Equipment: Sword of the Tenth | The Panoply

Location: Ponemah | Sometime after Selvaris
Word of the survivors of Jedha - refugees and injured folk alike - had finally reached the ear of the Devaronian beast who responded to the news with a mixture of glee and fury. It was Jedha that had attempted to tame his wrath in the form of leaving him to die buried and battered in the ruined desert. Yet, it was also the same place that taught him how to survive death. By way of an old adage of his horned devilish people lost to the histories of dust, telling them to accept the pain and hatred of their lives and reputation, Laoth had denied himself the demise Jedha had planned for him. But it was not victory that he found in its place, for he had still been beaten by the defenders of such a horrid world. He had still lost.
But if there were survivors, corraled into a new location ripe for the taking, then perhaps he could redeem himself and do away with such a defeat of his spirit and body. Such was his reasoning - confusing though it might have been - for secreting himself off to the world of Ponemah, a desert hellscape of storms and dehydration. Why the Alliance had felt it good to place refugees of any number on this planet escaped the Devaronian's understanding, but he cared very little in the end. What he did care for was the descent onto the planet, something barely achieved through the scrambling efforts of his tribe's tac-com officers, and his charge into the settlement.
A small host of his personal tribesmen accompanied him in this sudden assault upon the refugees, soldiers from the rank and file of the Brotherhood who had piqued the Devaronian's interest when he was given leave to create his own tribe within the Maw. Roughly fifteen or so, each armed with a blaster rifle, vibroknife, and power maul. Each had been re-trained over the course of the past few weeks through the rigorous toils of Devaronian regimes, and psychologically or otherwise cybernetically augmented at Loath's behest. Reborn as killers without fear of death.
This was put to the test.
A hail of blaster bolts had showered the Devaronian and his host within moments, dropping two of his soldiers dead to the sand, their faces deformed into smoking craters. The rest roared in response and increased their feverish speed, actually outrunning their leader for a moment as they slammed into the walls of the settlement, pressed far enough below the ramparts as to avoid being shot down. Laoth did the same, his own alchemized strength outmatching theirs and - with a shove of the Force - a hole in the wall was made within seconds. The Devaronian and his soldiers charged in with cackles and curses, and the slaughter began.
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