Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission: In The Name of Research [The Republic | TJO]

No, [member="Avalore Eden"] certainly didn't have greatest animal magnetism.

But her forte lay elsewhere. Mainly, in the uncanny attraction of such Force Ghosts only visible to her.

Where there is dark; one shall always find light.

Glowstick now brandished in front of Avalore, A'dele would follow ever closely.

Avalore wasn't sure she knew what that meant, but it sounded like something she might have to request, considering the patients.

"Well I can supply the equipment," the Healer replied with a sidelong glance at her Padawan, noting a strange sort of faint glow off her right shoulder, must be reflections from the dropships, "Darius here will supply the bravery."

Following the Scientist through a gateway enclosed by the hanging quarantine sheets, she dropped back a stride to speak with [member="Darius Olar"].

"We're here to collect Voxyn samples - they're remnants left behind by the Vong. The hope is that the samples will help us create something to combat the Vong infection, or at the very least understand it better. These creatures were created to hunt and kill Jedi, so try not to make yourself a beacon of the Lightside, I'm not looking to test just how tame they really are."

"You've had their barbed tails removed and claws trimmed back in your efforts to tame them, right?" the Healer inquired, half-joking, of the Scientist as he lead them to a row of buildings. Beastly sort of noises echoed out from inside to which Avalore took a deep and harrowing breath.

What had she gotten herself into?

[member="Kiskla Grayson"] [member="Adele Adonai"]

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla

All the while the Jedi mewled and went on with their precious little plots, another within the depths of the thick Vongshaped jungle would slowly cluck her tongue.

One tall stiff head of a Voxyn would come along the right of the feminine form, almost as if nudging her for a measure of affection. A concoction of the mastery of Yuuzhan Vong shaping, Voxyn were a species of two different breeds; Fero Xyn and Vornskrs. They did not breed onto themselves, but had a singular Voxyn Queen --- a Queen whose genetics were cloned to create the vast packs of Voxyn that would sent to hunt Force Sensitives.

Yammosk's have managed to control the wild beasts to a degree, retaining a measure of control. But left wild to their own command, they would lash at any Force sensitive being to sate their baser lust of food.

Soon, the Jedi will realize that this world was not left to squander and run wild. No... Yun-Amon and the vessel of Yun-Harla had brought it to heel.

Soon, they would come face to face with the Yuuzhan Vong they so desired to cull.

[member="Azal"] [member="Smeg"] [member="Darth Acarus"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"] [member="Michael Sardun"] [member="Canal Tal'Verda"] [member="Tsavong Kraal"]
Azal was perched in a tree to the left of the vessel of Yun-Harla, examining his Shoulder Graft as time passed.

The implant was new, underused and noticeably impatient. Though the Lekdan biot had eaten enough the day before to perform as needed today, it still vibrated and hummed annoyingly, prompting Azal to retrieve a handful of dirt to dump into it's mouth. Emerald eyes then drifted over to his comrade [member="The Hydra Queen"] and her pack of Voxyn. They acted more militant and cold towards Azal, though it wasn't a sentiment that dampened his mood. These beasts and every other creature under the umbrella of the Vong were seen purely as weapons and tools by Azal.

Azal lowered into a crouch on the limb he balanced on. He reached down and gripped the branch with his hands to steady himself, feeling the exterior of the limb crumble and fall, accompanied by the animated sound of his Landek crunching on it's meal in his ear.
Mordecai Zambrano was not a Yuuzhan Vong, though glancing around at the creatures that made a living of conquering the galaxy almost made him change his mind. While this particular younger Zambrano might have been a Sith, the biggest reason for his staying in the order was primarily because of the Vong themselves. Altering life and commanding the very essence of it was something he needed, and not just through typical alchemical means.

With his presence cloaked due to the hounds near him, the Sky Kaiser stood to the left of [member="The Hydra Queen"], reserving the right side for a spot of respect. She was the one who granted him knowledge of her peoples' customs and had even allowed him a brief look into how they changed things. A sly smile crept across his face as he noticed the Voxxyn creep closer to the Yun-Harla with a seemingly hesitant demand for affection.

For this fight, his will was that of the Yuuzhan Vong's.

A Massive figure appeared behind [member="The Hydra Queen"] , 9'8ft in height covered in Chitin like scales, sharp enough to pierce a humanoids body easy. His tail dragged behind him as he approached closer, he gave out a loud pop noise activating his Sonar and all of his thick Black hairs stood up on his back... Sensory Sight. His White eyes looked around aimlessly and crossing all six arms across his bare chest he smirked. Today he would prove he was Vong even if he was not born one or modded to be one yet. The Massive creatures body glew a slight blue with tribal Tattoos. He was ready for what was to come, for too long he was known as a scholar, Now he was a Warrior. Equipped with a Belt that held two standard Double Bladed Lightclubs, a Chitin Carbine. His Bandolier was slung across his Naturally plated chest, The pouches carried all his ammo for his Gun. Looking to his muscular arms a hiss sound emitted as Amphistaffs were coiled around his primary arms. The Serpents moved about his body moving his Taozin Amulet Necklace about A claw tapped on his second set of arms, they were not at big as the ones above it but if compared to a normal species they would also fit the word "Big" And lastly his third set they were about the size of a large humans upper arm and the smallest in length. The last set wore a Strange Gauntlet with Lightsabers attached. A Design Javik made as a padawan.

Nodding to [member="Azal"] and [member="Mordecai Zambrano"], Javik hunched over stretching the limbs on his back. Closely resembling wings in appearance but in fact they were for the purpose of climbing and clinging onto the Rocks of Caves in Dathomir. Stretching the Back Limbs only made him look that much more 'Impressive'. Looking briefly at everyone he was near connecting to their minds to make a Telepathic connection to speak. << " Do you think they know?" >> Javiks mouth did not budge but the words came to the chosen peoples minds as if it was a thought. Telepathic Speech that didnt use the Force was a De'Nochsax's Blessing and Curse, the fact that Javik did not have developed vocal cords made his thoughts turn sour and ponder. Ponder about himself and the new Visitors the Yuuzhan Vong would have soon.

The Hydra Queen

Vessel of Yun-Harla
[member="Javik Quar-Kai"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"] | [member="Azal"] | [member="Michael Sardun"]

A low throaty chuckle would come bubbling forth from the Hydra Queen's mouth. A villip at her shoulder would allow her to communicate to the Yammosk, and in that control the voxyn so as their Sith counterparts would not find themselves for dinner.

"N̨o͡t̡ ye͘t̀. ͞
B̛ut͡ t͞h҉e̵y̡ ̡w͝ìll so͜oń en̴oưgh. ̵ "

Twin glow of her eyes would brighten for a moment, before turning to her brethren.

"We ͘h͢u͞n̨t͡. "
The Sample Collectors;
[member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Darius Olar"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

“Not really, Miss Jedi.”

The scientist replied to [member="Avalore Eden"]’s humorous attempt — though he took it with little salt. He was too literal to be relieved by the jovial query, and merely left the answer at that; despite what sort of mental tumult that would bring the jedi lass and her crew.

He kept his hands in his pockets as he lead them over a series of stones in the abandoned area of the city, leaning and adjusting his weight accordingly so as not to topple over. As they approached the quarantined facility, he offered a little more insight into the situation. “We’ve only cornered these areas off. The samples we collected are minuscule, little slivers of skin and whatnot because when we took the initial slide beneath the microscope, the cells were still producing more activity than something dead should — which makes us think these little discarded pieces are still somewhat alive, as if part of a hive mind.”

[member="The Hydra Queen"] | [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]

The Activity Investigators;
[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Uther Weiss"] | [member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]

“Typical that the Voxyn aren’t interested in the limelight.” Kiskla murmured as they moved away from the other group and toward the area that had been indicated of activity.

As going into any sort of aggressive scenario, Kiskla’s natural senses intensified. Sound, sight, smell, anything conducive to keeping her informed and not in a primarily reactive position was active and working. Instead of the typical searching for a dark presence, Kiskla and the group would be looking for… nothing. A hole in the otherwise lively Force they were all in tune with.

[member="Javik Quar-Kai"] | [member="Azal"]
Veino raised an eyebrow at that. That was certainly interesting, and made sense. It'd explain the surprising resilience they showed. The question at that point would be how to disable that hive mind and ensure the tissue was completely eliminated. Not allowed to continue causing havoc in the galaxy.

He'd been quietly following along as he was no scientist and knew only the basics of Force heal. He wasn't that great with biology either. He was a guard here, nothing more, to be completely honest. So he was staying alert and aware of the surroundings, but not so much the science of stuff going on.

That was other's speciality.
Corvus listened to the Grandmaster's words, glad that the recent uneasy silence had been broken. She also resolved to put the current distraction out of her mind. They were Jedi and they were here to perform a mission. This was no time for personal deliberations and reflections.

Corvus closed her eyes and connected with the Force, utilising Force Sight. Something she'd learned at a young age back on Corellia but only since she'd arrived at Ossus had she been able to develop the ability. All organics showed either a Light-sided or Dark sided aura. From her previous encounter with the Voxyn, what she was looking for was 'nothing.' Or more precisely a null point, hidden from the Force. In one sense invisible but its invisibility in and of itself was a clue to its presence.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Uther Weiss"] | [member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Before coming to the Jedi, Kian had no idea what a Voxyn even was. There wasn't much reason to learn about them among the Baran Do, though as force users they would hunt them if they had ever been brought to Dorin. All Kian knew of Voxyn he learned in books......and then in person on Alderaan. He had killed one on his own, and the creatures blood had left him with burning lungs and acid like burns on his skin until he was able to get himself into a proper Bacta tank. The others he had killed had primarily been because of the trained special forces that he managed to join up with, but even then they only killed a few.

Kian wasn't overly eager to take them on again. Stretching out into the force, Kian searched the surrounding areas for any sign of the beasts. The one good thing about Alderaan was that it had given him an understanding of how to seek them out in the force. Their complete absence of the force was the only signature they would provide....for they walked and shadows and stalked their prey with a deadly silence. As Kian looked for that bubble of nothingness in the force, he also scanned the surroundings with his eyes, trying to remain alert to any potential threats.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Kiskla Grayson"] - [member="Johnny Diamonds"]

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