Am thinking of reworking the Isard-II. We currently lack a dedicated Command Ship/Fleet Leader. if the Tarkin-II becomes the baseline Star Destroyer, the Isard-II can stay at 2000m and be a heavy gun battleship AND command vessel. It would make them easily the most gun-powerful ship in the Imperial Navy, and allow me to keep them at Minor Production without much fear.
Their comparative scarcity also means that they would properly be seen as a symbol of the Empire's might. They'd still be dedicated Space Combat vessels, though, and need support to assist in a planetary invasion.
The 200 extra guns I can stick on would probably be like, 40 medium turbolaser batteries and 10 more ion cannons.
That means for the fleet reoganization I have the following to finish that I have ideas and pics for.
- Isard-II (Command Ship)
- Tarkin-II (Star Destroyer)
- ??? Heavy Cruiser (Gyon Upgrade or possible parallel evolution)
I would also like to make a new frigate and a corvette.