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Empire of the Lost

A coalition of former Imperials and displaced refugees based in the Lianna system rallying behind the idea of establishing an empire to secure peace and order for their people, noted for their realpolitik attitude and flexible internal affairs.

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Military Organizations and the Emperor's Reforms

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.

The Ascension of the Emperor and the Grand Plan.

When Grand Moff: Setemarra Tatthel stepped down after her term ended, the Moff Council decided who will be the next leader. After weeks of internal debate, they have decided to put an Emperor in place to serve as a figurehead for the growing Empire of the Lost while they maintain their powers and privilege.

The Emperor's Reforms


The Empire of the Lost's military forces are comprised of various different organizations that constitute the Empire's military might, favoring variety and versatility as well as overwhelming military might when employed in battle against the Empire's enemies. In the wake of the new Emperor's ascent to power, the military structure of the Empire has seen some reorganization.

Imperial Army


One of the largest and most numerous branch of the Imperial Military's ground forces, the Imperial Army serve primarily as the Empire's main frontline and garrison force due to their sheer numbers. Imperial Army Troopers are moderately well armed, and are deployed in large numbers during offensive engagements, supported by armored vehicles, walkers and artillery support so they can easily outnumber and overwhelm enemy forces upon the field of battle. The former Imperial Volunteer Army was rolled into the main army after the new Emperor rose to power, and though casualty rates in offensive operations remain high, more efforts have been made to lessen these losses by ensuring the Imperial Army's troops are better equipped and supported. The Imperial Army also serves as the primary garrison force, defending Imperial worlds and ensuring their populations are kept compliant. Information about Imperial Army can be found: here.

Grand Army of the Lost
Created in secret on New Alderaan by Moff Velran Kilran Velran Kilran with the "help" of talented: Biologist: Akiya Orime Akiya Orime , the Grand Army of the Lost is a major branch comprised of quickly grown clones of the famed Jango Fett. The G.A.L make up the bulk of the Imperial Army and although the typical rank and file Clone Trooper makes up the majority of the branch, there are also specialists such as the Imperial Commandos, and the legendary ARC Troopers. The Clone Army is well trained and fanatically loyal, obedient to the point where they are willing to die for the Empire, they are prone to bouts of insanity due to the accelerated cloning process.

While they operate in a similar manner to the Stormtrooper Corps, they were kept as their own separate division due to an existing rivalry between them, and also due to the occasional bouts of Clone Madness some of their number experience due to unforeseen complications with their rapid cloning process. The Grand Army also possess their own unique weaponry and armor. In addition, the Grand Army has a smaller number of clones called the Butterfly Unit created from the DNA of Akiya Orime. They serve as assassins, stealth operatives and even officers. Information regarding the Clone Army can be found here while information about the Butterfly Unit can be found here.

Serving as the elite none-clone arm of the Imperial Military, the Stormtrooper Corps comprise of highly trained and well equipped troops. Where the Imperial Army are a sledgehammer, Imperial Stormtroopers are a chisel, deployed in a more focused manner. They are assigned to assault crucial objectives, and defend vital facilities. They are also a highly mobile force, and are frequently garrisoned upon Imperial Star Destroyers so they might be deployed where needed quickly and decisively. The most elite amongst their number are usually assigned to the Imperial Shock Trooper division, where they are equipped with the Corps most potent weapons and equipment, and are usually deployed against the most difficult targets, or assigned to the protection of their superior officers. However, those with a knack for ambushes and infiltration operations are assigned to the Shadow Stormtrooper division, and are equipped with their intimidating black armor and cloaking devices, enabling them to strike the enemy where they least suspect it. The Stormtrooper Corps are often supported by the Imperial Army when in need of vehicular support.

Imperial Special Forces
Drawn from the best of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps and Grand Army of the Lost, the Imperial Special Forces are the elite of the elite within the Imperial Military. The most numerous of the empire’s special forces troops are the Death Trooper Corps, specializing in stealth, espionage and lethality, while also doubling as security for those high ranking military personnel who are not afforded the protection of the Imperial Custodians. The Imperial Special Forces also comprise of various other units, clone and none-clone, such as the elite Storm Commandos, Clone Commandos, ARC Troopers and various other divisions.

The Imperial Navy


The Imperial Navy is the naval branch of the Empire of the Lost, formed from former Imperial and Elysian Empire officers and spacers in the aftermath of the Great Collapse leading up to 900 ABY. Its goal is to enforce the dominance of the Empire in space through four key methods: blockading and bombarding enemy planets and installations, guarding shipping lanes to encourage honest and safe commerce, supporting the Imperial Army in its duties via transportation and space/air support, and ensuring the safety of Imperial held space and planets from enemy attack. The current navy focuses heavily on ensuring all ship sizes have a role to play, from the humble TIE fighter to the greatest dreadnaughts in service, for it is the seamless synchronicity between them that the greatest power is found. The Imperial Starfighter Corps has also been rolled into the Navy for simplicity and greater coordination ability.

The New Imperial Security Bureau

A merger of Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau, the NISB is a highly professional civilian branch of the Galactic Empire that is responsible for the identification, analysis and mitigation of threats to the Empire originating from external and internal sources and to enforce law and order throughout the Empire of the Lost. Its chief duties are the analysis of strategic, operational, and tactical data streams, the creation of effective propaganda, internal policing duties, foreign intelligence gathering, law enforcement operations, and many more. A NISB Agent will often find themselves wearing many hats and performing many of the daily, dangerous duties that keeps the Empire's homefront running in check, including managing the permitting of and if necessary, detaining or killing hostile Force Wielders. More info about the NISB can be found here.

The Imperial Crusaders


The Imperial Crusaders are the frontline generals of the Empire of the Lost similar to the Jedi Generals during the Clone Wars. Recognized by their crimson red armor, the Imperial Crusaders intrepidly leads troops into battle while using a mixture of the dark and light side of the Force. Information about the Imperial Crusaders can be found here.

Imperial Custodians


Handpicked by the Emperor and Moff Council, the Imperial Custodians guards high value targets for the Empire of the Lost. They are highly skilled and armed with the average Custodian having the skills needed to take on a Jedi Knight. The Custodians are often seen accompanying Grand Moffs, Generals, and sometimes the Emperor. More information can be found here.

The DuPorcelen Iron Legion
The auxillery branch of the Imperial military is home to various odd forces that do not quite follow the exact doctrine like that of the regular Imperial soldiers. One of the most notable auxillery army is that of the DuPorcelen Iron Legion. This army was founded from the remnants of the Eternal Empire (Kalidan founded) on Lotho Minor, where corporate and military dictatorship arose in the wake of the Empire's collapse. The army mostly serves in the interests of the DuPorcelen Logistics Corporation, currently owned and operated by Moff Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , who also serves as the Supreme Commander of this army. Here, Eternal military doctrine is on display within the ranks of the Empire of the Lost. Soldiers of this army are taken from worlds under (currently) Moff DuPorcelen's authortiy, trained in measures that go beyond even that of the proper Eternal Empire's training. Such intense training moulds these men and women into a grim machine of death on the battlefield. This army is often deployed in harsh battle zones with their equipment and training encompassing siege tactics, steady advances, and combat in inhospitable environments.
Further information on the Iron Legion can be found:

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