Haran’s Shadow
OOC I'm all for intrigue and plotting! People skirting with what it means to stay fixed on some assemblance of good/light in the middle of what will be a war. It makes it fun to try and find that ground roleplaying wise, and I think You'd find Kei was very sympathetic in that regard. Trying to help her hold her humanity together but first they must meet! 
If Sio ever fell, well we'd do a plot/story arc to try and bring her back. Hopefully by that point we'd of had a few threads and some mutual respect. I even suggest a fallen list for the faction, for those we will attempt to heal but never condemn for doing what they had to. If anyone wants me to run the Jedi Guard, then I'll keep the list and you won't be 'booted' out of the faction, it'll encourage roleplaying to help them IC.
If Sio ever fell, well we'd do a plot/story arc to try and bring her back. Hopefully by that point we'd of had a few threads and some mutual respect. I even suggest a fallen list for the faction, for those we will attempt to heal but never condemn for doing what they had to. If anyone wants me to run the Jedi Guard, then I'll keep the list and you won't be 'booted' out of the faction, it'll encourage roleplaying to help them IC.