Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minds like Clay (Open)

As a knight Darth Raven was now capable of taking on an apprentice. The idea of taking over and teaching one of the younger minds of the Sith order and building them up as she had been by her own master was a interesting step to take. But given that she'd been to classes before the idea struck: Why teach only one when you can teach many? The prospect of having many students to teach in the skills she learned seemed both productive and a perfect means to have the students test their new-found abilities on each other if need be. Combat training never hurt as well..

Raven had procured a room within the Sith temple where she had two main areas set up. There was the training ring which was where she current stood and waited, wearing her usual attire of a white button shirt and a long dark skirt. The other area was the alchemy table, for those in the group wanting to learn a little something extra by the time they were done with the regular force powers. And standing with Raven was her large sithspawn devourer pet, Sebastian. The great beast stood with her like a loyal hound, waiting for his master's command.

And now all she had to do was wait and see who would arrive first.

[member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Master Popo"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori had heard of Darth Revan from her sister, Taeli. A while ago, the younger sibling would have asked permission from her to attend a training class. Now? She was rebelling somewhat. Her true identity was still a secret and with Darth Arcanix as an older sister and Master, nobody had challenged her lineage.

So Melori had simply signed up and rushed to see what new skills she could learn – or at the very least develop what she already knew. So she arrived, a few bacta patches in place as every lesson she seemed to participate in left her with new wounds and a growing list of scars. She was dressed simply, in black robes, her hood down and her prized gauntlets – from her trip to Korriban – tucked into her belt.

What was she here to learn? She hadn’t even checked, she simply devoured knowledge. And so she arrived at the appointed room and looking in, realised she was first to arrive – except for the Sith Knight of course. Oh, and that significant sithspawn that towered over her teacher.

Melori nodded an acknowledgement as she entered. Not a bow. She’d had enough of that when she was a Padawan. Bowing indicated servitude and deference. Melori was not arrogant enough to believe she knew it all. But she didn’t see herself as inferior to anyone either. She simply hadn’t learned what someone had taken the time to teach them. It was that simple.

So she waited for the others to arrive, wondering if any familiar faces would show.

[member="Darth Raven"]


The Attention Seeker
It seemed there was a training class going on in the temple. As much as Kitty had been avoiding it she really did need to learn more if she ever wanted to be considered worth of getting a master. Though Kitty was relatively content with her life. Still she doubted the sith would let her run around not getting anywhere forever.

Kitty arrived in the training room in her usual getup of dark purple tank top, blue shorts, and lightsaber on her hip. It seemed two others were already here one of them clearly the teacher and probably the one with the monster standing by her side. Kitty decided to just stand and wait for instruction.
There were many reasons why Sitara wanted to take Sith classes. It was because first and foremost, she was a student. The academy was limiting, only teaching them the things to know so that they could be the perfect apprentices. Like that really helped her. She had a wonderful master, but as of recently, they hadn’t been spending as much time together. That wouldn’t halt her desire to learn and grow. She was eager to please him, eager for her to show him that he was not wrong when he saw potential in her.

Heading over to where they were to be learning, she smiled at the two students who’d be joining the session and waved over at master. Darth Raven was petite, she was shorter than her by three inches it seemed. Sitara tapped the lightsaber holstered on her hip. She observed the two other students. One of them, she had seen before; the other, looked like someone should be throwing her some fish, or petting her at the very least. Sitara shrugged. There were far too many races to keep track of.

She was here to learn, maybe make some friends in the process. People in the academy were stupid, some of them didn't deserve to be where they were. She hoped those accompanying her today were more than that; different.

Now who else would walk through that door?

| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] | [member="Darth Raven"] |
The first of the students had arrived. Three was enough to start with for now. If others would come they would catch up, one way or another. But first Darth Raven wanted a look as these three new acolytes to see the kind of potential they had. She held her hands behind her back as she walked up to each of them, examining closely. Almost like an owl overlooking potential food her steel blue eyes pierced through to each of them as she walked up and almost leaned in towards them.

The first girl she could sense familiar power. It was odd. She had a feeling she knew this girl in some way, or perhaps someone else she was related to. She could not find the proper place or nae but it was familiar. At the very least this girl had a strong connection to the darkside already, meaning there was plenty of interest to see how she'd adapt. ( [member="Melori Raaf"] )

Then there was the cat-like girl that stood before her. Not too often to see one of her kind, let alone one that had the privilege of being among the Sith. She was already dressed for the occasion, yet Raven had a feeling there was a sort of fire of resistance in this one she'd have to be careful of. Either way there were plenty of chances to prove herself or allow herself to be controlled. Raven would see which was stronger. ( [member="Kitty"] )

The last girl had something of a mixed feel from the others. Strong yet not so stoned into the ways of the darkside. Eager, yes, but how much? Almost a sense of pride in her posture. Interesting. Darth Raven actually gave a curious hum after she finished with her, now turning back to walk into the center of the room. ( [member="Sitara Qin"] )

All the while her large devourer sithspawn pet had followed her. He growled as he passed by each of the students. Another test of Raven's to see how well they would do under a bit of pressure. And what's more terrifying than a fully grown sithspawn baring it's teeth at you from only a few feet away?

When she returned to the room she stood with her backs to the students while asking "I have a question for you all: why have you come here? What do you seek? What do you hope to gain? Above all, what do you think you will learn when this is over?"

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori stood immobile whilst the Sith Knight walked up and down. She was used to being appraised by now. It happened in every lesson. It didn’t make the feeling any more comfortable - but it did give a sense of continuity. But the sithspawn was a new angle - and she found her eyes following it and not the Sith Knight.

A moment’s hesitation to see who else might jump in first and Melori spoke. More often than not she went first. “I am Melori Rae. Why am I here? I wish to be free from restrictions – and I include the Jedi in that equation. I strive to achieve perfection and fulfil my potential, to be free of limits. Every generation has its Sith’ari. If it proves to be my destiny, I intend to make the Sith stronger than before. Or die, being found unworthy. Today is another step in my journey towards power. It is an inevitable journey. My sister is a great Master but my desire for knowledge is insatiable and I understand she has other students. And she sends her regards by the way.”

There was no humour in the voice, nor was she over-dramatic, despite the grandiose words. It was delivered in a matter-of-fact way, although there was more than a touch of arrogance.

[member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Sitara Qin"] | @Kitty
From the shadows Master Popo seemed to float to the front his very disturbed smile seemed to permeate the air from all around him as he took in the room. The portly body he inhabited shone a dark sheen as he landed softly upon the ground.

He was happy to show his prowess and possibly spar against another trainee.
[member="Melori Raaf"][member="Darth Raven"][member="Sitara Qin"][member="Kitty"]


The Attention Seeker
Kitty seemed to shrink back a bit as the sith spawn growled as it passed by. Instinctively her hand wanted to reach towards her lightsaber but her brain managed to stop it. Kitty didn't trust her fellow sith and she had good reason not to.

The knight returned to the center of the room and asked them all a question, a question Kitty did not have a good answer to. After one of the other students gave their response Kitty decided to lie and just hope her bluff wasn't called. "I come here seeking knowledge and power. I don't know what I will learn from this class but whatever it is I am sure I will come out of it stronger." The last part of her answer was the truth. Hopefully the mix of truth in the lie would help it be less detectable.
Why are you here?

To learn, duh. Would’ve been Sitara’s first answer had she lacked self-control. There were times where she was rude, and people didn’t understand that it was merely because she was impulsive. As a child, she lacked the normal filtering system people had and often said things without thinking. However, besides getting her into trouble it also did her some good. She had met many different people because her personality came off as sweet and charming. Over the years, Sitara had become coarse and grew into a woman who knew how to manipulate, how to play the game. She raised her gaze to meet the petite lord’s eyes. “Why, I wish to become stronger. I want to enrich my knowledge and shape this world without anyone getting in my way.

What do you seek?

Power.” The word escaped her lips, to her surprise. Was that really what she was hungry for? It was easy for her to get whatever she wanted. She could have men giving her their millions in exchange for her touch. Her very own charm was her allure, and it was easy for her to torment those that surrounded for. And yet, she still wanted more. The reason for it was hidden, something she wouldn’t dare tell anyone else. She was doing it not only for herself, but for someone else too. Was she trying to prove something? Although the dark side seduced her, there was something else that she loved.

What do you hope to gain?

The question was much harder for her to answer. She had everything she needed besides the actual strength to carry it all away. She was tired of just being an apprentice. There was far more to her than that and she hoped Darth Raven could see it. She hoped she could see the potential Carach had saw in her. She hoped to make him proud of her. Was that what this was?

What will you learn when this is over.

We’ll figure that out.” She grumbled, hand toying with the shaft of her lightsaber.

| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Master Popo"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] | [member="Darth Raven"] |
Raven continued to pace as each of the trainees gave there answers. She didn't look to them, only wanting to hear their answers and nothing more. She had stopped when Sebastian growled at the approaching presence of [member="Master Popo"] . Raven gave a bemused look. An ugly thing, and it was late too. That would, in time though. For now it was just matter of evaluation.

After hearing all of the she nodded "Very good. Very good answers. Very truthful as well. Power. Strength. Freedom for yourself. Control of others. The things sought by all Sith. You three have each received 100 points." She would tell them about this little tid-bit later. "But then the question comes: how does one achieve these things? Wealth? Intuition? A sense of knowing what real power is? We use the force. We use the darkside, the very raw potential of it. But anyone who can seek power can just as easily be overthrown by it." She'd stopped with her backs still to them. "So the grandest of questions remains. How does one hold, control and gain this power?" She turned and answered for them. "You use this." pointing at her forehead.

Walking towards the one called [member="Melori Raaf"] , who mentioned being related to her old master, she still addressed the all by saying "Your mind is the one thing that keeps yourself, the very thing that makes you what you are, intact. The darkside can consume a lesser soul." She stopped and put her arms on Raaf's shoulder and only gripped them hard. "It can eat away at you bit by bit without you know. A little pinch that won't go away." Next she moved to [member="Kitty"] , going behind her and holding her shoulder while whispering sinisterly "It can influence your every actions. Control you like a master with a puppet." Finally she moved to [member="Sitara Qin"] , who was taller than her, but stood in front of her while saying "You must keep your mind and your will ever strong. Or else, without knowing it, the darkside will take hold. And THEN..." She held her hands up, almost as if to attack Qin, but they stayed where they were as she finished with " will be too late."

She turned away and walked back to the center of the room while finishing with "Here you will learn how to keep your will strong. Your concentration solid as rock. And your convictions as engraved as iron." Turning on her heel she asked "Any questions?"
Popo only seemed more intrigued by the things [member="Darth Raven"] spoke about. Losing himself to the dark side of the force had happened long ago and he enjoyed every second of it. The madness that ensued from the power that it promised. He wondered, would she know how far down the rabbit hole he had gone? Although he again thought that nobody would know this as his face would only ever show one expression. Joy. Very maddened joy. The kind a killer would have as he cornered his victim.
His black dolls eyes only peering at his mentor. He aspired for her power and for her wisdom and so he would learn. Stay whom he is RIGHT NOW. A Shard maddened with dark energy. It always kept him alive before.
[member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Melori Raaf"]
Whispers, secrets, deceit, this seemed to be normal within the Sith. Hakora was nothing more than a rogue master who was becoming a Lord among the Sith. He had his personal goals an what he would gain from this, but the Sith was where he needed to be and maybe where he should have always been. He decided it would be fun to watch little Sith play and he heard Darth Raven was teaching the class. He thought it would be nice to see her in action with people her level instea of someone toying with her for his own agenda.

He entered the room, clearly not dressed like a Sith and with a katana only at his side. He sat on a table in the back and watched the little Sith play their game of who isdarker and who could look like a mad killer. To Hakora they knew nothing of the dark side or what it meant to take a life. Then he saw her.

[member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Master Popo"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Darth Raven"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori listened to the other Acolytes and then to the Sith Knight again. They shared some things in common - they’d both been Jedi and they had the same Master - albeit Darth Raven had now progressed to Knighthood. But it was likely they’d shared similar training, so the next few hours should prove most interesting.

Her words were valuable and Melori wondered what precisely the training would entail, but this hardly constituted a question, so when asked, she gave a small shake of the head and wondered if anyone else had anything to ask.

But as concentration during a duel was something that she’d faltered with before, she simply couldn’t wait to get going - talk was interesting but Melori Rae was very much a girl of action.

[member="Master Popo"] | [member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Sitara Qin"] | [member="Kitty"]


The Attention Seeker
Kitty was the only one in the room exactly as tall as Raven. It gave her chills down her spine when the darth came behind her and whispered in her ears. Her ear also flicked in annoyance and protest to the close transference of sound from mouth to ear. The women could of whispered from across the room and Kitty would have heard it just fine.

Kitty was quite aware of the dangers of the dark side. Around the same time when she officially made up her mind that she would rather be a sith than a jedi she had also decided that the dark side because of its more powerful nature was meant to be used less often and that abuse would lead to the corruption of mind, body, and spirit. Some sith lords were messed up things their body twisted and unsightly due to their over reliance upon the dark side. It was Kitty's greatest fear to be consumed by the dark side and the dark seemed to know it.

Kitty did not have any questions.
A chubby little critter had appeared without her really acknowledging it, though the Sith Lord seemed a little baffled. Was the alien supposed to be taking this class with them? He was…well, late; and he also seemed like somebody Sitara wouldn’t have originally pegged for a dark side user. Either way, there were many different kinds of people. The other newcomer was fair looking, and didn’t dress like your stereotypical dark side user either, not that she was complaining. He merely looked like he was only here to observe. Her eyes met with his for a second, before turning back to the tiny Sith Lord.

The two other girls kept their mouth shut, the cat woman looked a little more frightened by Darth Raven’s lecture. Her eyes focused to the Sith Master who spoke of being consumed by the dark side. It was one of Sitara’s greatest fears as she felt as though she didn’t belong. She was far too impulsive to be a Jedi, though she was felt as though she was hesitant to embrace the darkness within her. With time. She thought. She simply needed a little push, she needed a greater reason to submit herself to absence of life. Her soul shot straight to the end of the spectrum, but her heart was still dead in the middle.

Keep your mind and your will strong. She grinned, that was something she could do. After all, there was nobody she prioritized but herself. Everyone else could go screw it for all she cared. Today they’d learn how to keep their will strong. But then what? She wanted more, though she knew Darth Raven wasn’t just going to teach them to be strong willed force users. There was a lot more to the teachings that met her eyes.

Sitara’s will was rock hard, however her heart was a little more flexible.

| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] | [member="Hakora Feanor"] | [member="Master Popo"] | [member="Darth Raven"] |
With no one asking questions Darth Raven simply nodded. Good to see they fully understood. Her attention was taken for a moment when Sebastian growled at the appearance of [member="Hakora Feanor"] . His presence was a suprise, to say the least, but she only gave an uneasy gaze at him. Here was the man she'd helped bring to the Sith and he was just freely wandering around? Something else had been behind this but, being this was not the time or place, Raven chose to turn and keep her attention on the students before her.

"Now then, students, today we will start with a basic force ability: speed." She said in a very matter-of-fact tone. "When using speed force you'll find yourself moving much faster than you normally would. What would take oh...." she looked around before seeing the end of the room near Feanor. "30 seconds...." She suddenly began to ran but seemed to zip over in almost the blink of an eye. She stopped dead in front of Feanor himself before turning and saying to the students "...can feel almost like a second." She smiled before instruction "Now everyone line up side-to-side."

She waited until every was before stretching her arm out. The shadows around her wavered for a moment before a small raven, seemed to be made out of shadow itself, flapped it's wings and cawed. The little familiar flew over to a waiting perch in the room on the other side of the room and cawed again before getting comfortable.

Raven addressed her students and said "You need to feel the force guiding you. Aiding you. Focusing down into your feet as you run. I want each of you to keep this in mind as you run from the marker and back. Understood?" Once they said so she said "We'll start with you." pointing to [member="Melori Raaf"] . "And.....GO!"

[member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Master Popo"]
Hakora watched the acolytes, fear was in this room, much different than a Jedi training season where emotion was to be avoided. Hakora wondered which was better if ether. Hakora's eyebrow rose as one of the acolytes eyed him. He did not return her smile, but did let out his presence to examine her signature. Interesting, she was grey like himself, only difference was she could fall to the Dark Side while Hakora couldn't due to his genetics. Most Sith would see that a a flaw because Hakra would not be able to use the dark side powers to their fullest, but Hakora didn't need to since he preferred Fire over anything else.

Ok seriously, he could not shake it, what was up with this little black thing? Why was he dressed so weird? Hakora wondered if the thing would ever strike fear unless that fear was the fear of dying from laughter; maybe it was. Hakora's eyes then caught the eyes of his favourite little Knight. To say she was put off by Hakora's presence was an understatement. He merely smirked and then she was right in front of him. Hakora busted out into laughter by this. "Wow, I have seen woman chase me, but now that was impressive. Don't hold back little bird, show them how fast you really are."
[member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sitara Qin"]
As the round little man listened to his masters lecture about speed and whatnot...something about letting the force flow through himself. Which seemed pretty easy as that was how he leaped with such ease in his droid body. He bounded to the mark and then exactly back into the place he started looking almost as if he were landing from thin air. He wasn't quite as fast as [member="Darth Raven"] but one could get the impression that he might have had a grasp on this sort of power before starting. He stood back at his position and stayed smiling his face never changing. Except for those eyes. Which now seemed to be directly pointed at [member="Hakora Feanor"]
He got the feeling that he liked this Faeperson
He wasn't sure why but he just felt like he wanted to know EVERYTHING about it. He admitted he enjoyed the feeling of being here. Is this excitement? Ooooh it was euphoric. If he could drool he would but he couldn't. He just licked his lips and waited for his fellow students to finish.
"Senpai, might this one be able to ask for what this one can improve upon?"
He stated in his high pitched voice then began his staring session at Hakora
[member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Kitty"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
This lesson took her back to her time on Corellia - back at the Academy there. Force Speed was an ability she'd learned many years ago - before her coma - but she'd not been able to use it anywhere near as well as she could now. Her access to the Dark-side dwarfed what she was capable of when she was a Youngling.

So there was no aspect of showing off, but she was asked to use the Ability and she complied. Calling on the Dark-side, her eyes morphed from their usual baby blue to a pale yellow instantly and she sped to the marker and returned.

Once done, she simply waited the next instruction.

[member="Master Popo"] | [member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Sitara Qin"] | [member="Kitty"]

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