[member="KeCholo"] [member="Nyx"]
"Charming." she said to Ke as she remained on her comm link.
"Just grab some nerf ribs, barbecue them and smother them in sauce. Yes sides as well, all the fixings. Groovy, thank Waldo." The woman hung up then looked to her guard captain.
"Dinner will be served at sixteen hundred if decide to stay, if you need anything else please let me know." Miss Blonde smiled then turned to Nyx swiveling in her chair a bit.
At the docking ports the droid crews were moving twenty pounds of refined Phrik ingots over to the man's freighter where it would be handed off to their crew for weighing. Blonde didn't mind the man for wanting to make sure he wasn't stiffed, she'd of done the same thing so it wasn't a big deal at all.
"Now as for you Black Hat, any questions. We need to pop into the refinery to sign some forms and get the smelting process going." She said to the young woman and tented her fingers.