Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Miss Blonde
Physical stats
BIRTH NAME: Patricia Susan Garter (unknown to all but a handful of people)
FACTION: Syndicate
RANK: Leaderv
AGE: 40 (Appears in her early twenties)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4'11 (and proud of it)
WEIGHT: 115pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Caucasian
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strong willed: Miss Blonde does not have a feeble mind, regardless of her foul mouth and general demeanor the woman knows her way around the galaxy. She has taken advanced force persuasion resistance classes making her hard to sway through the force. She will do whatever it takes to make sure the job is done.
Gunslinger to the max: If there's a handheld weapon system in the galaxy from blasters to slug throwers Blonde can adapt and learn it quickly. She prefers to dual wield pistols but she is not to be taken lightly when it comes to rifles as well.
I can fit in that!: Miss Blonde is rather small, standing at only four eleven she can crawl through air ducts, hide in boxes, and fit in most tight spaces.
I know Kung Fu: Miss Blonde is well trained in many forms of martial arts and knows how to layith the smacketh down. She has had advanced hand to hand training and she uses her small size and speed against her opponents.
Follow me!: Years of experience have shaped this woman and helped her become a strong and capable leader who can take charge of a situation and hold it down.
Just call me Doctor Blonde: Miss Blonde has a PHD in mechanical engineering, and masters in a few other scientific disciplines in the field of building and weaponry. She can build and craft just about anything if she puts her mind to it.
I'm 4'11 dude: Miss Blonde is small, she's not terribly strong, and it's easy to pick her up and throw her across the room. While she can still take a beating and give one out, the woman has a disadvantage when going up against a larger opponent.
F#&$!!: Patricia can have a temper and the mouth of a sailor. When angered or even just out of the blue the little crime lord can swear and throw lose her poodoo. This can often cloud her judgment and get her into dangerous situations.
Kark it, kill em: Miss Blonde has lost a lot of her morales along the way, where she once would do a job where everyone made it out alive over the years moral bankruptcy has taken that from her.
Avarice thy name is Blonde: While not terribly greedy, Miss Blonde will not stop to get what she wants. She's risked the lives of her friends and family to get where she wants to be and that attitude has put her in the position she is now.
Family & Friends
[member="Jarven Zexxel"] - Ex-Husband
[member="Romeo Sin"] - Ex-Husband
[member="Darth Abyss"] - Current Husbando/Fiancé
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] - Sister in law
[member="Keira Ticon"] - BFF
[member="Isley Verd"] - former employer & now dead good friend
[member="James Justice"] - Business partner & friend
[member="Avery Rose Garter"] - Sister
Erika Sin - Daughter ([member="Romeo Sin"] biological father)
Kincaid Zexxel - Son ([member="Romeo Sin"] biological father)
Jarven Jr Zexxel - Son (Jarven Zexxel biological father)
Physical Apperance
APPEARANCE: Often seen in a black suit and tie with a gas mask strapped to her face Miss Blonde carries herself extremely professional and ensures that she looks on point. She maintains her youthful vigor of her twenties through anti aging technology that she has to go through on a yearly basis. She presents herself in her mid twenties however she's really about 40.

The story of Miss Blonde begins on the planet of Zeltros. Born as Patricia Susan Garter the young woman was the eldest daughter of a rich casino owning family. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and in her younger days carried herself as such by going out to non stop parties, stripping, posing in adult magazines, and other inappropriate acts all while spending daddy's money. She did this until she was kicked out of her home and disowned by her father at the age of eighteen. Now a young woman without a purpose or direction she did what any misguided youth would do to piss off their parents, she joined the army. Well technically not the army but the intelligence branch of the Galactic Republic before the Great War with the Sith Empire. Taking multiple classes in martial arts, mind strengthening, and firearms the woman excelled in this field and graduated top of her class. But rather than going off to go fight the Sith the woman was placed as a honey pot that would pose as a high class escort and seduce Sith into giving her information only going on the occasional combat mission such as Manaan.
This continued until she met her first fiancé [member="Romeo Sin"] on Dromund Kaas before the Laraaq incident. Falling in love with the dark Jedi the two planned to elope once she was pregnant with their first child Erika Sin. Patricia left the Republic and settled for a small easy life on Tatooine with Romeo at nineteen. But that was just it, she was only nineteen. With fear in her heart the woman gave birth to their daughter and quickly disappeared afterwards not wanting to accept responsibility for her actions. And for the next few years the woman drifted going from one party to the next drinking, drugs, and sex.
This continued until the One Sith rose into power when she was twenty two and destroyed many parts of her home world in the process killing her mother and father. Patricia lost her parents and home, and taking that want for revenge she rejoined the Republic Intelligence agency and became a successful field operative against the One Sith. This continued until she was gravely injured at the second battle of Manaan where she was reunited with Romeo. Once she recovered she returned to Romeo and met her daughter Erika for the first time in a tearful reunion. But good times didn't last. The woman was shipped off to her next assignment of infiltrating the Red Ravens.
This was where Blonde learned the criminal game and found out she was rather good at it. Within a few years she went from Cryax Bane's personal assistant to the Vice President of the entire organization. She lost her way a little wrapped up in the power, but did her best to remain faithful to the Republic. After years the woman at twenty six gave birth to her son Kincaid after Romeo's death. This was when she met her next fiancé and future husband [member="Jarven Zexxel"] who totally got the rebound.
The two eventually left the Ravens and with it Patricia with the Republic Intel Agency. Using all her money she founded Reclaimer Arms & Industrial and became the CEO of Spaarti Creations. Growing both corporations over the years of her marriage giving birth two her third child and living a happy life until the woman was approached by old friend and former Prime Minister Genevieve Lasedri who informed her of a corruption scandal within the Republic. The Sith had infiltrated the deepest reaches of the Republic from the senate to the military and even the Jedi and in order to save the Republic a new army had to be made with loyalty to her.
So wanting to protect her home the young CEO agreed and spawned the Galactic Republic's grand clone army with loyalty chips to the PM so they could not be swayed by the Sith. Placing [member="Keira Ticon"] as the clones field commander she was confident all would be well and the republic would grow stronger. However this turned out to be a trap and on the day of the coup she helped begin everything went wrong. Falling into Genevieve's hands Miss Blonde handed her old friend an army that was not used to purge the Sith from the ranks but rather kill students on Carida, execute imperials, and seize corporate holdings including her own company Spaarti Creations and force selectavism upon the people of the Republic.
Now hunted as a member responsible for the Red Dawn event Patricia had to leave her life behind to protect her family. Giving up her fortune so she wouldn't be tracked she took her sister and children and went deep underground unable to reach her husband in time. Her house was then burnt to the ground with him in it but luckily he survived and spent months looking for his wife. Patricia now running low on funds and unable to contact her husband made the choice to return to what she was good at. Taking a Spaarti appearance changer she underwent painful facial reconstructive surgery, took her last few credits, and founded The Black Tie Syndicate. Miss Blonde was born.
Perhaps it was fate but a lost Jarven Zexxel stumbled into the criminal syndicate returning to his old ways where the two were reunited on Atrisia. Becoming one once again the two now live as a family again and are now part of the galaxy's more successful criminal syndicates. Old habits never truly die.