Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moonlight- Another Branch of Family [Syn]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Unknown frigate entered the system, it bared no specific markings, it hailed with civilian codes.
It headed for the planet.

On the bridge of frigate stood a robed figure, his arms folded on his waist, his hands hidden in the large sleeves, only the red glow of his eyes visible from beneath the hood.
"Thank you for coming along, Master Jedi."
He spoke out as he watched the descent towards the planet
"Your help is greatly appreciated during this quest."
He added after the second

Frigate would slowly move above the icy terrains of Dweem, the planet ravaged by storms and blizzards.
However, it was its occupants that those aboard the ship took greatest interest in.
"Could you hail the planet and request meeting with the Iron Knight's leader?"
The robed being asked
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

Syn had come for two reasons, he trusted the Iron knight HK and after all the things he had done if anything he owed him. So a trip to a world not many visited seemed small in the grand scheme of things that could be asked. His arms were crossed over his chest and the expeditionary armor, it would serve the purpose of travel but wasn't as threatening compared to a full suit of gungnir or the other equipment he had gotten from some old friends. "It is not a problem, after everything you have done to help this was a small favor." In further truth he believed the Iron Knights dead but now if they were in hiding or so reduced then... It would hopefully go a long way towards soothing the troubles between the jedi and them.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
HK nodded, slightly looking back at Syn as he began to speak
"Iron Knights are scarce in the Galaxy now, it takes a long time for the next generation of Shards to form and mature, and so many of them have perished throughout the years."
He fully turned to Syn then, facing him
"They have always held sanctuary here on Dweem, even though their other holdings have crumbled since their time, there still should be remnants hidden here, below the blizzard and snow."
He turned back to the viewingport
"I have been invited here on few occasions, however, I never had the chance to take them up on their offer, now I need to learn the secret they hold. They are the last with knowledge of how to create droids that are able to house Shards and translate their electric signals into speech."
He folded his arms at his waist
"It will be crucial in fulfilling my quest of finding the fabled Gem Sorcerer and requesting his aid."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

The knowledge that they were always here was something... The jedi didn't know if he should know. He wasn't one to betray trust but something this important could be, no it should be protected but he understood the need to help. The iron Knights were rare and if this was the last bastion for that knowledge he would do as needed to help preserve it. The old droid who had done more deserved to not have his people lost to time. Maybe they had the knowledge buried deep in the jedi archives but a chance for that was not worth this. "Then whatever you need, I will help. The secrets of your people should not be lost to the ages. What do you need me to do?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
"They are not my people, not exactly."
He turned back from the viewport
"My order of Iron Knights were their predecessors. Think of my as the Je'daii order and these Iron Knights on Dweem as the Jedi Order."
He motioned for Syn to follow as shuttles were prepared to take them down to the planet.
HK entered the turbolift
"Except I am still using a proto-saber, when they have the last blueprints for a lightsaber."
The door to the turbolift closed as the two would be taken down to the hangar.

Inside, there was a civilian shuttle with its hangar open, ready to take them in and transport them.
"I hope you have prepared for the cold, Master Jedi. It does not bother the Shards and droids as much as it does organics."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

Syn gave a nod in understanding. It was a strange notion, he didn't think Shards were so... Similar to the other things but a social structure could and would make sense. They were living things of course and now he felt the cold. It didn't fully bother him and he kept walking as his body started to use Tepas almost on reflex. The long weeks of training on Tython more then enough for him. "The cold will be fine and I think I understand." He was ready to help but still did not know fully what he could do unless fighting was going to be involved.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
They would have moved through the blizzard for quite a moment until they came upon what looked like a cave.
Moving still inside the cutting stings of the blizzard stop, as they heard the howling wrath of blizzard behind them through the opening. Soon, darkness began closing in on them as they journeyed further down into the underworld of the ice world.
It was a good thing that neither of them needed light to see.

They came upon what were grand doorway, flanked by two large statues of olden droid models.
"Well, Master Jedi, let us see the fabled Iron Knight hospitality."
HK moved towards the door.
He lifted his hand stopping it for a second in the air, pondering himself the consequences of what the fate can bring.
He brought it down onto the door- BAM -the noise echoed through the cave, rumbling.
He lifted his hand once more, bringing it down- BAM -the rumbling moved once more, there was a slight shake felt this time.
HK lifted the hand once more, bringing it down for the final time- BAAAAAAAAM -the rumble this time held and continued as it resonate through the cave systems, and the Underworld shook.
A deep trumpeting noise was heard to emanate from the depth behind closed doors as HK stepped back to stand next to Syn.

Suddenly, the eyes of the statues by the gates lighted up as they sprang to life, turning to the two visitors as they raised the large stave they held as weapons, aiming them down at the intruders. From the ends of the stave two yellow blades erupted, large lightsaber blades, keeping them at bay.
"Hold, thou who visit the world where flesh dies and withers."
Erupted voice from one of the statues
"State thy reason or be expelled, no more presence of those who forgotten lingers here."
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

Syn listened to the sounds of the Iron Knight banging and he remained very still with a small tight lipped smirk. This was still something he was going to be curious about as time went on. He was ready for a great many things with the droid leading the way and then the statues were talking and blades coming to bare while he prepared to grab his. "Is this the normal approach?"


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
"Seems they are cautious after all that went on through time. This is why I truly need you, Master Syn, reach out with the Force and sense whether they are droids or Shards, I do not have that ability."
He muttered to Syn, his own hand lingering nearby his white-bladed lightsaber before he spoke up.
"I am Grandmaster of the Ancient Older of Iron Knights of the Old Republic, HK-36, I come here through invitation from Iron Knight Illum, leader of your Order."
He watched the two giant statue-droids sentinels.
"I wish to speak with your leading Council so that I may ask them for aid."

"Your designation is named in the archives, however, Iron Knight Illum no longer exists, he has perished long time ago, the Leading Council holds Masters Nextor, Qixoni, and Rubat, you will be brought before them, whether you are an ally or foe they will decide."

With a loud scraping noise of the large door against stone and a cloud of dust the entrance began to open before them.
They could see ornate corridor of grey stone and glowing blue motives, blue crystal lanterns lighted the way, giving off a natural ambient light.

The statue guards motioned for them to come inside, HK moved his hand away from his lightsaber and glanced back to Syn.

Throughout the whole thing Syn could sense that the guards were not droids but Shards, very very old Shards.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

He understood now and Syn reached out, letting his senses flare while he was sensing the area, then the presences. He had discovered it on Dagobah while searching to sift through the force and find them, each one rather strange, each one old and it was what he was latching onto now to search and feel while also listening to HK-36 with a nod of his head. He heard the names but they weren't holding meaning to him while he didn't grab his saber immediately instead this was all a waiting game to see what HK could do.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
One of the Statue Guards stepped inside, his massive form supporting itself on the shaft of his equally large light-spear as it creaked and thudded down the halls, the other Guard stepped behind the droid and Jedi Master, making sure they will not try anything.

Even though they were led into the crypts under armed guards, the tunnels were still a sight to see, a complex built into the natural caves of the planet, a Hidden Temple of Iron Knights.

(Artwork done by Xiaoxin art of Deviant art, piece titled Underground, link here)

Their journey would go under a leisurely pace, the large statues of the Guards could not really run, not after such a prolonged period of waiting for any arrivals. While they had time to walk and talk, HK spoke to Syn in a hushed voice, trying to stay away from any of the Guards hearing in on their conversation.
"We must tread carefully, Master Syn, and speak in soft words as to not disturb the inhabitants of this Temple. Many centuries they have waited in these caverns, and with time of loneliness and silence, darkness creeps into mind and corrupts it. For all we know, madness may have claimed their council, let us hope it is otherwise."

As the duo was escorted through ruined ornate halls, gleaming here and there with blue crystal lights, groups of colorful crystals could be spotted in some places.
This escaped HK, it was something he could not realize, but Syn could feel it clearly. The crystals were alive. It was more than a hidden temple, it was a colony.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow

Syn listened and followed HK, this world and cavern was bursting with life and he could feel it here and now. So much was moving across his senses that he kept silent. Giving a nod of his head while he moved behind the iron knight. "Understood." The words came out softly and just barely above a whisper while he flicked his head to scent around the cavern. So many more questions were to be had here with all of this and the thought of a corruption setting into the shards council was not a pleasant one. "We will work to make sure they are fine."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

As they crossed the Crytal Caverns another hallway would be visible to them, they would be lead further into the compound by the two Shard Guards.
More of the ornate halls would follow, filled with green, blue, and violet crystal lights, etchings and symbols depicting ancient Shards in fields of battle, helping others, doing their duties to the Force and Free People of the Galaxy.

Finally they would be led into a round chamber where below a dome of glowing crystals a circle of droids would sat, as Syn could tell, all of them very much Force sensitive.
Most of them had war droid vessels of sorts, humanoid and agile, perfect for lightsaber combat, there was also a droideka among them with a glowing crystal pulsing in the middle of its chassis, and a R2 unit wearing Jedi robes over its metal body.

"My Council,"
One of the Shard Guards begun, bowing to the gathering of droid Jedi,
"I have brought these visitors who have knocked on the gates to our sanctuary, one claims to be Grandmaster of the Iron Knights, designation HK-36,"
The large statue motioned to HK, the droid in the middle of the semi-circle nodded,
"We shall be the judges of that."
The Shard scanned over HK before looking to the Guards,
"You are dismissed."

The statues nodded before walking off, the Shard looked to Syn then,
"And what your designation is, organic? I am Grandmaster Nextor, head of this Enclave and Order of Iron Knights."

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