Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Mission on Gamorr

Suuv nodded and GSAD-47 was used as the interpreter of Suuvs language while he projected holopictures for the mission.
"The L 4000 is public transport for Gamorr, which means it brings officially high-tech products in and slave warriors, the main export of Gamorr, out.
The spaceport is actually an abandoned airstrip at Fortress Mountain without any regulation beside extortion crews of the clans.
In case of such toll collectors, these have to be terminated discretely. Then we will go ten clicks into rocky jungle terrain. It will be not patrolled by Gamorreans, but by their watch beasts. They should not be a match for us."

Suuv pointed at the holo of a primitive, but solid stone fortress built into a low mountain with a giant planetary defense gun.
"We go in unseen over the west wall, covered by the perpetual cast shadow of the gun. We will use grapple guns to scale the cliffs and the walls.
Once in the fortress, we go after the acquise.
The target is to location for a festival and meeting of the clan mothers. So we have to observe this throne room, this feast hall and this meeting hall. He could be in any of these areas.
The termination of Klarg has to be 100 % confirmed by not forgeable visual footage or in the classic sense with bringing the head in."

A picture of Crime Lord Klarg was projected. A scarred hulking brute with a bionic eye, a gold ornate primitive plate mail and a morgingstar whose spikes were made of shota lightsabers, he was said to have personally looted as trophies from the corpses of Jedi children in his time as a mercenary of the Sith.

"The interior defense would be tight. The looks are deceiving. Like with gun, the fortress is heavily augmented with modern security systems like forcefields, cameras and automated weaponry. But the hatred of the Gamorreans for droids would make this easy for me to slice the defences. The Gamorreans are users who do not understand the technology they field. Easy to fool.
That would be my job.

Do not underestimate the guards. They are not inclined to use ranged weapons. BUT DO NOT ENGAGE THEM IN MELEE. The Gamorreans are superior martial artists with primitive weapons and vibroblades. If they charge, it would be the responsibility of Enclave to stop them. He is specialized for such close combat.
I would cover the advancing Butterflies with sniper fire.

Loud festivities with a sort of drum music and horns is to be expected. As long as we prevent guards to sound the alarm, blaster fire should not alert the whole fortress.

In the case of a planetary lockdown, the gun would be a problem for our extraction. So the secondary objective is the temporary shutdown of the cannon. It has to stay intact. When our employer took over the outfit of Klarg the planet should better not be robbed of one of its key assets. So we are given ion charges to be placed at the gun.
Enough time to get back to the L 4000 and leave the planet."


B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Jiguuna Spaceport - Nal Hutta
Objective: Prepare for Mission
Tag: B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" High Queen Tanssaa Suuv Suuv EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

Lisette pouted at her big sister’s answer, the sting of being rebuffed coming over her awareness with painful familiarity. Why was Ayana evading the question? Was it something she had said or done? Had she failed her in some way? Or perhaps she had failed some form litmus test, thus making her unworthy of being given an answer. Regardless of the reason behind her sister’s evasive response, Lisette could not hold back the frown that came over her features, even as her fellow Butterfly attempted to comfort her.

Said frown did not leave her expression until the briefing began a few minutes later, after Lisette had stowed the crates in the transport that they were to take for the mission. The Butterfly managed to hold a calm, focused demeanor—a task made easier by the fact that she had committed virtually all of her attention to listening, to ensure that she did not miss a single detail.

Whatever the team was planning, Lisette was intent upon making sure that she was not left out.
Some time and a few hyper jumps later:

The L 4000 was shaken like as if it was hit by a giant fist. All lights went out, and white blue ionization arcs danced over practically all consoles, machinery and even the metallic parts of the interior hull.
Without a warning, the planetary gun of Gamorr had fired on the medium transport freighter as it entered the atmosphere of the planet.

From one moment to the other, the bulky spaceship was suddenly a useless chunk of metal, spiraling out of control toward the planet's surface.
Without shields and breaking thrusters, the hull was soon coated in fire.

"YOTOH!" Suuv shouted over the infernal noise of the dying ship to the Butterflies. The Ubese frantically gestured to the escape pods as the frail figure dragged the ionized and motionless GSAD-47 into that direction, throwing the backpack and rifle into the pod.

The sound of releasing charges and the swooshing of a starting pod meant the old Enforcer did not only shield himself in time not to be ionized, but has pragmatically escaped already.

It was good the medium transport had enough pods for all of them, and so the three mercenaries and the inactive droid fled the crashing ship just in time, before a second salvo of the giant cannon overloaded the reactor core of the L 4000 and trandforming it into a miniature sun which left only a hail of burning debris and a shockwave that hit the escape pod and knocked it out of course. A trail of smoke behind it, the tiny lifeboat crashed hard into the jungle and swamps of Gamorr, barely slowed down by good old parachutes as the repulsorlift failed.

As the pod rolled some dozen metres over the ground, razing all vegetation and leaving a track of plowed ground behind, it laid finally still.

Suuv groaned and removed her helmet. A tickle of blood ran from the black hair down of a delicate white face with black markings of a girl.
The Ubese frantically reached in her pocket and removed a small breathing mask, she put before her mouth and nose.

A second grab was for a medpack. Because of her rescue of the droid, she had not have enough time to prope strap herself in. The armor seemed to had prevented the worst, but was now damaged, it seemed.

"Yatoh?", Suuv asked, and her voice was thin, soft and melodic. She added in Basic: "Anyone hurt?"

B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave" B/U-400 "Lisette"
As no injuries were reported, Suuv applied first aid on herself and then restarted her droid. GSAD-47 made a system check and made a gesture meaning he was okay, as he began hovering again.

Suuv checked her weapons and shouldered her equipment. "I have a mission! I will not abandon it! If you want to come with me, feel free. I have a bounty to collect! Yatah!"
The bounty hunter had stopped talking only in Ubese. It was not the time to insist on etiquette. It was the time for survival.

B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" EN-C14V "Enclave" EN-C14V "Enclave"

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