Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Filius Stellarum"], [member="Sek Kali"]

Evaelyn looked towards the man whose name she did not yet know to be Erebos, though her writer had forgotten his alias. There were certainly some details to be figured out, although she had a pretty clear idea of where to go to next. Even so, better safe than sorry. "I'll get in touch with the pilot, see what he can find out" Elyn stepped aside to chat with the pilot over the comm. After a few moments, they had their plan. The blue-haired woman returned to share the intel with the rest of the group, and they moved onwards to the location where they would plot their ambush. Hitting a shipment as it left orbit seemed a risky affair, unless they had the resources to engage with the planetary defences. Targeting an inland trade route seemed far more likely to provide them with success. Perhaps the shipment would not be as large as an off-world package would've been, but it would likely still be more than what they could carry on their own. Evaelyn needed little more than that.

Evaelyn clung to the darkness of the alleys, ready to spring out whenever the shipment arrived. Filius, as proposed by himself, likely stayed on overwatch. The group would have time to take up position and prepare themselves for the coming confrontation. Finally, after a fair amount of waiting and staring at absolutely nothing, they could see the shipment and its entourage stroll up the narrow passageway. It was time to strike and do what they had come her for in the first place.

(OOC: No need for a pardon! Just happy to see your name on the list of people who tagged me again! Glad to have you back with us :))

Filius Stellarum

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Sek Kali"]

Now they were getting into it. The familiar rush of adrenaline filled his veins as he clambered to the top of a building with a clear view of the approaching shipment. He lined it up in his rifle scope and did a quick tactical analysis.

"All right," he said, "Stand by for tactical analysis. Listen up cause I'm only going to say it once." Filius swept the shipment once more as it lazily strolled down the alley.

"The shipment is being carried on a repulsorsled, pushed by a labor droid," he said into the comm, "I've got at least four foot mobiles, all armed, guarding it, plus a small, emphasis on the small, speeder with one driver and a gunner with a repeating blaster." Filius was rather amused by the speeder. It was barely bigger than a swoop bike, carrying a blaster that looked like it would blow the speeder onto its side as soon as it started firing. Filius lined up the gunner in his rifle scope.

"All right lady, it's all on you," he said to Evaelyn, "I've got the gunner in my sights. Say the word and I'll take the shot."
Erebos had moved with the group and had kept himself silent for the most part while they made their way into the ambush location. Once there he moved to climb up ontop of the lowest building he could that overlooked the road the shipment would have to take and with force assisted aiming, threw two thermal detonators on either end to trap the shipment in the location that best fitted the ambush. He had made sure that no one was watching him when he threw them and he didn't move any different when he used telekinesis to plant the detonators on optimal locations.

"This is Mal'tiac, In position and waiting for the go signal." He said into the coms to the Zambrano sisters before he crouched low enough to be out of sight but could pop up at a moments notice and lay down fire with his rifle.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Filius Stellarum"] [member="Sek Kali"]
Joycelyn was in one of the alleys, opposite to Evaelyn. Her eyes glared through the visor of her helmet as she stood crouched in a runner's starting position, ready to pounce. They had plenty of gunners, so she would take a closer approach. In her left hand, she held the inactive hilt of her lightsabre. In the other, her cruel instrument of blunt force trauma. She still had the satchel on her, metallic lumps resting within. [member="Darth Erebos"] was not the only one who had brought explosives. However, she saved them for their escape. They should not spend all their power on one encounter.

Her body tensed as her brown eyes saw the shipment and its guardians. She could swear she was detected, yet no blasters had yet been pointed her way. She needed to strike before they could. There was no other way. One chance, that was all they got. They had one chance to swiftly eliminate the guards, high-jack the shipment and get away before they were caught.

Her heart pounded in her chest, fire burned in her veins like kisses from her goddess of fire. Joyce whispered one last prayer.

Witness me Vahl, witness my wrath.

Her boots bit into the dusty concrete floor as she pushed off. The fury in her soul fuelled her body with the Force as she sprinted towards her targets. All hell was about to break loose, and they would be right in the centre as always.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Sek Kali"], [member="Filius Stellarum"],

Filius Stellarum

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Blast it you hothead, Filius thought as the woman rushed the convoy. The whole idea had been to have him take out the gunner to start them off, who even now was swinging the barrel of his repeater towards the charging woman. Filius fired and the shot smacked into the guard's neck between his helmet and chest piece. Instant kill. The threat neutralized, Filius grabbed a smoke grenade from his belt and hurled it down to the ground. He had to provide some sort of cover to the all-too-eager woman. If she was smart, she would have some way of seeing despite the smoke. Filius knew he did.

"Smoke out!" he yelled, "I hope you guys can fight blind!"

The smoke billowed out, obscuring the battle below and throwing the guards into confusion. Filius switched his scope to x-ray mode and began engaging targets, doing his best to hit them or keep them under cover.
Evaelyn was preparing herself for the engagement to come.Hopefully it would turn into a short and sweet hit and run. The planet was beautiful enough, but she had no intentions of staying any longer than she had to. The sooner they got this done the better. She could already picture the result of her gains here today. Elyn knew exactly what to do with the phrik. Of course, there was no point in lingering more on that before she actually held the material in her hands.

Status updates came from everyone that they were in position. And soon enough, their target approached. Elyn clung to the walls, her hand gripping tightly around the hilt of her lightsaber. The small convoy was getting closer and closer. Hold... she thought to herself, calming and reassuring the sizeable part of her that wanted to throw herself at the shipment right away. She had a warrior's blood, and patience did not come easy to her.

Then Joy charged! The game was on. The ambush was revealed and set in motion. There was no doubt what her blue-haired twin would do now. There was no way she would hang her sister out to dry. She darted out from her side of the street and charged. As she did so, she heard the sounds of the rest being pulled into motion. A gunner was shot, then she heard Filius shout. Hopefully he didn't reveal his position to the enemy - although that might not matter, as it became quite tricky for them to see.

The small battlefield became enveloped in smoke. Fight blind? No problem. Well. Slight problem, but it was no major obstacle. Elyn didn't have a fancy helmet that could register life forms through the smoke. She did have the benefit of the increased alertness that came with the Force. Her body became a blur that merged with the smoke. She had not yet ignited her lightsaber, although she held it close in hand. Its light would only paint a target on her back, she figured. Instead, she opted for the element of surprise provided with her axe. It had the benefit of not glowing.

The axe found its mark and sunk deep in between the shoulder blades of one of the guards. He screamed, fired a salvo from his weapon, but it was into nothing but thin air. As he fell down and slowly met his demise, Elyn was already away, darting towards the next one. Caught up in the moment, she sounded a battle-cry as she leapt on top of another guard. She took him to the ground. The impact with the ground was the least of his concerns, for she had managed to firmly plant her weapon into him.

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Filius Stellarum"], [member="Sek Kali"]
Filius was clearly not happy with Joycelyn's start, but she did not care. As the smoke billowed, Joycelyn smiled. She could fight in the smoke, her master had trained her in the dark. The convoy? She doubted they were as confident in their own ability to see through the smokescreen. Her eyes closed as her fingers clenched around her club. Running in zig-zag, she kept out of their aim.

She rushed two of the four guards on foot. One she clocked with a mighty swing of her iron instrument. It connected with the escort's jaw, crushing the bone under it's weight with enough force to lift the man off his feet. With a flick of her wrist, she turned it around and brought it down on his chest, crushing the clavicle and driving it into his lungs. The other was lifting his blaster to fire at her. Instinctively, Joycelyn thumped the button of her lightsabre while swinging into an upward arc. The blue blade burst out from the cylindrical hilt and cut clean through both his arms, leaving the blaster clattering to the ground. Whipping around, she placed the heel of her boot in the disarmed man's chest to knock him back before bringing her sabre down to cleave him in half.

Having resumed the cut, she turned the sabre off and moved. She knew her glow-stick of death attracted attention in the fog, and even if she revelled in the fight, she would rather not be tagged in the noggin just yet.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Sek Kali"], [member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Filius Stellarum"]
As the battle began he took a few shots at the guards and then focused a little at the driver of the shipment vehicle but that only made him begin to back up to get away. With a communication to all participants Mal'tiac then pressed a button on his gauntlet. "Fire in the hole!" The resounding blast sent debris falling down and blocking the backing vehicle, cutting off it's escape as it stopped just right off the debris that had built up and blocked the road. However the falling debris had made enough wind to dissipate the smoke enough so that it was more like heavy fog now rather than a blanketing screen, which made it a little easier to see in it.

With a volley from his rifle he set about to suppress the guards that had taken up cover on the other side of the vehicle, using it's heavy plating to keep them from harm. 'How do the normals do this everyday?' He thought as he tried to get a good hit in every now and then while laying down the suppression fire, hitting only one of the four guards that had taken refuge in the head.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Sek Kali"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Filius Stellarum"]
It's been a week, so I'm throwing another one in here.

As the two around her fell, she covered herself from the explosions that prevented the transport from fleeing. Shaking off the disorientation, Joycelyn looked left and right for something to hit. Blaster fire kept striking the side of the cart, and now that the smoke dispersed into thick fog, she could see the three survivors behind it. One was reloading, another was trying to patch up a corpse, the third was about to call for back-up. She could not allow that to go through.

Shifting the grip on her mace, she took a step forward, brought it up and then chucked it at the radio caller just as he was bringing it up to his mouth. Though she aimed for his head, it crushed the com-unit instead. The butt of her weapon hit the caller over the cheek, leaving what would become a nasty bruise if left untreated. To Joycelyn, it looked as though everything had slowed down. She threw a glance to her sister, the blue beast with the axe. Then, she sprinted at the covered three.

The one that had tried to salvage his dead friend rose up from the cover, reaching for his blaster to fire at Joyce. The one who had just reloaded turned to fire at Mal'Tiak ([member="Darth Erebos"]). The caller placed a hand on his cheek and scrambled for the broken com-device. Joycelyn felt the fire of Vahl in her heart. She counted the heartbeats, because she knew she stood at the precipice of death, facing blasters. Many force users looked down upon blasters, but she would never underestimate their deadliness. Right now, she looked down the barrel of one, and the finger was on the trigger.

Instinctively, Joyce brought her hands together in a cylinder, then turned it to face up. As she did, so did the barrel of the blaster. It directed the shot up, away from Joycelyn for long enough to let her close the distance. Her fist balled, launched, connected, and bone crunched beneath the force-powered punch to the chest.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Sek Kali"], [member="Filius Stellarum"]

Filius Stellarum

(OOC: Don't know how many guards we actually killed but hey, the more the merrier :))
[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Sek Kali"]
With a final rifle shot, Filius nailed the driver of the speeder. The guard slumped over his controls. Then Filius connected a grapple line to the roof and slid down it to the ground, glad he was wearing gloves. His boots hit the ground and immediately his knife was out and flying. The spinning blade whistled towards the man scrambling for his comm device, with Filius hot on its heels. The weapon struck the guard in the skull blade-first, its long striking surface penetrating the combat helmet and producing a scream and a spurt of blood. Filius was instantly on it, grabbing the hilt and wrenching it forward with the force of his momentum.

The guard fell with a gaping, bleeding gash in his head and Filius was instantly behind the final guard. Before the guard could fire on the strange man with the blaster rifle, Filius grabbed him around the neck and wielded the bloody knife with his other hand, slicing the guard's throat and killing him instantly. Filius released the guard and he fell to the ground. Filius spun the knife on his finger, wiped it off on his sleeve, and slid it back into his sheath.

"Stand down people," he said, all-business, "Contacts nuetralized."
Taking cover as the man began firing at him while Joycelyn charged at them. With a heavy exasperating sigh he leaned against the rooftop cover while he waited for the firing barrage against his cover to finish. Though as he was he noticed that the last of the guards had moved into the building he was on top of and was coming at him with a drawn knife. 'Chit.' He thought as he dropped his rifle and jumped at the man ending in a brawl. With a swift punch to the mans knife wielding hand
Erebos made him drop the knife but was rewarded with a kick to his head instead.
His white hair spilled out as the helmet went flying off into a corner of the roof top. With an anger filled growl Erebos moved into the man and sent nerve strikes into his left leg and right arm, paralyzing both limbs and forcing the man on his knees. "This is were you belong, Kneeling like an Insect before a God." He growled as he moved both hands up to the mans horrified face as he stared into the black orbs that constituted as Erebos's blind eyes, before he stuck his thumbs into them. He stopped just as he would reach the brain of the man through his occular cavities but his eyes would be useless, All the while the man was screaming his head off in pain.
Without moving Erebos made the helmet and the mans knife come to his hands and after placing the helmet back on he held the man down and slowly forced the knife into his abdomen, causing the screaming to become louder before he jerked the knife out and left the man lying in a pool of his own blood and guts.

The brutality he had resorted to surprised even Erebos, that he was capable of such an unbridled act of such ferocious savagery. However he simple absorbed it and dissected it inside his mind like he had done with all of his emotions until he understood it but to his surprise the act gave him satisfaction, an odd feeling given how unsightly the image of the now blind man trying to pull his guts back into his stomach cavity while he was bleeding out on the roof top, it sent a chill down his own sine.
Moving to the man he gripped his head and snapped his neck to give him a quick death before he picked up his rifle and scanned the combat zone. "This is Mal'Tiak, all clear on my end." He reported, choosing to leave out what had transpired on the rooftop a few moments earlier.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Sek Kali"], [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"], [member="Filius Stellarum"]
As [member="Filius Stellarum"] finished off the two others. Joycelyn firmly grabbed the collar of the one she had hit. She turned, bent her knees and threw him over her hip and into the ground before planting her metal clad knee on his throat. She nicked a small blaster from his belt as he squirmed and buckled under her knee, unable to push her away. Between the compressed chest cavity, paralysed diaphragm, and larynx being crushed under her knee, there was very little chance of him surviving.

The Vahlacanthix surveyed the area, while tucking away the hilt of her lightabre. She looked for one or two who may have slipped away in the commotion to call backup. However, she could not see nor feel anyone besides their crew. Her ears were ringing; her breath was rapid as the adrenaline surged through her body. She looked at the blaster as she stood up. It was a decent make, non-standard for the troops and therefore probably a personal weapon. Turning the barrel down at her victim, she squeezed the trigger. Plasma shot out, entered his ruined chest cavity and left a smoking hole.

"Let's get the shipment out of here before backup arrives."

She moved over to her mace, picked it up and placed it back in her belt. As she did, Joyce looked for her sister just in case.

'Elyn, are you alright?'

[member="Sek Kali"], [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"], [member="Darth Erebos"],
Evaelyn's writer is on an LOA. I will NPC her for the remainder of this thread, with permission, so that we may finish it up and enjoy our catch.

'Couldn't be better. Let's get out of here before reinforcements arrive.'

While replying to the telepathic message, the blue-haired woman wiped her axe clean of blood on the coat of her targets before placing it back in her belt. She wasted no time and climbed up on the phrik-transport. Her fingers tapped the luminescent keys before she pushed the handle-bars forward to make the vehicle move. They did not have all day, speed was of the essence and those who stayed behind would be left behind.

Seeing Evaelyn start up the transport, Joycelyn climbed up on its side. She found a ledge to wedge her boots in while holding on to a rail. It was not quite uncomfortable either, she could certainly get used to it. She looked to the rest of the crew. There were room for three more on the transport, plus whatever else the guards had used for escort. They would have to decide for themselves. They were so close to the goal, she could almost taste the profits. Yet, it was not time to lose their vigilance.

"Moving out!"

The transport was certainly not fast, but quicker than moving on foot. If anyone wanted on, then they would have just enough time to do so before they moved.

[member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Sek Kali"],[member="Filius Stellarum"], [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]

Filius Stellarum

[member="Joycelyn Zambrano"][member="Darth Erebos"][member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]
Filius delcined the invitation to hop up on the speeder. Instead he walked to his grapple line and, making sure he had all his gear, began to climb up it.

"I'll track you guys from up top," he said as got a few feet off the ground, "I'll tell you if I see anything."

When Filius reached the top he pulled his rifle off his back and waited for the transport to begin moving.
As the all clear was given Erebos looked around and then moved to jump down to meet with the Zambrano twins and moved up on the transport. Moving up against it and grabbing hold of a railing he placed his rifle on his back and took out a pistol to be ready. "All right let's go."

[member="Filius Stellarum"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]
As those who wished to jump on did so and those who did not made their own paths, the transport left. They did not make any breakneck speeds, but there was a clear risk of injury should one fall off. Now and again, the passengers would have to pull themselves close to the railing to avoid being scraped up against the walls. Evaelyn was a competent driver, but the ride was not without its bumps. Thanks to a cautious detour, they were able to make it back to the station. However, they drove into a different bay. Joyce threw a casual glance to the bay in which they had landed right before they took a left turn. The doors were shut, no signs of activity in the area. She sure hoped no one had left anything of value on board that ship.

As the transport came into the new bay they found themselves in front of a similar ship of equally neutral affinity and tags, but slightly different colour. Joycelyn jumped off as Evaelyn slowed down. The ship's cargo bay opened and the men they had left at the old ship came out to meet them. Joycelyn greeted one of them with a pat on the shoulder as they passed each other. He went to help unload while she went to talk to the pilot. The hostage from before was nowhere to be seen. The tags for leaving Alderaan were clear, or so the pilot had guarranteed them. From the rumours he had heard, the Alderaan was arming with Mandalorian weaponry, he and he would rather jump planet before a conflict emerged.

"How long before ready?"
"Not long, my friend. Are you sure your tags are clean?"
"As clean as they get. Just make sure you pack those goods deep, and don't call attention to us, you hear?"
"Loud and clear. Ffafr Vahl i chi, Jhargo."
"Ac i chi, merch o dân."

Joyce turned back to the cargo holds to help loading. With this many hands, it would not take long to load the shipment into smuggler-holds.

[member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Sek Kali"] [member="Filius Stellarum"] [member="Darth Erebos"]
As they made their way to the second hangar Erebos dropped from the transport and walked up to [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]. "This wasn't told to us. Despite the success of this mission it isn't wise to keep your team in the dark." He said as he hadn't been told that they would switch ships. This was all in fact just an act, in reality he was impressed with Joycelyns forward thinking on this matter.

[member="Filius Stellarum"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"]
"I didn't know if I could trust you."

She looked the masked spacer up and down, a joking smile creeping into the corner of her mouth as she placed a hand on her hip and wiped sweat from her brow. He was right in distrusting her as well. In operations like these, a good crew were scarce to come by. They had come out on top this time, but it had always been a gamble. If Joycelyn and Evaelyn had felt threatened, then they would have had an escape route with this ship. While the spare would, no doubt, be under investigation in time.

"I still don't trust you much. But, you've proven yourself worth your share."

She watched as the smuggling hatches closed and sealed, leaving no trace of the shipment. A few crates of mundane merchandise were wheeled in and magnetised to the shuttle's floor. Joyce gestured with her head for them to get inside. Evaelyn climbed to the front, helping Jhargo take off.

"Let's go! Those who stray behind are left behind!"

Joyce climbed on board and as those who wished to take off climbed on as well, the ship-hatches closed behind them. Joycelyn took something in the likeness of a remote detonator from her backpack and plotted in a sequence before pressing the button. It started counting down. By the time they left orbit, the numbers equated to zero and the ship in which they had arrived was blown to bits and cinders.

Their shuttle moved out of the spaceport with heading for neutral space and a bellyful of Phrik. As they left orbit, but before they entered hyperspace. Joycelyn looked out of the ship's viewport and gazed upon the planet as it shrunk. On the far side, she could swear she saw ships coming out of hyperspace. Mandalorians? Their shuttle then disappeared into hyperspace.

I'm calling an end to our Phrik hunt here. Thank you, everyone, for your contribution. It has been fun.

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