Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Midwinters Night Heist

While Zole investigated the perimeter of the property, Yula went to work quietly cutting off the household's net access. It would be noticed sooner or later, and hopefully they'd be done with this job sooner.

Yula snorted at Cartri while she began exploring what she could of the area's security systems, probing for weak spots. "Please don't tell me we gotta grease you up beforehand."

Zole returned a short while later, reporting a clear boundary and a single light on inside the building. Yula wondered how Zole had managed to gain the vantage point that she did, but that was a question for after-hours. Something told her that the mercenary wasn't as fond of chattiness on the job as herself and the ginger.

"Got it—" She nodded. "And, check out what I've got." Tilting the datapad around so that the other two could see, they'd be treated to grainy security footage of Tane in his study. He was alone, sitting at a grand desk and benignly typing on a top-of-the-line datapad. Based on the angle of the camera, it was likely situated near the doorway.

"Time to grease up, kid."

Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Zole Zole

"Wait what? I karking hope not!" he grunted back to Yula with a displeased shake of his head. There was no way she was being serious right? knowing her she was probably only trying to tease him.

Taking a look over to the datapad upon her request, a smirk began crossing his lips when he saw the only figure of Tane sitting at his table. By the time he knew it, the slimy CEO wouldn't know what hit him "Good job, the poor sod won't know a thing. Are you two ready to get this thing on the road?" He questioned, as he slowly got up from his sitting position and dusted himself off.

Cartri snapped his head back down when he heard Yula suggest the same thing again, this time making him back away and raise his hands up "You know what... I'm just gonna get going. One of you come to help me get into the perimeter before my brain melts..."

One of the hardest parts was getting to the vent itself, he'd need some kind of overwatch just in case there were any curious guards wondering about. Other than that, it was whatever was lurking inside the house...

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