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Midi-clorians, How to they work?

Okay probably a subject that has been through much debate already and probably does not need another thread about it. I could not find a thread however that answered my questions so I thought I would put it up here and see what sort of answers I get.

I have been wondering for quite some time how exactly they work, where they come from, how they reproduce, and how they come into a persons body.

I have made the assumption, correct me if I am wrong, that midi-clorians come from outside a living body and that they 'infect' a person. My reason for this is that Yuuzhan Vong (forgive the wrong spelling I think) are capable of living with them, yet at the same time I am unsure because on the Wookieepedia page it states that they are a necessary part of all life. Which is correct in this?

These cells are said to be symbiotic, which in mind constitutes the fact that they are not supposed/normally in a body. Or at the very least that they weren't always there. Is this incorrect?

They are stated to be organelles I think, this would mean that they die right? If so, do they reproduce via mitosis?
There are probably more questions but I can't really think of them at the moment, perhaps in the morning I will continue.

As a final question, related but not exactly attached to it, if a person can lift with the Force a stone or a chunk of metal, what is the deal with droids then? Couldn't a Force user just sense the various materials that make up a droid and logically decide that it was a droid?

Thanks everyone for your time.
Midichlorians were never explained, that's the best answer I can give you.

They were used very sparingly, and were heavily over-emphasized in their use when they were ever even mentioned.


There is not try.
Like Braith said they were never really explained. So much of what your asking is up for interpretation. Although there might be more on it in the EU, but I'm no where near an expert on the EU as I haven't looked into it much. I do like your questions I hope they give some answers on it doubt it will happen though.


Thank you [member="Braith"] and [member="Triger14"]
Should have expected as much, I used to something more along the lines of Isaac Asimov and Arthur C Clark.

The biggest reason for my asking these questions, or at least the reason that has caused me to put this up, is that on the planet I am working on I was hoping to mess around a bit with the species and their connection to midi-clorians. Specifically, I had an idea of making the three sentient species on the planet effected by the gravity field of the planet in such a way as to be unique compared to most species (as far as I know). One of the three would be affected to make them strong in the Force when in the planet's gravity field, but then become 'normal' when not on planet. The opposite was the plan for the other two species, they would be almost Force dead while on planet, but then when leaving their Force connections would become normal.

I guess the question I am trying to ask is what is the take on variable levels of midi-clorians or change amounts of them?
It's seriously one of those things that George Lucas kinda just threw in a cheap explanation for, and then left it alone after that. In fact...are they even mentioned in the first three movies? (4,5,6)

What we know about them in the EU is this, they can do things on their own (When they denied Palagius, and created Anakin/Space Jesus) and thats it. Even in the Legacy of the Force series, I am like ninety percent sure they arent even mentioned.

Reproduction doesnt seem to be a thing with them. If so, eventually all Jedi, and Sith would have a high count. Reproduction of cells isnt a die, born, die, born. Its constantly in motion, and always happening. You can have a high blood cell count, and the next week a low count. Same with White Cells, and T Cells.

This is what I, myself believe.

It's better left alone probably.


Disney's Princess
Q: What is a midi-clorian
A: Lucas being an azz

Q: What can I do with midi-clorians?
A: If you're Palapatine, anything. If you're not. Nothing. Leave them alone.

Q: Should I reference midi-clorians often?
A: No. For the love of the Gods. No.
Midichlorians are attracted to beings with the force, so the more force potential (potential for being powerful in the force) someone has, the more you find midichlorians. They don't behave differently because of gravity, they don't operate differently on other species, and so on.
It should also be noted that midichlorians aren't what make someone capable of using the force, the article is confusing in that the top portion explains what was believed prior to later portions of EU.
When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their host to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force.
Was contradicted throughout EU (it was in EU that this was explained, so it isn't really canon anymore anyways). This should be summarily viewed as a perspective on how some scientists in the SW universe view Midichlorians, not a factual statement. The author or editor of this wookiepedia article failed to make specific mention that this was never proven to be true in canon/EU.

The magnitude of the midi-chlorian count served as a measure of one's potential in the Force,[11] though there were other inheritable characteristics that could influence Force ability as well.[12] Indeed, though Force ability often meant a high midi-chlorian count, it was not always the case.[13] While some medical theories postulated that the midi-chlorians created the connection between more macroscopic organisms and the Force, some Jedi believed that, contrarily, the midi-chlorians were created by the Force to serve as the link between it and other life.[5] Midi-chlorian counts did not indicate an upper limit to Force ability; the possibility existed for a Jedi to achieve a connection to the Force on an equivalent level to a Jedi with a higher count.[1]
This is a more accurate depiction of both what it was intended to be (in movie canon) and a more realistic approach to them. This is still a subjective perspective more than an objective one, as the Jedi attribute their existence to the force rather than just their relationship, but is more heavily sourced and has been used far more through canon (movies) and EU.

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