Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Misunderstand's Are The Best

"A few. We are no Jedi, nor a mass group searching for a new home. Just a few with a similar desire to see the Sith stopped by any means." A deep sigh escaped the Zabrak as [member="Voph"] turned his saber off. It was enough to show an end to their fight. Which Krest was more than willing to accept. He found a nearby crystal formation to plop down upon, setting his axe to lean against his seat.

"Once we were many though. Templars. Soldiers of peace. People who understood the passive way of the Jedi wouldn't help so many who needed it. We were soldiers, commanders, enforcers. Then we were betrayed, dismantled. So many left on their own, their paths lost. I hope to make this place a beacon for the lost souls to come home."
Voph watched the Zabrak sit down. Templars. Not an order he was familiar with. Must have been recent. Voph nodded once. "Such is the way of things, I have found. The Sith do not tolerate challenge. Adapt or die..." Voph's head turned as he looked around. "If you rise to challenge them...they will seek to end you."

Voph reached out to call his helmet to him, clipping it to the back of his belt. "The Sith were little more than a means to an end. And not worth the sacrifices that were made." Voph turned to Krest. "The Sith I knew...However...Are long since gone. I hail from a time...long since gone. The days of Zakuul. The days of Vitiate. I was shown this place while attempting to find my son. I thought there might have been a chance he was still alive. now the best I can hope is that old age has claimed him."

"Zakuul? Vitae? The only Vitae I know of is the Vitae Alliance, a group of dogooders without enough spine to do what's necessary. And I don't feel the Sith. I trained most of the current day Sith when I was among them. But times have changed. The Sith now are conquering the galaxy and burning all who oppose them. I fear no such reprisal, but there are many who do. Many who can't defend themselves from their war. So, we'll be that barrier."

Krest let out another sigh as he settled his chin in his hands, his gaze going distance as he thought about the task at hand. "Your vision sent you here, but what for? Perhaps, to find new purpose in a new age?"
Voph grinned at Krest's confusion. "Vitiate. The Sith Emperor that Revan tried to unite the galaxy against. Also founded the Zakuul Empire as Valkorian. A right mad man, that one..." Voph folded his arms over his chest. "That was some time ago. Four...Almost Five millennia ago." His face soured at the mention of the Sith overtaking the galaxy. Again. "And such is the calling of men like us, I find."

He sighed quietly, turning back to the Temple. "Perhaps. To find a cause worth fighting for. I once founded something similar. We called ourselves the Covenant. A...reforming of the Council that granted my Darthdom. Commenor was a member of this Covenant. Founded in the wake of the Zakuul war, to ensure that such a thing could never happen again. And while we slaved away...The Republic and Empire turned on each other like dogs..."

"That was quite a long time ago. I've no knowledge of anything that happened during that time." Krest leaned back in his seat, glancing to the unfinished temple. "But, perhaps that's the problem. The past has been forgotten, and the mistakes are returning again and again. Having someone who knows the mistakes of the past could certainly help the future." Slowly the old Zabrak stood up, dusting himself off. With a flick of his wrist he reached out through the Force to lift his axe and set it back in it's holster without touching it as he stepped over to [member="Voph"] , holding out a hand.

"Krest Novar, King of Iridonia and Templar Grandmaster. Consider this my formal request for you to join the Templars and help me train the next generation to overcome the mistakes of the past."
Voph looked at the man, and the hand he was being offered. Voph made no move to accept the man's gesture. After all, he did attack him on the mere possibility that he was a Sith. But would Voph have done any different? No. No he wouldn't have. Voph smiled, and took the man's hand, giving it a single firm shake. "I was once Darth Voph, the high councilor of the Octarchy Covenant, and the Archon of Visions. I accept your offer."

He turned back to the Temple. "It has been some time since I have trained anyone. But, I will gladly share what I know. The Sith are a blight. What may have once been honored and noble teachings were corrupted and devoid of meaning long before even I studied their ways. You would do the galaxy well to rid it of their influence, if such a thing is even possible..."

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