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Approved Tech Mevia Vizsla's Heavy Infantry Beskar'gam

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  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme.
    • Kinetic: Extreme.
    • Lightsabers: Extreme.
    • EMP/ Ion: Average.
    • Electricity: High.
    • Vacuum: None.
    • Temperature Extremes: Average.
    • Disruptor: Very High.
    • Sonic: Average.
    • Stun: None.
    • CyroBan: Average.


  • Ultimate Tank: This armor was crafted with the goal of endurance and durability in combat. Though at the cost of a lack of space faring equipment, this armor has been created to be legendary in taking nearly every type of damage out there.
  • Mandalorian Legacy: Forged from Beskar, this beskar'gam is a traditional Mandalorian suit of armor with beautiful defensive and destructive properties.
  • Armed To The Teeth: From head to toe, this beskar'gam has an arsenal of weapons and equipment to increase combat and killing efficiency.
  • Grace: Despite the heaviness and durability of this beskar'gam, this design still allows for ease of movement and agility for the user.
  • Cold Space: Despite the brilliant defenses of this armor, there are some things lacking in this suit. Primarily, the wearer would suffocate, freeze, and die if cast into the vacuum of space. This beskar'gam simply was not built for outer space.
  • Takedown: This beskar'gam has zero protection against stun technology.
  • Heavy: The hefty weight of the heavy infantry armor makes for a suit of armor ill suited for a weaker body.
  • Armorweave: While armorweave is protective in its own rights, it still does not perform as well as beskar in combat. This leaves some weak spots where beskar does not cover the beskar'gam.
  • BOOM!: Far from a light and quiet armor set, this beskar'gam stands a poor chance in stealth situations. Loud and heavy, the armor itself makes a lot of noise as well. Furthermore, this armor has zero stealth technology.
  • Manual Reload: All whistling birds, missiles, and all other projectiles must be manually reloaded after each use.

An absolute unit, a tank of durability. The beskar'gam of Mevia Vizsla was built as an unadulterated war machine; inspired by the heavy infantry models of Mandalorian Armor. All around powerful defenses, and numerous weapons and equipment to boot; this is the proud Mandalorian armor of a warrior culture. Of course, this armor still has its downsides. Completely dedicated to terrestrial combat, this armor is useless as a suit in space. The heavier weight also requires proper training and the right build to use. Furthermore, this armor is too much for stealth, and equipped with zero stealth equipment. No chances of sneaking, only attack. Always attack. Forever defending and fighting on the front lines until battle is concluded.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla

Nicely made! I found one problem; we are not accept Force resistance under Average (becaus the Average means none), especially if this is clearly just being added to the list to get free points from it. Because of this, I would like to ask you to modify this to Average or delete from the list. And I would like to ask you to change the rest of the points in light of this.
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