Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Illic | New Cov |

Despite being in a domed city, New Cov was still sweltering hot and humidity was off the charts. Add in the fact he was wearing a gray suit, it just amplified how uncomfortable the planet could be. His son, he idly noted, would love it here. Along with his ex-wife.

Judah had been careful entering the city, they were domed for a reason. Native flora and fauna was on a mission to kill people, and he didn't want to add to the statistic today. Especially when he wasn't sure about today's meeting. Bioengineering exclusive to New Cov was on the docket. He wasn't quite sure how the engineering could help him. Enough research into the issue showed the products produced here were often raided due to how unique they were to the environment and planet.

Which raised security concerns for himself. He was hoping Miss Terallo could answer questions surrounding supply and how it was to be kept safe. If they were to enter into a contract, supplies would have to flow on a regular, secure schedule in order to succeed.

I was informed of my guest's arrival the moment that he had entered Illic. I have been working hard to establish more contracts for our biomolecules, as well as a few of our products that contain them. The versatility of the biomolecules allow them to be used in a number of ways, which in part helps New Cov's economy, while also ensuring that a customer base will always be there.

Stepping outside of NCBC's Headquarters, I find myself nearly hesitating. A certain smell drifted in the air that brought with it a fleeting reminder of an event that is kept well under wraps to the general public. I am well recovered physically and emotionally. However small bits of mental scarring remain. All of that will disappear in time, I have been assured, and I am eager for that day to come. In the meantime invisible guards keep watch. Just how many there are at any given time or their exact position, I am unaware of. Yet I am at least confident in them being there.

I draw up my fan and open it, using the flicks of my wrist to direct a cool breeze upon me. The summer months can be a bit rough inside the dome when one ventures outside of the air conditioned buildings. Yet I do not plan to be out here for long.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
Steamy couldn't begin to describe the planet. He paused, looking around to see if anyone was to greet him. It was always a mixed bag at these things ; sometimes there was an assistant waiting, sometimes there was no one at all and he had to go poking around for the welcoming committee. While he didn't see anyone currently, there was a path above the vegetation to take.

Easy enough.

Ramp closed on his Santhe Challenger, Judah started down the path to what he assumed was a main building. Confident strides were getting him there quickly ; the goal was to get in and get out of the heat and get inside the building and look for the nearest secretary. As he drew closer, he caught sight of a woman ( Liin Terallo Liin Terallo ) fanning herself outside the building.

Cigarillo break? Even he wouldn't brave this heat.

"Afternoon Miss."
Ah, that must be him! I remain steadfast and poised while I continue to fan myself as my guest made his approach. He appears to be a little uncertain. But that is to be expected when there isn't much fanfare to be had. Such grand events were held mostly for royalty and corporate functions. Today was not one of those days.

"Good afternoon and welcome to New Cov. I am Director Terallo." More often than not, offworlders haven't shared in the custom of greeting with a shake of a hand or anything of the sort. And so I refrained from starting such a gesture. "Let us head inside, shall we? I am quite certain that the heat doesn't favour your colorful suit." I can only guess that it is colorful for I have been colorblind for all of my life. It is not a common attribute among humans, but not one that I have ever been ashamed of either.

At once I turn on my heel and lead my guest to the doors. As we inch closer they fully open, bringing with them a welcomed gush of cooler air. I fold up my fan and hold it in my right hand while I guide him to the turbolift that will bring us to my office.

"I trust that your journey here was pleasant?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Uh, thank you. Its a pleasure to meet you Director Terallo."

He wasn't usually greeted in such a manner. He raised his hand to shake hers but there was no hand outstretched on her end. It was aloof, but Judah had experienced this before. Not everyone greeted in the same manner and one could never take it too personally. Even stranger, Judah looked down at his plain gray suit with a white shirt and black tie. Perhaps the woman was a near-human and could see on a different light spectrum.

It was awful bright out here.

"My trip was uneventful."
He followed behind, relishing the cool, humidity-free air as they moved towards the turbolift banks. "I have never visited New Cov, it seems very vibrant."

One way to describe a jungle.

"How are your Director Terallo? Has this sector of the galaxy been treating you well?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I guide his footsteps with my own, keeping slightly ahead of my guest as we walk through NCB's headquarters to the lifts. I find the small talk to be quite quaint, in my own humble opinion.

"New Cov is quite unlike any other world, I am sure. Without the domes to protect us, the wilds would see fit to reclaim the planet. However we do try to live in some form of harmony. The wilds have plenty of safe zones where we do not harvest."

I step into the lift and wait for my guest to follow before pressing the button to take us to the appropriate floor where my office sits. "This sector of the Galaxy is quite peaceful and has been for a number of years. I can only expect and hope that it will remain so for the foreseable future. When one has no voice or power in the Core, one is blessfully left alone by the Core's conflicts."

But that does not mean that NCBC would lack in business. Oh I know of that very well! For we have been gaining multiple contracts since I was elected as the Head of the Board of Directors not that long ago.

The lift door opens and we enter my spacious office. There are a few sofas surrounding a coffee table, a dining table that also doubled as a meeting table. Tall windows were strategically placed to offer different vantage points in the dome. A side table also carried with it refreshments both hot and cold.

"Would you care for some refreshments before we start?" Always the gracious host, just like my parents taught me to be.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Its very fascinating. I am appreciative of the way the citizens and businesses of New Cov seem to live in harmony with the planet. Its rare to see, normally its sheer domination."

On the lift together, Liin Terallo Liin Terallo considered her philosophy on conflict and power struggles. They seemed to be of one mind in that regard - stay out of the way of conflict and live in peaceful harmony. Or relative peace, sometimes one had no choice when things showed up on their doorstep. Still, he understood her sentiment.

"Indeed. Often best to stick to business and not be involved in politics or conflicts. I can't see what gain it would bring."

Ocean blue eyes took in the impressive office. He made some mental notes for his own office ; he was moving around a bit and his new office could use a little different inspiration than what was on the space station. That was a little ways away, so for now he was just admiring and gathering ideas. As he drifted to the sofa, there was a small nod.

"Just water if you have it."

Suit jacket unbuttoned, he sat down on the couch, taking in the jungle through the massive windows.

"Nice office, I'm a little jealous."
I watch as my guest seems to admire my office. I can see it on his face as his eyes seem to travel slowly around the room. Or perhaps he is also assessing for any potential dangers. I am not unused to pepple that carry with them that sort of instinct. If it weren't for my guards, I would also of been the one to look to spot potential threats whenever I had travelled off world. But thankfully I am always under guard so that I can be focused on other things.

"Jealous, are you?" I speak up as I walk to the side table and pour him a tall glass of water, before pouring myself a tall glass of white wine. "I can only imagine that there are plenty of other offices that are more grand than this one. My father's personal study is one such example." I carry our drinks, handing my guest his water before I sit down on the sofa across from his own. My posture is poised and straight, but not at all appearing stiff.

"And to your earlier point, I agree. Remaining out of politics is very good for business. So what can I do for you? Which part of our biomolecules industry piques your interest?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Thank you."

Accepting the glass of water, he took a sip as he listened to the woman speak upon the office. While she may not feel it was impressive, Judah always liked to see how others decorated theirs. If they went for cold and impersonal or added their own small touches or went full out on their personality. Judah typically went somewhere in the middle - sometimes it was easier for those he needed contracts from he was human and had interests and a family.

Other times it could be used against him. It was all a balancing act.

"To be completely honest ; I'm not sure. Are they any uses for your biomolecules in the salvage, mining, or energy sectors?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I have a small sip of my wine while I listen to my guest. I find it curious that he had no real direct intent during this business trip. More often than not other guests had arrived here knowing exactly what they want from NCBC. This is entirely quite a surprise. It could be that New Cov was just a stopover point to one's journey to the Core.

But it wasn't as though I wasn't trained to be prepared for just such a scenario. On the contrary, my parents had been around to more meetings than I have, and so they were quite used to a multitude of scenarios.

"Currently, I do not believe that biomolecules will be useful in mining. But that does not mean that they won't be in the future. We are always working on new innovations. Yet in salvaging, we've been working on forging a strong steel that can be useful for cutting other metals without the need to heat them. And in energy, we are working on infusing biomolecules with electrical components, giving a sturdier connection."

I have another sip of my wine, allowing just a fleeting thought to some of our other research projects. Yet until they are thoroughly tested and ready for market, I was not going to speak of them.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
The metals were an interesting concept. He kept hold of his water glass but relaxed back into the couch cushions, taking a more relaxed body language. There was much he didn't understand on the chemical and biological level regarding the products, but that was a minor technicality. Judah just needed to know more or less how it assisted the metals.

"So in salvage, we melt down the scrap and reform the metal. Beams, sheeting, name the shape and we can most likely make it happen. So my question really is, are these molecules added in during the smelting process? Or is this like a dust or spray? I'm curious because one has to think of concerns like retrofitting spaces and equipment as needed."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I listen intently to my guest while he describes his line of business. My assumptions of salvaging seems to of been mistaken. Whereas I was thinking along the lines of the gathering of salvage, he in fact was referring to the act of reusing and altering the salvaged materials. But I suppose one could think that both trains of thought go hand in hand.

"The biomolecules are added during the smeltering and forging process. And in doing so they increase the strength of the metal. The amount of biomolecules must be carefully calculated. I can provide you with a list of quantity ratios with your purchase, if you'd like." Every type of metal carried with it a different density and that required a different quantity of biomolecules to be added to it.

I had another sip of my wine, maintaining my perfect posture. For people not used to sitting in such a fashion, they might find it uncomfortable. But perfect posture is how I was brought up, and so I find it very comfortable, indeed.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
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Judah nodded. While he did collect salvage, he also refined it, which was not something everyone did. There were more profits to be had in doing it themselves than relying on a third party company. It also led to these moments - where he could seek out new and interesting technologies and apply them to current products.

"Of course a list of ratios would be appreciated."

Judah certainly hoped they wouldn't have to play around and figure out the amounts by trial-and-error, that would be extremely costly.

"What would be your contract terms for bio-molecules such as these? Stipulations? Concerns?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
My guest sure seems to be an agreeable one. And now that we are getting down to the negotiation process, it'll be time to find out how agreeable he is.

"Most of our customers purchase biomolecules by the container. However if you'd like to try out a small portion for your own testing, you are welcome to that. Afterwards we ship a regular supply, so long as it's paid for. Some of our customers prefer a subscription-based system, whereas others are on a pay-by-shipment. Just like any natural resourse, there are times in the year when the harvesting numbers are a little lower, but it is never dry. And we have yet to fail to deliver. It is something that we do encourage our customers to keep in mind, however. Shipping is included in the cost. One cannunderstand that the greater the distance, the higher the cost. Fortunately New Cov is centrally located, yet far enough away from the Core to avoid being in any of the war zones."

And I hope that it stays that way! It is far better to be ignored by the super powers than to be within the cross hairs of their war machines.

"Is all of that to your liking?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
He listened intently, half-way through his water and finally feeling cooler and more relaxed after fighting through the jungle humidity. So far, the biomolecule talk was going surprisingly well. However, he wasn't just going to take her word. His own engineers would have to perform tests and analysis of the metals to ensure it was just as safe, if not safer, than the untreated.

"I would like to purchase a container for trial. If all is successful, we could easily go to a subscription based method. Understandably we will need to test for safety and the claims you have made. If it is found to be beneficial, then I would like to enter a contract. I will not be using these molecules on all of my refined metals, but I can see turning the refinement facility in the Centrality region into a specialty metals center."

A pause.

"Do you have questions for myself?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
A container purchase offer. I smile and dip my head politely. "Wonderful. I'm certain that you and your team will be delighted with the outcomes of your research."

I have a sip of my wine while he pauses for a moment before bringing up a follow up question. "I do , yes. Will you be picking up the container here today? Or shall I arrange for it to be shipped?" I am uncertain as to his more of transport to New Cov. It is not my business to gleen that information from the port authorities. I have only to need such information if I was to meet my guests at the port myself. And in this case I was not.

"Is there anything on New Cov that you'd like to see while you are here?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"If the container will fit into a standard cargo hold, and I suspect it will, of course I can take it today. Then we can communicate further once my testing and engineers have had a look over the product. I suspect it will take roughly a standard month. From there we can discuss further if and how we should proceed. I suspect things will be fine, but one never knows."

Despite the heat and humidity on New Cov, there was one thing he wanted to see, regardless of wearing his suit. Thoughts came to mind of wanting a small tour but he was unsure if it would be granted. Worst he could do was ask then be escorted right out of the building.

"Can I tour the farm? The plants where these molecules originate? Or are they harvest more in the wilds?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
"Wonderful. I can certainly have the container ready for your departure." Anything to save on shipping is a great thing! The stipulations on whether or not the biomolecules will work to his liking were easy to deal with as well. Afterall there were plenty of available customers to work with.

I am lucky that I didn't take a sip from my wine as he asked about touring the 'farm', for I would have surely spat it out! What a mess that could have made, not to mention it being a waste of good quality wine. "Oh they are most certainly harvested in the wild, and it is not a place where tours are run. The jungles outside of these domes are very dangerous. You are more than likely to fall victim to the plants that the biomolecules come from, then to be able to witness the harvesting first hand. These domes had been created for a reason and that is to protect us all from them. If we didn't have these domes for safety, we would all be dead. So I am sorry, but having a tour of them will not be happening today. However if you'd like to see the wilds from a distance, then there is a tower that we can go to that offers a beautiful view of the jungle's canopy."

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"So droids collect the plants?"

Judah certainly hoped they weren't sending sentients into the jungle to grab these plants if they were so dangerous they couldn't take a small walk. Yes, he had noted a dome, obviously, but had thought there was a domestication of the plants by now. The planet was secretive so this made sense ; even if there was domestication he and the galaxy at large, would probably never know.

Their economy most likely depended on them being a sole supplier.

"Observation tower sounds fine." Judah moved to stand, the tour sounded fine enough. In reality, he could leave now but that wasn't the point. Business was all about the connection so they had to make small talk now. Get to now one another a little better, feel out if a long-term association was possible. It sounded odd, but it hadn't failed him yet. It seemed the most successful businesses did the same.

"You were born on New Cov? Or are your a transplant?"

Judah smirked a little at his lame little plant joke.
"Droids? Oh no. The Covie look after the harvesting and have done so for centuries." That is why the planet had yet to be conquered. Despite being told to carry one banner or another, there was never any real conquering done. Any offworlders that tried to attempt the harvesting process would fail rather badly. There was a proper procedure for it all and just how that procedure was performed was known only to the harvestors and a select few members of the Board.

As he stands, so do I. My wine is not yet finished and so I carry it with me while I guide him towards a lift within my office. I'm lucky enough to have one. But it is for situations just like this. As well as for my own private spare moments to watch the storms or observe the stars.

The bad joke is picked up on as we step into the lift, however I give a little laugh anyways, as I was taught to do. It is a polite thing to do, afterall. "I am full Covie born and bred. Generations of my family have lived here. I have hardly been anywhere else until recently." From what I've seen I have come to admire some of the enormous space stations the most for they are much like living in the domes with no worries about weather.

"And what about you? Which world to you hail from?"

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

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