Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mining Vahalla

[member="Adi Rost"]

She looked at her slave, and shook her head, and the told her in no uncertain terms Go and get wash, and get changed.
She then decide to eat out, as her filthy slave had made this food. She took the rest day off, and hung out in a coffee bar.

Next day

The first outfits where ready, the metal had cooled and the bracers where ready. This day she had Adi with her, she hand Adi one the bracers.
Would you put his on dear.
The metal had been blackened, it phrik weave straps to tie to her wrist with, it was cushioned underneath.
She waited for her to put it on, then she going to do a test on it. As it would be better that Adi lost a hand, than her armour failed in the field.
She smiled as she watched her put it on.
Adi would get herself cleaned up and then she would eat. The next day as her master gave her the armor to put on she did so and smiled spinning half expecting being told to take it off

[member="Darth Banshee"]
[member="Adi Rost"]

As Adi put it on, she then lite up her lightsaber and struck it with glancing blow. Her strike was deliberate, it was aimed not to try and cut her hand off. Though if she did she get another slave, it was for one purpose only, see if it would take small hit lightsaber. As it struck, a spark gleaned of it. The metal held and Adi hand was intact, She then put her lightsaber away, and looked at the foreman, she smiled broadly the armour is ready. Start getting packed up and shipped to tatooine for me, the initiates who survive will be getting this as a reward.

She then head to her ship, tatooine awaited for them.

The End.

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