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Approved Tech Millie's Stolen Saber

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  • Intent: To further describe Millie's first lightsaber. Y'know, the stolen one.
  • Image Source: Sabersourcing review of a Saberforge product, with background removed in edit by me.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber
  • Manufacturer: Currently unknown Jedi Knight
  • Affiliation: Millie
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Could potentially be modified by someone with the right skills, proper equipment and time. The casing, lenses and crystal could all be removed and replaced.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Kyber crystal, Lightsaber components, Durasteel, Leather (for grip), Silver (for detailing).
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Green kyber crystal
  • Silver detailing
  • Comfortable leather finger-grip.
  • Quite cutting: With some time and pushing, the saber can cut through most materials that aren't resistant.
  • Deflection: With some training and concentration, the user can deflect blaster bolts with the blade.
  • Totally stolen: The lightsaber wasn't made by Millie and obviously doesn't belong to her. It is likely that actual Jedi may try and take it, in order to restore it to it's actual owner.
  • Wrong bonds: The crystal was bonded with the original owner. Whilst someone else can use it, and accomplish great things with it, the saber will never work quite as well as one constructed by themselves.
  • Short outs: When the blade comes into contact with lightsaber resistant materials, it shorts out and cannot be used.
The lightsaber has been passed around for an unknown amount of time, falling into the hands of various pawn shops, collectors and petty merchants. After a while, it found it's way to the pirate ports of Freehold, where it was taken in a heist by unknown thieves. After some fencing, wheeling and dealing, it came into the possession of one Rym, a trinket stall-holder and known fence that traded out of the night markets on Freehold.

The box it was secured in drew the interest of Millie, a force sensitive thief that lived on Freehold at the time. After arranging a distraction, she stole the box from the stall and ran off with it. Discovering what was inside, Millie felt compelled to keep the saber and started to use it secretly, not wishing to draw attention too much attention to herself.
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