Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor or Major Faction

Should we aim eventually to be a Major or Minor Faction?

  • Major

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Minor

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
I know we are somewhat split on this so let me put some thought into this, and have a read of my musing.

Minor 1) There are many fantastic plots we can do as a minor faction, and will do either way, so no worries there. There are so many plots that are not invasions, this is just one part of the faction.

Major 2) We'd stay mobile, with a couple of hidden bases. That's it.
Without being a Major we lack the ability to liberate a territory and call it neutral space, or just 'free of the Sith'. I personally don't want us taking territory long term, but my vote is just the same as yours. Hence the poll.

Instead I would like us, to allow any lightside/neutral faction that wants it to approach it diplomatically, invade diplomatically. Yes the Sith may attack it again, but that let's us have more fun with it and the plotting. Any neutral or Lightside can even compete with each other for it diplomatically, it doesn't matter as long as they are not using force, (they wouldn't need to) our work is done.

I asked if we'd be allowed to do rebellions and minors cannot do them either, so it's Major or no liberating parts of the map. The Major thing in my opinion would just be to satisfy the rules, I wouldn't consider us a big major faction and we'd just treat it as we are doing now. A collection of people who are fighting the dark. People would still belong to whoever they wanted to, joining just for that goal.

We'd need a made up planet as a capital but we can have some fun making a really isolated, hard to find moon or some such on the fringe. So it'd be a capital again in name only not a large population, for a roleplay point of view it'd be a hidden collection of bases dotted around. The main bulk of our faction would still be in space.

Thoughts? - Feel free to get all your thoughts out.
I say major. As for capitol, Tarhassan. Almost no information so it should be easy to manipulate, and it has a nice little shield of republic space between us and the sith. Our job is to fight the sith, which we can't possibly do without taking planets. Otherwise, were not fighting, were just an annoyance. By the way, if we do major, does that mean leaving the republic for Jedi such as myself?
@[member="Vulpesen"] No it doesn't mean leaving anyone.

It's purely for the purposes of doing invasions or rebellions.

Any lightsider, or Neutral member of any faction can help. The Major Faction in this case is just to satisfy the rules of needing a Major Faction in name.
If we went major - As for the planet I was thinking separated from the republic and all other entities somewhere on the right of the map. Deep into Sith Space would be my preference, we could take a Sith planet and lay a capital down there (moving it from its initial spot) that way we are not favoring any one faction.

Realistically though Formos or Lorwick something down there. Again we just need a moon really, something that is hidden, dot a few bases about in case we lose one, nice and simple.

Again though this is just in theory, first people need to vote for a Major and then we can chat about where to set up and how to do it. I picture us being deep in Sith space often, getting into all kinds of trouble :D

Might even be better to put the base down right up in the top right corner of the map. Away from everyone, things to consider if we do go that route.
Good thought, but I enjoy being alive. From a tactical standpoint, the suggested planet from earlier would give us a nice safe home base. Trouble is nice in this business, but if things go bad, we'd need a place to lick our wounds without being blasted to bits from all sides.
Vulpesen said:
Good thought, but I enjoy being alive. From a tactical standpoint, the suggested planet from earlier would give us a nice safe home base. Trouble is nice in this business, but if things go bad, we'd need a place to lick our wounds without being blasted to bits from all sides.
This is true, that's what our fleet is for :D. Nice and mobile I hope. That is really our home. Well why not both? One that's out of the way, and one we can actually hit people from. Again though this is dependent on people wanting a major one, but its good to get the details sorted out. They'd only be small bases either way.
Toggoria. Toggorians are suspicious of outsiders, and they sided with the rebels during the galactic civil war. Use a little political infighting to slow down the garrisons while we launch a strike on the Empire's planet. A little history lesson of the Empire's xenophobia might work as a starting point. Its right on the edge of republic and Empire. We can have a nice base to crawl through the empire, and if things get too hot, we fall back into the republic to disappear and recover.
@[member="Kei Amadis"]
@[member="Kei Amadis"]

Regarding the question of what to do with territory the army of light were to 'liberate' if it goes major, way I see it we should just rp it out that the army provides protection but does not rule it.

In other words a 'free' government is set up (NPCs don't have to be that visible) and the army is there to provide protection and thus gets a base, resources etc. without unduly interfering in the local government more than needed. I doubt it would look good in-universe if the army liberated a planet and then left, the Sith took it back and the army returned to 'liberate' and in the process cause all sorts of damage.
The Admiralty
Honestly in the end? The Army of Light canonically always got their hands on land. That is were the Jedi Lord title came from, the people were so happy with their liberators that they gave them land, titles, castles.. you name it.

So personally, I always thought that we would go Major. It was my idea from the start, but at this point we should just focus on getting the foundations of the faction right. If we still exist in a month or so? We can go Major.
They were always happy with their Jedi overlords and what amounted to a return to feudalism under the rule of magi?

I am...not that certain about that. But then...the alternative was being oppressed by Sith lords, so I doubt the commoners had much of a choice. Of course, being ruled by Lord Daiman, Creator of the Universe, was the cosmic order! :D

Regardless, if you go major - and that's an if, yeah, faction has to be set up and all and I understand that part of the appeal of AoL, much like TRA, is that it is free of politicking - you should play the part, I think. IC Sio is cool with taking/liberating worlds. Doing that and leaving them...not so much.
The Admiralty
Thing is, it would not make sense IC-wise to just liberate them and then leave them alone. If we decide to kick the asses of their Overlords, we would have the duty and responsibility to take care of them. We would have to continue to support and protect them.

Besides, it actually is not that bad of an idea. The thing is that a benevolent dictatorship is the best possible government type. It only does not work in real life, because.. well.. people are easily corruptible. But giving the Jedi the positions of Kings and such? It could work, if they keep themselves to the path of the Light.

Look at how the Republic now is getting ganked, because their Senators are constantly undermining the way of progress. You can't remove them, only their planetary governments can do that. Essentially if a planet decides to elect a criminal or a Sith Lord to the position of Senator? The rest of the Senate can't do shit about it and that is a problem.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
My entire point has been that it makes little sense to 'liberate' them and then abandon them and leave. ;)

As for Jedi being ideal as 'benevolent philosopher-kings'...I'm very sceptical. They have been corrupted quite frequently! Road to hell and all that. 'Luminous beings we are. Not these crude plebeians. Charged to guide the mundanes by the mandate of the Force.' I can easily see the slippery slope.

However, the potential conflict resulting from it could be fun! But then both IC and OOC I'm an extreme cynic and Sio's home country is a 'benevolent dictatorship' (though the only one of the dictators she listened to was a non-forcer).
The Admiralty
Yeah, I know we were sort of in agreement. I just decided to put more of my ideas here, so other people could criticize them. :p

And I agree with that Jedi can also be corrupted, that is were an organization like the Jedi Inquisition could come in. They would have the responsibility to find possible dark side-users and on top of that they would be in charge of ensuring the well-being of the general populace of our territories. If a Jedi Lord was corrupted and stopped ruling with the well-being of his or hers people in mind? They would be removed from their position and taken in to.. 'save' them from themselves.
Lol. Sure! The old questions of who watches the watchers. Of course, everyone has different ideas of what is the 'greater good'. And, as I understand it, one theme is supposed to be how far the Army of Light is willing to go to achieve the objectives of its Crusade.

It's easy to attempt to be idealistic and noble at the start, but things get murky and grey pretty fast. Personally I've always found the potential scenario of Jedi ruling interesting - provided they're militant and aren't shiny and happy with Sith!

Actually had a thread back on another board where Tegaea and Sio stumbled upon a planet where a rogue Jedi had made himself 'Jedi king' of a remote rim planet vaguely like 19th century China (unequal treaties forced them to import spice!), turning the emperor into a puppet and ruling over the mundanes 'for their own good' - even made them chant a perverted Jedi Code. Well, that's obviously a blatant example of a Jedi being corrupted, but you get the point.

Always thought it would be fun if say during the 400 Hundred Year Darkness some Jedi, cut off from the rest of the order and indeed civilisation, took control over some planet...perhaps at first reluctantly and just to stop a breakdown of civilisation...but then eventually get used to their power. Perhaps the population even starts venerating them...and then eventually they get back in contact with the mainstream Order and are annoyed about it being subservient to the senate etc.
The Admiralty
The Inquisition would have to be led by someone with unquestionable morals, while at the same time able to make the decision no one else can. It would be a hard fething job to do. The 'High Overseer' or whatever, would be directly beneath the IC leader of the Army of Light. Which would be Michael at this point.

But yeah, honestly that was my aim for the Army of Light. Skirting the edge of darkness, while trying to do good in the galaxy. Because constantly fighting and being close to the Sith? Would have to effect you.

I think it was the reason why the Jedi Order was always reluctant to meddle in wars constantly. Being good is easy when the only thing you are doing is meditating in the gardens of the Jedi Temple, or maybe dashing out Justice to a couple of bandits. But when you are in a war? Things get messy, your moral compass can get skewed and when the dust has settled? You suddenly look in the mirror and can't recognize yourself anymore

It would be interesting to see how the various individuals would cope with this? I really hope people will try to mimic the temptation of the Dark Side and how they deal with everything. I think this would be more compelling than just having some goody two-shoes fight the good fight. Never lose. Always back home on time for dinner. And no moral issues.

About the Jedi King Planet thing. We could even make it a mission. (maybe a dominion if we hit major.) Encountering a Jedi King-type and then just figure out how we would deal with it.
We'll need men and ships yes to fight, and it makes sense liberated worlds would provide them to an extent.

I am in agreement on protecting them, especially until someone else comes along. I don't mean any one faction, I literally many any lightside/neutral who does it diplomatically. This also opens up the possibility of diplomatic back and forth in invasions something I don't think is yet possible for the board.

The planets should be as autonomous as is humanly possible, enjoying the widest freedoms possible. We'd just be there to step back in if darksiders again knocked at the door. As long as if diplomatic invasions are just either countered diplomatically or not at all. We never should mind either a new faction, or an old one coming in trying to help the people out, if it logically plays out they'd help them in rp. - This again is just one vote here. Everyone's vote here counts to me.
Also Kei is way to strong a character (motivation wise) to fall to the darkside :) I decided that from the start. He's not a perfect Jedi by any means, he never got that far in his training, but he'll always do what is generally right. So we could put him somewhere near the inquisition if you wanted one.

Personally i'd call it Jedi Guard, not to take from guardians too much and also not to make it sound like he's going to go around rooting out heretics hehe. He's not he's just going to step in and say hey, cool it off if it needs it. Guard also keeps it in sounding with an army, not a religion.
Siobhan's tale has always been about struggling with her dark side - well, as I said in another thread I don't buy into the darkside being some sort of cosmic force ready to pounce on naughty Jedi - but she has struggled with her ridiculously brutal nature. Hence why she immediately signed up when Tegaea offered her to work for Omega Pyre, since she no longer had to pretend and it gave her a chance to harness her own destructiveness in a productive manner.

At heart she is a do whatever it takes type and there's a strong Blood Knight aspect to her personality. This has especially come out in OP's Bando Gora war plotline, which was recently concluded. She's the exact opposite of a squeaky clean paladin. She who fights monsters and all that.

She could fall...but Dark Sio would not join the Sith (or any Sithy faction). But she'd...go on a bloody rampage. It would be devastating.

It would be quite funny if say the Army liberated a world...and then subsequently the people demand a Jedi lord take over! Then he faces the greatest obstable of any ruler...bureaucratic inertia and we get the show 'Yes, Jedi Lord'!
Of course, those who praise you as a liberator today easily decide you're an oppressor tomorrow.

After all, although the Order professes to say aloof of politics, there are several canonical examples of them meddling in it, which is quite ironic.

And, yes, encountering another Jedi king and dealing with it could be fun. The 'benevolent' Jedi king Tegs and Sio encountered got toppled when the puppet Emperor hired them to lead the 'Ever Victorious Army'. Alas...once they left chaos broke out.

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