
NAME: Mheralis
AGE: 31
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.75m - 5 ft 7
WEIGHT: 65kg
EYES: Golden Brown
HAIR: Mheralis sports jet black hair that hangs wildly downwards to her shoulders.
SKIN: Her skin is rather pale, an almost deathly white hue.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Not that she knows.
Mheralis is a rogue through and through, egotistical and selfish in all that she does. In her worship, she is not a devotee, but a sycophant; in her fighting, she is not an intelligent opportunist, but a cheap and dirty fighter; in her actions, she is not a cautious individual, but a fearful coward. Her desires are decadent and perverse, and she borders on illegal behaviour almost always, put in check only by a near-maniacal sense of survival. Though she can be loyal, her loyalty is questionable and unreliable at best, making for a rather poor ally.
Mheralis is not an asocial person — quite the opposite, for the better or for the worst, she likes being around people, and avoids being alone; the latter often has negative consequences for her mental well-being. She is, however, not a socially apt person, frequently misinterpreting people's behaviour, mannerisms, and actions, and missing emotional subtleties where others might not. She has a poor sense of knowing when to and when not to speak, and this coupled with her rather lax respect of authority, has gotten her into trouble on many an occasion.
What Mheralis doesn't lack is emotion, and she doesn't suppress those much at all. She shows her desires blatantly, whether carnal or otherwise, and unless as socially inept as her, it is not difficult for people to understand her intentions and desires.
Mheralis is a wildly looking person; her hair is in a perpetual state of disarray, her clothing have not seen irons in years, and her attire seems to be aged and worn. She wears brown on black and gray, simple, dark colours so she cannot mess up, and seems to choose function over form. Her clothes are men's clothes, simple yet functional gear allowing protection and agility both, and nothing, from her jacket to her wide-brimmed hat, to her many-pocketed pants, truly stand out.
What does stand out, on the other hand, are her facial and bodily tattoos, masking (or accentuating) the scars she gained in battle. Originally coloured a faded red, they ran across her cheeks and forehead, though they are now layered below countable scars, and tattooed in a piercing light-blue colour.
She sports little other remarkable features, safe her eyes. Technologically enhanced to pierce the darkness and allow remarkably sharp sight, their golden-brown colour is definitely unusual and hard not to stare at, until they stare back, accompanied with the ugly grin that she bears almost perpetually.
All in all, Mheralis is not a beautiful person, in the way she dresses, the way she acts, and the way she looks. She looks cruel and cold from afar, and maniacally passionate from up close, lending her little advantage when it comes to first impressions. If anything positive is to be drawn out of that, however, it is that she doesn't seem to care much about that fact.
Yes, she has one.