to slice a deep groove along his chest. Not enough to kill, the Dark Lord was measuring His actions now, but enough to seriously wound.



<You already know I can.>

It was never as simple as communicating to each other. Their voices traveling through their bond were reflex, habit. In the Force, in their dyad, two were one. It wasn't as simple as facing two people so well coordinated they could react to each other. They were simply moving as one would move their own fingers. No delay, no need for the fingers to communicate. That was what made them the most dangerous together.

As the glass shattered, Kahlil already brought his hands up. He'd been prepared since Carnifex first brought them into the void. And for once, he grinned at his Father. Of all the things he'd known his father to do, toying with gravity to this extent wasn't one of them. It was something new. Perhaps Kaahlil was once capable of doing the same, perhaps it was something else. It didn't matter.

Kahlil stood calm as he watched his father move. The lack of gravity or air should've affected them both, but still they stood.

"Expertly done, Masters Noble. This station's worth has plummeted, it will be of no value to me or my plans. Consider it a parting comfort."

"So will the others."

Carnifex's blade came, cutting through the air with the same eerie speed he'd been displaying all this time. But it'd only find air. Kahlil and Valery were gone in an instant, the rune he'd set within the Bastion active and bright. Teleportation. As a Sith it was a favored tactic to keep the distance and let his spells do their work. He couldn't as freely travel as a Dathomir could, but with his runes, he had his predetermined sections.

Kind of. He needed to find a way to increase the range for certain. The moment they touched the floor the Bastion took off, lifting from where it was in the hangar to try and begin their escape. They'd gotten away from Carnifex for the moment, but there was no telling what else they'd have to deal with to truly escape.

"Think you can man the guns? I'll get to the controls."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Valery simply waited this time.

She didn't need to step in to help her husband, or make a move of her own to draw the Dark Lord's attention away. Communication through their bond happened instantly, perhaps even faster than what their own brains could process, and it was through the Dyad that she knew about his plans. Her eyes closed and opened as she blinked, and the station of darkness was replaced by the interior of the Bastion.

They had gotten away from his father, she had torn apart his facility, but they were not in the clear yet. There was no reason for him not to try and take them down during their escape, so with Kahlil having to pilot, he asked something of her that made her grin. "If I think I can?" Valery flashed him a grin, winked and ran off towards the turrets. "I was born for this, babe!" She called out throughout the ship, before she settled in her seat.

A tactical visor lowered over her eyes, her hands reached for the controls, and the guns were ready. They could have just left it to the computer to control them, but with a Jedi handling the weapons, they'd be a lot more effective.

<I'm in position, love. Let's get out of here.>



His blade cut through empty air, both His son and daughter-in-law disappearing in the blink of an eye. It was a clever ruse, one He'd used many times over. He could sense where they had departed to, and watched as their ship blasted away from the ruined station. As if on cue, a dozen or so interceptors launched from the station's other bays. Though they were quick and nimble, the Jedi's ship was faster with just it's sublight thrusters. The Sith craft had to push their engines to just keep apace, let alone activating their SLAMs to bypass it.

But there was one ship faster than all their pursuers.

A dark craft sped away from the dying station, it's sleek alien design a shadow against the endless void. Red thrusters burned bright as the ship not only caught to the fleeing Bastion and it's tailing fighters, but completely bypassed them all. It turned suddenly mid-flight, adjusting it's body so that the cockpit was faced towards the front of the Bastion. Inside was seated the Dark Lord, expertly manipulating the control columns to make such impossible maneuvers in the vacuum.

The ship continued to pivot until it's forward cannons were pointed directly at the Bastion, four disruptor cannons belching bright magenta plasma towards the approaching ship.



"Don't I know it."

Kahlil let out a brief chuckle before he narrowed his eyes in focus. Then, pulled on the controls. The Bastion was, as it always had been, an extension of his body. It was his home, had been since he fled the Sith all those years ago. But it was still a freighter, not a fighter. The weaponry it had was at best useful for dealing with those on it's tail before he could get it into hyperspace. It's what he was currently working on getting punched in just as a different sensation tricked down his spine.

<It seems he wasn't too happy with us leaving so suddenly.>

He forced a grin, if only because he didn't actually know how good of a pilot his father was. Which meant no holding back. He lowered his hands from the hyperspace controls, instead pulling on the Force around their ship. All at once it moved, suddenly shooting up in a way the ship simply shouldn't to get out of the blaster fire before the shields crumbled. Disruptor shots, never a good sign given how quick they drained his shields. He put the turret below in line with the coming ship as he again started to punch in the coordinates he'd need.

<Let him have it!>

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

"Don't I know it."

Valery smirked confidently to herself when he acknowledged it, but quickly fell into the Force. Everything around her, from the gentle bleeps of her consoles, to the loud sound of the engines was tuned out, and all she heard was the Force. It guided her hands, her senses and the barrels of the turret she was controlling followed suit. Interceptors on the move were notoriously hard to hit in a ship this big, but to her, it was every day work.

<I'm glad this thing is so tanky,> Valery told him through their bond. Sure, the Bastion had weapons capable of taking down fighters, but its armor and shielding was its primary strength. It would take a lot of effort to get through it, which would hopefully buy them the time they needed to escape. Now it was her turn to extend that time, and with the first interceptor getting in range, she was going to do just that.

She pulled the trigger, and one violent explosion sent a shockwave through the dark vacuum.

<Maybe we shouldn't have skipped family dinner,> Valery joked as a burst of disruptor fire was unleashed against them. She knew that ship wasn't piloted by just any pilot — He was coming after the two Jedi himself. Kahlil responded with some quick maneuvering, and Valery wasted no time in opening fire.

"Keep him in front of my guns, babe! I've got this!"



He forced the ship to spin through the void, the laserfire from the Bastion raking across His lateral shielding to the tune of warnings lighting up across the console board. The Nameless Fear was tanky, it could take as much as it could give and perhaps more. Through the Force, the Dark Lord shifted a percentage of energy distribution from propulsion to shielding as the manned turret continued to rain down laserfire as He maneuvered the ship. The reduction in speed would make Him more vulnerable to energy fire, but the increase in shielding would compensate for the difference.

Darth Carnifex could sense the two Jedi within the freighter. His son was at the controls of the vessel, working feverishly to enter the coordinates they'd need to make the jump to hyperspace. The other, Valery, was helming the turret currently firing on Him and the pursuing interceptors. Together, they worked well in-tandem as a formidable duo, pilot and gunner; husband and wife. Much like the merger between Him and His starfighter.

The Dark Lord did intend to let them leave, after He had finished with them of course. The station was no longer viable and had to be scuttled, an easy enough process, although it was quite annoying that they had seemingly come upon the station. It wasn't chance, that was for sure, and He had a feeling it was something far more worrying that a mere vision from the girl Vera. He would have to fall back to Dromund Kaas and pour over His research, consult with Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf or Matsu Xiangu Matsu Xiangu perhaps.

All that could be done in time, but not before He was done with His son and daughter-in-law.

Carnifex reached out with the Force, specifically trying to either input the wrong coordinates, alter what Kahlil had already input, or prematurely activate the hyperdrive before the coordinates were ready.


Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | @Valery Noble​

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