When the bombardment had started Lieutenant Alask Terrano had been with his team in a large speeder van parked in an alleyway near the spaceport in case the rebels who were arriving turned out to be hostile in any way. His dozen operators, all Tier-1 Operators, the best that the Crossroads military had to offer, were in their unique black armor,
SOCOM-AAS's (Assault Armor Suits), and black exoskeletons,
SOCOM-ER's (Exoskeleton Rigs). In each operator's hands was fully-readied
CSOR-230 Blaster Rifle, a limited issue weapon meant to deal with enemy special forces and their prospective specialty armor suits or even plant a hurt on Mandos wearing beskar. Each man also had a
CDP-10 Blaster Pistol, a potent close-in blaster. Although each individual operator was a potent human weapon, trained in several martial arts forms and while wearing their exoskeletons, which possessed kinetite generators in addition to their strength amplification, they could kill most sentients bare-handed.
"Dagger-Actual, this is Warlord," Alask's comm went off in his ear as his team relaxed after seeing the enemy ship explode.
"Warlord, this is Dagger-Actual, send traffic over," Alask replied to the voice of his commanding officer.
"Dagger-Actual readback: Reference BFT-Marker, zero-eight-five-one, escape pod, one times enemy survivor, swimming for shore to the west at Isle Sass, moving fast time now, how copy over?"
"Roger Warlord, BFT-Marker zero-eight-five-one, one times enemy survivor moving fast west to Isle Sass, time now, over."
"Good readback Dagger, break," the comm chirped back, the word 'break' telling him hold on a second in military-speak, "Dagger has one-times Comet inbound, thirty-sierras. You will board the Comet, and you will move to intercept by air, SOCOM wants this guy alive. Ground forces are setting up a cordon around Isle Sass and Condors are coming on station for ISR. Other ground forces are also being airlifted in around the Spaceport to secure the HVI's, when safety is determined, ESD will escort the HVI's to their safehouse, over."
"Good copy Warlord, Dagger oscar mike," Alask said back.
"Warlord out."
Alask began to signal his team towards the DS-11 "Comet" Dropship that was already coming in for a landing on the parking lot tarmac, blowing lots of dust in its wake as it didn't even touch the ground by the time the twelve elite operators piled into the back.
The large dropship took off, heading towards one of the islands where their survivor was being pinned at. The enemy fighters were gone, leaving the rumbling sounds of "Viper" and "Banshee" Starfighters to fill the air as on the ground civilian speeders were forced off the roads as several companies of
Crossroads Republic Army T80-T Main Battle Tanks,
T80-IFV "Boxer" Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and at least a battalion of
W50-IMV "Chariot" MRAP's with troops loaded up secured the small island, especially its two bridges.
The island was fairly small, almost entirely urbanized, all of the white and orange and red bricked and tiled buildings were
Delfino-inhabited, the quiet, peaceful race not being much for fighting, meaning that hostages were certainly a danger. There were only two ways off, the central highway which bisected Isle Sass's large town of closely-packed mostly-two and three story buildings and tight streets with large palm trees and other tropical vegetation scattered about in the urban environment. Then there was the boat basin, which had a mix of primitive and advanced boats, some of which were quite fast. But the Crossroads troops were not intending on letting this individual get away.
And frankly, the dozen spec-ops operators knew that their rank-and-file troops had a habit of not taking prisoners when the aggressor attacked civilians, most-likely because of anger but partially because in their wargames they fought to the simulated "death", afraid of their officers' and senior NCO's wrath if they threw in the towel and surrendered. But the brass wanted this survivor alive, and Tier-1 operators rarely failed. However Alask could sense something, a feeling he rarely felt, his Force-sensitivity was no secret, and some research on the Holonet had given him some insight into these feelings he got every so often, if he remembered correctly, he was sensing a dangerous force-sensitive being right now. But after alerting his team he locked his emotions down, getting into the zone as the large dropship settled into its low-altitude holding pattern.
The plan was simple, the large ground forces were set up sweeping lines and would start to move and clear, house-by-house, room-by-room. When they found or flushed out their quarry Alask and his team would swoop in to make the catch. This would be helped by the presence of large numbers of standard-issue large and powerful
"Sentinel" Security/Combat Droids and the small but lethal
"Sentry" Combat Droids organically attached to platoons and companies which would provide excellent sensor sweeps and could recon out potentially dangerous areas without risking the troops themselves, and if necessary, be on point for the final assault.