Micah Talith
Draith Shamalain

Image Source: In The Image
Intent: To sub Micah's lighsaber
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Micah Draith Shamalain Talith
Model: Micah's Lightsaber
Affiliation: Micah Draith Shamalain Talith
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Alchemized and light imbued durasteel lightsaber hilt shell, Angraal crystal (Orange hue), VT-Disruptor Lens, Typical Lightsaber parts.
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-handed
Length: 130cm
Weight: 1.2kg
Special Features:
Peace: Angraal Crystals have the unique feature that gives a unique feeling of peace and relaxation over someone. Though it is not enough to stop negative emotions entirely, the effects of an Angraal crystal are incredibly calming. This is effect is quite useful for lightside users as it keeps them calm and present within the battle. This sense of calm and relaxation increases strength and power within the Lightside of the force, making the connection easier and overall more powerful.
No Darksiders Please! - On the other spectrum however the crystal disrupts the use of the Darkside. Since the Darkside of the Force requires negative emotions, the crystals calming effects make it more difficult to utilize. This effect however is localized to the wielder of the lightsaber. As the lightsaber hilt is constructed and attuned using Light energies, a Darkside user using it on will be at best unable to use the lightsaber, at worst suffer a very nasty burn.
Vong this! - This lens renders a lightsaber capable of cutting through any biot normally protected by the energy field of a Power Gland, essentially rendering the organ useless.
Cortosis I THINK NOT!: Oddly enough, when placed inside of a lightsaber the Angraal Crystal is capable of cutting through the normally lightsaber resistant material known as Cortosis. The reason for this is unknown to both Soliael, and the researchers who originally found and documented these crystals. This effect within lightsaber Crystals has only been found in one other, Crystals that grow on the planet Mestare. Much like for Mestare crystals, Cortosis to Angraal Crystas is just another type of metal. Phrik, Ultrachrome, and other lightsaber resistant materials still seem to function normally however.
Waterproof - This blade was made to operate underwater due to two crystals employed in a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse.
Lightsaber Resistance - As the material of the hilt was alchemized, much like a Sith sword, it has made the durasteel hilt lightsaber resistant, and could theoretically be used to deflect blaster bolts and other particle weapons as if magnetically sealed. It also serves as a focus of wild force energy, allowing it to amplify the user's power and refining his control with all the similar attributes a typical Sith Sword has.
No Darksiders Please! - On the other spectrum however the crystal disrupts the use of the Darkside. Since the Darkside of the Force requires negative emotions, the crystals calming effects make it more difficult to utilize. This effect however is localized to the wielder of the lightsaber. As the lightsaber hilt is constructed and attuned using Light energies, a Darkside user using it on will be at best unable to use the lightsaber, at worst suffer a very nasty burn.
Vong this! - This lens renders a lightsaber capable of cutting through any biot normally protected by the energy field of a Power Gland, essentially rendering the organ useless.
Cortosis I THINK NOT!: Oddly enough, when placed inside of a lightsaber the Angraal Crystal is capable of cutting through the normally lightsaber resistant material known as Cortosis. The reason for this is unknown to both Soliael, and the researchers who originally found and documented these crystals. This effect within lightsaber Crystals has only been found in one other, Crystals that grow on the planet Mestare. Much like for Mestare crystals, Cortosis to Angraal Crystas is just another type of metal. Phrik, Ultrachrome, and other lightsaber resistant materials still seem to function normally however.
Waterproof - This blade was made to operate underwater due to two crystals employed in a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse.
Lightsaber Resistance - As the material of the hilt was alchemized, much like a Sith sword, it has made the durasteel hilt lightsaber resistant, and could theoretically be used to deflect blaster bolts and other particle weapons as if magnetically sealed. It also serves as a focus of wild force energy, allowing it to amplify the user's power and refining his control with all the similar attributes a typical Sith Sword has.
Micah comes from a family legacy that has a vast wealth of information and knowledge in sith alchemy. His grandfather Moridin, his father, his uncle Dissero, and the women of the Shamalain line are all powerful in their own rights when it comes to artifacts and their creation. Fully intent and on his way to becoming a Master Alchemist and Jal Shey imbuing specialist, Micah would continue to utilize and consult the immense library of information from his father and the aid of his Uncle Dissero who himself is a Master Alchemist.
This gives him an incredible wealth of knowledge from both his Great Uncle Dissero, the journals of his grandfather (the ones his father and uncle would even let him review and highly supervised) and the knowledge given to him by his father, Soliael Devin Talith that he had acquired his entire lifetime. Micah's spent much of his time studying with his Uncle Dissero, his father, and during the times he would visit the Jedi with his mother, studied lightside alchemy classes and Jal Shey Force imbuing techniques, growing in his skill for the past several years with many alchemical and Force imbued creations under his belt.
This saber is the amalgam of Micah's alchemized craft and Jal Shey Force Imbuement craftsmanship. It features the covenant hilt saber he crafted, with all applicable benefits of an alchemized metal, providing lightsaber resistance and the ability to potentially deflect blaster bolts. It also serves as a focus of wild force energy, allowing it to amplify the user's power and refining his control with all the similar attributes a typical Sith Sword has.
The crystal within the saber is an Angral Crystal, found by Micah's and his sisters when they journeyed back to Exocron to specifically look for them. The crystal has unique properties when utilized, these properties are entirely carried over to the lightsaber, all of its effects rendering quite easily into the sabers blade and hilt. However, this crystal has more of an orange sheen to it, and when used by the Talith carries a similar hue to that of his eyes.
Another unique aspect of the lightsaber is a more recent modification. Vanir technologies produced a lens that rendered the saber capable of cutting through Yuuzhan Vong bio-technologies that were normally protected by the energy field of a power gland. Micah took apart the lightsaber and replaced the standard lens with the VT-Disruptor Lens.
Primary Source:
- http://starwarsrp.ne...disruptor-lens/
- http://starwarsrp.net/topic/61179-covenant-saber/
- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_sword
- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_sword
- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bifurcating_cyclical-ignition_pulse
- http://starwars.wiki...Kaiburr_crystal
- http://starwars.wiki...wiki/Imbue_item
- http://starwars.wiki...ce-imbued_blade
- http://starwars.wiki...m/wiki/Jal_Shey
- http://starwars.wiki...ki/Attune_armor
- http://starwarsrp.ne...graal-crystals/
- http://starwarsrp.net/topic/61179-covenant-saber/
- Circlet of Erebos
- Micah's Armor
- Micah's Helm
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- Micah's Force Tracker Talisman
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