Maldor Mecetti
Darth Trigonus
Location: Malachor | Hidden Ashlan Vault
Tags: Her |

"How do you shoot the Devil in the Back?
...What if you Miss?"
-- Darth Söze
'Trigonus' gazed into the darkness, and it gazed unhelpfully back at him.
His shoulders sagged. He should have known.
Everything was smoke and mirrors with Her. Everything was deception. Traps within traps, to achieve ends he could never fully guess.
His head lifted, his gaze falling upon Reign.
He should try to kill the man. He knew too much, thanks to Her incessant need to articulate every detail of her machinations to anyone who would listen. Her predecessor had been that way, too. Always spilling Maldor's secrets as part of a ploy to demonstrate the depths of her insidious reach within the Empire.
But... no. That window was closed. Reign, for his part, did not seem the pointlessly vengeful sort who would burn him merely because he could.
"So. She lives. And now I've proven to Her that I need to Die.
She has the Empress' ear, and she has insinuated herself deep into Imperial affairs.
We may not meet again, Lord of the Diarchy. For my part, I will wish you success in your endeavors.
The galaxy needs a third way between the Jedi and the Sith."
Then he stepped back against the wall, waiting for Reign to depart.
He did not think the man would kill him, now.
But he wouldn't be showing his back to anyone, today.
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