The Forsaken
The clone subconsciously accepted the crystal, averting his gaze and stared off into space with a lamentful expression. Although the situation was partially resolved, the boy couldn't help but still feel like an empty shell, soulless - despite Yenna's earlier words of encouragement. She was probably right, but it was hard to fight his feelings on the matter. Feeling his sleeve brush across his skin as Yenna tugged on it, he returned his attention to her and looked at her for a few seconds before getting up to his feet.
Following the small Jedi back to the ship, from the moment they left and to when they got back on the ship, the clone consecutively replayed the memories he'd unlocked over and over again. "I'm not hungry..." he answered before trudging along into his quarters. Closing the door behind him, the lost boy stood in the middle of his cramped room and slumped his self on his bed. Leaning his back against the wall, slouched, the Kiffar let one of his legs hang over the bed.
Sighing, his chestnut eyes stared at the colorless wall in front of him. He spent the next few hours soul searching, that tended to happen when your entire sense of self was destroyed in an instant. He needed to distance himself from his past, from just being another number... another thing to his creators. Knowing the reason behind his tattoo, behind his 'name' - he resented it, its link to Insatious and how it made him feel like a tool for use. He wasn't that, not anymore at least, becoming a Jedi and becoming Yenna's Padawan made him someone else, made him better.
The clone, in order to start feeling like an actual person, he had to wipe the slate clean. And he knew just how to start.
Getting off his bed, the clone exited his quarters and searched for his Master around the ship. When he found her, the Kiffar entered slightly, standing in between the doorframe, he stood upright and puffed his chest out. "I... have an announcement." he started, consciously timing his breathing "I don't-- I don't want to be called Eleven anymore. It was a serial number used for where I was in the cloning order - I'm not that anymore. I'm more than a clone. I'm a person... and I need my own name." pausing, the clone averted his gaze and bit his lower lip as he grew slightly self-conscious about the name he wanted for himself.
"I want to be called Elryn. Elryn Freestar." the 'Free' part was a bit on the nose, but he didn't care - he was his own person and he wanted the whole galaxy to know. He was free.