Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"I can't blame you for not using droids."

Judah made a small face. Droids were still the bane of his existence. They were hard to avoid in the universe, an integral part of most sentient lives. However, he always appreciated when businesses used sentients for such tasks. It was no reason other than his own personal issues, but regardless it was something to note.

"Why the isolation? You never had the desire to spread the word about your biomolecules or find other business ideas? Or do you find most people just come here if they want your product bad enough?"

He had come, but then again, he often went around the 'verse and met with others. Liin Terallo Liin Terallo was speaking about being isolated for a long period. Perhaps generations? Maybe the molecules were only known outside the sector recently? A lot of questions he didn't need an answer to, just more curious than anything else.

"I was born and raised on Saleucami. I spent a good amount of time on Ceto and raised my son on Dac, or Mon Cala, whatever you prefer. So I've been around just a little bit."
I have a sip from my glass while we exit the lift. I lead him towards the viewing platform while I respond. "All of my schooling and training was done here. I hadn't the time to travel. Only once I became a member of the Board of Directors that I was given the opportunity to go beyond the domes."

It isn't long before we reach the edge of the platform. It's viewpoint faces the edge of the dome, showcasing the jungle in all of it's glory. Although beautiful and innocent, I know very well that looks can be deceiving. The jungles were anything but safe to venture into. Most especially when one isn't aware of what's out there. "As for getting word out on our biomolecules, I am only doing so slowly. New Cov is filled with a broad history of raids and diplomatic invasions, and I'd rather not have those repeated on my watch." Not if I can help it, anyways. Let those superpowers that constantly war eachother focus on themselves rather than on New Cov.

I finish my wine, taking that one final sip. It is a pleasant vintage and perfect for the afternoon. "Your son? Is he with you now or with his mother? I certainly wouldn't want to keep a family seperated for long."

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"No, this makes sense. Safety is paramount."

Judah leaned against the railing of the platform, taking in the jungle. He was sweating already in his dark suit, but the sight before him was interesting to see. He wondered how many employees were lost to the jungle. It looked dangerous, as most places in the wilds were. Yet it was fascinating to think someone had ventured out ages ago to turn plants into substances for industry.

"Hopefully this area has many more years of peace and quiet."

All anyone could hope for in this universe.

"No, my son is married and with his wife. Are you trying to flatter an old man Miss Terallo? I've already agreed to trial the substances, there's no need to try to flatter me further. I merely mentioned the planet since I spent so much time there, it basically became a home for his formative years." Judah paused for a moment. "Do you have any kids? A partner? The business world can be...isolating, to put it mildly."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
"I too hope that it remains peaceful for some time to come."

Looking out to jungle, I feel a great sense of pride towards my homeworld. However I do not pretend to be able to survive within the jungles themselves. Oh no! It is within the domed cities that I thrive.

My eyebrows raise in such surprise after he suggests that I've been engaging in flattery. I wish to laugh out loud at the thought that such a tactic was necessary, however that would be rude! Instead I offer up a polite chuckle. "That was not my intention, no. I was merely concerned that I was taking time away from your family. Business is impirtant, yet so too is family." This was instilled in me by my parents. Why else was our family so heavily involved in NCBC? To keep us together.

To his own questions I give a small shake of the head, yet keeping on a polite smile. "I have no children nor any time for courtship as of yet. I am entirely focused on my position in NCBC, as one can expect me to be." I don't have the time to be sidetracked with starting up my own family. Not currently, anyways. And with my parents being heavily involved in NCBC, I do not feel isolated at all.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Thank you for caring about my family. Business is important but family comes first. Most of them are now involved one way or another. It's not for everyone but it keeps us closer than if we weren't all working together.

Judah looked out at the jungle with her. There was a reason for the domed cities. Who knew what was lurking in the lush vegetation before them.

Seemed the type of place where cryptid stories would originate.

Sorry, I didn't meant to intrude on your personal life. Running the business is extremely important. However, don't forget to live a little in-between. Don't let life pass you by while you were out trying to make credits."

Judah chuckled at the words he just uttered.

"This coming from a infamous workaholic."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
"It is not just about making credits. It is continuing New Cov's economy and looking after it's people. That is my job. And if the prospect of having my own family passes me by, then so be it. Therein lies the sacrifice that I must make for the health and well being of the Covie."

Besides that there has been no man interested in courting a lady like myself. Not one of the Covie nor one from anywhere else. I have been to parties and danced with a few gentlemen, however they had no interest in me. I could see it in their eyes. It was only about catering to me for a business contract.

I offer my guest a polite smile, despite the topic of conversation. "I do get to travel some, and attend some marvelous events, both of which I enjoy. This life that I have chosen not a chore, nor a burden to me." I didn't have to pursue being in the Board of Directors like my parents, yet I decided to do so and to follow in their footsteps. There is no greater honor than that.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"It is not just about making credits. It is continuing New Cov's economy and looking after it's people. That is my job. And if the prospect of having my own family passes me by, then so be it. Therein lies the sacrifice that I must make for the health and well being of the Covie."

Judah turned to regard her with a curious expression. He didn't know much about the planet or the culture beyond the jungles. Unsure, he figured he couldn't hurt anything by asking. If Liin Terallo Liin Terallo was to become a regular business partner, it was most likely wise they learn a thing or two about one another.

"So the Terallos are seen as a type of celebrity or royalty on the planet? Or perhaps more as stewards of the people? Maybe a mix of both? I think that is a common theme on smaller planets. Corporations are responsible for so much more than just making credits. Its easy to forget that sometimes they are the fabric of the community or planet."

He nodded slightly at her words. That she perused this life. Judah wondered about his own son, was he influenced by himself and Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau or did he choose for himself?Maybe a mix of both, and not necessarily a bad thing.

"A good attitude to have. Sometimes children of these owners have a chip on their shoulder"
I politely regard his question with a thoughtful response instead of a well rehearsed one. "We are a bit of both. The Board of Directors are the stewards and the Chair is the royalty. However whomever leads can be changed through votes cast by the Board. Whomever gets into the Board is voted on as well." There are rival families that seek to gain power, but I do not touch upon them. Afterall he doesn't need to know the downsides to this system.

He seems to know the type that I think of, for he remarks about some having a chip on their shoulders. That is exactly how some of them behave and it is very off-putting. "I am glad to not be like those that do. But if I did not choose this path, then I think that I might have chosen to have been a painter."

Painting is a hobby of mine, when I have some spare time for it. I cannot see colors, but I can diffeentiate between light and dark shades. Whether or not the colors look well together, I can only guess. None have exactly pointed that out to me. But my paintings are rarely seen by anyone anyways, other than my parents and our house staff. That in and of itself is probably a good thing for I'd hate for painting to lose it's charm if I am openly criticized to the point of public embarrassment.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"I am glad to not be like those that do. But if I did not choose this path, then I think that I might have chosen to have been a painter."

Judah raised an eyebrow but wasn't entirely surprised. Many wealthy types had their children, especially daughters, take extensive art education. He knew firsthand Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell dabbled in painting and now knowing Miss Liin Terallo Liin Terallo also painted cemented his theory a little further. It was an interesting tidbit, like one of those random threads that tied groups together.

"Painting? Anything I would know? Actually....I wouldn't know. I've been to a few art galleries due to charity events but I couldn't tell you what is good or bad. More, I suppose what I like? Subjectivity? Who decides what is good and what is bad?"

Looking around the jungle, he was beginning to sweat entirely too much.

"Should we go back indoors? Our business is complete and I hate to be taking up your time."
I give my head a little shake for there is no way that he'd of seen my work. Nor do I copy what others had painted. "None of my paintings are up for public display. Outside of myself and my parents, only a few members of staff have laid eyes on them. You are right about subjectivity, however."

I can see that my guest is spent. His forehead glistens and I am reminded of how he is not used to the climate. Plus there is only so much small talk that one can do before it becomes awkward and a chore in and of itself. "Now is a perfect time to go inside. I shall escort you out, if you'd like? Or if you prefer to see yourself out, I am fine with that too." Either option was good for me. The paperwork of contracts can be handled shortly thereafter.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
"Maybe someday you'll hang something in the office for the wider galaxy to see?"

Judah was aware New Cov isolated themselves from the galaxy at large. Or at least laid low. Much of the sectors in the universe beyond the deep Core he felt tried to do the same. Just normal folks trying to make their way in the galaxy. Not that it didn't mean trouble didn't arrive on the doorstep. At least New Cov had an amazing shielding system already in place.

"No, I can see myself out. I know the way back. We shall be in touch? It is always beneficial to have corporate friends in the galaxy. I am certain we will speak to one another once I try the materials purchased. I am eager to see how well they work."

Judah offered a smile and another handshake.

"Until we meet again?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I dip my head in acknowledgement of his suggestion on my paintings, although I know that I will not be following through with it. There are some things that one should keep private, most especially things that give one great joy. Afterall it is easy for one to use parts of my private life against me. Such is the way of most politicians and executives. Outside of my parents; none have seen me 'let my hair down' so to speak.

"Yes, I would be delighted to keep in touch and learn of your successes with biomolecules." I extend my hand and grasp his own giving him a delicate shake. Friendship isn't something that I am used to. In fact I have guarded myself from it. I did have a friend through my education and start as a junior member of the Board of Directors. However she was killed in an attack and attempted kidnapping of myself. I still haven't quite gotten over losing that friendship. Survivor's guilt is a real thing that I hope will fade away over time.

Following him out part of the way, I then head over to my office to begin writing up the discussed contract.

Tag: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell

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