Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission: Open Arms on Taboon


Disney's Princess

Mission Plot: - Set up refugee camps for citizens who have fled from Coruscant and Empress Teta to the new Republic Capital. Anaxes has passed them along to planets further within Republic space. Make arrangements for them to be fed, watered and sheltered. Ensure their health and reassure them that The Republic will protect them.

Taboon is a Gas Giant world but home to many orbital stations.


Kiskla has been kind enough to plot out a few missions for the Jedi. Jerry here will be undertaking the "Open Arms" request and is looking for company. Anybody want to tag along and resettle some refugees?

Reply here and we'll start as soon we can. All faction members welcome. Thanks for reading.

:D :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Ricardt Darkmourne"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Welcome guys. I'll have a thread up for us in a few hours. Thanks for climbing aboard. Send me a PM with any comments or concerns, or just reply here.

See you soon. :D :p
Hey, can I join too? I'll be jumping the gun a bit with my current thread-partner-guy-thing but due to him being busy a lot of the time (IRL and on-site) I think it's about time I did other things outside of that thread.

Said thread would end with me going to Ossus anyway so can I come or is it 2late?


Disney's Princess
[member="Kana Truden"]

Yes. You can jump in. Feel free. We are all doing something different in the thread by now. So just swing on by and join a group. It's not a strict thread. Deviations and questing are welcome.


Disney's Princess
[member="Kana Truden"]

Sorry I posted before your edit went up. Let's just assume Jerry texted you and you can go from there. No biggie. Enjoy! :D

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