Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Monty Tython and the (Un)Holy Grail (OS Dominion of Tython)


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Tython
Objective: Replace a Jedi temple with a Sith one… for funsies
Allies: [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Melori Raaf"]

A small rodent came scurrying by as the ramp of the dropship fell open with a kiss, revealing a horde of Sith waiting to desecrate the planet. They would tear down all that was holy to the Jedi and replace it with the better, faster, stronger institutions of their own. In less poetic terms, they would give the finger to the Order.

Vrag herself, however, didn't particularly care for what they were doing. She preferred destroying people to destroying things — after all, objects don't feel pain — and with that thought in mind the imposing warrior turned her gaze to the other Force-wielding figure in the hold. She stayed back as her soldiers poured out, armored boots trampling the soil with no regards to anything that might be squashed underneath the incessant march of their feet. That was the beauty of the Sith; they were efficient. No meandering, no tangents, no pointless mincing of words — oh, alright, that last one wasn't quite true for everyone — they stuck to their goal and got it done, come hell or high water.

Well, Hell had come and gone and they were still here, so they had to be doing something right.

"You don't look too well, Hal," she spoke as they left the dropship, the very last to set foot upon the violated virgin of a planet. "Anything you want to tell me?" She afforded him one last glance, hands pausing mid-motion as she already went to don her mask. The Knight took note of the void in his eyes, as if the short trip through space had rubbed off on him, but didn't remark on it directly. There would be ample time for that later.

Blue orbs than left the broken man at her side, and with a sweeping gaze the Hand of the Dark Lord took in her surroundings as the skull clicked into place. Other dropships were already landing as their own took off, doubtlessly to bring back more defilers, while their counterparts planetside were working diligently to establish a small base of operations.

Tython had been kept a closely guarded secret for very long, after all, and they didn't possess the exact coordinates of the temples they were here to raze to the ground. Nobody did, really. You'd need a Jedi for that sort of thi—


"Hal," she spoke, her voice taking on a decidedly sweeter note, "you wouldn't happen to know where we could find a temple, would you?"

The Hound

A touch of darkness, a dash of sorrow. Black and cold like the breathless embrace of the deep reached out to touch the young half-Vahl. Her focus was elsewhere though and his meager attempt at communication was wrought irrelivant as she entered his view. The wind picked up around him as dropships flew overhead, their repulsors tossing about his red-orange hair.


The Hounds moved around him, images, smells and sounds passed through him, filtering into one large image of the vast area around him. A distracting process, but one that proved useful in combat and scouting operations. His slow, methodical pace was brought to a halt as he bumped into the young girl he had attempted to reach out to earlier.

He was a sight to behold. Not extraordinarily tall but the visage he represented was that of death. Great horns sat upon his head and his very breath emitted a steam-like miasma as he stood, glaring down at the girl with his deep, black eyes. This was no mask like the many other Hounds that danced about. His wrists and ankles were adorned with the same sort of red mane that the beast held.

A deep guttural growl emanated from its cavernous maw.
[member="Sena Lassiter"]
Location: Nowhere Special
Objective: Taint the planet
Allies: [member="Darth Isolda"], [member="The Hound"](s)

However, Sena wouldn’t get very close. A low growl, a familiar growl had her turning around in panic and in front of her stood what she could only assume was the Alpha Male of the hounds. An involuntary whimper escaped her before she took a deep breath to try and calm herself down.

“Easy boy, easy…” Sena’s voice cracked as she swallowed air. “You don’t want to chase me, not right now…”

Unease spread like wildfire in her body. Muscles tensed up and hands reached for her saber. “I just want to help the high-priestess in this, nothing else.”

She wasn't blind, in fact, she was very much aware that in this moment she had let her adapted facade be dropped in order for the bitter reality be broadcast itself for all to see. She was just a scared little girl playing a game she had only just begun to scratch the surface of. Her legs softened up in preparation to run and her head arched back with a scrunched up expression across her face.

Location: Tython
Objective: Be really very sad.
Allies: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Melori Raaf"]

When the rest of the soldiers had poured out onto the planet's surface, there was a moment. A moment where the man thought that his legs might have been incapable of movement. This temple had raised him, and what, in turn he would raze it? It was such a grotesquely personal act of betrayal that he thought that it might not have been physically possible to do.

Yet it was.

They stepped out as the woman noted his dour expression, being sure to pass comment upon it. Was there anything that he wanted to tell her? No. Absolutely nothing. Was there anything that she'd make him tell her? Very likely.

Hal was frankly surprised that she hadn't asked earlier, although then again she didn't have a comprehensive guide to Hal Terrano in her armour there. After all there were plenty of Jedi Temples in the galaxy, one can't assume that every Jedi has been to every temple. Of course, as mentioned prior he was more than just familiar with this one, it was his home.

The question came in.

His morose gaze flickered up to meet her mask, his crippling inability to lie and hide his intentions leaving the answer to that query a very obvious one. A prolonged exhale from his nose punctuated his lack of verbal answer, and before too long his gaze flitted away to stare at the trodden ground at his feet, like the most downtrodden little puppy.


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Tython (shocker!)
Objective: Build a Sith temple
Allies: [member="Hal Terrano"] | [member="Melori Raaf"]

The corner of her mouth twitched as no response came from his direction, but the woman kept staring straight ahead. Her focus had to be wider today, for she was no longer alone with him in a cold, dank room leagues beneath the earth; no, she was here as the Hand of the Dark Lord, and with that came certain responsibilities that she couldn't afford to neglect. However appealing and fun the prospect of toying with the former Jedi seemed, Vrag had to prioritize today.

How unfortunate.

"Hal," she chastised with a soft lilt in her voice, cocking her head to the side as she finally cast him a look out the corner of her eye. "I asked you a question."

Her hand moved in a wide arc as she gestured towards the bleak landscape in front of them, the Sith forces moving like tireless ants against the pale pastels of the backdrop. "I won't ask again. Tell me where it is." And so she didn't; the words spoken next were a cold, sharp request that cut through the cool air like the knife she kept in her boot.

The former Jedi looked positively miserable, and while some level of brooding was to be expected, this was a whole new level even for his standards. She was half expecting him to dissolve into tears at any moment, and she couldn't have that; not in front of all these troops, not when they knew the man was here with her. Her upper lip curled upwards in distaste as her hand shot out to grasp his chin, forcibly yanking his gaze off of the trampled soil.

"Tell me."
Location: Tython
Objective: Bring everybody's mood
Allies: [member="Vrag"] | [member="Melori Raaf"]

A frown, more typical of Hal Terrano, but instead of being born out of mild-disapproval it came from that acidic conflict that was seemingly erupting in the pit of his gut. Where guilt clashed with his former loyalties, a back-drop of sorrow punctuating the entire affair.

His own personal idea of being a disgraced former-Jedi involved shedding his robes and remaining in tragic, self-loathing isolation until a gradual well-warranted death. Forgotten. Alone.

They did not share this same idea.

The man knew by the tone of her voice that her query was not one that was to go unanswered, and well, if he hadn't understood that, the vice grip on his chin would have surely helped.

Just as before when he considered that his legs might not have moved, Hal secretly hoped that his tongue might have faltered instead. He held zero desire to tell them where the Temple was, no wishes to betray the place where he called home for just over two decades of his existence. However when his solemn stare was forced upwards, tinged by new shades of guilt the man already knew that he was going to tell her.

“The mountains,” he responded slowly through despondent gritted teeth. It was somewhat of a vague answer, but that was only natural coming from one not-so-willing to divulge that kind of information.

That was the only way one could describe the world of Tython, the swirls of fate brought chills to the Voice’s skin as he walked the walk that would bring him closer to his goal; Carach felt closer to the Force then he had ever before, and it made him smile just a little bit. Already the Sith Lord could feel that distinct corruption taking hold of the core of the world, Tython had always been susceptible to the influence of the Darkside. Somewhere… he felt Force Storms rising up through the air as an answer to the beckoning of the Wrath, [member="Reverance"].

The man always had a sense of good style and sense, but Carach wasn’t here for such musings, his reasons were scientific in nature. It had been decided from the beginning of this mission that the Voice wouldn’t arrive with the convoy, for one it would only put more connections between the two and that was something he wasn’t ready for yet, secondly the walk brought him more time to simply… enjoy the world.

Feel the ground under his feet, rays of the sun on his skin and the air mixing and dashing about, it felt good.

It was at that time that the Voice of the Dark Lord decided that he would have a home here, perhaps not as large as his abode back on Coruscant. But the City-Planet was quickly starting to bore him, so… heavy with feels, so bustling busy in its grandness that the Sith felt he needed a place of sanctum for himself.

A home that was far away from it and where he could recharge and simply be without worry.
[member="Perfectly Ordinary Rabbit"]

Taeli could only sit there in stunned silence as she watched a rabbit tear through Aurek Squad. What the feth was that thing?!

"Do we have any cannons?" she asked.

"No, my Lady," one squad commander said.

"We do have the Unholy Hand Grenade of Ziost!" another piped up.

"Of course, the Unholy Hand Grenade of Ziost," she exclaimed. "That's one of the artifacts Inquisitor Malyard carries with him. Inquisitor Malyard! Bring up the Unholy Hand Grenade!"

From within the ship, several Inquisitors in dark robes started chanting and hitting their heads as the Inquisitor brought out a small box containing a black egg-shaped device with Sith runes carved across its surface.

"How does it, uh how does it work?" she asked, holding the black grenade. "Is there anything different from a normal grenade?"

"I know not, my Lady," one squad commander said.

"Consult the Book of Armaments," she ordered and Inquisitor Malyard produced the book.

"Armaments, Chapter Two, Lines Nine to Twenty-one," he recited.

The other inquisitor holding the book began to read aloud from it, "And Lord Pall raised the hand grenade up on high, saying,
'Oh, Bogan, curse this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy cruelty.' And the Bogan did grin, and people did feast upon the nerfs, and monkey-lizards, and Mon Calamari, and Quarren, and gundarks, and breakfast cereals, and shyracks, and large. . ."

"Skip a bit, Inquisitor," Malyard ordered.

The inquisitor continued, saying, "And Bogan spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Unholy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two,excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thouthy Unholy Hand Grenade of Ziost towards thou foe, who being naughtyin my sight, shall snuff it."

"Bogan be praised," everyone intoned before turning back to the task at hand.

"Right then," Taeli said, pulling the pin. "One, two . . . five!"

"Three, my Lady!" the sqaud commander piped up.

"Three!" she yelled tossing the grenade at the rabbit.
The grenade sailed true, bounced off of the cave wall, and landed on the rabbit. The grenade blew up in a flash of green light and a plume of black smoke. There was a squeal that sounded from the rabbit. The men cheered, but then quieted when the smoke cleared. The grenade was unholy indeed, but the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch was required to slay such a creature. Since it was the Unholy Hand Grenade of Ziost that was used, the reaction was quite the opposite. What once was a perfectly ordinary rabbit had now been mutated into quite a large...creature of sorts. The evil in the hand grenade had corrupted the rabbit further, turning it into a servant of evil.;_ylt=AwrB8qGOsCpVynsAxAOJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIzNDdxZmMxBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkZGVhYWVhYTgzMTJiMDgyZDJhMjI4NTA0YzFkY2YzYQRncG9zAzMzBGl0A2Jpbmc-?.origin=&

The...thing didn't know what had become of it's own life. It lay on the ground twitching and helpless. He couldn't understand life anymore. Nothing made sense now. What was his purpose. What was this new body? Did he wish to die? Did he wish to serve? Is this real life? Regardless of the answer to any of those questions, the soldiers would have little trouble putting him down without further casualties, should they choose to do so.

(If you spare him and take him on, I'm going to submit a species creation thread to the factory)
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: Site of the former Jed'aii Temple of the Arts in the Edge Forest
Objective: Build a worthy temple
Allies: [member="Vrag"]
Theme: Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire, And we gonna let it burn

‘We, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing
'Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something
They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space
Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race.’

Melori was pleased that nobody was interfering – yet. She knew it would happen sooner or later, but for now, she had a free hand.

And the workers came in their droves, with machinery and datapads and portable buildings and before long, the place looked like a building site – but then that’s exactly what it was.

The site foreman understood her concept and took her broadly theoretical instructions and like a master linguist translated them into a language the workmen understood. One group worked on the forest, turning a sprawling mass of trees into a perfectly manicured circle – albeit two kilometres in diameter. And again, ensured there was a space at the centre of the circle some two-hundred and fifty metres across, again perfectly circular.

The other team worked on removing all traces of the Jed’aii huts and started work on the foundations to the new Academy whilst simultaneously digging the lake around the structure that was to be built. At present there were three ways to cross the hole that would eventually be filled with water – to allow machinery and men simple access.

Melori’s time was now taken with understanding what the inside of the structure would look like and details such as how many rooms, their function. The fun was definitely waning but the excitement of how it would look when completed was most certainly increasing. At least she wasn’t being shown fabric samples.

Of course, that was when the interior designer entered her ship – armed with fabric samples…
Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science and built around the ancient Tho Yor; mysterious pyramidical structures that had appeared across the Galaxy at one point in time. The details were sketchy at the best, the truth far to be found, but for all intents and purposes it mattered little why the Tho Yor had appeared and what their purposes had been. Such discussions would have to be reserved for later, when more time was available and they weren’t busy running around the Galaxy; trying to keep things in hand.

Looming up from the surface was the metallic structure, it was in ruins now of course, just slightly more intact than the rest of the wrecked temples. One side had collapsed into itself, the others were folded against the canyon walls. Already transports and ships were crowded around the site, creating several parameters and clearing out space for larger ships to land.

While the Voice of the Dark Lord had decided to walk, to really experience the things the world had to offer, Ty’rel had chosen the easier path.

It would take some time to truly clear out the surroundings around the old temple complex.

Trees had to be cut back, the surface of the area leveled and made stable, all in an effort to make more space for the other troops and bigger ships. They weren’t messing around here.
Objective / Location: Assisting [member="Darth Carach"] with seeding the future.

Heavy metal boots carved his entrance to a halt, crushing black eyes showed the last of an Echani’s silver iris focusing ahead. Few knew him here, and he knew less, but purpose was purpose. An aura of iron, black battle robes, rakattan fire runes burning their language on his physical shell. Raien Keth had seen more Sith temple designs than most knew existed. However there was a void of potential within that iron shell, waiting to be filled with new experience, and still three crystals he lacked to be whole. That weakness he loathed and would in part be corrected here today.

Raien Keth had heard tell of Tython, not since his crystal sleep had he visited a Jedi stronghold, former or not. Fuel for the fire that burned within all Sith of worth, a symbol of the Jedi crushed beneath the boot of their betters. It suited his purpose through to his bones to be here, he would hunt down any stragglers and rip every bit of knowledge from their minds, if only so he could quench his thirst to be brought into line with current events.

Force nexuses he was an expert on, and feeling one closer brought the Echani Knight a short distance from [member="Darth Carach"]. No words were exchanged, his species spoke through motion, not words. Dipping to the floor to touch his twisted, gloved hand to the earth, Raien felt the life blood of this place, the potential of what it could be in the right hands, breathing it in. Without so much as a word, heavy steps took him toward the trees being demolished, trees which were soon resonated in the force and the wood shattered, not just removed, thrown aside with renewed purpose to erect what should be in this place of power, a darkside nexus of worth.

Raien had seeded many such nexuses, and this one on top of the Jedi's former homeworld, would be a crowning jewel.

The moment the Sith Lord rose from her position in the center of the meditation sphere a motion sensor relayed a message to those whom had came with her aboard the Arshlut, and immediately the orders for the Yuuzhan Vong to be dropped from the warship was sent out - they were to begin their task of building the tower for the Oracle while she lent her assistance to the Eye of the Dark Lord in tainting the world black with the powers of the dark side. Silently the ship hummed like a hive of bees, drones of the Yuuzhan Vong piling into the Yorik-trema that had been waiting to be deployed while the Sith Lord slowly began the focusing of her ritual, the power of which would be magnified through the focusing crystals that were placed in various points of the meditation chamber. Thoughts of what her contemporaries had said, how they should simply remodel the world in the image of an idealistic paradise, an utopia to brag to the Jedi of the Republic - as though they would envy something so grand through their ignorance. Perhaps they were right, perhaps they had reason to believe such, but she didn't care. Maybe she was bitter, perhaps she despised the Jedi, her reasoning might be based on irrational thoughts, but it didn't matter - it was what they were going to do. Orders had been given to raise a tower for the eye, a temple for the Sith, and the darkness would descend like a rain of hatred over the world to wash it clean with the black hate that dwelt in her heart.

Hands began to raise and at once the ship lurched down to enter the atmosphere of the planet, something that they had prepared for, and the force began to surge around, within, and all about both her and the meditation chamber lodged within the bridge of the living ship. 'Run free, darken hearts, magnify fear, fester and grow - darkness pervade the light, consume its glow, bask in its death.' Came the whispers of her mind as she hummed her tune quietly, her hands moving up, down, pushing together and then pulling apart, as if she were shaping putty in her hands, through the air. Down below the clouds closest to the approaching ship blackened and thunder roared, much as the skies had done on Manaan - though now it would be on a much larger scale, luckily with the help of such a ship containing a vessel designed purposefully to enhance her use of the force. She could feel it, the throbbing in her head, in her heart, through every iota of her being, the dark side pulsating not only through her and from her, but all around her like an all-encompassing hand reaching down for the planet of Tython with motives of greed, hatred, and so on. She felt completely lost in its touch, a surge of ecstasy surging through her as she felt that feeling of absolute unity with its cold reaches once again. She would not rush this project, it would be slow, deliberate, and while the Yuuzhan Vong descended from the massive warship she would nurture the flow of the dark side like a newborn and raise it like a seed to a sapling.

[member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Sena Lassiter"] [member="Alric Kuhn"] [member="Darth Veles"]
One year since her talk with [member="Darth Adekos"].

One year since she disappeared in the world of the Nether.

One year since she returned and her internal compass still lead her back to the sith, one man in particular: [member="Darth Carach"]. The once lost apprentice had unfinished business with her master. But that could wait. Converse-clad feet didn't take her toward the man with the orbs of flowing magma, even though she felt his presence here.

And he would undoubtedly feel the ping of her existence back among the world of the living.

Her footsteps lead her to one of the abandoned jedi temples, nestled within the canyon walls of a dried-up river bed. Thin fingers ticked the air silently as she walked the path. She could feel the snippets of hidden data in the temple, a drug calling to the technopath. The hunger would only be sated by plugging in.
Tython's surface was largely composed of discolored, purple soil. Lifeless, dry, and sandy. The whole place seemed perpetually dark- an eerie twilight. If it weren't for the storms of Force energy that constantly wracked the surface, it would remind him of Umbara. But even in the perpetual twilight of Umbara, life had managed to evolve. Not so much on this version of Tython that had warped itself into existence centuries ago. Darth Adekos was not here to survey the possibility of an Umbaran colony or plant life or anything of the sort. He was here to restore an important Sith landmark back to its former glory. Something that, since his most recent return to the galaxy, had taken on great significance to him.

Belia Darzu's fortress.

Perhaps he couldn't have her holocron, but he could refurbish her demolished base of operations and salvage what he could. The Umbaran, flanked by a large number of labor droids, equipment, construction craft, and so forth, surveyed the ruins of the fortress. By appearances it seemed that the structural supports had given out in the basement levels, causing the entire complex to collapse in on itself. Damage was extensive, but so would Adekos' construction efforts. A perfect replica would be impossible given the loss of the original blueprints. They would make it as close as possible, with some added arrangements that would make it a suitable academy.

"Start clearing the rubble. Extract anything useful and save it." Adekos commanded to the Tactical Droid that would be overseeing this operation. "If any Vong approach, shoot them."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Location: Site of the former Jed'aii Temple of the Arts in the Edge Forest
Objective: Build a temple dedicated to duelling and combat
Allies: None
Theme: I’m gonna reconstruct (Brick by Brick)

‘I wanna brick by brick
I wanna blow by blow
I wanna an episode
I wanna brick by brick, by brick, by’

Melori worked with the experts. She knew how to visualise the building but needed help on the detail. The exterior was well underway and she already knew the site would be predominantly black obsidian. Expensive? Yes, but fitting. The corusca gems would have to be limited to the exterior apart from a few rooms inside. Their cost was prohibitive but the way the light played on them – making it look as if a furnace was inside kept the imagery or burning alive. This site wasn’t just about the Sith’s presence – it was about an absence of the Jedi – they had been burned from this land – physically and metaphorically.

As well as the structure agreed, she’d allowed the experts to talk her into two statues – one each side of the single entrance. The statues would be kneeling, to represent slaves bearing the weight of the Sith’s power.

But for now she worked on the internal layout. From the entrance there would be a main hall with a small obsidian monument decorated with the faces of the greatest of the Sith’s duellists. At the centre of the hall would be a dual stair case leading to the upper levels. At the sides were staircases leading down to cells as well as chambers for studying, lecturing, meditation and some training.

Off the main hall would be a small archive – with information focused on duelling and powers associated with combat. To the back of the main hall was a doorway to the dormitories and the other door led to a canteen, a gym and a grand dining room.

Signing off the design, Melori went to check on progress before discussing what should be situated on the upper levels.
It came as a good new to hear the Sith Lady’s been doing well. Knowing the woman’s love for discoveries of ancient knowledge and uncovering secrets hidden by Sith and Jedi alike, the amphibious Sith hoped she’d find something to spur her interest on Tython. There was not much left of the planet’s beauty, only small remains of the Jedi that have been left behind and long forgotten, but one can always hope, right? The answer to the other question made him smile a bit and also wonder of the blonde Acolyte’s whereabouts. Hopefully she wasn’t afraid of him after the lesson of lightsaber combat she had received a while ago. Her suspicious lack of presence next to the Sith Lady provided no clue, but probing too much was unhealthy among people like them. Perhaps they’d meet on the planet’s surface, perhaps not. Whatever happened to the youngest Raaf, orders have been issued by the dark haired woman on the bridge before the she and the Mon Calamari at her heels departed to the Sith Lady’s ship that’s been patiently waiting for their arrival so it could carry them to their destination to fulfil their goal and change Tython forever. His Sith mother awaited as well.

The arrival itself went smoothly; the landing, the two Sith leaving their ship and swiftly ordering the soldiers to move the prisoners to their final resting place and investigate something evil that lurked nearby. What happened next cannot be described by words very well. The horrific display of incompetence and idiocy alike left him utterly speechless and seriously contemplating suicide to escape this hell. Well, not really, but the situation was beyond ridiculous. A rabbit killing a whole group of soldiers who acted and spoke more like someone from a comedy than actual soldiers. Lady Arcanix acting like that as well for no apparent reason. Letting out a soft sigh, the Mon Calamari shook his head, observing as the whole scene unfolded, only blinking when the explosion took place and a wave of hot air washed over his sensitive skin. Arcanix could have used one power from the vast arsenal of skills, she could have crushed the beast under heel, yet she made the decision to use an imaginary weapon that never truly existed to deal with a ridiculous adversary.

“What are you doing!” he exclaimed, his confused expression suggesting he could not comprehend what was happening. The sense of calm so typical for the Sith Lord swiftly returned though as Avreet realized the words came out more harshly than he had intended. “Please, kill the beast so we can dissect it later.” The faked calmness of his words revealed an unspoken threat, one of the indicators the Mon Cal did not want to lose time by copying scenes from a movie. Indeed; Veles wasn’t amused. Standing straight, his firm pose clearly showed his wish to send the rabbit through an Oblivion gate.

[member="Perfectly Ordinary Rabbit"] [member="Darth Arcanix"]

Placeholder 0123


Location: Fount of Rajivari

Allies: All by my lonesome.

Objective: Plunder before the serious folk arrive.

The machinations of the Sith were far above Ein's pay grade. He knew their plans were something along the lines of changing Tython's colors, so to speak. Red for blue. Gold for black. That sort of thing.

All things that Ein would be absolutely no help with. He was no master of the Dark Side - nor did he care to be. The One Sith political machine, another setting where the elite did whatever they hell they wished with the masses, had no draw over the young man.

He appreciated honesty, and that was something no galactic power worth its salt had any abundance of. The Republic was run by the corporations, the Sith their religious caste, and anyone of another social position was simply a tool.

Like himself. A temporary apparatus to be sure, but one currently in the One Sith's toolbox. The Sith helped him gain what he needed, and in return, he offered his rather unique set of skills to their cause. Mostly infiltration, but there were things an unhinged force user could do that others could not.

And so, he would claim his own reward this day. He would never dare to stand in the way of the Sith; that would cut off all his connections, and very likely lead to an untimely demise. One he did not have the right to until his mother was home. So for now, and perhaps for quite some time longer, he would play the game.

The Fount of Rajivari was famed by the Jedi Order for its history. Centuries ago, and likely longer, Ein was unsure, the Jedi's ancestors observed the workings of the force in this structure. Currently it was abandoned, as was to be expected after the bathrobe brigade shipped its warriors to Anaxes.

Still, as the force adept entered the timeless ruin, he felt something deep within its bowels. A signature not unlike the Sith he worked with, but it lacked the broody nature he had come to associate with them.

To Ein, the Sith Lords were a bubbling cauldron in the force. A kettle steadily blowing off steam. When the time came, they exploded, and burned everything around them. The Jedi were more akin a light wind, urging the effected to shift at their will. This felt like the latter.

Clad in a brown overcoat and a light plasteel plate, Ein strode down the steps. Each foot fall was like a thunderclap in the great entrance. The sound of running water ran off of the walls, and the soft luminescent light of underground plants lit up part of the ruin. The snap-hiss of Ein's lightsaber helped, bathing the aged cobblestone in a harsh orange shade.

"Anyone here?" He called out. Nothing. With a furrowed brow, Ein pressed onward.


Niaana Ren

Mission, the 1st Sister. (Dead, Pm Writers Account
Objective: Play, Help.

Simple one piece black armor, Niaana’s shadows and sense of self had grown since her short time with the assassins, her features were more visible in the cloud of nothingness she stood within, absence surrounding her. Covered with her knives, betraying almost no detectable emotion, a red lightwhip ran across the ground behind her, cutting a pretty path through anything it touched. The Echani assassin hadn't named her whip yet, she wanted to hear someone screaming out before she had inspiration.

She didn’t care why they were here, or who they were killing, only hoping she got to play today. Niaana sort desperately to feel the final breath of another before they left her side, that release was a craving deep within her. Sadly Tython didn’t have many people to stab, most had run off before the Sith got here, she sighed wistfully trailing a finger against her lip, pushing her nails into her palms to feel something, anything...

Then her prayers were answered, she thought she caught sight of eyes spying behind some trees. Ahhhh I will get to play, the shadows around her intensified, and she vanished from sight unless you looked really closely. I wonder if they will beg this time? Quick as you saw her, then you didn't, the assassins training took over, and she was stalking her knives' next meal, sharp edges always calling out to her to be set free.

Playing her as an alt in the background
[member="Ein Necavich"]

Location: Fount of Rajivari

Allies: Nada

Objective: Touch all the things.

How did she get here? She was.. she was in a long tunnel. Then there was someone grabbing her. And now this.

Chickery Chick Chi-la Chi-la. The tune fluttered about the Cyborg's head as she swept her only flesh hand over the fronts of the Databanks. Oooh sweet information. She could feel it buzzing under her skin, all the synapses sung in her brain. The call of Data!

Checkeraromica inna Baninica. She rubbed her cheek along the metal and stone, crooning sweet nothings to the computers. She patted her body for some kind of wire. Some kind of connection. Oh. Wait. A databank connector flipped out of her cybernetic wrist.

Bollica Wollica, Can't You See..? With some manner of glee, Urya jammed her finger into a dataport. Beautiful histories swept into her shattered psyche, bathing it in comforting facts. Her entire brain felt like a bubble bath. Urya opened her mouth, singing loudly,


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