A brilliant fire
Noble Apartment
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding RingAppearance: Link
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Darth Carnifex
Valery watched as the room around them shifted, but she wasn't too worried. They had gone into this situation, knowing that they were expected — knowing that there would be a trap of some kind. But no matter what happened, they were not without their tricks either. They just weren't going to reveal anything until the last very moment, and attempt to gain as much information from the Dark Lord as they could.
"We don't need to fight you to survive or come out on top," Valery said while she glanced at her husband for a brief moment. "What you did at the Wellspring has changed something about you that already led us here. It's just the beginning." While they weren't aware exactly as to what Carnifex was up to, and how far his influence reached, he didn't know just how much they had already seen, and how much more they could see.
Kahlil's visions had already brought them this far, and it was only the beginning.
Valery then drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand, and stared him down, "I'm not here to play your games. I'm here to remind you that we're always watching."