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Mission Mission on Gamorr

High Queen Tanssaa



Tanssaa the Hutt lounged on her ornate cushioned litter, surrounded by her entourage of loyal followers. Her massive bulk was draped in luxurious silks and jewels, a symbol of her immense wealth and power in the criminal underworld.
The air around her was thick with the scent of incense and the sound of her low, rumbling laughter echoed through the alleyway.
The spaceport was alive with activity as ships of all shapes and sizes came and went, carrying their precious cargo to various corners of the galaxy.
Tanssaa's entourage kept a watchful eye on the bustling crowd, ensuring that no one dared to cross their formidable leader. The Hutt was waiting for the arrival of a team of bounty hunters who had been tasked with shutting down a rival tempest spice operation on Gamorr.
As the sun began to set in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the Jiguuna Spaceport, the sound of a approaching ship could be heard in the distance. Tanssaa's entourage sprang into action, preparing to greet the arriving bounty hunters with all the pomp and circumstance befitting of their esteemed employer.
The Hutt stretched out her massive arms, eagerly anticipating the arrival of the team who would soon be at her beck and call.
The ship touched down with a smooth landing, and the ramp slowly descended to reveal the bounty hunters and skilled individuals who had come to fulfill Tanssaa's request.
They were a diverse group, each with their own set of skills and weapons, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. Tanssaa's entourage bowed low as the hunters made their way towards the waiting Hutt, who regarded them with a keen eye.
"Welcome, esteemed hunters," Tanssaa's voice boomed through the alleyway, her slimy tongue flicking in anticipation.
"I trust you are ready to undertake the task I have set before you." She asked towards the group, ready to load the special equipment for the job assignment mentioned.

The heavily armored "Paradise Lost", a modified Gymsnor class, landed at the old blast shielded bays of Jiguuna Spaceport.
Suuv shouldered the backpack full survival gear and GSAD-77, the Arakyd armorer droid, hovered behind her packing weapons and supplies, ready to add the special equipment, the Hutt would deem necessary.

Both bounty hunters left the "Paradise Lost" and sealed her. Suuv grabbed the harbor bay master at the shoulder. "Yotoh, Yatah!"
GSAD-77 translated: "My master wishes a full service and will pay in the golden credits of the Cartel or in Tibanna plasma if the ship would have as much as a scratch at our return."

After that, both hurried to the meeting with the High Queen. As usual Suuv was the first to arrive. Five minutes early is punctual for hunters.
Suuv nodded, which was a great aknowledgement by Ubese and even said a greeting phrase in Huttese. As an Ubese the slender hunter knew well the Hutt despise for any language not their own. "De wanna wanga!"

"Yotah Yotoh!" GSAD-47 translated: "Ready for all possibilities, High Queen." Subtle passive scans by Suuv and the killing machine officially called "armorer" emphasized this.

Silent Verpine Sniper Rifle
Vibro-shiv integrated in armor
Raider Armour with many weapons and gadgets
Slicing unit integrated in armour
Stealth belt
Arakyd armorer droid
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Tags: B/U-400 "Lisette" Suuv Suuv High Queen Tanssaa

Ships bustled in and out of the station, nothing remarkable to report for just about all of them. There was one rather strange ship currently making dock at the far hangar bay however, a bright white star yacht with nary an identifying marker. Inside were the "gifts" from The Empire, a pair of agents sent to assist on the mission to eliminate Crime Lord Klarg, an enemy of the esteemed Queen Tanssaa. In truth the two butterflies were an attempt to curry favor with the Slug, as Imperial planners knew the usefulness Hutts could have in space.

As soon as word started to spread about bounty hunters being recruited for Tanssaa's organization, the call was put out for the butterflies. They were uniquely qualified for under the radar assassination contracts, being both discreet and disposable all in one package. Success in the mission to kill Boss Klarg would no doubt help the two gain a spot in the underworld, one of the best places to have spies. As far a most were concerned though, they were twin huntresses, and nothing more.

Below the deck of the yacht Ayana was lacing up her combat boots, she despised wearing these ugly things. The whole generic soldier girl look did not work for her, she wanted to stand out! To that end she took a red bandana and tied it around her thin, pale neck. Inspecting herself in the mirror of the room she scoffed. "Form without fashion, what's the point? Oh well... Let's hope this Hutt buys the line..."

Alongside her usual equipment, she was now carrying a rather bulky sonic rifle to better pass as a bounty hunter. A single blast from the weapon was rarely lethal to human-sized targets, so they were common enough for police and hunters. With the long weapon slung over her shoulder, Ayana stepped out of her room and up to the deck. Staring her in the face was a mass of squirming Hutt-flesh, she had to repress her revulsion to a mere wince.

As she stood on the deck she heard the automated door to her sister's room open. At least she wouldn't be stuck there alone. "Hope you're ready, I have a feeling we're in for a long day..."

B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Gain Favor with High Queen Tanssaa
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv

As her “twin” sister got dressed in the underdeck area of the yacht, Lisette made the final checks on her equipment and weapons, before locking them in place on her bodysuit’s attachment points. By the time she was finished, an energy shield, two vibroblades, four sonic detonators, a sonic shotgun, and of course, the weapons integrated directly into her bodysuit were all on her person. Thus, while it went without saying that she had brought a lot of weapons, all were arranged in such a way that they were sleek against the figure-hugging bodysuit that clung to the Butterfly’s broad-hipped form.

In that regard, Lisette’s appearance seemed to unify the three aspects of form, function, and fashion.

Moments later, Lisette stepped out from her room and made her way out onto the overdeck, only moments behind her sister. The Butterfly looked to her and offered a nod, before following her off of the yacht and towards the large, rotund form of the Hutt Queen.

“I am ready.” Lisette verified in a soft tone as she walked alongside Ayana, her voice carrying a hint of unease as she did. It was her first field assignment, after all, and a rather important one to boot. “All we have to do is be polite and fawning.” She added. However, her words were more a reminder for herself, rather than for Ayana.

From there, it did not take long for the two Butterflies to arrive before the High Queen, who greeted them with booming aplomb and charisma. For her part, Lisette lowered herself into a shallow, yet respectful bow before slowly rising back to her full height, remaining silent as she did.

She would leave the talking to Ayana—a charismatic, slippery spy where Lisette herself was the quiet and lethal void assassin.

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The Commando Droid stepped off of the transport ship, waving off the pilot when they called out to him for their payment. Enclave put a hand to his shoulder before cracking his neck, complaining in Binary about needing a an oil bath.

The pilot ran over to him and grabbed him by the arm, now agitated as they shouted in Huttese.

“I’ll pay you later,” he grumbled. “Right after this job.”

The pilot didn’t seem to take his reply well and shoved the droid who managed to catch himself by putting a knee to the ground. Before the pilot could say any more, they were cut off when they cried out. The pilot looked down to see a Vibrosword had run them through. Enclave let out an electronic growl before ripping the sword out of them, flicking the blood from the blade as the body behind him fell limp to the ground.

Enclave huffed and spotted his employer. He was ushered over by one of her guards and made to stand before her. After listening to her speak, he bowed slightly.

“Apologies for the mess, High Queen.”


Tags: High Queen Tanssaa

High Queen Tanssaa


High Queen Tanssaa waited with eagerness as the team arrived before her entourage outside the infamous Jiguuna Spaceport, each member having been chosen because they had a specific set of abilities required to successfully accomplish the task assigned.
Crime Lord Klarg, the hulking gamorrean crime lord had maintained his rule over Gamorr for an extended period, drawing the ire of the Krant Criminal Empire who had long sought to establish a foothold within that planet.
The cessation of his organization's tempest spice manufacturing would facilitate a smoother acquisition in the future, provided that the hunters could successfully navigate the formidable security measures and numerous guards patrolling the area.
The first to arrive was an associate of a fellow Hutt Lorda, by the name of Suuv Suuv , then came the twin butterflies by the name of B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" and B/U-400 "Lisette" who had quite the reputation within the criminal underworld.
Last came a walking relic but an excellent hunter and bounty hunter, by the name of EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" . Each individual presented a customary gesture of respect, whether it be a bow or a greeting, and some even went as far as apologizing for the untidiness they had caused on the floor of the spaceport.
"No need for apologizes, my droid friend. Violence is the one thing that can be expected on Nal Hutta." Extending her arm towards a nearby bowl of food, she proceeded to retrieve the substance, pulling it closer to her wide-open mouth, accompanied by a resounding crunch and crack.
"I have heard news that Crime Lord Klarg has set up his tempest spice operations within the Gamorr Citadel, a formidable fortress for even the best of hunters and well equipped to deal with shuttlecraft and assaultcraft that you may try to bring. Therefore, you shall have to contend with public transportation."
After receiving information, she detailed that Klarg had relocated the majority of his manufacturing operations to the notorious Gamorr Citadel, which was armed with a formidable planetary defense cannon. Any attempt to approach the citadel via shuttle would result in immediate destruction due to the sheer firepower of the cannon.

"Yoh che", Suuv said angrily and shoved the deathhammer back into the holster, the bounty hunter had instinctively drawn as Enforcer did his bloody mess.
"Yes, master, highly unprofessional. Even for such a discontinued line of hastily assembled mass production droids. Mainframe degeneration, I guess." GSAD-47 also sheathed his weapons. Killing someone in front of the bodyguards of a customer was bad style.

"Zebuss!", the Ubese said, as the twins appeared.
"Sweet in the meaning of sense of taste? Oh, not literally! I see." GSAD-47 still had to adjust to the sense of aesthetics of his master.

As the High Queen spoke, Suuv listened carefully and asked softly:
"Yetoh, yatah, cha Yetah Wugguh? Yotoh Yetoh Algak cha Morrt watchbeast ce?"

GSAD-47 translated roughly: "My master would like to know if the citadel is on the Continent Wugguh and what kind of public transportation is available to get there and to extract when the target is down and the orbital defense on alert.
And my master wants to know if the area is infested with the parasitic and predatory Algak stalks, Morrts and watchbeast and which clan mothers and slave warrior clan are to be expected. We and fellow guild hunter Enforcer here ar protected against the jungle fungi, but what is with the butterflies? They could get infected.
Are they inclined to hear the helpful advice of my master at the mission?"

B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" [IMG alt="B/U-400 Lisette"][/IMG] [IMG alt="High Queen Tanssaa"][/IMG]
Meeting with a queen brought thoughts of a haughty woman sitting upon a glamorous throne, and in a sense that's what 187 was greeted by. Perhaps in some perverse way Tanssaa was a beautiful specimen of a Hutt, nothing about that thought seemed appealing. Instead the butterfly would bow before the corpulent matriarch, Hutts did so love complete submission. It was something that put a fire in Ayana's belly, the need to bow and play nice with such a monstrous monarch. But, those who crossed Hutts rarely lived long enough to regret it, so play nice she would.

"Greetings oh beneficent Queen Tanssaa. May your reign be long and fruitful, and the lives of your enemies be short and torturous." She stopped her servile speech in order to take note of their newest guest.

In addition to the twin butterflies and the Ubese bounty hunter, it seemed a droid would be joining them. Not just any droid however, it was an ancient Commando droid. Enclave was its name, and it seemed that the killer instinct battle droids were known for hadn't diminished with time. That sort of ruthless, unfeeling murder was all to common over 900 years ago, and would come in handy on their operation. In a sense Ayana could feel for the droid, being a disposable resource for a despot's whims. Still, the thing was a horrifying blend of efficiency and immoral programming that would need to be kept on a short leash, at least in her mind.

Oh the crunching and slobbering of the Hutt got another mild wince from the usually cool spy. Much more of that and she'd rethink continuing on assignment. It was a wonder anyone could stand working with these things, though the nigh infinite amassed wealth of the Slugs was probably enough to swallow that particular medicine.

"Our Emperor, Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , sends warmest regards along with the promise that tonight Crime Lord Klarg's life ends. I also have it on good Authority that, should you require future services, The Empire is more than willing to allocate resources to you." It was perhaps a bit much how lavishly Ayana would drape praise on The High Queen, but it was better to use too much honey when dealing with inflated egos.

It was just a matter of seeing how well the honeyed words resonated with the queen slug...

Suuv Suuv , High Queen Tanssaa , B/U-400 "Lisette" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Gain Favor with High Queen Tanssaa
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

Even with the prodigious, worm-like mass of the High Queen dominating the area with her all too Great and Powerful presence, there were others among the group who drew Lisette’s attention as well. The commando droid was by far the most conspicuous, having wrought a bloody scene in running his vibroblade through the guts of the hapless transport pilot, before flicking the blood off of the weapon. Only seconds later, the foul, nauseating stench of excrement began to fill the air as the man emptied himself in death, causing a sudden grimace to manifest across Lisette’s features. Fortunately, the Butterfly quickly slipped on her mask before taking a deep, soothing breath as the integrated antisepsis field worked to protect her sensitive constitution from the offensive odor.

In spite of the fact that she was trained as an assassin, Lisette was still very much unaccustomed to the malodour of death.

All the while, the Ubese—who was only slightly taller than Lisette herself—quickly protested at the display. Lisette gleaned the exact meaning of the bounty hunter’s words from the translation fed into her HUD. However, as expected, the conversation quickly moved on. After all, such sudden acts of violence and murder were by no means unusual in the criminal underworld.

"Yetoh, yatah, cha Yetah Wugguh? Yotoh Yetoh Algak cha Morrt watchbeast ce?"

“Rest assured, my sister and I are prepared for the conditions on Gamorr.” Lisette spoke up, in response to the question posed by the Ubese bounty hunter. “We have the means to protect ourselves from the spores and the parasites. The Empire will not fail you, Your Highness.” She emphasized, addressing the High Queen directly.


Enclave shot a glare in the armorer droid’s direction at his words before turning away, saying nothing more than a few muttered curses in binary.

He turned his attention to the High Queen as she spoke, though it somewhat wandered as he took in the profiles of each of the hunters around him, trying to see if he had seen any of them from anywhere.

Alas, he hadn’t, and he returned to focusing on the Hutt. Enclave remained silent as he listened to the words of the other hunters.


Tags: High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-400 "Lisette"

High Queen Tanssaa


Tanssaa watched with amusement from her ornate litter as the team recieved the news that they would be facing the Gamorr Citadel, an impresisve stronghold when one compares the average intelligence of Gamorreans and their rather limited technological knowledge.
The sole person among them who responded with any hint of worry was the colleague from her fellow Hutt Lorda, Suuv Suuv , who inquired about all the crucial questions such as the kind of public transportation they would be using, when to extract when the tempest spice plant was down, and when the orbital defense was on alert.
These questions would be answered in time, as she glanced over to the twin butterflies in the form of B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" and B/U-400 "Lisette".
It became evident that "Ayana" was attempting to charm her in order to make her drop her guard, and convey the friendly regards of the Eccentric Emperor of the Lost. Emperor Kelran was not a bad individual and had interactions with various hutt lords across the galaxy, however, they were too unpredictable for her criminal organization.
<I would be more than happy to engage in relations with the Lost Empire, if this mission is a success.> She explained in huttese, not wanting to ally with any individual or organization who couldn't complete the task assigned to them. The Ubese got an answer from B/U-400 "Lisette" regarding if they were protected from the parasites and other infections common on Gamorr.
<You will be given an old Maka-Ekai L4000 Transport in docking bay 15 for public transportation to Gamorr. As for your other questions, my Ubese Friend they will be found within the navicomputer of the transport. And since you are the only individual who asked such important inquiries, you will be appointed team leader for the mission.>
The High Queen said, wanting to not waste any more time by explaining each and every detail of the mission.


B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Gain Favor with High Queen Tanssaa
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

For all of her ponderous, slimy corpulence, there was a glint of intelligence and cunning in the High Queen’s eyes that manifested as testament to her keen discernment. She would not abide working with those who were untrustworthy or incapable and thus, both of the Butterflies would have to prove that they were such before relations with the Empire could truly begin. In that respect, it seemed that words alone—even those delivered from as brilliant and charismatic a spy as her older sister—would not be nearly enough. Instead, all that mattered was their success, or failure, on the mission itself.

<You will be given an old Maka-Ekai L4000 Transport in docking bay 15 for public transportation to Gamorr. As for your other questions, my Ubese Friend they will be found within the navicomputer of the transport. And since you are the only individual who asked such important inquiries, you will be appointed team leader for the mission.>

“Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness.” Lisette said. And so, with the completion of the meeting, the short-statured Butterfly offered the High Queen a shallow, informal bow in departure, before casting an expecting glance towards their appointed team leader—the masked Ubese known as Suuv. For her part, Lisette was prepared to trust her, if only for the attention to detail she had displayed moments prior. If anything, she was more experienced than Lisette and her older sister when it came to criminal affairs, while the commando droid unfortunately seemed to lack charisma, making him a poor fit for leadership. Thus, it stood to reason that Suuv was the best choice out of the entire group.

“I would like to return to my twin sister’s ship to pick up additional supplies and equipment for the mission.” Lisette began. “Otherwise, I am at your command, Suuv.” The Butterfly finished with a deferential nod.

Suuv nodded to the words of Lisette and said to her: "Zebuss, Lisette!" Another nod to the High Queen, "Yotoh L 4000 Yotòh, Zebuss!" and the bounty hunter walked in the direction of docking bay 15.
The slender armorer droid hovered behind her while translating: "My master agrees with you and is looking forward to hunting with you and your sister.
Good choice to use an L 4000, High Queen. We will start after a navicom briefing."

Enclave got a personal message from Suuv in Binary: "I rely on your centuries of experience in such missions. You will lead the infiltration and assault. Shine with competence!"

B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" [IMG alt="B/U-400 Lisette"][/IMG] High Queen Tanssaa
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And so it would seem that the Hutt cared more for results than flattery, so be it. Two question marks remained on the board, that being the other two hunters. Surely they had their uses, but could they be trusted? Bounty hunters may adhere to certain internal codes of honor, but a clankers only cared for their programming. Suuv was a total mystery, affable on the surface sure, but perhaps more devious thoughts lay within that helmet.

No matter, Lissette and Ayana were a strong team, and they could handle the mission with or without the other two. All they had to do was stick close and watch one another's backs. Perhaps it would be best to confer with her sister before moving forward. They had little time to do so.

"I believe I shall check my gear one last time back at the yacht. Miss me you two!" Ayana said with typical flair, "So sister, do you think we can trust the mask and the clanker?"

She would question her sister once back inside the safety of the stellar vessel, feeling a deep paranoia. It could have been her years of being a spy catching up with her, but it seem to much to leave to chance. They needed a plan B, just in case.

Once aboard, the two could more openly converse on the caliber of hunter they were dealing with, without getting a sword in the gut preferably. She would watch Lissette with a smirk, feeling like that "big sister" in their relationship, mostly because for some reason there was a noticeable gap in height between the supposed twins. "Something about this feels off,.."

Suuv Suuv High Queen Tanssaa B/U-400 "Lisette" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Yacht Interior, Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Prepare for Mission
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

Once she was back inside the yacht with her big sister, Lisette gave a deep exhalation of breath that she did not know that she had been holding. Then, stretching her arms over her head, the Butterfly took off her mask and clipped it onto her belt, idly running her fingers through her hair as she did.

“We will have to keep an eye on the commando droid. Or at least not show him our backs.” Lisette said. “I know that violent individuals like him aren’t unusual in this context, but he seems like the type that a slight inconvenience will trigger an outsized reaction.” She added with a slight frown. “It could be old, degraded programming, or maybe he’s one of those droids that has a burning, murderous hatred for organic life.” After all, such homicidal dispositions were not uncommon in retired battle droids. Deprived of their purpose, synthetics designed for combat could become unpredictable, often failing to adjust to a different mode of existence.

“As for Suuv, I trust her.” Lisette continued. “She seems to be very professional.” She added.

Once aboard, the two could more openly converse on the caliber of hunter they were dealing with, without getting a sword in the gut preferably. She would watch Lissette with a smirk, feeling like that "big sister" in their relationship, mostly because for some reason there was a noticeable gap in height between the supposed twins. "Something about this feels off,.."

“How so?” Lisette questioned.

All the while, the much, much shorter Butterfly moved to collect a few ration boxes, along with a crate containing a few stacked racks of Deadline-B sonic concussive javelins for herself. Then, hefting the entire load with uncanny ease given her enhanced strength, Lisette glanced up at her big sister, an attentive gaze set across her features.

“How so?” Lisette questioned.
"Sending four heavy hitter bounty hunters like us after one pig just doesn't sit right. It says to me that his fortress is going to be even harder to get through than we've been told." Cold as ever, Ayana sashayed herself over to a mirror with a knowing smirk on her face. There she would begin applying some lipstick, contemplating how best to control this strange operation. "Would be a shame if any of our hunters didn't make it..."

To Ayana the prospect of Suuv or Enclave being left for dead was a grim, but possibly advantageous one. Less hunters meant less competition, and a more convincing narrative that the butterflies were above the norm for bounty hunters. Earning their place in the underworld was still the primary objective, killing the Gamorrean was just one piece of the puzzle.

B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Yacht Interior, Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Prepare for Mission
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

"Sending four heavy hitter bounty hunters like us after one pig just doesn't sit right. It says to me that his fortress is going to be even harder to get through than we've been told."

“Oh. I see.” Lisette frowned.

Cold as ever, Ayana sashayed herself over to a mirror with a knowing smirk on her face. There she would begin applying some lipstick, contemplating how best to control this strange operation. "Would be a shame if any of our hunters didn't make it..."

Lisette blinked, trying, but ultimately failing to elucidate a deeper meaning from her sister’s tone.

“It would.” The short-statured Butterfly answered without a hint of irony or sarcasm in her tone. In that regard, her face struck a sad expression which turned her otherwise peppy features upside down. “We should do our best to make sure that everyone makes it back, even the droid. I don’t like him, but we would be remiss to leave him behind.” She added. However, she knew that such a thing was not always practical or possible, especially when it came to fighting heavily-armed paramilitary criminal gangs. And yet, the one thing that gave her hope was that with their team of capable, professional heavy hitters, the circumstances necessitating the dangerous, risky extraction of a wounded or incapacitated team member would not be allowed to manifest in the first place.

And yet, Lisette still had doubts, which her big sister’s strange tone only seemed to exacerbate.

“Was there something else that you meant, Ayana?” Lisette asked in a soft, curious tone, her brown-eyed gaze wide with expectation as she did.


Enforcer got a personal message from Suuv in Binary: "I rely on your centuries of experience in such missions. You will lead the infiltration and assault. Shine with competence!"

Enclave nodded his head, his hands moving to rest on his holsters in a relaxed demeanor.

“Understood, I am at your command.”

Enclave looked over his shoulder as the two butterflies left to their ship, squinting at them for a moment before returning to the task at hand.

“I will go ahead to bay 15 to prepare the transport.” He stated.

Enclave gave a short bow to the High Queen before turning and heading in the direction of docking bay 15, passing by various port-goers just entering the spaceport.


Tags: High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-400 "Lisette"
Suuv had left the meeting so abruptly for a short shopping tour on the way to docking bay 15.
The bounty hunter bought a datapad about Gamorr and a few fungicide gas grenades at the spaceport bazaar. And of course, seeds of Nal Hutta swamp flowers for the terrarium of the Paradise Lost.

Then the Ubese walked to the L 4000 and would read the mission details.
Meanwhile, GSAD-47 imprinted the shape memory material of the armor of Suuv in Gamorr jungle and urban camouflage.

He chatted with the enforcer in Binary and tried to adjust their tactics for the mission. He could not hide his curiosity and awe about the ancient machine and tried to learn from the experiences centuries ago. Like some young gun trying to learn from an old geezer gunman. GSAD-47 thought himself like a modern vibroblade beside a rusty old dagger. Both were deadly.

Suuv read the mission details and waited for the butterfly sisters to begin the briefing. Both were so stylish. The older one like a Nexu and the younger one like a Loth-cat! Stay professional, Suuv!

B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" [IMG alt="B/U-400 Lisette"][/IMG] [IMG alt="High Queen Tanssaa"][/IMG]
“Was there something else that you meant, Ayana?” Lisette asked in a soft, curious tone, her brown-eyed gaze wide with expectation as she did.

Ah, sweet naive young Lisette, she wasn't as hardened or as underhanded as some other butterflies. While Lisette could kill and complete missions as well as any of her clone sisters, her personality totally clashed with their missions. If anything though, it enhanced Ayana's urge to protect her little sister, to keep that innocence intact. "Don't worry about it Lissie, just stick close to me out there. We're going to need to be in top form!"

Yes, top form to take out this pig and his army of other verdantly colored swine. Time to get a move on, Ayana thought. She casually waltzed her way from the yacht's docking area and into the station proper. There was nothing there she needed, but the Bazaar was on the way to her destination, and she felt it necessary to at least browse. Some people balked at the sight of a rail thin woman carrying the heavy sonic rifle so easily on her back. Good thing they weren't forced to blend in!

After a short walk to the Bazaar, the two butterflies would come across Suuv once again. The mask she wore was so interesting to Ayana. What exactly did it hide? Maybe before this whole thing was over they'd find out...

"We're back, just had to stop off by the Bazaar before we head out. Nothing major there, but there were some nice clothes. May have to stop by again after the operation." Ayana sat down on a nearby crate and slowly took a cigarette from one of her many tactical pouches. She made a bit of a show of lighting up, doing it slowly and puffing out smoke in a ring. She tried to keep eye contact with Suuv as she puffed away at her smoke, partially out of distrust, but also out of interest.

"Well mystery woman? The floor is yours..." She said, giving a playful smirk to her fellow bounty hunter.

Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" B/U-400 "Lisette" High Queen Tanssaa
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